Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.EnumerabilityFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.L.L.
Require Cantor.
Require Import Lia.
Fixpoint term_enum_rec (k n: nat) : term :=
match k with
| 0 => var 0
| S k =>
match Cantor.of_nat n with
| (0, n') => var n'
| (S (S n1), n2) => app (term_enum_rec k n1) (term_enum_rec k n2)
| (1, n') => lam (term_enum_rec k n')
Opaque Cantor.to_nat Cantor.of_nat.
Definition term_enumerator__T (n : nat) := Some (term_enum_rec (S n) n).
Lemma enumerator__T_term :
enumerator__T term_enumerator__T term.
intros t. unfold term_enumerator__T.
enough (exists n, forall m, n <= m -> term_enum_rec (S m) n = t) as [n Hn].
{ exists n. f_equal. now apply Hn. }
induction t as [n|s [n1 IHs] t [n2 IHt]|s [n IH]].
- exists (Cantor.to_nat (0, n)). cbn.
now rewrite Cantor.cancel_of_to.
- exists (Cantor.to_nat (S (S n1), n2)). cbn.
assert (H' := Cantor.to_nat_non_decreasing (S (S n1)) n2).
intros [|m] ?. { lia. }
rewrite !Cantor.cancel_of_to, IHs, IHt; [easy | lia | lia].
- exists (Cantor.to_nat (1, n)). cbn.
assert (H' := Cantor.to_nat_non_decreasing 1 n).
intros [|m] ?. { lia. }
rewrite !Cantor.cancel_of_to, IH; [easy | lia ].
Require Import Undecidability.L.L.
Require Cantor.
Require Import Lia.
Fixpoint term_enum_rec (k n: nat) : term :=
match k with
| 0 => var 0
| S k =>
match Cantor.of_nat n with
| (0, n') => var n'
| (S (S n1), n2) => app (term_enum_rec k n1) (term_enum_rec k n2)
| (1, n') => lam (term_enum_rec k n')
Opaque Cantor.to_nat Cantor.of_nat.
Definition term_enumerator__T (n : nat) := Some (term_enum_rec (S n) n).
Lemma enumerator__T_term :
enumerator__T term_enumerator__T term.
intros t. unfold term_enumerator__T.
enough (exists n, forall m, n <= m -> term_enum_rec (S m) n = t) as [n Hn].
{ exists n. f_equal. now apply Hn. }
induction t as [n|s [n1 IHs] t [n2 IHt]|s [n IH]].
- exists (Cantor.to_nat (0, n)). cbn.
now rewrite Cantor.cancel_of_to.
- exists (Cantor.to_nat (S (S n1), n2)). cbn.
assert (H' := Cantor.to_nat_non_decreasing (S (S n1)) n2).
intros [|m] ?. { lia. }
rewrite !Cantor.cancel_of_to, IHs, IHt; [easy | lia | lia].
- exists (Cantor.to_nat (1, n)). cbn.
assert (H' := Cantor.to_nat_non_decreasing 1 n).
intros [|m] ?. { lia. }
rewrite !Cantor.cancel_of_to, IH; [easy | lia ].