From Undecidability.H10 Require Import H10 dio_single dio_logic.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat Lists LOptions LSum.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Computability.MuRec Computability.Synthetic Tactics.GenEncode.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import DLW.Utils.finite DLW.Vec.vec DLW.Vec.pos.
From Undecidability.MuRec Require Import recalg ra_bs ra_sem_eq.
Reserved Notation " '[' f ';' v ';' min ';' c ']' '~~>' x " (at level 70).
Inductive ra_bs_c : nat -> nat -> forall k, recalg k -> vec nat k -> nat -> Prop :=
| in_ra_bs_c_cst : forall min c n v, [ra_cst n; v; min; S c] ~~> n
| in_ra_bs_c_zero : forall min c v, [ra_zero; v; min; S c] ~~> 0
| in_ra_bs_c_succ : forall min c v, [ra_succ; v; min; S c] ~~> S (vec_head v)
| in_ra_bs_c_proj : forall min c k v j, [@ra_proj k j; v; min; S c] ~~> vec_pos v j
| in_ra_bs_c_comp : forall min c k i f (gj : vec (recalg i) k) v w x,
(forall j, [vec_pos gj j; v; min; c - pos2nat j] ~~> vec_pos w j)
-> [f; w; min; S c] ~~> x
-> [ra_comp f gj; v; min; S (S c)] ~~> x
| in_ra_bs_c_rec_0 : forall min c k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v x,
[f; v; min; c] ~~> x
-> [ra_rec f g; 0##v; min; S c] ~~> x
| in_ra_bs_c_rec_S : forall min c k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v n x y,
[ra_rec f g; n##v; min; c] ~~> x
-> [g; n##x##v; min; c] ~~> y
-> [ra_rec f g; S n##v; min; S c] ~~> y
| in_ra_bs_c_min : forall min c k (f : recalg (S k)) v x w , x >= min ->
(forall j : pos x, pos2nat j >= min -> [f; pos2nat j##v; 0; c - (pos2nat j - min)] ~~> S (vec_pos w j))
-> [f; x##v; 0; c - (x - min)] ~~> 0
-> [ra_min f; v; min; S c] ~~> x
where " [ f ; v ; min ; c ] ~~> x " := (@ra_bs_c min c _ f v x).
Lemma ra_bs_mono min k (f : recalg k) v c1 x :
[f ; v ; min ; c1 ] ~~> x -> forall c2, c1 <= c2 -> [f ; v ; min; c2] ~~> x.
induction 1; intros; try (destruct c2;[ lia | ]).
- econstructor.
- econstructor.
- econstructor.
- econstructor.
- destruct c2; try lia. econstructor.
+ intros. eapply H0. lia.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c. lia.
- econstructor. eapply IHra_bs_c. lia.
- econstructor.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c1. lia.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c2. lia.
- econstructor.
+ lia.
+ intros. eapply H1. lia. lia.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c. lia.
Lemma vec_sum_le:
forall (k : nat) (cst : vec nat k) (j : pos k), vec_pos cst j <= vec_sum cst.
intros k cst j.
induction cst; cbn.
- invert pos j.
- invert pos j.
+ lia.
+ specialize (IHcst j); lia.
Lemma ra_bs_from_c k (f : recalg k) c v x :
[f ; v ; 0 ; c] ~~> x -> [ f; v ] ~~> x.
remember 0 as min.
induction 1; subst; eauto using ra_bs.
+ intros; eapply H1; lia.
+ auto.
Lemma ra_bs_to_c k (f : recalg k) v x :
[ f; v ] ~~> x -> exists c, [f ; v ; 0 ; c] ~~> x.
induction 1.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- destruct IHra_bs as [c].
eapply vec_reif in H0 as [cst].
exists (2 + c + vec_sum cst + k). cbn.
+ intros. eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto.
rewrite <- Nat.add_sub_assoc.
2: pose (pos2nat_prop j); lia.
enough (vec_pos cst j <= vec_sum cst).
lia. eapply vec_sum_le.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
- destruct IHra_bs as [c]. exists (S c). now econstructor.
- destruct IHra_bs1 as [c1].
destruct IHra_bs2 as [c2].
exists (1 + c1 + c2).
cbn. econstructor.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
- destruct IHra_bs as [c].
eapply vec_reif in H0 as [cst].
exists (1 + c + vec_sum cst + x). cbn.
econstructor. lia.
+ intros. eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto.
rewrite <- Nat.add_sub_assoc.
2: pose (pos2nat_prop j); lia.
enough (vec_pos cst j <= vec_sum cst) by lia.
eapply vec_sum_le.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
Local Hint Resolve ra_bs_from_c ra_bs_to_c : core.
Fact ra_bs_c_correct k (f : recalg k) v x :
[|f|] v x <-> exists c, [f ; v ; 0 ; c] ~~> x.
rewrite ra_bs_correct; split; auto.
intros (c & H); revert H; apply ra_bs_from_c.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Reductions.MuRec.MuRec_extract.
Definition rec_erase i (erase : forall i, recalg i -> reccode) := (fix rec k (v : vec (recalg i) k) := match v with vec_nil => rc_nil | x ## v => rc_cons (erase _ x) (rec _ v) end).
Fixpoint erase k (f : recalg k) : reccode :=
match f with
| ra_cst n => rc_cst n
| ra_zero => rc_zero
| ra_succ => rc_succ
| ra_proj _ p => rc_proj (pos2nat p)
| ra_comp _ _ f g => rc_comp (erase f) (rec_erase erase g)
| ra_rec _ f g => rc_rec (erase f) (erase g)
| ra_min _ f => rc_min (erase f)
Lemma vec_list_nth:
forall (k : nat) (p : pos k) (v : vec nat k), nth_error (vec_list v) (pos2nat p) = Some (vec_pos v p).
intros k p v.
induction v.
- invert pos p.
- cbn; invert pos p.
+ reflexivity.
+ eapply IHv.
Lemma eval_inv n min i k (v : vec (recalg i) k) a l :
eval n min (rec_erase erase v) a = Some (inr l) ->
exists x, vec_list x = l /\
(forall j : pos k, eval (n -S (pos2nat j)) min (erase (vec_pos v j)) a = Some (inl (vec_pos x j))).
induction v in n,l |- *.
- destruct n; cbn.
firstorder congruence.
exact vec_nil.
intros [=]; subst.
exists vec_nil.
split; auto.
intro j; invert pos j.
- destruct n. inversion 1.
intros ?. cbn in H.
destruct (eval n) eqn:E1; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct (eval n min (rec_erase erase v) a) eqn:E2; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence. inv H.
edestruct IHv as (? & ? & ?). eauto.
exists (n1 ## x). split. cbn. firstorder congruence.
intros j; pos_inv j.
+ rewrite pos2nat_fst in *. assert (S n - 1 = n) by lia. rewrite H1 in *.
cbn -[eval]. eassumption.
+ rewrite pos2nat_nxt.
specialize (H0 j).
assert (S n - S (S (pos2nat j)) = n - S (pos2nat j)) by lia. rewrite H1 in *.
cbn. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
Lemma le_ind2 m (P : nat -> Prop) :
P m -> (forall n, P (S n) -> S n <= m -> P n) -> forall n, n <= m -> P n.
intros. induction H1.
- eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma vec_pos_gt n X (w : vec X n) j k n1:
pos2nat k < pos2nat j ->
vec_pos w j = vec_pos (vec_change w k n1) j.
induction w.
- invert pos j.
- invert pos j; cbn.
+ invert pos k; cbn; auto; lia.
+ invert pos k; cbn; auto.
apply IHw.
rewrite !pos2nat_nxt in H; lia.
Lemma erase_correct k min (f : recalg k) v n c :
(ra_bs_c min c f v n <-> eval c min (erase f) (vec_list v) = Some (inl n)).
revert all except c.
pattern c. eapply lt_wf_ind. intros.
destruct f; cbn.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H4. subst.
+ destruct n; inversion 1. subst. econstructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H3. subst.
+ destruct n; inversion 1. subst. econstructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H3. subst.
cbn; revert H0; vec split v with x; auto.
+ destruct n; inversion 1.
revert H0 H2; vec split v with x; cbn.
intros [=] _; subst; constructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H5. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H6. subst.
cbn. rewrite vec_list_nth. reflexivity.
+ destruct n; inversion 1. rewrite vec_list_nth in H2. inv H2. econstructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H2. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H7. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H7. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H8. subst.
assert (forall j : pos k, eval (c0 - pos2nat j) min (erase (vec_pos t j)) (vec_list v) = Some (inl (vec_pos w j))).
intros. eapply H. lia.
cbn. eapply H. lia. eapply H. lia. specialize (H9 j).
eapply H in H9. 2:lia. eapply H. lia. eauto.
remember (S c0) as c'. cbn.
assert (eval c' min (rec_erase erase t) (vec_list v) = Some (inr (vec_list w))).
{ subst. clear - H1. revert c0 H1. induction t; intros.
- cbn; vec nil w; reflexivity.
- cbn. pose proof (H1 pos_fst). cbn in H. rewrite pos2nat_fst in H.
replace (c0 - 0) with c0 in H by lia. rewrite H.
revert H1 H; vec split w with y; intros H1 H.
destruct c0. cbn in H. inv H. erewrite IHt.
intros. specialize (H1 (pos_nxt j)). rewrite pos2nat_nxt in H1.
rewrite H2. subst. eapply H in H10. rewrite H10. reflexivity. lia.
+ destruct n; inversion 1.
destruct (eval n min (rec_erase erase t) (vec_list v)) eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct (eval n min (erase f) l) eqn:E2; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence. inv H2.
destruct n; try now inv E2.
destruct (list_vec_full l).
destruct (eval_inv E) as (w & ? & ?). subst.
eapply in_ra_bs_c_comp with (w := w).
* intros. eapply H. lia. specialize (H2 j). assert (S n - S (pos2nat j) = n - pos2nat j) by lia. rewrite H1 in *.
* eapply H. lia. eassumption.
- split. inversion 1.
+ eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H4. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H6. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H7. subst.
eapply H in H8. 2:lia. rewrite H8. reflexivity.
+ eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H2. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H5. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H6. subst.
eapply H in H7.
cbn. 2:lia. cbn in H7. rewrite H7.
eapply H in H9. 2:lia. cbn in H9. rewrite H9. reflexivity.
+ intros. destruct n; inv H0.
revert H2; vec split v with n1; cbn; intros H2.
destruct n1.
* destruct (eval n min (erase f1) (vec_list v)) eqn:E.
destruct s; inv H2.
-- econstructor. eapply H. lia. eauto.
-- econstructor. congruence.
* destruct eval eqn:E2; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct (eval n min (erase f2)) eqn:E3.
destruct s; inv H2.
-- econstructor. eapply H. lia. eauto. eapply H. lia. eauto.
-- congruence.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H2. subst.
clear H0. unfold ge in *.
revert c0 H w H7 H8. pattern n0. revert min H3.
eapply le_ind2; intros.
* cbn in *. eapply H in H8. 2:lia.
assert (c0 - (n0 - n0) = c0) by lia. rewrite H0 in *.
cbn in H8. rewrite H8. reflexivity.
* destruct n0; try lia.
assert (n < S n0) by lia.
assert (H10 := H7).
specialize (H7 (nat2pos H2)). rewrite pos2nat_nat2pos in H7.
assert (n <= n) by lia. eapply H7 in H3.
eapply H1 in H3. 2: lia. cbn.
assert (c0 - (n - n) = c0) by lia. rewrite H4 in *. cbn in H3. rewrite H3.
assert (eval c0 (S n) (rc_min (erase f)) (vec_list v) = Some (inl (S n0))).
eapply H1 with (f := ra_min f). lia.
destruct c0. inv H3.
econstructor. lia.
intros ? ?. specialize (H10 j).
assert (S c0 - (pos2nat j - n) = c0 - (pos2nat j - S n)) by lia.
rewrite H6 in *. eapply H10. lia.
assert (S c0 - (S n0 - n) = c0 - (S n0 - S n)) by lia. rewrite H5 in *.
now rewrite H5.
+ intros.
destruct n; try now inv H0. cbn in H0.
destruct (eval n) eqn:E1; try now inv H0.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct n1; inv H0.
* econstructor. lia. intros. pose proof (pos2nat_prop j). lia.
eapply H. lia. assert (n - (n0 - n0) = n) as -> by lia. eassumption.
* destruct (eval n (S min)) eqn:E2; try now inv H2.
destruct s; inv H2.
eapply H with (f := ra_min f) in E2. 2:lia.
eapply H with (v := vec_cons min v) in E1. 2:lia.
inversion E2; subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H0. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H1. subst.
assert (min < n0) by lia.
eapply in_ra_bs_c_min with (w := vec_change w (nat2pos H0) n1).
-- lia.
-- intros. inversion H1.
++ subst.
rewrite nat2pos_pos2nat.
rewrite vec_change_eq. 2:reflexivity.
assert (S c0 - (pos2nat j - pos2nat j) = S c0) as -> by lia.
++ specialize (H6 j).
assert (S c0 - (S m - min) = c0 - (pos2nat j - S min)) by lia. rewrite H5 in *.
enough (vec_pos w j = vec_pos (vec_change w (nat2pos H0) n1) j).
rewrite H8 in H6. rewrite H3. eapply H6. lia.
assert (pos2nat j > min) by lia.
eapply vec_pos_gt.
rewrite pos2nat_nat2pos. lia.
-- assert (S c0 - (n0 - min) = c0 - (n0 - S min)) by lia. rewrite H1. eassumption.
Unshelve. exact vec_zero.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Reductions.MuRec.MuRec_extract.
Definition evalfun fuel c v := match eval fuel 0 c v with Some (inl x) => Some x | _ => None end.
Definition UMUREC_HALTING c := exists fuel, evalfun fuel c nil <> None.
Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
unshelve eexists.
- intros f. exact (erase f).
intros f.
split; intros [].
+ rewrite ra_bs_correct in H. eapply ra_bs_to_c in H as [].
exists x0. eapply erase_correct in H. unfold evalfun. cbn in H. rewrite H. congruence.
+ unfold evalfun in H. destruct eval eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
eapply erase_correct with (v := vec_nil) in E.
exists n. eapply ra_bs_correct. now eapply ra_bs_from_c.
Local Definition r := (fun c n => match eval n 0 c [] with Some (inl n) => true | _ => false end).
Lemma MUREC_WCBV : MUREC_HALTING ⪯ converges.
eapply reduces_transitive. eapply MUREC_red.
eapply L_recognisable_halt.
exists (fun c n => match eval n 0 c [] with Some (inl n) => true | _ => false end).
- econstructor. extract.
- firstorder.
+ unfold evalfun in *. exists x0. destruct eval; try destruct s; try congruence.
+ exists x0. unfold evalfun in *. destruct eval; try destruct s; try congruence.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat Lists LOptions LSum.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Computability.MuRec Computability.Synthetic Tactics.GenEncode.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import DLW.Utils.finite DLW.Vec.vec DLW.Vec.pos.
From Undecidability.MuRec Require Import recalg ra_bs ra_sem_eq.
Reserved Notation " '[' f ';' v ';' min ';' c ']' '~~>' x " (at level 70).
Inductive ra_bs_c : nat -> nat -> forall k, recalg k -> vec nat k -> nat -> Prop :=
| in_ra_bs_c_cst : forall min c n v, [ra_cst n; v; min; S c] ~~> n
| in_ra_bs_c_zero : forall min c v, [ra_zero; v; min; S c] ~~> 0
| in_ra_bs_c_succ : forall min c v, [ra_succ; v; min; S c] ~~> S (vec_head v)
| in_ra_bs_c_proj : forall min c k v j, [@ra_proj k j; v; min; S c] ~~> vec_pos v j
| in_ra_bs_c_comp : forall min c k i f (gj : vec (recalg i) k) v w x,
(forall j, [vec_pos gj j; v; min; c - pos2nat j] ~~> vec_pos w j)
-> [f; w; min; S c] ~~> x
-> [ra_comp f gj; v; min; S (S c)] ~~> x
| in_ra_bs_c_rec_0 : forall min c k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v x,
[f; v; min; c] ~~> x
-> [ra_rec f g; 0##v; min; S c] ~~> x
| in_ra_bs_c_rec_S : forall min c k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v n x y,
[ra_rec f g; n##v; min; c] ~~> x
-> [g; n##x##v; min; c] ~~> y
-> [ra_rec f g; S n##v; min; S c] ~~> y
| in_ra_bs_c_min : forall min c k (f : recalg (S k)) v x w , x >= min ->
(forall j : pos x, pos2nat j >= min -> [f; pos2nat j##v; 0; c - (pos2nat j - min)] ~~> S (vec_pos w j))
-> [f; x##v; 0; c - (x - min)] ~~> 0
-> [ra_min f; v; min; S c] ~~> x
where " [ f ; v ; min ; c ] ~~> x " := (@ra_bs_c min c _ f v x).
Lemma ra_bs_mono min k (f : recalg k) v c1 x :
[f ; v ; min ; c1 ] ~~> x -> forall c2, c1 <= c2 -> [f ; v ; min; c2] ~~> x.
induction 1; intros; try (destruct c2;[ lia | ]).
- econstructor.
- econstructor.
- econstructor.
- econstructor.
- destruct c2; try lia. econstructor.
+ intros. eapply H0. lia.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c. lia.
- econstructor. eapply IHra_bs_c. lia.
- econstructor.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c1. lia.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c2. lia.
- econstructor.
+ lia.
+ intros. eapply H1. lia. lia.
+ eapply IHra_bs_c. lia.
Lemma vec_sum_le:
forall (k : nat) (cst : vec nat k) (j : pos k), vec_pos cst j <= vec_sum cst.
intros k cst j.
induction cst; cbn.
- invert pos j.
- invert pos j.
+ lia.
+ specialize (IHcst j); lia.
Lemma ra_bs_from_c k (f : recalg k) c v x :
[f ; v ; 0 ; c] ~~> x -> [ f; v ] ~~> x.
remember 0 as min.
induction 1; subst; eauto using ra_bs.
+ intros; eapply H1; lia.
+ auto.
Lemma ra_bs_to_c k (f : recalg k) v x :
[ f; v ] ~~> x -> exists c, [f ; v ; 0 ; c] ~~> x.
induction 1.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- exists 1. econstructor.
- destruct IHra_bs as [c].
eapply vec_reif in H0 as [cst].
exists (2 + c + vec_sum cst + k). cbn.
+ intros. eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto.
rewrite <- Nat.add_sub_assoc.
2: pose (pos2nat_prop j); lia.
enough (vec_pos cst j <= vec_sum cst).
lia. eapply vec_sum_le.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
- destruct IHra_bs as [c]. exists (S c). now econstructor.
- destruct IHra_bs1 as [c1].
destruct IHra_bs2 as [c2].
exists (1 + c1 + c2).
cbn. econstructor.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
- destruct IHra_bs as [c].
eapply vec_reif in H0 as [cst].
exists (1 + c + vec_sum cst + x). cbn.
econstructor. lia.
+ intros. eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto.
rewrite <- Nat.add_sub_assoc.
2: pose (pos2nat_prop j); lia.
enough (vec_pos cst j <= vec_sum cst) by lia.
eapply vec_sum_le.
+ eapply ra_bs_mono. eauto. lia.
Local Hint Resolve ra_bs_from_c ra_bs_to_c : core.
Fact ra_bs_c_correct k (f : recalg k) v x :
[|f|] v x <-> exists c, [f ; v ; 0 ; c] ~~> x.
rewrite ra_bs_correct; split; auto.
intros (c & H); revert H; apply ra_bs_from_c.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Reductions.MuRec.MuRec_extract.
Definition rec_erase i (erase : forall i, recalg i -> reccode) := (fix rec k (v : vec (recalg i) k) := match v with vec_nil => rc_nil | x ## v => rc_cons (erase _ x) (rec _ v) end).
Fixpoint erase k (f : recalg k) : reccode :=
match f with
| ra_cst n => rc_cst n
| ra_zero => rc_zero
| ra_succ => rc_succ
| ra_proj _ p => rc_proj (pos2nat p)
| ra_comp _ _ f g => rc_comp (erase f) (rec_erase erase g)
| ra_rec _ f g => rc_rec (erase f) (erase g)
| ra_min _ f => rc_min (erase f)
Lemma vec_list_nth:
forall (k : nat) (p : pos k) (v : vec nat k), nth_error (vec_list v) (pos2nat p) = Some (vec_pos v p).
intros k p v.
induction v.
- invert pos p.
- cbn; invert pos p.
+ reflexivity.
+ eapply IHv.
Lemma eval_inv n min i k (v : vec (recalg i) k) a l :
eval n min (rec_erase erase v) a = Some (inr l) ->
exists x, vec_list x = l /\
(forall j : pos k, eval (n -S (pos2nat j)) min (erase (vec_pos v j)) a = Some (inl (vec_pos x j))).
induction v in n,l |- *.
- destruct n; cbn.
firstorder congruence.
exact vec_nil.
intros [=]; subst.
exists vec_nil.
split; auto.
intro j; invert pos j.
- destruct n. inversion 1.
intros ?. cbn in H.
destruct (eval n) eqn:E1; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct (eval n min (rec_erase erase v) a) eqn:E2; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence. inv H.
edestruct IHv as (? & ? & ?). eauto.
exists (n1 ## x). split. cbn. firstorder congruence.
intros j; pos_inv j.
+ rewrite pos2nat_fst in *. assert (S n - 1 = n) by lia. rewrite H1 in *.
cbn -[eval]. eassumption.
+ rewrite pos2nat_nxt.
specialize (H0 j).
assert (S n - S (S (pos2nat j)) = n - S (pos2nat j)) by lia. rewrite H1 in *.
cbn. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
Lemma le_ind2 m (P : nat -> Prop) :
P m -> (forall n, P (S n) -> S n <= m -> P n) -> forall n, n <= m -> P n.
intros. induction H1.
- eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma vec_pos_gt n X (w : vec X n) j k n1:
pos2nat k < pos2nat j ->
vec_pos w j = vec_pos (vec_change w k n1) j.
induction w.
- invert pos j.
- invert pos j; cbn.
+ invert pos k; cbn; auto; lia.
+ invert pos k; cbn; auto.
apply IHw.
rewrite !pos2nat_nxt in H; lia.
Lemma erase_correct k min (f : recalg k) v n c :
(ra_bs_c min c f v n <-> eval c min (erase f) (vec_list v) = Some (inl n)).
revert all except c.
pattern c. eapply lt_wf_ind. intros.
destruct f; cbn.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H4. subst.
+ destruct n; inversion 1. subst. econstructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H3. subst.
+ destruct n; inversion 1. subst. econstructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H3. subst.
cbn; revert H0; vec split v with x; auto.
+ destruct n; inversion 1.
revert H0 H2; vec split v with x; cbn.
intros [=] _; subst; constructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H5. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H6. subst.
cbn. rewrite vec_list_nth. reflexivity.
+ destruct n; inversion 1. rewrite vec_list_nth in H2. inv H2. econstructor.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H2. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H7. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H7. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H8. subst.
assert (forall j : pos k, eval (c0 - pos2nat j) min (erase (vec_pos t j)) (vec_list v) = Some (inl (vec_pos w j))).
intros. eapply H. lia.
cbn. eapply H. lia. eapply H. lia. specialize (H9 j).
eapply H in H9. 2:lia. eapply H. lia. eauto.
remember (S c0) as c'. cbn.
assert (eval c' min (rec_erase erase t) (vec_list v) = Some (inr (vec_list w))).
{ subst. clear - H1. revert c0 H1. induction t; intros.
- cbn; vec nil w; reflexivity.
- cbn. pose proof (H1 pos_fst). cbn in H. rewrite pos2nat_fst in H.
replace (c0 - 0) with c0 in H by lia. rewrite H.
revert H1 H; vec split w with y; intros H1 H.
destruct c0. cbn in H. inv H. erewrite IHt.
intros. specialize (H1 (pos_nxt j)). rewrite pos2nat_nxt in H1.
rewrite H2. subst. eapply H in H10. rewrite H10. reflexivity. lia.
+ destruct n; inversion 1.
destruct (eval n min (rec_erase erase t) (vec_list v)) eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct (eval n min (erase f) l) eqn:E2; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence. inv H2.
destruct n; try now inv E2.
destruct (list_vec_full l).
destruct (eval_inv E) as (w & ? & ?). subst.
eapply in_ra_bs_c_comp with (w := w).
* intros. eapply H. lia. specialize (H2 j). assert (S n - S (pos2nat j) = n - pos2nat j) by lia. rewrite H1 in *.
* eapply H. lia. eassumption.
- split. inversion 1.
+ eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H4. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H6. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H7. subst.
eapply H in H8. 2:lia. rewrite H8. reflexivity.
+ eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H2. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H5. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H6. subst.
eapply H in H7.
cbn. 2:lia. cbn in H7. rewrite H7.
eapply H in H9. 2:lia. cbn in H9. rewrite H9. reflexivity.
+ intros. destruct n; inv H0.
revert H2; vec split v with n1; cbn; intros H2.
destruct n1.
* destruct (eval n min (erase f1) (vec_list v)) eqn:E.
destruct s; inv H2.
-- econstructor. eapply H. lia. eauto.
-- econstructor. congruence.
* destruct eval eqn:E2; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct (eval n min (erase f2)) eqn:E3.
destruct s; inv H2.
-- econstructor. eapply H. lia. eauto. eapply H. lia. eauto.
-- congruence.
- split.
+ inversion 1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H1. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H2. subst.
clear H0. unfold ge in *.
revert c0 H w H7 H8. pattern n0. revert min H3.
eapply le_ind2; intros.
* cbn in *. eapply H in H8. 2:lia.
assert (c0 - (n0 - n0) = c0) by lia. rewrite H0 in *.
cbn in H8. rewrite H8. reflexivity.
* destruct n0; try lia.
assert (n < S n0) by lia.
assert (H10 := H7).
specialize (H7 (nat2pos H2)). rewrite pos2nat_nat2pos in H7.
assert (n <= n) by lia. eapply H7 in H3.
eapply H1 in H3. 2: lia. cbn.
assert (c0 - (n - n) = c0) by lia. rewrite H4 in *. cbn in H3. rewrite H3.
assert (eval c0 (S n) (rc_min (erase f)) (vec_list v) = Some (inl (S n0))).
eapply H1 with (f := ra_min f). lia.
destruct c0. inv H3.
econstructor. lia.
intros ? ?. specialize (H10 j).
assert (S c0 - (pos2nat j - n) = c0 - (pos2nat j - S n)) by lia.
rewrite H6 in *. eapply H10. lia.
assert (S c0 - (S n0 - n) = c0 - (S n0 - S n)) by lia. rewrite H5 in *.
now rewrite H5.
+ intros.
destruct n; try now inv H0. cbn in H0.
destruct (eval n) eqn:E1; try now inv H0.
destruct s; try congruence.
destruct n1; inv H0.
* econstructor. lia. intros. pose proof (pos2nat_prop j). lia.
eapply H. lia. assert (n - (n0 - n0) = n) as -> by lia. eassumption.
* destruct (eval n (S min)) eqn:E2; try now inv H2.
destruct s; inv H2.
eapply H with (f := ra_min f) in E2. 2:lia.
eapply H with (v := vec_cons min v) in E1. 2:lia.
inversion E2; subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H0. subst.
eapply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ nat_eq_dec) in H1. subst.
assert (min < n0) by lia.
eapply in_ra_bs_c_min with (w := vec_change w (nat2pos H0) n1).
-- lia.
-- intros. inversion H1.
++ subst.
rewrite nat2pos_pos2nat.
rewrite vec_change_eq. 2:reflexivity.
assert (S c0 - (pos2nat j - pos2nat j) = S c0) as -> by lia.
++ specialize (H6 j).
assert (S c0 - (S m - min) = c0 - (pos2nat j - S min)) by lia. rewrite H5 in *.
enough (vec_pos w j = vec_pos (vec_change w (nat2pos H0) n1) j).
rewrite H8 in H6. rewrite H3. eapply H6. lia.
assert (pos2nat j > min) by lia.
eapply vec_pos_gt.
rewrite pos2nat_nat2pos. lia.
-- assert (S c0 - (n0 - min) = c0 - (n0 - S min)) by lia. rewrite H1. eassumption.
Unshelve. exact vec_zero.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Reductions.MuRec.MuRec_extract.
Definition evalfun fuel c v := match eval fuel 0 c v with Some (inl x) => Some x | _ => None end.
Definition UMUREC_HALTING c := exists fuel, evalfun fuel c nil <> None.
Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
unshelve eexists.
- intros f. exact (erase f).
intros f.
split; intros [].
+ rewrite ra_bs_correct in H. eapply ra_bs_to_c in H as [].
exists x0. eapply erase_correct in H. unfold evalfun. cbn in H. rewrite H. congruence.
+ unfold evalfun in H. destruct eval eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
eapply erase_correct with (v := vec_nil) in E.
exists n. eapply ra_bs_correct. now eapply ra_bs_from_c.
Local Definition r := (fun c n => match eval n 0 c [] with Some (inl n) => true | _ => false end).
Lemma MUREC_WCBV : MUREC_HALTING ⪯ converges.
eapply reduces_transitive. eapply MUREC_red.
eapply L_recognisable_halt.
exists (fun c n => match eval n 0 c [] with Some (inl n) => true | _ => false end).
- econstructor. extract.
- firstorder.
+ unfold evalfun in *. exists x0. destruct eval; try destruct s; try congruence.
+ exists x0. unfold evalfun in *. destruct eval; try destruct s; try congruence.