Require Import List.
Require Import Undecidability.SemiUnification.SemiU.
From Undecidability.SemiUnification.Util Require Import Enumerable.
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Module Argument.
Definition embed_var (x: nat) := atom (to_nat (x, 0)).
Definition z (b: bool) := atom (to_nat (0, if b then 2 else 1)).
Section RU2SemiU_LU2SemiU.
Variables s0 s1 t: term.
Definition s' := substitute embed_var (arr s0 s1).
Definition t0' := arr (substitute embed_var t) (z false).
Definition t1' := arr (z true) (substitute embed_var t).
Section Transport.
Variables φ ψ0 ψ1 : valuation.
Variable Hψ0 : substitute ψ0 (substitute φ s0) = substitute φ t.
Variable Hψ1 : substitute ψ1 (substitute φ s1) = substitute φ t.
Definition φ' : valuation := fun x =>
match of_nat x with
| (x, 0) => substitute embed_var (φ x)
| (0, 1) => substitute embed_var (substitute ψ0 (substitute φ s1))
| (0, 2) => substitute embed_var (substitute ψ1 (substitute φ s0))
| _ => atom x
Definition ψ0' : valuation := fun x =>
match of_nat x with
| (x, 0) => substitute embed_var (ψ0 x)
| _ => atom x
Definition ψ1' : valuation := fun x =>
match of_nat x with
| (x, 0) => substitute embed_var (ψ1 x)
| _ => atom x
Lemma substitute_φ'P {r: term} :
substitute φ' (substitute embed_var r) = substitute embed_var (substitute φ r).
Proof. elim: r => [[| ?] | *] /=; [by rewrite /φ' ?enumP | by rewrite /φ' ?enumP | by f_equal]. Qed.
Lemma substitute_ψ0'P {r: term} :
substitute ψ0' (substitute embed_var r) = substitute embed_var (substitute ψ0 r).
Proof. elim: r => [[| ?] | *] /=; [by rewrite /ψ0' ?enumP | by rewrite /ψ0' ?enumP | by f_equal]. Qed.
Lemma substitute_ψ1'P {r: term} :
substitute ψ1' (substitute embed_var r) = substitute embed_var (substitute ψ1 r).
Proof. elim: r => [[| ?] | *] /=; [by rewrite /ψ1' ?enumP | by rewrite /ψ1' ?enumP | by f_equal]. Qed.
Lemma transport : LU2SemiU (s', t0', t1').
Proof using φ ψ0 ψ1 Hψ0 Hψ1.
exists φ', ψ0', ψ1'. constructor.
- rewrite /s' /t0' /=. congr arr; rewrite ?substitute_φ'P substitute_ψ0'P ?/φ' ?enumP; by congruence.
- rewrite /s' /t1' /=. congr arr; rewrite ?substitute_φ'P substitute_ψ1'P ?/φ' ?enumP; by congruence.
End Transport.
Section Reflection.
Variables φ' ψ0' ψ1' : valuation.
Variable Hψ0' : substitute ψ0' (substitute φ' s') = substitute φ' t0'.
Variable Hψ1' : substitute ψ1' (substitute φ' s') = substitute φ' t1'.
Lemma substitute_embed_var {ξ r} :
substitute (fun x => ξ (to_nat (x, 0))) r = substitute ξ (substitute embed_var r).
elim: r; [done | by move=> /=; congruence].
Lemma reflection : RU2SemiU (s0, s1, t).
Proof using φ' ψ0' ψ1' Hψ0' Hψ1'.
exists (fun x => φ' (to_nat (x, 0))), ψ0', ψ1'. move: Hψ0' Hψ1'.
rewrite ?(substitute_embed_var (ξ := φ')) /s' /t0' /t1' /=.
move=> ? ?. constructor; by congruence.
End Reflection.
End RU2SemiU_LU2SemiU.
End Argument.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Theorem reduction : RU2SemiU ⪯ LU2SemiU.
exists (fun '(s0, s1, t) => (Argument.s' s0 s1, Argument.t0' t, Argument.t1' t)).
move=> [[? ?] ?]. constructor.
- move=> [?] [?] [?] [? ?]. apply: Argument.transport; by eassumption.
- move=> [?] [?] [?] [? ?]. apply: Argument.reflection; by eassumption.