From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints Require Import H10C.
From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints.Util Require Import H10UPC_facts.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Syntax.Facts Deduction.FragmentNDFacts Semantics.Tarski.FragmentSoundness Semantics.Tarski.FragmentFacts Syntax.BinSig Semantics.Kripke.FragmentCore Semantics.Kripke.FragmentSoundness Semantics.Kripke.FragmentToTarski.
From Undecidability.FOL.Undecidability.Reductions Require Import H10UPC_to_FOL_minimal H10UPC_to_FOL_constructions.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import Dec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Numbers.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Notation Pr t t' := (@atom _ sig_binary _ _ tt (Vector.cons _ t _ (Vector.cons _ t' _ (Vector.nil _)))).

Section validity.

  Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
  Context {h10 : list h10upc}.
  Definition wFalse t:= Pr $t $(S t).
  Definition sFalse := Pr $0 $1.
  Definition Not k t := k wFalse t.
  Definition N k := Pr $k $k.
  Definition P' k (_:nat):= (N k) sFalse.
  Definition P k l r t c := P' k t N l N r Pr $l $k Pr $k $r c.
  Definition rel pl pr a b c d tt t := P pl a b tt (P pr c d tt (Pr $pl $pr t)).
  Definition erel a b c d t := Not ( P 0 (2+a) (2+b) (2+t)
                                        (P 1 (2+c) (2+d) (2+t)
                                         (Pr $0 $1 wFalse (2+t)))) t.
  Definition F_zero := N 0.
  Definition F_succ_left := N 0 Not ( P 2 3 4 5
                                                 (P 0 1 4 5
                                                  (Pr $2 $0 wFalse 5))) 2.
  Definition F_succ_right :=
                             rel 7 8 0 1 2 3 16
                            (rel 9 10 3 1 4 3 16
                            (rel 11 12 1 15 5 15 16
                            (rel 13 14 2 15 6 15 16
                            (erel 0 5 6 4 16)))) .
  Fixpoint emplace_forall (n:nat) (i:form) :=
          match n with 0 => i
        | S n => (emplace_forall n i) end.
  Definition translate_single (h:h10upc) nv :=
          match h with ((a,b),(c,d)) =>
            erel a b c d nv end.
  Fixpoint translate_rec (t:form) (nv:nat) (l:list h10upc) :=
          match l with nil => t
                     | l::lr => translate_single l nv translate_rec t nv lr end.
  Definition translate_constraints (x:list h10upc) :=
    let nv := S (highest_var_list x)
    in (emplace_forall nv (translate_rec (Pr $(S nv) $(2+nv)) (S nv) x)) Pr $1 $2.

  Definition F := F_zero F_succ_left F_succ_right translate_constraints h10.

  Section Transport.
    Context (φ: nat -> nat).
    Context (Hφ : forall c, In c h10 -> h10upc_sem φ c).
    Class model := {
      D : Type;
      I : interp D;
      rho : env D;
      zero : D; cr1 : D; cr2 : D;
      vF_zero : (zero .: cr2 .: cr1 .: rho) F_zero;
      vF_succ_left : (zero .: cr2 .: cr1 .: rho) F_succ_left;
      vF_succ_right : (zero .: cr2 .: cr1 .: rho) F_succ_right;
    Context (valid_in : model).
    Instance II : interp D. exact I. Defined.
    Notation i_Pr i i' :=
      (@i_atom _ _ _ I tt (Vector.cons _ i _ (Vector.cons _ i' _ (Vector.nil _)))).

    Definition isNum (d:D) := i_Pr d d.
    Definition D_wFalse := i_Pr cr2 cr1.
    Definition D_Not k := k -> D_wFalse.
    Definition isPair' d := (isNum d) -> forall a b, i_Pr b a.
    Definition isPair (p l r:D) := isNum l /\ isNum r /\ isPair' p /\ i_Pr l p /\ i_Pr p r.

    Definition repr_nums f n := f 0 = zero /\ forall m:nat, m < n ->
              (exists (pl pr:D), isNum (f (S m)) /\ isPair pl (f m) zero /\ isPair pr (f (S m)) zero /\ i_Pr pl pr).

    Definition constr_nums (n:nat) : D_Not (forall f:nat -> D, repr_nums f n -> D_wFalse).
    induction n as [|n IH]; intros H.
    - apply (H (fun _ => zero)). split. 1: easy. intros m HH. exfalso. lia.
    - apply IH. intros f [IH0 IHfs].
      apply (@vF_succ_left valid_in (f n)); fold sat.
      + change (isNum (f n)). destruct n as [|n].
        * rewrite IH0. apply vF_zero.
        * destruct (IHfs n) as [pl [pr [HH _]]]. 1:lia. easy.
      + cbn. intros pl sn pr Ppl Nfn Nz Pfnl Plz Ppr Nsn Nz' Psnr Prz Pplpr.
        pose (fun m => if m =? S n then sn else f m) as f'.
        apply (H f'). split.
        * easy.
        * intros m Hm. destruct (Nat.eq_dec n m) as [Heq|Hneq].
          -- exists pl, pr. rewrite <- Heq.
             assert (f' (S n) = sn) as ->. 1: unfold f'; assert (S n =? S n = true) as ->.
             1:apply Nat.eqb_eq; lia. 1:easy.
             assert (f' n = f n) as ->. 1:unfold f'; assert (n =? S n = false) as ->.
             1:apply Nat.eqb_neq; lia. 1:easy.
             now repeat split.
          -- destruct (IHfs m) as [pl' [pr' Hplplr']]. 1:lia.
             exists pl', pr'.
             assert (f' (S m) = f (S m)) as ->. 1: unfold f'; assert (S m =? S n = false) as ->.
             1:apply Nat.eqb_neq; lia. 1:easy.
             assert (f' m = f m) as ->. 1:unfold f'; assert (m =? S n = false) as ->.
             1:apply Nat.eqb_neq; lia. 1:easy.

    Lemma repr_num_isNum (f:nat -> D) (n:nat) (m:nat) : repr_nums f n -> m <= n -> isNum (f m).
    intros [Hzero Hrepr] Hnm.
    destruct m as [|m].
    - rewrite Hzero. apply vF_zero.
    - destruct (Hrepr m Hnm) as [pl [pr [H _]]]. apply H.

    Lemma constr_rel (a b c d : nat) (f:nat -> D) (n:nat) :
        repr_nums f n
     -> b <= n -> a <= n -> c <= n -> d <= n
     -> h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d))
     -> D_Not (forall pl pr, isPair pl (f a) (f b)
                         -> isPair pr (f c) (f d)
                         -> i_Pr pl pr -> D_wFalse).
    intros Hreprnums Hbn.
    pose proof Hreprnums as Hrepr_nums.
    destruct Hreprnums as [Zrepr Hrepr].
    induction b as [|b IH] in a,c,d|-*; intros Han Hcn Hdn Habcd.
    - cbn in Habcd. assert (c = S a /\ d = 0) as [Hc Hd]. 1:lia.
      rewrite Hc, Hd, !Zrepr in *.
      destruct (Hrepr a) as [pl [pr [Ha [Hpl Hpr]]]]. 1:lia.
      intros Hcr. now apply (Hcr pl pr).
    - destruct (@h10upc_inv a b c d Habcd) as [c' [d' [Habcd' [Hc' Hd']]]].
      rewrite <- Hc', <- Hd' in *.
      assert (h10upc_sem_direct ((d',b),(d'+b+1,d'))) as Hdb.
      + split. 1: now lia. apply Habcd'.
      + intros Hcr.
        apply (IH a c' d'). 1-3: lia. 1: easy.
        intros pab pc'd' Hpab Hpc'd' Hpabc'd'.
        apply (IH d' (d'+b+1) d'). 1-3: lia. 1: easy.
        intros pd'b pd'bd' Hpd'b Hpd'bd' Hpd'bd'bd'.
        destruct (Hrepr b) as [pb [pb' [Nsb [Hpb [Hpb' Hpbpb']]]]]. 1:lia.
        destruct (Hrepr c') as [pc [pc' [Nsc [Hpc [Hpc' Hpcpc']]]]]. 1:lia.
        pose proof (@vF_succ_right valid_in pc' pc pb' pb pd'bd' pd'b pc'd' pab
                    (f (S c')) (f (S b)) (f(d' + b + 1)) (f d') (f c') (f b) (f a)) as sr.
        apply sr; cbn; fold isNum.
        1-5: now destruct Hpab as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1-5: now destruct Hpc'd' as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1: easy.
        1-5: now destruct Hpd'b as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1-5: now destruct Hpd'bd' as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1: easy.
        1-5: now destruct Hpb as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1-5: now destruct Hpb' as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1: easy.
        1-5: now destruct Hpc as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1-5: now destruct Hpc' as [H'l [H'r [H'p [H'pl H'pr]]]].
        1: easy.
        intros pScsum paSb HpaSb H'a H'Sb HlpaSb HrpaSb HpScsum H'Sc H'dsum HlpScsum HrpScsum Hprel.
        apply (Hcr paSb pScsum). all: now repeat split.

    Lemma prove_emplace_forall (n:nat) (i:form) (r:env D) :
    r emplace_forall n i
    -> forall f, (fun v => if v <? n then f v else r (v-n)) i.
    induction n as [|n IH] in r|-*.
    - cbn. intros H f. apply (sat_ext I (rho := r) (xi:=fun v => r(v-0)) i).
      + intros x. now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
      + easy.
    - intros H f. cbn. cbn in H. specialize (H (f n)). specialize (IH (f n .: r) H f).
      eapply (sat_ext I (xi := (fun v : nat => if v <? n then f v else (f n .: r) (v - n))) i).
      + intros x. destruct (Nat.eq_dec x n) as [Hxn|Hnxn].
        * destruct (Nat.leb_le x n) as [_ Hr]. specialize (Hr ltac:(lia)). rewrite Hr.
          destruct (Nat.ltb_ge x n) as [_ Hr2]. specialize (Hr2 ltac:(lia)). rewrite Hr2.
          assert (x-n=0) as Hxn0. 1:lia. rewrite Hxn0. cbn. now f_equal.
        * destruct (x <? n) as [|] eqn:Hxn.
          -- apply (Nat.ltb_lt) in Hxn. assert (x <=? n = true) as Hxn2. 1: apply Nat.leb_le; lia.
             rewrite Hxn2. easy.
          -- apply (Nat.ltb_ge) in Hxn. assert (x <=? n = Datatypes.false) as Hxn2. 1: apply Nat.leb_gt; lia.
             rewrite Hxn2. assert (x-n = S(x-S n)) as Hxn3. 1:lia. rewrite Hxn3. cbn. easy.
      + easy.

    Lemma prove_constraints : (zero .: cr2 .: cr1 .: rho) translate_constraints h10.
    Proof using φ Hφ.
    pose (S (highest_var_list h10)) as h10vars.
    unfold translate_constraints. fold h10vars.
    pose (highest_num φ h10vars) as h10max.
    pose (@constr_nums h10max) as Hcons.
    intros HH. cbn.
    pose proof (prove_emplace_forall HH) as H. clear HH.
    apply Hcons. intros f Hrepr. specialize (H (fun t => f (φ t))).
    pose ((fun v : nat => if v <? h10vars then (fun t : nat => f (φ t)) v else (zero .: cr2 .: cr1 .: rho) (v - h10vars))) as newenv.
    assert (newenv (S h10vars) = cr2) as Hne1.
    1: {unfold newenv. assert (S h10vars <? h10vars = false) as ->. 1: apply Nat.leb_gt; now lia.
        assert (S h10vars - h10vars = 1) as ->. 1:now lia. easy. }
    assert (newenv (S (S h10vars)) = cr1) as Hne2.
    1: {unfold newenv. assert (S (S h10vars) <? h10vars = false) as ->. 1: apply Nat.leb_gt;lia.
        assert (S (S h10vars) - h10vars = 2) as ->. 1:now lia. easy. }
    fold newenv in H.
    assert (forall c:h10upc, In c h10 -> newenv translate_single c (S h10vars)) as Hmain.
    - intros [[a b][c d]] Hin.
      pose (@highest_var_list_descr h10 ((a,b),(c,d)) Hin) as Habcdmax.
      cbn in Habcdmax. intros HH.
      cbn. rewrite Hne1, Hne2.
      apply (@constr_rel (φ a) (φ b) (φ c) (φ d) f h10max). 1:easy.
      1-4: eapply highest_num_descr; lia.
      1: apply (@Hφ ((a,b),(c,d)) Hin).
      intros pab pcd [Ha [Hb [Hab [Haab Hbab]]]] [Hc [Hd [Hcd [Hccd Hdcd]]]] Hpp.
      assert (forall k:nat, k < h10vars -> newenv k = f (φ k)) as Hvars.
      1:{ unfold newenv, h10vars. intros k Hk. destruct (Nat.ltb_lt k h10vars) as [_ Hr].
          fold h10vars. now rewrite Hr. }
      cbn in HH. rewrite Hne1, Hne2, (Hvars a), (Hvars b), (Hvars c), (Hvars d) in HH.
      2-5: unfold h10vars;lia.
      now apply (@HH pcd pab).
    - induction h10 as [|hx hr IH] in H,Hmain|-*.
      + cbn in H. rewrite Hne1,Hne2 in H. apply H.
      + apply IH.
        * cbn in H. apply H. apply Hmain. now left.
        * intros c Hhr. apply Hmain. now right.
  End Transport.

  Lemma transport_direct : H10UPC_SAT h10 -> valid F.
    intros D I rho.
    intros cr1 cr2 zero.
    intros H_zero H_succ_left H_succ_right.
    eapply (@prove_constraints φ Hφ (Build_model H_zero H_succ_left H_succ_right)).
End validity.

Theorem directValidReduction : reduces (H10UPC_SAT) (@valid sig_empty sig_binary falsity_off).
exists (fun l => @F falsity_off l). split.
* apply transport_direct.
* apply inverseTransport.