From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils fol_utils qdec.
From Undecidability.FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec.vec.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Section bin_qdec.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Section lemmas.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Lemma Q_add_assoc1 x y z t : Qeq ⊢ num t == (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z → num t == x ⊕ (y ⊕ z).
induction t as [|t IH] in x |-*; fstart; fintros "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero (y ⊕ z)).
fapply ax_refl.
+ fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ ((x' ⊕ y) ⊕ z)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero (y ⊕ z)).
fapply ax_refl.
+ frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec (y ⊕ z) x').
specialize (IH x').
fapply ax_succ_congr. fapply IH.
fapply ax_succ_inj.
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
Lemma Q_add_assoc2 x y z t : Qeq ⊢ num t == (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z → num t == y ⊕ (x ⊕ z).
induction t as [|t IH] in x |-*; fstart; fintros "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero z).
fapply ax_refl.
+ fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ ((x' ⊕ y) ⊕ z)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero z).
fapply ax_refl.
+ frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec z x').
pose proof (add_rec_swap2 t y (x' ⊕ z)). cbn in H.
fapply ax_sym. fapply H. fapply ax_sym.
fapply IH.
fapply ax_succ_inj.
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
Lemma bin_bounded_forall_iff t φ : bounded_t 0 t ->
Qeq ⊢ (∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t) → φ) ↔
(∀ ($0 ⧀= t) → ∀ ($0 ⧀= t) → ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t) → φ).
intros Hb. destruct (closed_term_is_num Hb) as [t' Ht'].
cbn. unfold "↑".
fassert (t == num t') as "Ht" by fapply Ht'.
- fintros "H" x "Hx".
fintros y "Hy" "Hxy".
fapply "H". repeat rewrite (bounded_t_0_subst _ Hb). ctx.
- fintros "H" x y. fintros "[z Hz]".
fapply "H".
+ fexists (y ⊕ z).
rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Hb).
frewrite "Ht". fapply Q_add_assoc1.
feapply ax_trans.
* feapply ax_sym. fapply "Ht".
* fapply "Hz".
+ fexists (x ⊕ z).
rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Hb).
frewrite Ht'. fapply Q_add_assoc2.
feapply ax_trans.
* feapply ax_sym. fapply "Ht".
* fapply "Hz".
+ fexists z. ctx.
End lemmas.
Lemma Qdec_bin_bounded_forall t φ :
Qdec φ -> Qdec (∀∀ $1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t`[↑]`[↑] → φ).
intros Hφ.
eapply (@Qdec_iff' (∀ ($0 ⧀= t`[↑]) → ∀ ($0 ⧀= t`[↑]`[↑]) → ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t`[↑]`[↑]) → φ)).
- intros ρ Hb.
cbn. rewrite !up_term.
unfold "↑".
assert (bounded_t 0 t`[ρ]) as Ht.
{ destruct (find_bounded_t t) as [k Hk].
eapply subst_bounded_max_t; last eassumption. auto. }
pose proof (@bin_bounded_forall_iff intu t`[ρ] φ Ht).
pose proof (subst_Weak ρ H) as H'. change ( _ _) with Qeq in H'.
apply frewrite_equiv_switch.
cbn in H'.
rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Ht). rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Ht) in H'.
apply H'.
- do 2 apply Qdec_bounded_forall.
apply Qdec_impl.
+ apply Qdec_le.
+ assumption.
End bin_qdec.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils fol_utils qdec.
From Undecidability.FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec.vec.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Section bin_qdec.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Section lemmas.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Lemma Q_add_assoc1 x y z t : Qeq ⊢ num t == (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z → num t == x ⊕ (y ⊕ z).
induction t as [|t IH] in x |-*; fstart; fintros "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero (y ⊕ z)).
fapply ax_refl.
+ fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ ((x' ⊕ y) ⊕ z)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero (y ⊕ z)).
fapply ax_refl.
+ frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec (y ⊕ z) x').
specialize (IH x').
fapply ax_succ_congr. fapply IH.
fapply ax_succ_inj.
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
Lemma Q_add_assoc2 x y z t : Qeq ⊢ num t == (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z → num t == y ⊕ (x ⊕ z).
induction t as [|t IH] in x |-*; fstart; fintros "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero z).
fapply ax_refl.
+ fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ ((x' ⊕ y) ⊕ z)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
- fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
+ frewrite "H". frewrite "Hx".
frewrite (ax_add_zero y). frewrite (ax_add_zero z).
fapply ax_refl.
+ frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec z x').
pose proof (add_rec_swap2 t y (x' ⊕ z)). cbn in H.
fapply ax_sym. fapply H. fapply ax_sym.
fapply IH.
fapply ax_succ_inj.
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (x' ⊕ y)).
frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x').
frewrite <-"Hx'". fapply "H".
Lemma bin_bounded_forall_iff t φ : bounded_t 0 t ->
Qeq ⊢ (∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t) → φ) ↔
(∀ ($0 ⧀= t) → ∀ ($0 ⧀= t) → ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t) → φ).
intros Hb. destruct (closed_term_is_num Hb) as [t' Ht'].
cbn. unfold "↑".
fassert (t == num t') as "Ht" by fapply Ht'.
- fintros "H" x "Hx".
fintros y "Hy" "Hxy".
fapply "H". repeat rewrite (bounded_t_0_subst _ Hb). ctx.
- fintros "H" x y. fintros "[z Hz]".
fapply "H".
+ fexists (y ⊕ z).
rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Hb).
frewrite "Ht". fapply Q_add_assoc1.
feapply ax_trans.
* feapply ax_sym. fapply "Ht".
* fapply "Hz".
+ fexists (x ⊕ z).
rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Hb).
frewrite Ht'. fapply Q_add_assoc2.
feapply ax_trans.
* feapply ax_sym. fapply "Ht".
* fapply "Hz".
+ fexists z. ctx.
End lemmas.
Lemma Qdec_bin_bounded_forall t φ :
Qdec φ -> Qdec (∀∀ $1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t`[↑]`[↑] → φ).
intros Hφ.
eapply (@Qdec_iff' (∀ ($0 ⧀= t`[↑]) → ∀ ($0 ⧀= t`[↑]`[↑]) → ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= t`[↑]`[↑]) → φ)).
- intros ρ Hb.
cbn. rewrite !up_term.
unfold "↑".
assert (bounded_t 0 t`[ρ]) as Ht.
{ destruct (find_bounded_t t) as [k Hk].
eapply subst_bounded_max_t; last eassumption. auto. }
pose proof (@bin_bounded_forall_iff intu t`[ρ] φ Ht).
pose proof (subst_Weak ρ H) as H'. change ( _ _) with Qeq in H'.
apply frewrite_equiv_switch.
cbn in H'.
rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Ht). rewrite !(bounded_t_0_subst _ Ht) in H'.
apply H'.
- do 2 apply Qdec_bounded_forall.
apply Qdec_impl.
+ apply Qdec_le.
+ assumption.
End bin_qdec.