From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils All Pretty Checker.
Require Import List String Lia.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Syntax.Facts Semantics.Tarski.FullFacts.

Section FailureMonad.
  Inductive FailureMonad (A:Type) : Type := ret : A -> FailureMonad A | fail : string -> FailureMonad A.
  Arguments ret {_} _.
  Arguments fail {_} _.
  Definition bind {A B : Type} (k:FailureMonad A) (f:A -> FailureMonad B) := match k return FailureMonad B with fail x => fail x | ret k => f k end.
  Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" := (bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (at level 100, c2 at level 100, c1 at next level).
  Definition f2t {T:Type} (a:FailureMonad T) : TemplateMonad T := match a with ret k => monad_utils.ret k | fail s => tmFail s end.
  Fixpoint flatten_monad {A:Type} (l:list (FailureMonad A)) : FailureMonad (list A) := match l with nil => ret nil | x::xr => (xm <- x;; (xrm <- flatten_monad xr;; ret (xm::xrm))) end.
  Definition map_monad {A B:Type} (f:A -> FailureMonad B) (l:list A) : FailureMonad (list B) := flatten_monad (map f l).
  Definition orelse {A:Type} (F1 F2 :FailureMonad A) := match F1 with fail _ => F2 | _ => F1 end.
  Definition fail_fmap {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (a : FailureMonad A) : FailureMonad B := aa <- a ;; ret (f aa).
  Definition fail_fmap' {A B : Type} (a : FailureMonad A) (f : A -> B) : FailureMonad B := fail_fmap f a.
End FailureMonad.

Arguments ret {_} _.
Arguments fail {_} _.
Arguments orelse {_} _ _.
Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" := (bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (at level 100, c2 at level 100, c1 at next level).
Notation "x >>= f" := (bind x f) (at level 100).
Arguments Vector.cons {_} _ {_} _, _ _ _ _.

Section MetaCoqUtils.
  Notation vectorCons x T n xr :=
      inductive_mind := (MPfile (["VectorDef"; "Vectors"; "Coq"]), "t");
      inductive_ind := 0 |} 1 nil)
   ([T; x; n; xr])).
  Notation vectorNil T :=
      inductive_mind := (MPfile (["VectorDef"; "Vectors"; "Coq"]), "t");
      inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 nil) ([T])).
  Fixpoint recoverVector (f : Ast.term) {struct f}: FailureMonad (list Ast.term) := let ffail := fail "not a vector application" in match f with
    vectorNil _ => ret nil
  | vectorCons x _ _ xr => xrl <- recoverVector xr;;ret (x::xrl)
  | _ => ffail

  Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
  Fixpoint popNElements (l : list Ast.term) (n:nat) : option (list Ast.term) := match (l,n) with
    (a,0) => Some a
  | (x::xr, S n) => popNElements xr n
  | _ => None end.
  Fixpoint popListStart (l : list Ast.term) (ls : list Ast.term) : option (list Ast.term) := match (l,ls) with
    (a,nil)=> Some a
  | (lx::lxr, lsx::lsxr) => if eq_term init_graph lx lsx then popListStart lxr lsxr else None
  | _ => None end.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qNatZero := 0.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qNatSucc := S.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qeq_refl := (@eq_refl).
  Fixpoint quoteNumber (n:nat) : Ast.term:= match n with 0 => qNatZero | S n => tApp qNatSucc ([quoteNumber n]) end.
  Definition addRelIndex (minn:nat) (amnt:nat) (t:Ast.term) : Ast.term := Ast.lift amnt minn t.

  Definition map_predicate_fail {term term' : Type} (uf : Instance.t -> Instance.t) (paramf preturnf : term -> FailureMonad term') (p : predicate term) : FailureMonad (predicate term') :=
    pparams' <- map_monad paramf (pparams p) ;;
    preturn' <- preturnf (preturn p) ;;
    ret {| puinst := uf (puinst p); pparams := pparams'; pcontext := pcontext p; preturn := preturn' |}.
  Definition map_branch_fail {term term' : Type} (bbodyf : term -> FailureMonad term') (b : branch term) :=
    bbody' <- bbodyf (bbody b) ;;
    ret {| bcontext := bcontext b; bbody := bbody' |}.
  Definition map_def_fail {A B : Type} (tyf bodyf : A -> FailureMonad B) (d : def A) :=
    ty' <- tyf (dtype d);;
    body' <- bodyf (dbody d);;
    ret {| dname := dname d; dtype := ty'; dbody := body' ; rarg := rarg d |}.
  Fixpoint subst (s : FailureMonad Ast.term) (k:nat) (u:Ast.term) :=
    match u with
    | tRel n =>
      if k <=? n then ss <- s;; ret (addRelIndex 0 k ss)
      else ret (tRel n)
    | tEvar ev args => fail_fmap (tEvar ev) (map_monad (subst s k) args)
    | tLambda na T M => (subst s k T) >>= (fun T => fail_fmap (tLambda na T) (subst s (S k) M))
    | tApp u v => (subst s k u) >>= (fun u => fail_fmap (mkApps u) (map_monad (subst s k) v))
    | tProd na A B => (subst s k A) >>= (fun u => fail_fmap (tProd na u) (subst s (S k) B))
    | tCast c kind ty => (subst s k c) >>= (fun c => fail_fmap (tCast c kind) (subst s k ty))
    | tLetIn na b ty b' => b <- (subst s k b);; ty <- (subst s k ty) ;; b' <- (subst s (S k) b') ;; ret (tLetIn na b ty b')
    | tCase ind p c brs =>
      let k' := List.length (pcontext p) + k in
      p' <- map_predicate_fail id (subst s k) (subst s k') p ;;
      brs' <- map_monad (fun b => map_branch_fail (subst s (#|b.(bcontext)| + k)) b) brs ;;
      c' <- (subst s k c) ;;
      ret (tCase ind p' c' brs')
    | tProj p c => fail_fmap (tProj p) (subst s k c)
    | tFix mfix idx =>
      let k' := List.length mfix + k in
      mfix' <- map_monad (map_def_fail (subst s k) (subst s k')) mfix ;;
      ret (tFix mfix' idx)
    | tCoFix mfix idx =>
      let k' := List.length mfix + k in
      mfix' <- map_monad (map_def_fail (subst s k) (subst s k')) mfix ;;
      ret (tCoFix mfix' idx)
    | x => ret x

  Definition lowerRelIndex (minn:nat) (tv:FailureMonad Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) : FailureMonad Ast.term := subst tv minn t.
End MetaCoqUtils.

Section AbstractReflectionDefinitions.
  Definition helperTermReifierType := (Ast.term -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)).
  Definition helperTermVarsType := (Ast.term -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term)).
  Definition helperFormReifierType := (Ast.term -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)).
  Definition helperFormVarsType := (Ast.term->nat->FailureMonad (list Ast.term)).
  Definition baseConnectiveReifier := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> helperFormReifierType -> helperTermReifierType -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).
  Definition baseConnectiveVars := list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> helperFormVarsType -> helperTermVarsType -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term).
  Definition termFinderVars := nat -> Ast.term -> helperTermVarsType -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term).
  Definition termFinderReifier := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat)
                                  -> helperTermReifierType -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).
  Definition propFinderVars := Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> nat -> helperFormVarsType -> helperTermVarsType -> (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)).
  Definition propFinderReifier := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> helperFormReifierType -> helperTermReifierType -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).

  Definition noProofDummy := tVar "NoProofGivenBecauseWeAreInNoProofMode".
  Class tarski_reflector := {
    fs : funcs_signature;
    ps : preds_signature;
    D : Type;
    I : @interp fs ps D;
    emptyEnv : nat -> D;
    isD : Ast.term -> bool;
  Class tarski_reflector_extensions (t:tarski_reflector) := {
    baseLogicConnHelper : option (string -> baseConnectiveReifier);
    baseLogicVarHelper : option (string -> baseConnectiveVars);
    termReifierVarHelper : option termFinderVars;
    termReifierReifyHelper : option termFinderReifier;
    formReifierVarHelper : option propFinderVars;
    formReifierReifyHelper : option propFinderReifier
  Definition defaultExtensions tr : tarski_reflector_extensions tr := Build_tarski_reflector_extensions tr None None None None None None.
  Definition buildDefaultTarski {fs:funcs_signature} {ps:preds_signature} {D:Type} {I:@interp fs ps D} (point:D) (isD:Ast.term -> bool)
     := @Build_tarski_reflector fs ps D I (fun n:nat => point) isD.

  Fixpoint anyVariableOf (l:list ident) (t:Ast.term) := match l with nil => false | lx::lr =>
        if @Checker.eq_term config.default_checker_flags init_graph t (tVar lx) then true else anyVariableOf lr t end.

  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
  Fixpoint naryProp (n:nat) : Type := match n with 0 => Prop | S nn => D -> naryProp nn end.
  Fixpoint representsP {n:nat} phi rho : (forall (P:naryProp n), Prop) := match n return (forall (P:naryProp n), Prop) with
       0 => (fun (P:Prop) => P <-> @sat fs ps D I ff rho phi)
    | S n => (fun (P:D -> naryProp n) => forall d, @representsP n phi (d.:rho) (P d)) end.
  Definition representableP (n:nat) (P : naryProp n) := {phi&{rho | representsP phi rho P}}.
  Definition representsF (d:D) trm rho := @eval fs ps D I rho trm = d.
  Definition representableF (d:D) := exists trm rho, representsF d trm rho.

  Fixpoint naryGFunc (n:nat) (A R : Type) := match n with 0 => R | S n => A -> @naryGFunc n A R end.
  Fixpoint takeMultiple {n : nat} (X Y:Type) : (Vector.t X n -> Y) -> @naryGFunc n X Y :=
     match n as nn return (Vector.t X nn -> Y) -> @naryGFunc nn X Y
             with 0 => fun R => R (Vector.nil X)
              | S n => fun R v => @takeMultiple n X Y (fun vr => R (Vector.cons X v n vr)) end.

  Definition constructTerm (k:@syms (@fs tr)) := @takeMultiple (ar_syms k) term term (func k).
  Definition constructForm (k:(@preds (@ps tr))) := @takeMultiple (@ar_preds (@ps tr) k) (@term (@fs tr)) form (atom k).

  Fixpoint nary3GFunc (n:nat) (A B A' B':Type) (C:A -> B -> Type) (C':A'->B'->Type) : (Vector.t A n -> A') -> (Vector.t B n -> B') -> Type
                      := match n with 0 => fun mA mB => C' (mA (Vector.nil A)) (mB (Vector.nil B))
                                  | S n => fun mA mB => forall (a:A) (b:B), C a b -> @nary3GFunc n A B A' B' C C' (fun v => mA (Vector.cons A a n v)) (fun v => mB (Vector.cons B b n v)) end.

  Definition mergeTermBase (c:@syms (@fs tr)) : Type :=
  forall (rho:nat -> D), @nary3GFunc (ar_syms c) term D term D
                                     (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t d => representsF d t rho)
                                     (func c) (@i_func fs ps D I c).
  Notation term := (@Core.term (@fs tr)).
  Notation form := (@Core.form (@fs tr) (@ps tr) full_operators ff).
  Notation syms := (@Core.syms (@fs tr)).
  Notation preds := (@Core.preds (@ps tr)).
  Definition mergeTermProtoType (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:Vector.t term n -> term) (ifZ : Vector.t D n -> D) :=
         (forall v : Vector.t term n, @eval fs ps D I rho (fZ v) = ifZ ( (@eval fs ps D I rho) v))
         -> @nary3GFunc n term D term D (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t d => representsF d t rho) fZ ifZ.
  Definition mergeTermProto (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:Vector.t term n -> term) (ifZ : Vector.t D n -> D) : @mergeTermProtoType rho n fZ ifZ.
  intros H. induction n as [|n IH].
  * cbn. unfold representsF. rewrite H. cbn. easy.
  * cbn. intros t d r. apply IH. cbn. intros v. specialize (H (Vector.cons t v)). unfold representsF in r. rewrite H. cbn. now rewrite r.
  Definition mergeTerm (c:syms) : mergeTermBase c.
  Proof. intros rho. eapply mergeTermProto. now intros v. Defined.

  Definition mergeFormBase (c:preds) : Type :=
  forall (rho:nat -> D), @nary3GFunc (ar_preds c) term D form (naryProp 0)
                                     (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t P => representsP t rho P)
                                     (atom c) (@i_atom fs ps D I c).
  Definition mergeFormProtoType (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:Vector.t term n -> form) (ifZ : Vector.t D n -> naryProp 0) :=
         (forall v : Vector.t term n, @sat fs ps D I ff rho (fZ v) = ifZ ( (@eval fs ps D I rho) v))
         -> @nary3GFunc n term D form (naryProp 0) (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t P => representsP t rho P) fZ ifZ.
  Definition mergeFormProto (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:Vector.t term n -> form) (ifZ : Vector.t D n -> naryProp 0) : @mergeFormProtoType rho n fZ ifZ.
  intros H. induction n as [|n IH].
  * cbn. unfold representsP. rewrite H. cbn. easy.
  * cbn. intros t d r. apply IH. cbn. intros v. specialize (H (Vector.cons t v)). unfold representsF in r. rewrite H. cbn. now rewrite r.
  Definition mergeForm (c:preds) : mergeFormBase c.
  Proof. intros rho. eapply mergeFormProto. now intros v. Defined.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qConstructTerm := constructTerm.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeTerm := mergeTerm.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qConstructForm := constructForm.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeForm := mergeForm.
End AbstractReflectionDefinitions.
#[global] Arguments representableP {_} {_} _ _.

Section TarskiMerging.
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {te : tarski_reflector_extensions tr}.
  Notation term := (@Core.term (@fs tr)).
  Notation form ff := (@Core.form (@fs tr) (@ps tr) full_operators ff).
  Notation syms := (@Core.syms (@fs tr)).
  Notation preds := (@Core.preds (@ps tr)).

  Definition mFalse : form falsity_on := falsity.
  Definition mergeFalse (rho:nat -> D) : @representsP tr falsity_on 0 falsity rho False.
  Proof. easy. Defined.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFalse := @mergeFalse.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormFalse := @mFalse.
  Definition mAnd {ff : falsity_flag} (fP fQ:form ff) : form ff := fP∧fQ.
  Definition mergeAnd {ff : falsity_flag} (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form ff) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP tr ff 0 (mAnd fP fQ) rho (P /\ Q).
  intros [pPl pPr] [pQl pQr]. split.
  * intros [pP pQ]. split. now apply pPl. now apply pQl.
  * intros [pP pQ]. split. now apply pPr. now apply pQr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeAnd := @mergeAnd.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormAnd := @mAnd.

  Definition mOr {ff : falsity_flag} (fP fQ:form ff) : form ff := fP∨fQ.
  Definition mergeOr {ff : falsity_flag} (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form ff) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP tr ff 0 (mOr fP fQ) rho (P \/ Q).
  intros [pPl pPr] [pQl pQr]. split.
  * intros [pP|pQ]. left; now apply pPl. right; now apply pQl.
  * intros [pP|pQ]. left; now apply pPr. right; now apply pQr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeOr := @mergeOr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormOr := @mOr.

  Definition mExists {ff : falsity_flag} (fP:form ff) : form ff := ∃ fP.
  Definition mergeExists {ff : falsity_flag} (rho:nat -> D) (P:naryProp 1) (fP:form ff) : representsP fP rho P -> @representsP tr ff 0 (mExists fP) rho (exists q:D, P q).
  intros pR. split.
  * intros [q Pq]. exists q. destruct (pR q) as [pRl pRr]. now apply pRl.
  * intros [q Pq]. exists q. destruct (pR q) as [pRl pRr]. now apply pRr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeExists := @mergeExists.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormExists := @mExists.

  Definition mImpl {ff : falsity_flag} (fP fQ : form ff) : form ff := fP → fQ.
  Definition mergeImpl {ff : falsity_flag} (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form ff) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP tr ff 0 (mImpl fP fQ) rho (P -> Q).
  intros HP HQ.
  destruct HP as [pPl pPr]. destruct HQ as [pQl pQr]. split.
  * intros PQ pP. apply pQl, PQ, pPr, pP.
  * cbn. intros pPQ pP. apply pQr, pPQ, pPl, pP.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeImpl := @mergeImpl.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormImpl := @mImpl.

  Definition mForall {ff : falsity_flag} (fP:form ff) : form ff := ∀ fP.
  Definition mergeForall {ff : falsity_flag} (rho:nat -> D) (Q:naryProp 1) (phi:form ff) : representsP phi rho Q -> @representsP tr ff 0 (mForall phi) rho (forall x:D, Q x).
  Proof. intros H. cbn. split;
   intros HH d; specialize (HH d); specialize (H d); cbn in H; apply H, HH.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeForall := @mergeForall.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormForall := @mForall.

  Definition mIff {ff : falsity_flag} (fP fQ : form ff) : form ff := fP ↔ fQ.
  Definition mergeIff {ff : falsity_flag} (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form ff) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP _ ff 0 (mIff fP fQ) rho (P <-> Q).
  Proof. intros H1 H2. cbn. cbn in H1,H2. rewrite H2, H1. reflexivity. Defined.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormIff := @mIff.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeIff := @mergeIff.

  Definition mNot (fP : form falsity_on) : form falsity_on := fP→falsity.
  Definition mergeNot (rho:nat -> D) (P:naryProp 0) (fP : form falsity_on) : @representsP _ falsity_on 0 fP rho P -> @representsP _ falsity_on 0 (mNot fP) rho (~P).
  Proof. cbn. tauto. Defined.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormNot := @mNot.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeNot := @mergeNot.

  Definition mTrue : form falsity_on := falsity → falsity.
  Definition mergeTrue (rho:nat -> D) : @representsP _ falsity_on 0 (mTrue) rho (True).
  Proof. cbn. tauto. Defined.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormTrue := @mTrue.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeTrue := @mergeTrue.

  Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
  Definition reifyFalse : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with nil => ret (tApp qMergeFormFalse ([tct]), tApp qMergeFalse ([tct;envTerm])) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
  Definition reifyAnd : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xr <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;yr <- fPR qff y 0 envTerm env;; let '((xt,xp),(yt,yp)) := (xr,yr) in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormAnd ([tct;qff;xt;yt]), tApp qMergeAnd ([tct;qff;envTerm;x;y;xt;yt;xp;yp])) | _ => fail "And applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyOr : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xr <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;yr <- fPR qff y 0 envTerm env;; let '((xt,xp),(yt,yp)) := (xr,yr) in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormOr ([tct;qff;xt;yt]),tApp qMergeOr ([tct;qff;envTerm;x;y;xt;yt;xp;yp])) | _ => fail "Or applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyExist:baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [_; P] =>
                                             rr <- fPR qff P 1 envTerm env;; let '(rt,rp) := rr in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormExists ([tct;qff;rt]), tApp qMergeExists ([tct;qff;envTerm;P;rt;rp])) | _ => fail "Exist applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition reifyIff : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xr <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;yr <- fPR qff y 0 envTerm env;; let '((xt,xp),(yt,yp)) := (xr,yr) in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormIff ([tct;qff;xt;yt]), tApp qMergeIff ([tct;qff;envTerm;x;y;xt;yt;xp;yp])) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyNot : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x] =>
                                             xr <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;; let '(xt,xp) := xr in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormNot ([tct;xt]),tApp qMergeNot ([tct;envTerm;x;xt;xp])) | _ => fail "not applied to != 1 terms" end.
  Definition reifyTrue : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff l fuel envTerm env fPR _ => match l with nil =>
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormTrue ([tct]), tApp qMergeTrue ([tct;envTerm]))| _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.
  Definition reifyBase (s:string): baseConnectiveReifier
                            := match s with "and" => reifyAnd | "or" => reifyOr | "ex" => reifyExist | "False" => reifyFalse | "True" => reifyTrue |
                                       _ => match baseLogicConnHelper with
                                             None =>fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => fail ("Unknown connective "++s) |
                                             Some k => k s end end.
  Definition baseConnectiveReifierNP := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) ->
                                       (Ast.term -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad ( Ast.term)) ->
                                       (Ast.term -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad (Ast.term)) -> FailureMonad (Ast.term).
  Definition reifyFalseNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with nil => ret (tApp qMergeFormFalse ([tct])) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
  Definition reifyAndNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;yt <- fPR qff y 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormAnd ([tct;qff;xt;yt])) | _ => fail "And applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyOrNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;yt <- fPR qff y 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormOr ([tct;qff;xt;yt])) | _ => fail "Or applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyExistNP:baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [_; P] =>
                                             rt <- fPR qff P 1 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormExists ([tct;qff;rt])) | _ => fail "Exist applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition reifyIffNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;yt <- fPR qff y 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormIff ([tct;qff;xt;yt])) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyNotNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff l fuel envTerm env fPR _ => match l with [x] =>
                                             xt <- fPR qff x 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormNot ([tct;xt]))| _ => fail "not applied to != 1 terms" end.
  Definition reifyTrueNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct qff l fuel envTerm env fPR _ => match l with nil =>
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormTrue ([tct]))| _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.
  Definition reifyBaseNP (s:string): baseConnectiveReifierNP
                            := match s with "and" => reifyAndNP | "or" => reifyOrNP | "ex" => reifyExistNP | "False" => reifyFalseNP | "True" => reifyTrueNP |
                                       _ => match baseLogicConnHelper with
                                             None =>fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => fail ("Unknown connective "++s) |
                                             Some k => fun tct qff lst fuel envTerm env fPR fTR => both <- k s tct qff lst fuel envTerm env
                                                                                                        (fun qff P n et e => rr <- fPR qff P n et e;; ret (rr, noProofDummy))
                                                                                                        (fun tct qff t eT env => rr <- fTR tct qff t eT env;; ret (rr, noProofDummy));;
                                                                  let '(trm,_) := both in ret trm end end.
End TarskiMerging.

Section ReificationHelpers.
  Definition termReifier := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).
  Definition termReifierNP := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad (Ast.term)) -> FailureMonad (Ast.term).
  Fixpoint applyRecursively (lt : list Ast.term) (IH : Ast.term -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) : FailureMonad (prod (list Ast.term) (list Ast.term)) :=
     match lt with nil => ret (nil,nil)
               | t::tr => IHt <- IH t;; atrIH <- applyRecursively tr IH;;let '(rep,prf) := IHt in let '(replist,fulllist) := atrIH in ret (rep::replist, rep::t::prf::fulllist) end.
  Fixpoint applyRecursivelyNP (lt : list Ast.term) (IH : Ast.term -> FailureMonad (Ast.term)) : FailureMonad ((list Ast.term) ) :=
     match lt with nil => ret (nil)
               | t::tr => rep <- IH t;; replist <- applyRecursivelyNP tr IH;;ret (rep::replist) end.
  Definition reifyTerm (c:Ast.term) : termReifier := fun tct qff av env IH => pr <- applyRecursively av IH;; let '(trm,fullarg) := pr in
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructTerm (tct::c::trm), tApp qMergeTerm (tct::c::env::fullarg)).
  Definition reifyForm (c:Ast.term) : termReifier := fun tct qff av env IH => pr <- applyRecursively av IH;; let '(trm,fullarg) := pr in
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructForm (tct::qff::c::trm), tApp qMergeForm (tct::qff::c::env::fullarg)).
  Definition reifyTermNP (c:Ast.term) : termReifierNP := fun tct qff av env IH => trm <- applyRecursivelyNP av IH;;
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructTerm (tct::c::trm)).
  Definition reifyFormNP (c:Ast.term) : termReifierNP := fun tct qff av env IH => trm <- applyRecursivelyNP av IH;;
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructForm (tct::qff::c::trm)).
End ReificationHelpers.

Section EnvHelpers.
  Definition appendZero (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) (zv:FailureMonad nat) : (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) :=
        fun (t:Ast.term) => match t with tRel n => (match n with 0 => zv | S n => env (tRel n) end) | _ => k <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "tRel 0 used when lowering") t;; (env k) end.
  Definition appendAndLift (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) (zv:FailureMonad nat) : (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) :=
        fun t => match t with tRel n => (match n with 0 => zv | S n => k <- env (tRel n);;ret (S k) end) | _ => k <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "tRel 0 used when lowering") t;; v <- env k;;ret (S v) end.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qD := @D.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qScons := @scons.
  Definition raiseEnvTerm (tct:Ast.term) (d:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term) : Ast.term := tApp (qScons) ([tApp qD ([tct]);d;env]).
  Definition unboundEnv := (fun a:Ast.term => @fail nat ("unbound " ++ string_of_term a)).
End EnvHelpers.

Section EnvConstructor.
  Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qFs := @fs.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qLocalVar := @var.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qI_f := @i_func.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qI_P := @i_atom.
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {te : tarski_reflector_extensions tr}.
  Fixpoint findUBRecursively (lt : list Ast.term) (IH : Ast.term -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) : FailureMonad ((list Ast.term) ) :=
       match lt with nil => ret (nil)
                 | t::tr => rep <- IH t;; replist <- findUBRecursively tr IH;;ret (rep++replist) end.
  Fixpoint findUnboundVariablesTerm (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) := match fuel with
      0 => fail "Out of fuel"
      | S fuel => let ffail := orelse (match @termReifierVarHelper _ te with None => fail "Fallthrough" | Some k => k fuel t (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) end)
                        (match t with tRel _ => ret nil | _ => ret ([t]) end) in
          match t with
          tApp arg l => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_f then match popNElements l 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;findUBRecursively vr (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
           | _ => ffail end else ffail
        | _ => ffail
  Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
  Definition findUBFalse :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with nil =>
                                             ret (nil) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
  Definition findUBAnd :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
                                             ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "And applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition findUBOr :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
                                             ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "Or applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition findUBExists:baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [_; P] => fPR P 1 | _ => fail "Exist applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition findUBNot :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [k] => fPR k 0 | _ => fail "not applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition findUBTrue : baseConnectiveVars := fun lst fuel tct _ _ => match lst with nil => ret nil | _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.
  Definition findUBIff :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                           xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
                                           ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.

  Definition findUBBase (s:string) : baseConnectiveVars
          := match s with "and" => findUBAnd | "or" => findUBOr | "ex" => findUBExists | "False" => findUBFalse | "True" => findUBTrue | _ =>
                match @baseLogicVarHelper tr te with None => fun _ _ _ _ _ => fail ("Unknown connective "++s) | Some k => k s end end.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qIff := @iff.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qNot := @not.
  Definition maybeD : Ast.term -> Ast.term -> bool := fun tct mD => if @isD tr mD then true else Checker.eq_term init_graph mD (tApp qD ([tct])).
  Fixpoint findUnboundVariablesForm (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) :=
  let ffail := fail ("Cannot introspect form "++ string_of_term t) in match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
    match (frees,t) with
    (0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => findUBBase name nil fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
  | (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => findUBBase name lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
  | (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
          Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;findUBRecursively vr (fun t => findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel t)
        | _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then findUBIff lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
                          else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then findUBNot lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) else ffail
  | (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
                            findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel (tLambda x P Q) 1
                            rP <- findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel P 0;;
                            Ql <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "Used var of implication precondition") Q;;
                            rQ <- findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel Ql 0;;
                            ret (rP++rQ)
  | (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
        findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel P n
       else ffail
  | _ => ffail end end.

  Fixpoint isIn (l:list Ast.term) (x:Ast.term) := match l with nil=>false | lx::lr => if Checker.eq_term init_graph lx x then true else isIn lr x end.
  Fixpoint dedup (l:list Ast.term) := match l with nil => nil | lx::lr => if isIn lr lx then dedup lr else lx::dedup lr end.

 Fixpoint createEnvTerms (tct:Ast.term) (l:list Ast.term) (base:Ast.term) : prod (Ast.term) (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) := match l with
       nil => (base,unboundEnv)
   | x::xr => let '(envTerm,env) := createEnvTerms tct xr base in (raiseEnvTerm tct x envTerm, fun a:Ast.term => if Checker.eq_term init_graph x a then ret 0 else v <- env a;;ret (S v)) end.
End EnvConstructor.

Section MainReificationFunctions.
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {te : tarski_reflector_extensions tr}.
  Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
  Fixpoint findTermRepresentation (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (qff:Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) (termEnv:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) := match fuel with
      0 => fail "Out of fuel"
      | S fuel =>
    let fallback := orelse (match @termReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => k tct qff fuel t termEnv env (fun l => findTermRepresentation l fuel) end)
                           (envv <- env (t);;let num := quoteNumber (envv) in ret (tApp qLocalVar ([tApp qFs ([tct]);num]),tApp qeq_refl ([tApp qD ([tct]);t]))) in match t with
          tApp arg l => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_f then match popNElements l 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyTerm fnc tct qff vr termEnv (fun t => findTermRepresentation tct fuel qff t termEnv env)
           | _ => fallback end else fallback
        | _ => fallback
  Fixpoint findTermRepresentationNP (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (qff:Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) (termEnv:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (Ast.term)) := match fuel with
      0 => fail "Out of fuel"
      | S fuel =>
    let fallback := orelse (match @termReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => pr <- k tct qff fuel t termEnv env (fun tct' qff' t' te' e' => v <- findTermRepresentationNP tct' fuel qff' t' te' e';;ret (v,noProofDummy));; let '(pr1,pr2) := pr in ret pr1 end)
                           (envv <- env (t);;let num := quoteNumber (envv) in ret (tApp qLocalVar ([tApp qFs ([tct]);num]))) in match t with
          tApp arg l => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_f then match popNElements l 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyTermNP fnc tct qff vr termEnv (fun t => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel qff t termEnv env)
           | _ => fallback end else fallback
        | _ => fallback

    Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
    Fixpoint findPropRepresentation (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (qff:Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) (envTerm:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) :=
    match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
      let ffail := orelse (match @formReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => k tct qff fuel t frees envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun l => findTermRepresentation l fuel) end)
                        (fail ("Cannot represent form " ++ string_of_term t)) in match (frees,t) with
      (0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => reifyBase name tct qff nil fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => reifyBase name tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyForm fnc tct qff vr envTerm (fun t => findTermRepresentation tct fuel qff t envTerm env)
          | _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then reifyIff tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
                           else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then reifyNot tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
                           else ffail
    | (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
                              rQ <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel qff (tLambda x P Q) 1 envTerm env;; let '(tQ,pQ) := rQ in
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormForall ([tct;qff;tQ]), tApp qMergeForall ([tct;qff;envTerm;tLambda x P Q;tQ;pQ]))
                              rP <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel qff P 0 envTerm env;;
                              Ql <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "Used var of implication precondition") Q;;
                              rQ <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel qff Ql 0 envTerm env;; let '((tP,pP),(tQ,pQ)) := (rP,rQ) in
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormImpl ([tct;qff;tP;tQ]), tApp qMergeImpl ([tct;qff;envTerm;P;Ql;tP;tQ;pP;pQ]))
    | (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
          let envTermSub := raiseEnvTerm tct (tRel 0) (addRelIndex 0 1 envTerm) in
          let envSub := appendAndLift env (ret 0) in
          k <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel qff P n envTermSub envSub;; let '(tk,pk) := k in
          ret (tk,(tLambda x (tApp qD ([tct])) pk))
         else ffail
    | _ => ffail end end.
    Fixpoint findPropRepresentationNP (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (qff:Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) (envTerm:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (Ast.term)) :=
    match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
      let ffail := orelse (match @formReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => rr <- k tct qff fuel t frees envTerm env (fun qff' t f et e => v <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff' t f et e;; ret (v,noProofDummy)) (fun l qff' t et e => v <- findTermRepresentationNP l fuel qff' t et e;;ret (v,noProofDummy));;let '(trm,_) := rr in ret trm end)
                          (fail ("Cannot represent form " ++ string_of_term t)) in match (frees,t) with
      (0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => reifyBaseNP name tct qff nil fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => reifyBaseNP name tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyFormNP fnc tct qff vr envTerm (fun t => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel qff t envTerm env)
          | _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then reifyIffNP tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
                           else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then reifyNotNP tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
                           else ffail
    | (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
                              tQ <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff (tLambda x P Q) 1 envTerm env;;
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormForall ([tct;qff;tQ]))
                              tP <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff P 0 envTerm env;;
                              Ql <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "Used var of implication precondition") Q;;
                              tQ <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff Ql 0 envTerm env;;
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormImpl ([tct;qff;tP;tQ]))
    | (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
          let envTermSub := raiseEnvTerm tct (tRel 0) (addRelIndex 0 1 envTerm) in
          let envSub := appendAndLift env (ret 0) in
          tk <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff P n envTermSub envSub;;
          ret (tk)
         else ffail
    | _ => ffail end end.
End MainReificationFunctions.

Definition FUEL := 100.
Ltac representEnvP env env2:=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] =>
  let rep := fresh "rep" in let prf := fresh "prf" in let k y := (destruct y as [rep prf]) in
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote ff) (fun qff =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote env) (fun qe =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t (@findPropRepresentation i tre tct FUEL qff g n qe env2)) (fun '(tPq,pPq) =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (@form (@fs i) (@ps i) full_operators ff) tPq) (fun tP:(@form (@fs i) (@ps i) full_operators ff) =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (@representsP i ff n tP env G) pPq) (fun tQ : @representsP i ff n tP env G =>
                         monad_utils.ret (@existT (@form (@fs i) (@ps i) full_operators ff) (fun mm => @representsP i ff n mm env G) tP tQ)))))))))) k)
  ;exists rep;exists env;exact prf
Ltac representEnvPNP env env2:=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] =>
  let rep := fresh "rep" in let prf := fresh "prf" in let k y := (pose y as rep) in
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote ff) (fun qff =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote env) (fun qe =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t ((@findPropRepresentationNP i tre tct FUEL qff g n qe env2))) (fun tPq =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (@form (@fs i) (@ps i) full_operators ff) tPq) (fun tP:(@form (@fs i) (@ps i) full_operators ff) =>
                         monad_utils.ret (tP))))))))) k)
  ;exists rep;exists env;try easy

Definition HiddenTerm {X:Type} {x:X} := x.
Ltac constructEnvCont cont :=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] =>
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote ff) (fun qff =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote (@emptyEnv i)) (fun baseEnv =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t ((@findUnboundVariablesForm i tre tct FUEL g n))) (fun lst =>
                         let '(envToDR,envToNat) := (createEnvTerms tct (dedup lst) baseEnv) in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (nat -> @D i) envToDR) (fun envToD =>
                         monad_utils.ret (pair envToD envToNat))))))))) cont)
Ltac constructEnv' envBase envTerm := match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] => let k y := (pose (@HiddenTerm (nat -> @D i) (fst y)) as envBase;pose (@HiddenTerm (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) (snd y)) as envTerm) in constructEnvCont k end.
Ltac constructEnv := let envBase := fresh "envBase" in let envTerm := fresh "envTerm" in constructEnv' envBase envTerm.

Ltac represent := match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] => let tac k := (let envBase := fresh "envBase" in (pose (@HiddenTerm (nat -> @D i) (fst k)) as envBase); representEnvP envBase (snd k)) in constructEnvCont tac end.
Ltac representNP := match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] => let tac k := (let envBase := fresh "envBase" in (pose (@HiddenTerm (nat -> @D i) (fst k)) as envBase); representEnvPNP envBase (snd k)) in constructEnvCont tac end.

Ltac representEnvPPP env env2:=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?ff ?n ?G ] =>
  let rep := fresh "rep" in let prf := fresh "prf" in let k y := (destruct y as [rep prf]) in
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote ff) (fun qff =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote env) (fun qe =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t (@findPropRepresentation i tre tct FUEL qff g n qe env2)) (fun '(tPq,pPq) =>
                         monad_utils.ret (tPq,pPq)))))))) k)
  ;exists rep;exists env;exact prf