Require Import Undecidability.SOL.SOL.
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations SOLNotations.

Inductive PA2_funcs : Type := Zero | Succ | Plus | Mult.
Definition PA2_funcs_ar (f : PA2_funcs ) :=
  match f with
  | Zero => 0
  | Succ => 1
  | Plus => 2
  | Mult => 2

Inductive PA2_preds : Type := Eq : PA2_preds.
Definition PA2_preds_ar (P : PA2_preds) := match P with Eq => 2 end.

Instance PA2_funcs_signature : funcs_signature :=
{| syms := PA2_funcs ; ar_syms := PA2_funcs_ar |}.

Instance PA2_preds_signature : preds_signature :=
{| preds := PA2_preds ; ar_preds := PA2_preds_ar |}.

Definition zero := func (sym Zero) ([]).

Module PA2Notations.

  Notation "'σ' x" := (func (sym Succ) ([x])) (at level 37).
  Notation "x '⊕' y" := (func (sym Plus) ([x ; y])) (at level 39).
  Notation "x '⊗' y" := (func (sym Mult) ([x ; y])) (at level 38).
  Notation "x '==' y" := (atom (pred Eq) ([x ; y])) (at level 40).

  Notation "'izero'" := (@i_f _ _ (M_domain _) (M_interp _) Zero ([])).
  Notation "'iσ' x" := (@i_f _ _ (M_domain _) (M_interp _) Succ ([x])) (at level 37).
  Notation "x 'i⊕' y" := (@i_f _ _ (M_domain _) (M_interp _) Plus ([x ; y])) (at level 39).
  Notation "x 'i⊗' y" := (@i_f _ _ (M_domain _) (M_interp _) Mult ([x ; y])) (at level 38).
  Notation "x 'i==' y" := (@i_P _ _ (M_domain _) (M_interp _) Eq ([x ; y])) (at level 40).

End PA2Notations.

Import PA2Notations.

Definition ax_eq_refl := i $0 == $0.
Definition ax_eq_symm := i i $1 == $0 ~> $0 == $1.
Definition ax_eq_trans := i i i $2 == $1 ~> $1 == $0 ~> $2 == $0.
Definition ax_zero_succ := i zero == σ $0 ~> fal.
Definition ax_succ_inj := i i σ $1 == σ $0 ~> $1 == $0.
Definition ax_add_zero := i zero $0 == $0.
Definition ax_add_rec := i i (σ $0) $1 == σ ($0 $1).
Definition ax_mul_zero := i zero $0 == zero.
Definition ax_mul_rec := i i σ $1 $0 == $0 $1 $0.
Definition ax_ind := p(1) p$0 ([zero]) ~> (i p$0 ([$0]) ~> p$0 ([σ $0])) ~> i p$0 ([$0]).

Import List ListNotations.
Definition PA2_L := [ ax_eq_refl ; ax_eq_symm ; ax_zero_succ ; ax_succ_inj ; ax_add_zero ; ax_add_rec ; ax_mul_zero ; ax_mul_rec ; ax_ind ].
Definition PA2 phi := In phi PA2_L.

Definition PA2_valid (phi : form) :=
  forall M rho, (forall psi, PA2 psi -> @sat _ _ (M_domain M) (M_interp M) rho psi) -> @sat _ _ (M_domain M) (M_interp M) rho phi.

Definition PA2_satis (phi : form) :=
  exists M rho, (forall psi, PA2 psi -> @sat _ _ (M_domain M) (M_interp M) rho psi) /\ @sat _ _ (M_domain M) (M_interp M) rho phi.