Require Import List ListDec PeanoNat Lia Operators_Properties.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.CounterMachines.CM2.
From Undecidability.CounterMachines.Util Require Import Facts CM2_facts.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section Construction.
Variable M : Cm2.
#[local] Notation step := (CM2.step M).
#[local] Notation l := (length M).
Lemma finite_characterization : let t := list_prod (seq 0 l) (list_prod [0;1;2] [0;1;2]) in
Forall (fun '(x, y) => step x = step y -> x = y) (list_prod t t) ->
reversible M.
move=> t. pose P := fun '(x, y) => x <> y /\ step x = step y.
have := Exists_dec P (list_prod t t).
apply: unnest.
{ move=> [x y]. rewrite /P.
have [<-|?] := Config_eq_dec x y.
{ right. tauto. }
have [<-|?] := option_Config_eq_dec (step x) (step y).
{ by left. }
right. tauto. }
{ move=> /Exists_exists [[x y]] [Hxyt] [H1Pxy H2Pxy].
by move=> /Forall_forall /(_ (x, y) Hxyt H2Pxy) /H1Pxy. }
move=> H _.
have Ht : forall p1 a1 b1 p2 a2 b2,
~ l <= p1 -> ~ l <= p2 -> 0 <= a1 <= 2 -> 0 <= b1 <= 2 -> 0 <= a2 <= 2 -> 0 <= b2 <= 2 ->
In (p1, (a1, b1), (p2, (a2, b2))) (list_prod t t).
{ move=> > ??????. apply /in_prod; (apply /in_prod; [apply /in_seq|apply /in_prod]).
all: move=> /=; lia. }
move=> [p1 [a1 b1]] [p2 [a2 b2]] z H1 H2.
suff ? : (not (p1 <> p2 \/ a1 <> a2 \/ b1 <> b2)).
{ congr (_, (_, _)); lia. }
move=> H'. apply: H. apply /Exists_exists.
have H'p1 : not (l <= p1).
{ move=> /nth_error_None Hp1. move: H1. by rewrite /step /= Hp1. }
have H'p2 : not (l <= p2).
{ move=> /nth_error_None Hp2. move: H2. by rewrite /step /= Hp2. }
move: H1. rewrite -H2. clear H2.
rewrite /step /=.
case Hp1: (nth_error M p1) => [i|]; first last.
{ move: Hp1 => /nth_error_None. lia. }
case Hp2: (nth_error M p2) => [j|]; first last.
{ move: Hp2 => /nth_error_None. lia. }
move: H'p1 H'p2 => /Ht {}Ht /Ht {}Ht.
move: i j Hp1 Hp2 => [c1|c1 q1] [c2|c2 q2].
- move=> + + [? ? ?]. subst p2. move=> -> [?]. subst c2.
- case: c2 H'; [move: b2=> [|b2]|move: a2=> [|a2]].
+ move=> ? + + [? ? ?]. subst p2. by move=> ->.
+ move=> ? Hp1 Hp2 [? ? ?]. subst q2.
exists ((p1, (0, 0)), (p2, (0 + (if c1 then 0 else 1), 1 + (if c1 then 1 else 0)))). split.
{ apply: Ht; case: (c1); lia. }
split; first done.
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ move=> ? + + [? ? ?]. subst p2. by move=> ->.
+ move=> ? Hp1 Hp2 [? ? ?]. subst q2.
exists ((p1, (0, 0)), (p2, (1 + (if c1 then 0 else 1), 0 + (if c1 then 1 else 0)))). split.
{ apply: Ht; case: (c1); lia. }
split; first done.
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
- case: c1 H'; [move: b1=> [|b1]|move: a1=> [|a1]].
+ move=> ? + + [? ? ?]. subst p2. by move=> ->.
+ move=> ? Hp1 Hp2 [? ? ?]. subst q1.
exists ((p1, (0 + (if c2 then 0 else 1), 1 + (if c2 then 1 else 0))), (p2, (0, 0))). split.
{ apply: Ht; case: (c2); lia. }
split; first done.
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ move=> ? + + [? ? ?]. subst p2. by move=> ->.
+ move=> ? Hp1 Hp2 [? ? ?]. subst q1.
exists ((p1, (1 + (if c2 then 0 else 1), 0 + (if c2 then 1 else 0))), (p2, (0, 0))). split.
{ apply: Ht; case: (c2); lia. }
split; first done.
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
- move: c1 a1 b1 c2 a2 b2 H' => [] => [a1 [|b1]|[|a1] b1].
all: move=> [] => [a2 [|b2]|[|a2] b2] ?.
all: move=> Hp1 Hp2 [] *; subst.
+ lia.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 0)), (p2, (0, 1))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ by move: Hp1 Hp2 => ->.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 0)), (p2, (1, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 1)), (p2, (0, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 1)), (p2, (0, 1))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first by (case; lia)].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 1)), (p2, (0, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 1)), (p2, (1, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ by move: Hp1 Hp2 => ->.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 0)), (p2, (0, 1))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ lia.
+ exists ((p1, (0, 0)), (p2, (1, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (1, 0)), (p2, (0, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (1, 0)), (p2, (0, 1))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (1, 0)), (p2, (0, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first done].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
+ exists ((p1, (1, 0)), (p2, (1, 0))).
split; [apply: Ht; lia|split; first by (case; lia)].
rewrite /step Hp1 Hp2 /=. congr (Some (_, (_, _))); lia.
Theorem decision : (reversible M) + (not (reversible M)).
pose t := list_prod (seq 0 l) (list_prod [0;1;2] [0;1;2]).
have := Forall_Exists_dec (fun '(x, y) => step x = step y -> x = y) _ (list_prod t t).
apply: unnest.
{ move=> [x y].
have [<-|?] := Config_eq_dec x y.
{ left. tauto. }
have := option_Config_eq_dec (step x) (step y).
move=> [<-|?]; [right|left]; tauto. }
{ move=> /finite_characterization ?. by left. }
move=> H. right.
move: H => /Exists_exists [[x y]] [H'xy] Hxy HM. apply: Hxy.
move=> Hxy.
case Hxz: (step x) => [z|]. { apply: (HM x y z); [done|by rewrite -Hxy]. }
move: Hxz => /step_None /nth_error_None.
move: x H'xy {Hxy} => [p [a b]] /in_prod_iff [+ _].
move=> /in_prod_iff [/in_seq + _] /=. lia.
End Construction.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Definition decide : Cm2 -> bool :=
fun M =>
match decision M with
| inl _ => true
| inr _ => false
Lemma decide_spec : decider decide CM2_REV.
rewrite /decider /reflects /decide => M.
case: (decision M); [tauto | done].