From Coq Require Import Vector List.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import FinTypes Vectors.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.Lists Tactics.LTactics Util.L_facts.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts ProgrammingTools .
Import ListNotations VectorNotations.
From Undecidability.TM.L.CompilerBoolFuns Require Import Compiler_spec.
Lemma encBoolsTM_inj {Σ} (sym_s sym_b : Σ) n1 n2 :
sym_s <> sym_b -> encBoolsTM sym_s sym_b n1 = encBoolsTM sym_s sym_b n2 -> n1 = n2.
intros Hdiff.
induction n1 in n2 |- *.
- destruct n2; now inversion 1.
- destruct n2; inversion 1.
destruct a, b.
+ f_equal. eapply IHn1. unfold encBoolsTM. congruence.
+ now exfalso.
+ now exfalso.
+ f_equal. eapply IHn1. unfold encBoolsTM. congruence.
Lemma encBoolsL_inj l1 l2 :
encBoolsL l1 = encBoolsL l2 -> l1 = l2.
induction l1 in l2 |- *; intros H.
- destruct l2; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct l2; cbn in *; try congruence.
inversion H. f_equal; eauto.
destruct a, b; now inversion H1.
Lemma L_bool_computable_function {k} R :
@L_bool_computable k R -> functional R.
intros [s Hs] v m1 m2 H1 H2.
eapply Hs in H1. eapply Hs in H2.
rewrite eval_iff in H1, H2.
destruct H1 as [H1 H1'], H2 as [H2 H2'].
eapply encBoolsL_inj, L_facts.unique_normal_forms; eauto.
now rewrite <- H1, H2.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import Hoare.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_in {k n Σ} s b (v: Vector.t (list bool) k): SpecV Σ (1+k+n)
:= ([Custom (eq niltape)] ++ (fun bs => Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs))) v) ++ Vector.const (Custom (eq niltape)) _.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec {k n Σ} (s b:_ + Σ) (v: Vector.t (list bool) k):
([niltape] ++ (encBoolsTM s b) v) ++ const niltape n
≃≃ ([]%list, TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v).
eapply tspecI;cbn;[easy|]; unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_in;intros i;
destruct_fin i;cbn;repeat (rewrite Vector_nth_L + rewrite Vector_nth_R + rewrite nth_map' + rewrite const_nth);cbn; reflexivity.
Lemma nth_error_to_list {X n} (v : Vector.t X n) i k :
k = (proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat i)) ->
nth_error (Vector.to_list v) k = Some (Vector.nth v i).
intros ->. induction v; cbn.
- inversion i.
- dependent destruct i; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ destruct (Fin.to_nat p) as (i, P) eqn:E. cbn.
fold (to_list v).
specialize (IHv (Fin.of_nat_lt P)). cbn in *.
rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat in IHv. cbn in IHv.
now rewrite <- (Fin.of_nat_to_nat_inv p), E.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_out {k n Σ} s b (bs :list bool): SpecV Σ (1+k+n)
:= ([Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs)) ] ++ Vector.const (Custom (fun _ => True)) _)++ Vector.const (Custom (fun _ => True)) _.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec {k n Σ} (s b:_ + Σ) bs t':
t' ≃≃ ([]%list, TM_bool_computable_hoare_out (k:=k) (n:=n)s b bs)
-> Vector.hd t' = encBoolsTM s b bs.
intros ([]&Hm2)%tspecE. specialize (Hm2 (Fin0)).
unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_out in Hm2.
cbn in Hm2. setoid_rewrite Hm2. now apply (Vector.caseS' t').
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare {k} (R : Vector.t (list bool) k -> (list bool) -> Prop) :=
exists n : nat, exists Σ : finType, exists s b , s <> b /\
exists M : pTM (Σ^+) unit (1 + k + n),
forall v,
Triple ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v) M (fun y t => exists res, t ≃≃ ([R v res]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out s b res))
/\ forall res, R v res ->
exists k__steps, TripleT ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v) k__steps M (fun y => ≃≃([]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out s b res)).
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_spec k R :
functional R ->
@TM_bool_computable_hoare k R -> @TM_bool_computable k R.
intros Hfun (n & Σ & s & b & Hdiff & [M lab] & H).
eexists n, _, s, b. split. exact Hdiff. exists M.
intros v. specialize (H v) as [H1 H2]. split.
- intros m. split.
+ intros HR.
specialize H2 as [k__steps H2%TripleT_TerminatesIn]. eassumption.
cbn in H2.
destruct (H2 (([niltape] ++ (encBoolsTM s b) v) ++ Vector.const niltape n) k__steps) as [[q' t'] Hconf].
* split. 2:easy. now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec.
* exists q', t'. split. eapply TM_eval_iff. eexists. eapply Hconf.
eapply H1 in Hconf as (m' & Hm1 & Hm2%TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec).
now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec.
pose proof (Hfun _ _ _ HR Hm1) as ->.
+ intros (q' & t' & [steps Hter] % TM_eval_iff & Hout).
eapply H1 in Hter as (m' & Hm1 & Hm2%TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec).
now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec.
cbn -[to_list] in *.
enough (m = m') by now subst.
eapply encBoolsTM_inj; eauto. congruence.
- intros q t [steps Hter] % TM_eval_iff.
eapply H1 in Hter as (m & Hm1 & Hm2%TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec).
now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec. eauto.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' {k n Σ} s b (v: Vector.t (list bool) k): SpecV Σ (1+n+k)
:= Custom (eq niltape) :: Vector.const (Custom (eq niltape)) _ ++ (fun bs => Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs))) v.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' {n Σ} s b (bs :list bool): SpecV Σ (1+n)
:= Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs)) :: Vector.const (Custom (fun _ => True)) _.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare' {k} (R : Vector.t (list bool) k -> (list bool) -> Prop) :=
exists n : nat, exists Σ : finType, exists s b , s <> b /\
exists M : pTM (Σ^+) unit (1 + n + k),
forall v,
Triple ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' s b v) M (fun y t => exists res, t ≃≃ ([R v res]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' s b res))
/\ forall res, R v res ->
exists k__steps, TripleT ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' s b v) k__steps M (fun y => ≃≃([]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' s b res)).
Local Definition tapeOrderSwap n k:=
(Fin0 ::: tabulate (n := n) (fun x => Fin.R (1 + k) x) ++ (tabulate (n := k) (fun x => Fin.L n (Fin.R 1 x)))).
Local Lemma tapeOrderSwap_dupfree k n : VectorDupfree.dupfree (tapeOrderSwap n k).
unfold tapeOrderSwap.
econstructor. intros [ [i Hi % (f_equal (fun x => proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat x)))] % in_tabulate | [i Hi % (f_equal (fun x => proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat x)))] % in_tabulate ] % Vector_in_app.
3: eapply Vector_dupfree_app; repeat split.
+ rewrite !Fin.R_sanity in Hi. cbn in Hi. lia.
+ rewrite !Fin.L_sanity, !Fin.R_sanity in Hi. destruct (Fin.to_nat i); cbn in *; lia.
+ eapply dupfree_tabulate_injective. eapply Fin_R_fillive.
+ eapply dupfree_tabulate_injective. intros. eapply Fin_R_fillive. eapply Fin_L_fillive. eassumption.
+ intros ? (? & ?) % in_tabulate (? & ?) % in_tabulate. subst.
eapply (f_equal (fun H => proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat H))) in H0. rewrite Fin.R_sanity, !Fin.L_sanity in H0.
destruct Fin.to_nat, Fin.to_nat. cbn in *. lia.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_in'_spec {k n Σ} s b (v: Vector.t (list bool) k):
TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' (Σ:=Σ) s b v = Downlift (TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v) (tapeOrderSwap n k).
unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_in,TM_bool_computable_hoare_in'.
eapply eq_nth_iff';intros i.
destruct_fin i;cbn.
all:repeat (rewrite Vector_nth_L + rewrite Vector_nth_R + rewrite nth_map' + rewrite nth_tabulate + rewrite const_nth + cbn);cbn.
Lemma helper n m' m f:
injective f ->
lookup_index_vector (n:=n)
(tabulate (fun i : Fin.t m' => f i))
(f m) = Some m.
revert n m f. induction m';cbn. easy.
intros n m f Hinj. specialize (Fin.eqb_eq _ (f m) (f Fin0)) as H'.
destruct Fin.eqb.
-destruct H' as [H' _]. specialize (H' eq_refl). apply Hinj in H' as ->. easy.
-destruct H' as [_ H']. destruct (fin_destruct_S m) as [[i' ->]| ->]. 2:now discriminate H'.
specialize IHm' with (f:= fun m => f (Fin.FS m) ). cbn in IHm'. rewrite IHm'. easy. intros ? ? ?%Hinj. now apply Fin.FS_inj.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'_spec {k n Σ} s b bs w:
TM_bool_computable_hoare_out (Σ:=Σ) s b bs = Frame w (tapeOrderSwap n k) (TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' s b bs).
unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_out,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'.
eapply eq_nth_iff';intros i. unfold Frame,fill.
rewrite nth_tabulate.
destruct_fin i; cbn -[lookup_index_vector].
all:repeat (rewrite Vector_nth_L + rewrite Vector_nth_R + rewrite nth_map' + rewrite nth_tabulate + rewrite const_nth).
- erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some with (j := Fin0); try reflexivity. eapply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
- erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some with (j := Fin.FS (Fin.R n i1)).
+ cbn. now rewrite const_nth.
+ eapply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
+ cbn. now rewrite Vector_nth_R, nth_tabulate.
- erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some with (j := Fin.FS (Fin.L k i0)).
+ cbn. now rewrite const_nth.
+ eapply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
+ cbn. now rewrite Vector_nth_L, nth_tabulate.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare'_spec k R :
functional R ->
@TM_bool_computable_hoare' k R -> TM_bool_computable R.
intros Hfun (n & Σ & s & b & Hdiff & M & H).
eapply TM_bool_computable_hoare_spec. eassumption.
exists n, Σ, s, b. split. exact Hdiff.
eexists (LiftTapes M (tapeOrderSwap n k)).
intros v. specialize (H v) as [H1 H2].
rewrite TM_bool_computable_hoare_in'_spec in H1,H2.
- refine (Consequence _ _ _). refine (LiftTapes_Spec_ex _ _). now apply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
exact H1. reflexivity. intro. eapply EntailsI. intros ? []. eexists.
erewrite TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'_spec. eassumption.
- intros. specialize H2 as [x H2]. easy. exists x.
refine (ConsequenceT _ _ _ _). refine (LiftTapes_SpecT _ _). now apply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
exact H2. reflexivity. cbn beta. intros. 2:easy. now rewrite <- TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'_spec.
Lemma closed_compiler_helper s n v: closed s ->
(Vector.fold_left (n:=n)
(fun (s0 : term) (l_i : list bool) => s0 (encBoolsL l_i)) s v).
revert s. induction v. all:cbn. easy.
intros. eapply IHv. change (encBoolsL h) with (enc h). Lproc.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import FinTypes Vectors.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.Lists Tactics.LTactics Util.L_facts.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts ProgrammingTools .
Import ListNotations VectorNotations.
From Undecidability.TM.L.CompilerBoolFuns Require Import Compiler_spec.
Lemma encBoolsTM_inj {Σ} (sym_s sym_b : Σ) n1 n2 :
sym_s <> sym_b -> encBoolsTM sym_s sym_b n1 = encBoolsTM sym_s sym_b n2 -> n1 = n2.
intros Hdiff.
induction n1 in n2 |- *.
- destruct n2; now inversion 1.
- destruct n2; inversion 1.
destruct a, b.
+ f_equal. eapply IHn1. unfold encBoolsTM. congruence.
+ now exfalso.
+ now exfalso.
+ f_equal. eapply IHn1. unfold encBoolsTM. congruence.
Lemma encBoolsL_inj l1 l2 :
encBoolsL l1 = encBoolsL l2 -> l1 = l2.
induction l1 in l2 |- *; intros H.
- destruct l2; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct l2; cbn in *; try congruence.
inversion H. f_equal; eauto.
destruct a, b; now inversion H1.
Lemma L_bool_computable_function {k} R :
@L_bool_computable k R -> functional R.
intros [s Hs] v m1 m2 H1 H2.
eapply Hs in H1. eapply Hs in H2.
rewrite eval_iff in H1, H2.
destruct H1 as [H1 H1'], H2 as [H2 H2'].
eapply encBoolsL_inj, L_facts.unique_normal_forms; eauto.
now rewrite <- H1, H2.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import Hoare.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_in {k n Σ} s b (v: Vector.t (list bool) k): SpecV Σ (1+k+n)
:= ([Custom (eq niltape)] ++ (fun bs => Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs))) v) ++ Vector.const (Custom (eq niltape)) _.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec {k n Σ} (s b:_ + Σ) (v: Vector.t (list bool) k):
([niltape] ++ (encBoolsTM s b) v) ++ const niltape n
≃≃ ([]%list, TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v).
eapply tspecI;cbn;[easy|]; unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_in;intros i;
destruct_fin i;cbn;repeat (rewrite Vector_nth_L + rewrite Vector_nth_R + rewrite nth_map' + rewrite const_nth);cbn; reflexivity.
Lemma nth_error_to_list {X n} (v : Vector.t X n) i k :
k = (proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat i)) ->
nth_error (Vector.to_list v) k = Some (Vector.nth v i).
intros ->. induction v; cbn.
- inversion i.
- dependent destruct i; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ destruct (Fin.to_nat p) as (i, P) eqn:E. cbn.
fold (to_list v).
specialize (IHv (Fin.of_nat_lt P)). cbn in *.
rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat in IHv. cbn in IHv.
now rewrite <- (Fin.of_nat_to_nat_inv p), E.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_out {k n Σ} s b (bs :list bool): SpecV Σ (1+k+n)
:= ([Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs)) ] ++ Vector.const (Custom (fun _ => True)) _)++ Vector.const (Custom (fun _ => True)) _.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec {k n Σ} (s b:_ + Σ) bs t':
t' ≃≃ ([]%list, TM_bool_computable_hoare_out (k:=k) (n:=n)s b bs)
-> Vector.hd t' = encBoolsTM s b bs.
intros ([]&Hm2)%tspecE. specialize (Hm2 (Fin0)).
unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_out in Hm2.
cbn in Hm2. setoid_rewrite Hm2. now apply (Vector.caseS' t').
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare {k} (R : Vector.t (list bool) k -> (list bool) -> Prop) :=
exists n : nat, exists Σ : finType, exists s b , s <> b /\
exists M : pTM (Σ^+) unit (1 + k + n),
forall v,
Triple ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v) M (fun y t => exists res, t ≃≃ ([R v res]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out s b res))
/\ forall res, R v res ->
exists k__steps, TripleT ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v) k__steps M (fun y => ≃≃([]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out s b res)).
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_spec k R :
functional R ->
@TM_bool_computable_hoare k R -> @TM_bool_computable k R.
intros Hfun (n & Σ & s & b & Hdiff & [M lab] & H).
eexists n, _, s, b. split. exact Hdiff. exists M.
intros v. specialize (H v) as [H1 H2]. split.
- intros m. split.
+ intros HR.
specialize H2 as [k__steps H2%TripleT_TerminatesIn]. eassumption.
cbn in H2.
destruct (H2 (([niltape] ++ (encBoolsTM s b) v) ++ Vector.const niltape n) k__steps) as [[q' t'] Hconf].
* split. 2:easy. now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec.
* exists q', t'. split. eapply TM_eval_iff. eexists. eapply Hconf.
eapply H1 in Hconf as (m' & Hm1 & Hm2%TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec).
now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec.
pose proof (Hfun _ _ _ HR Hm1) as ->.
+ intros (q' & t' & [steps Hter] % TM_eval_iff & Hout).
eapply H1 in Hter as (m' & Hm1 & Hm2%TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec).
now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec.
cbn -[to_list] in *.
enough (m = m') by now subst.
eapply encBoolsTM_inj; eauto. congruence.
- intros q t [steps Hter] % TM_eval_iff.
eapply H1 in Hter as (m & Hm1 & Hm2%TM_bool_computable_hoare_out_spec).
now apply TM_bool_computable_hoare_in_spec. eauto.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' {k n Σ} s b (v: Vector.t (list bool) k): SpecV Σ (1+n+k)
:= Custom (eq niltape) :: Vector.const (Custom (eq niltape)) _ ++ (fun bs => Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs))) v.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' {n Σ} s b (bs :list bool): SpecV Σ (1+n)
:= Custom (eq (encBoolsTM s b bs)) :: Vector.const (Custom (fun _ => True)) _.
Definition TM_bool_computable_hoare' {k} (R : Vector.t (list bool) k -> (list bool) -> Prop) :=
exists n : nat, exists Σ : finType, exists s b , s <> b /\
exists M : pTM (Σ^+) unit (1 + n + k),
forall v,
Triple ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' s b v) M (fun y t => exists res, t ≃≃ ([R v res]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' s b res))
/\ forall res, R v res ->
exists k__steps, TripleT ≃≃([],TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' s b v) k__steps M (fun y => ≃≃([]%list,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' s b res)).
Local Definition tapeOrderSwap n k:=
(Fin0 ::: tabulate (n := n) (fun x => Fin.R (1 + k) x) ++ (tabulate (n := k) (fun x => Fin.L n (Fin.R 1 x)))).
Local Lemma tapeOrderSwap_dupfree k n : VectorDupfree.dupfree (tapeOrderSwap n k).
unfold tapeOrderSwap.
econstructor. intros [ [i Hi % (f_equal (fun x => proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat x)))] % in_tabulate | [i Hi % (f_equal (fun x => proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat x)))] % in_tabulate ] % Vector_in_app.
3: eapply Vector_dupfree_app; repeat split.
+ rewrite !Fin.R_sanity in Hi. cbn in Hi. lia.
+ rewrite !Fin.L_sanity, !Fin.R_sanity in Hi. destruct (Fin.to_nat i); cbn in *; lia.
+ eapply dupfree_tabulate_injective. eapply Fin_R_fillive.
+ eapply dupfree_tabulate_injective. intros. eapply Fin_R_fillive. eapply Fin_L_fillive. eassumption.
+ intros ? (? & ?) % in_tabulate (? & ?) % in_tabulate. subst.
eapply (f_equal (fun H => proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat H))) in H0. rewrite Fin.R_sanity, !Fin.L_sanity in H0.
destruct Fin.to_nat, Fin.to_nat. cbn in *. lia.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_in'_spec {k n Σ} s b (v: Vector.t (list bool) k):
TM_bool_computable_hoare_in' (Σ:=Σ) s b v = Downlift (TM_bool_computable_hoare_in s b v) (tapeOrderSwap n k).
unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_in,TM_bool_computable_hoare_in'.
eapply eq_nth_iff';intros i.
destruct_fin i;cbn.
all:repeat (rewrite Vector_nth_L + rewrite Vector_nth_R + rewrite nth_map' + rewrite nth_tabulate + rewrite const_nth + cbn);cbn.
Lemma helper n m' m f:
injective f ->
lookup_index_vector (n:=n)
(tabulate (fun i : Fin.t m' => f i))
(f m) = Some m.
revert n m f. induction m';cbn. easy.
intros n m f Hinj. specialize (Fin.eqb_eq _ (f m) (f Fin0)) as H'.
destruct Fin.eqb.
-destruct H' as [H' _]. specialize (H' eq_refl). apply Hinj in H' as ->. easy.
-destruct H' as [_ H']. destruct (fin_destruct_S m) as [[i' ->]| ->]. 2:now discriminate H'.
specialize IHm' with (f:= fun m => f (Fin.FS m) ). cbn in IHm'. rewrite IHm'. easy. intros ? ? ?%Hinj. now apply Fin.FS_inj.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'_spec {k n Σ} s b bs w:
TM_bool_computable_hoare_out (Σ:=Σ) s b bs = Frame w (tapeOrderSwap n k) (TM_bool_computable_hoare_out' s b bs).
unfold TM_bool_computable_hoare_out,TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'.
eapply eq_nth_iff';intros i. unfold Frame,fill.
rewrite nth_tabulate.
destruct_fin i; cbn -[lookup_index_vector].
all:repeat (rewrite Vector_nth_L + rewrite Vector_nth_R + rewrite nth_map' + rewrite nth_tabulate + rewrite const_nth).
- erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some with (j := Fin0); try reflexivity. eapply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
- erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some with (j := Fin.FS (Fin.R n i1)).
+ cbn. now rewrite const_nth.
+ eapply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
+ cbn. now rewrite Vector_nth_R, nth_tabulate.
- erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some with (j := Fin.FS (Fin.L k i0)).
+ cbn. now rewrite const_nth.
+ eapply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
+ cbn. now rewrite Vector_nth_L, nth_tabulate.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
Lemma TM_bool_computable_hoare'_spec k R :
functional R ->
@TM_bool_computable_hoare' k R -> TM_bool_computable R.
intros Hfun (n & Σ & s & b & Hdiff & M & H).
eapply TM_bool_computable_hoare_spec. eassumption.
exists n, Σ, s, b. split. exact Hdiff.
eexists (LiftTapes M (tapeOrderSwap n k)).
intros v. specialize (H v) as [H1 H2].
rewrite TM_bool_computable_hoare_in'_spec in H1,H2.
- refine (Consequence _ _ _). refine (LiftTapes_Spec_ex _ _). now apply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
exact H1. reflexivity. intro. eapply EntailsI. intros ? []. eexists.
erewrite TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'_spec. eassumption.
- intros. specialize H2 as [x H2]. easy. exists x.
refine (ConsequenceT _ _ _ _). refine (LiftTapes_SpecT _ _). now apply tapeOrderSwap_dupfree.
exact H2. reflexivity. cbn beta. intros. 2:easy. now rewrite <- TM_bool_computable_hoare_out'_spec.
Lemma closed_compiler_helper s n v: closed s ->
(Vector.fold_left (n:=n)
(fun (s0 : term) (l_i : list bool) => s0 (encBoolsL l_i)) s v).
revert s. induction v. all:cbn. easy.
intros. eapply IHv. change (encBoolsL h) with (enc h). Lproc.