From Undecidability.SeparationLogic Require Import MSL SL.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Fixpoint embed (P : msp_form) : sp_form :=
match P with
| mpointer E E1 E2 => sand (pointer E E1 E2) (imp bot bot)
| mbot => bot
| mimp P1 P2 => imp (embed P1) (embed P2)
| mand P1 P2 => and (embed P1) (embed P2)
| mor P1 P2 => or (embed P1) (embed P2)
| mall P => all (embed P)
| mex P => ex (embed P)
Lemma embed_sat s h P :
msp_sat s h P <-> sp_sat s h (embed P).
induction P in s, h |- *; cbn.
- split.
+ intros (l & H1 & H2). apply in_split in H2 as (h1 & h2 & ->).
exists [(l, (sp_eval s s1, sp_eval s s2))], (h1 ++ h2). split.
* unfold equiv, incl. repeat setoid_rewrite in_app_iff. cbn. firstorder.
* split; trivial. exists l. split; trivial.
+ intros (h1 & h2 & H1 & [l[H2 ->]] & _). exists l. split; trivial. apply H1, in_app_iff. now left.
- tauto.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2. tauto.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2. tauto.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2. tauto.
- setoid_rewrite IHP. tauto.
- setoid_rewrite IHP. tauto.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Theorem reduction :
exists embed. intros P. split; intros (s & h & H1 & H2); exists s, h; split; trivial; now apply embed_sat.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Fixpoint embed (P : msp_form) : sp_form :=
match P with
| mpointer E E1 E2 => sand (pointer E E1 E2) (imp bot bot)
| mbot => bot
| mimp P1 P2 => imp (embed P1) (embed P2)
| mand P1 P2 => and (embed P1) (embed P2)
| mor P1 P2 => or (embed P1) (embed P2)
| mall P => all (embed P)
| mex P => ex (embed P)
Lemma embed_sat s h P :
msp_sat s h P <-> sp_sat s h (embed P).
induction P in s, h |- *; cbn.
- split.
+ intros (l & H1 & H2). apply in_split in H2 as (h1 & h2 & ->).
exists [(l, (sp_eval s s1, sp_eval s s2))], (h1 ++ h2). split.
* unfold equiv, incl. repeat setoid_rewrite in_app_iff. cbn. firstorder.
* split; trivial. exists l. split; trivial.
+ intros (h1 & h2 & H1 & [l[H2 ->]] & _). exists l. split; trivial. apply H1, in_app_iff. now left.
- tauto.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2. tauto.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2. tauto.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2. tauto.
- setoid_rewrite IHP. tauto.
- setoid_rewrite IHP. tauto.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Theorem reduction :
exists embed. intros P. split; intros (s & h & H1 & H2); exists s, h; split; trivial; now apply embed_sat.