From Undecidability Require TM.TM TM.Util.TM_facts.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.SBTM TM.Util.SBTM_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.FinTypes.
Require Import PeanoNat Lia.
#[local] Unset Implicit Arguments.
#[local] Unset Strict Implicit.
Require Import List ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Import ListNotations SBTMNotations.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
#[local] Notation "| a |" := (Vector.cons _ a 0 (Vector.nil _)).
Section Construction.
Context (M : SBTM) (q0 : state M).
Definition encode_tape (t : tape) : TM.tape (finType_CS bool) :=
match t with
| (ls, a, rs) => TM.midtape ls a rs
#[local] Notation state' := (option (Fin.t ((num_states M)))).
Definition finTypeC_state' : finType :=
@finType_CS state' _ (CompoundFinTypes.finTypeC_Option _).
Definition halt' (q : state') : bool := if q is None then true else false.
Definition get_symbol (ob : option (finType_CS bool)) : bool :=
match ob with
| None => false
| Some b => b
Definition encode_direction (d : direction) :=
match d with
| go_left => TM.Lmove
| go_right => TM.Rmove
Definition M' : TM.TM (finType_CS bool) 1.
Proof using M q0.
refine (@TM.Build_TM _ _ finTypeC_state' (fun '(q, bs) => _) (Some q0) halt').
refine (
match q with
| Some qM => _
| None => (None, | (None, TM.Nmove) | )
refine (
match trans' M (qM, get_symbol (Vector.hd bs)) with
| None => (None, | (None, TM.Nmove) | )
| Some (q', a', d') => (Some q', | (Some a',encode_direction d') | )
#[local] Notation TM_step x := (@TM_facts.step _ _ M' x).
#[local] Notation TM_config := (@TM_facts.mconfig (finType_CS bool) (TM.state M') 1).
Definition encode_config : config M -> TM_config :=
fun '(q, t) => TM_facts.mk_mconfig (Some q) (| encode_tape t |).
Definition canonize_tape (t : TM.tape (finType_CS bool)) :=
match t with
| TM.niltape => TM.midtape [] false []
| TM.leftof r rs => TM.midtape [] false (r :: rs)
| TM.rightof l ls => TM.midtape (l :: ls) false []
| _ => t
Lemma get_symbol_canonize_tape {t1 t2} :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
get_symbol (TM.current t1) = get_symbol (TM.current t2).
move: t1 t2 => [ | ?? | ?? | ???] [] > /=; congruence.
Lemma doAct_canonize_tape {t1 t2} a d :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
canonize_tape (TM_facts.doAct t1 (Some a, encode_direction d)) =
canonize_tape (TM_facts.doAct t2 (Some a, encode_direction d)).
move: d t1 t2.
move=> [] [ | ?? | ?? | [|??]?[|??] ] [ | ?? | ?? | [|??]?[|??] ] /=; cbn; congruence.
Lemma TM_step_canonize_tape oq oq1 t1 t'1 oq2 t2 t'2 :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
TM_step (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t1 |)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq1 (| t'1 |) ->
TM_step (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t2 |)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq2 (| t'2 |) ->
oq1 = oq2 /\ canonize_tape t'1 = canonize_tape t'2.
move=> Ht1t2.
rewrite /TM_facts.step /= -(get_symbol_canonize_tape Ht1t2).
case: oq => [q|].
- move: (trans' M _) => [[[q' a'] d']|] /=.
+ move=> [] <- <- [] <- <-. split; first done.
by apply: doAct_canonize_tape.
+ by move=> [] <- <- [] <- <-.
- by move=> [] <- <- [] <- <-.
Lemma TM_loopM_canonize_tape (oq : TM.state M') t1 t2 k q' t'1 :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
TM_facts.loopM (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t1 |)) k = Some (TM_facts.mk_mconfig q' t'1) ->
{ t'2 | TM_facts.loopM (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t2 |)) k = Some (TM_facts.mk_mconfig q' t'2) }.
elim: k oq t1 t2.
{ move=> > _ /=. case: (halt' _) => [|]; last done.
move=> [] /= -> _. by eexists. }
move=> k IH oq t1 t2 Ht1t2 /=.
case: (halt' _) => [|] /=. { move=> [] -> _. by eexists. }
move E1: (TM_step _) => [q1 ts1]. move E2: (TM_step _) => [q2 ts2].
move: E1 E2.
rewrite (Vector.eta ts1). move: ( ts1). apply: Vector.case0.
rewrite (Vector.eta ts2). move: ( ts2). apply: Vector.case0.
move: (Ht1t2) => /TM_step_canonize_tape /[apply] /[apply].
move=> [<-] /IH. by apply.
Lemma simulation_step q t q' t' : step M (q, t) = Some (q', t') ->
{ t'' |
TM_step (encode_config (q, t)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig (Some q') (| t'' |) /\
encode_tape t' = canonize_tape t'' }.
rewrite /step /TM_facts.step /=.
move: t => [[ls a] rs] /=. case: (trans' M _) => [[[? ?] d]|] /=; last done.
move=> [] -> <-. case: d => /=.
- case: ls => [|??] /=; eexists; split; reflexivity.
- case: rs => [|??] /=; eexists; split; reflexivity.
Lemma simulation_halt q t : step M (q, t) = None ->
TM_step (encode_config (q, t)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig None (| encode_tape t |).
rewrite /step /TM_facts.step /=.
move: t => [[ls a] rs] /=.
by case: (trans' M _) => [[[? ?] d]|] /=.
Lemma simulation q t k :
steps M k (q, t) = None ->
exists q' ts', TM.eval M' (Some q) (| encode_tape t |) q' ts'.
elim: k q t; first done.
move=> k IH q t.
rewrite (steps_plus 1 k). case E: (steps M 1 _) => [[q' t']|].
- move: E => /simulation_step [t'' [HM' Ht't'']] /IH.
move=> [q'''] [t'''] /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff [k'].
rewrite Ht't''. move=> /TM_loopM_canonize_tape => /(_ t'').
move=> /(_ ltac:(by case: (t''))). move=> [{}t''' ?].
exists q''', t'''. apply /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff. exists (S k').
by rewrite /= HM'.
- move=> _. exists None, (| encode_tape t |).
apply /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff. exists 1.
move: E.
rewrite /= /step /TM_facts.step /=.
move: t => [[ls a] rs] /=.
by case: (trans' M (q, a)) => [[[??]?]|].
Lemma inverse_simulation q t q' ts' :
TM.eval M' (Some q) (| encode_tape t |) q' ts' ->
exists k, steps M k (q, t) = None.
move=> /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff => - [k Hk]. exists k.
elim: k q t q' ts' Hk; first done.
move=> k IH q t q' ts' Hk. rewrite (steps_plus 1 k).
case Hqt: (steps M 1 (q, t)) => [[q'' t'']|]; last done.
move: Hqt => /simulation_step [t'''] [H'qt Et''t'''].
move: Hk => /=. rewrite H'qt.
have : canonize_tape t''' = canonize_tape (encode_tape t'').
{ rewrite Et''t'''. by case: (t'''). }
by move=> /TM_loopM_canonize_tape /[apply] => - [?] /IH.
End Construction.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Theorem reduction :
exists ((fun '(existT _ M (q, t)) =>
existT2 _ _ (finType_CS bool) (M' M q) (| encode_tape t |)) ).
move=> [M [q t]] /=. split.
- by move=> [k] /simulation => /(_ q).
- by move=> [?] [?] /inverse_simulation.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.SBTM TM.Util.SBTM_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.FinTypes.
Require Import PeanoNat Lia.
#[local] Unset Implicit Arguments.
#[local] Unset Strict Implicit.
Require Import List ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Import ListNotations SBTMNotations.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
#[local] Notation "| a |" := (Vector.cons _ a 0 (Vector.nil _)).
Section Construction.
Context (M : SBTM) (q0 : state M).
Definition encode_tape (t : tape) : TM.tape (finType_CS bool) :=
match t with
| (ls, a, rs) => TM.midtape ls a rs
#[local] Notation state' := (option (Fin.t ((num_states M)))).
Definition finTypeC_state' : finType :=
@finType_CS state' _ (CompoundFinTypes.finTypeC_Option _).
Definition halt' (q : state') : bool := if q is None then true else false.
Definition get_symbol (ob : option (finType_CS bool)) : bool :=
match ob with
| None => false
| Some b => b
Definition encode_direction (d : direction) :=
match d with
| go_left => TM.Lmove
| go_right => TM.Rmove
Definition M' : TM.TM (finType_CS bool) 1.
Proof using M q0.
refine (@TM.Build_TM _ _ finTypeC_state' (fun '(q, bs) => _) (Some q0) halt').
refine (
match q with
| Some qM => _
| None => (None, | (None, TM.Nmove) | )
refine (
match trans' M (qM, get_symbol (Vector.hd bs)) with
| None => (None, | (None, TM.Nmove) | )
| Some (q', a', d') => (Some q', | (Some a',encode_direction d') | )
#[local] Notation TM_step x := (@TM_facts.step _ _ M' x).
#[local] Notation TM_config := (@TM_facts.mconfig (finType_CS bool) (TM.state M') 1).
Definition encode_config : config M -> TM_config :=
fun '(q, t) => TM_facts.mk_mconfig (Some q) (| encode_tape t |).
Definition canonize_tape (t : TM.tape (finType_CS bool)) :=
match t with
| TM.niltape => TM.midtape [] false []
| TM.leftof r rs => TM.midtape [] false (r :: rs)
| TM.rightof l ls => TM.midtape (l :: ls) false []
| _ => t
Lemma get_symbol_canonize_tape {t1 t2} :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
get_symbol (TM.current t1) = get_symbol (TM.current t2).
move: t1 t2 => [ | ?? | ?? | ???] [] > /=; congruence.
Lemma doAct_canonize_tape {t1 t2} a d :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
canonize_tape (TM_facts.doAct t1 (Some a, encode_direction d)) =
canonize_tape (TM_facts.doAct t2 (Some a, encode_direction d)).
move: d t1 t2.
move=> [] [ | ?? | ?? | [|??]?[|??] ] [ | ?? | ?? | [|??]?[|??] ] /=; cbn; congruence.
Lemma TM_step_canonize_tape oq oq1 t1 t'1 oq2 t2 t'2 :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
TM_step (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t1 |)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq1 (| t'1 |) ->
TM_step (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t2 |)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq2 (| t'2 |) ->
oq1 = oq2 /\ canonize_tape t'1 = canonize_tape t'2.
move=> Ht1t2.
rewrite /TM_facts.step /= -(get_symbol_canonize_tape Ht1t2).
case: oq => [q|].
- move: (trans' M _) => [[[q' a'] d']|] /=.
+ move=> [] <- <- [] <- <-. split; first done.
by apply: doAct_canonize_tape.
+ by move=> [] <- <- [] <- <-.
- by move=> [] <- <- [] <- <-.
Lemma TM_loopM_canonize_tape (oq : TM.state M') t1 t2 k q' t'1 :
canonize_tape t1 = canonize_tape t2 ->
TM_facts.loopM (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t1 |)) k = Some (TM_facts.mk_mconfig q' t'1) ->
{ t'2 | TM_facts.loopM (TM_facts.mk_mconfig oq (| t2 |)) k = Some (TM_facts.mk_mconfig q' t'2) }.
elim: k oq t1 t2.
{ move=> > _ /=. case: (halt' _) => [|]; last done.
move=> [] /= -> _. by eexists. }
move=> k IH oq t1 t2 Ht1t2 /=.
case: (halt' _) => [|] /=. { move=> [] -> _. by eexists. }
move E1: (TM_step _) => [q1 ts1]. move E2: (TM_step _) => [q2 ts2].
move: E1 E2.
rewrite (Vector.eta ts1). move: ( ts1). apply: Vector.case0.
rewrite (Vector.eta ts2). move: ( ts2). apply: Vector.case0.
move: (Ht1t2) => /TM_step_canonize_tape /[apply] /[apply].
move=> [<-] /IH. by apply.
Lemma simulation_step q t q' t' : step M (q, t) = Some (q', t') ->
{ t'' |
TM_step (encode_config (q, t)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig (Some q') (| t'' |) /\
encode_tape t' = canonize_tape t'' }.
rewrite /step /TM_facts.step /=.
move: t => [[ls a] rs] /=. case: (trans' M _) => [[[? ?] d]|] /=; last done.
move=> [] -> <-. case: d => /=.
- case: ls => [|??] /=; eexists; split; reflexivity.
- case: rs => [|??] /=; eexists; split; reflexivity.
Lemma simulation_halt q t : step M (q, t) = None ->
TM_step (encode_config (q, t)) = TM_facts.mk_mconfig None (| encode_tape t |).
rewrite /step /TM_facts.step /=.
move: t => [[ls a] rs] /=.
by case: (trans' M _) => [[[? ?] d]|] /=.
Lemma simulation q t k :
steps M k (q, t) = None ->
exists q' ts', TM.eval M' (Some q) (| encode_tape t |) q' ts'.
elim: k q t; first done.
move=> k IH q t.
rewrite (steps_plus 1 k). case E: (steps M 1 _) => [[q' t']|].
- move: E => /simulation_step [t'' [HM' Ht't'']] /IH.
move=> [q'''] [t'''] /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff [k'].
rewrite Ht't''. move=> /TM_loopM_canonize_tape => /(_ t'').
move=> /(_ ltac:(by case: (t''))). move=> [{}t''' ?].
exists q''', t'''. apply /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff. exists (S k').
by rewrite /= HM'.
- move=> _. exists None, (| encode_tape t |).
apply /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff. exists 1.
move: E.
rewrite /= /step /TM_facts.step /=.
move: t => [[ls a] rs] /=.
by case: (trans' M (q, a)) => [[[??]?]|].
Lemma inverse_simulation q t q' ts' :
TM.eval M' (Some q) (| encode_tape t |) q' ts' ->
exists k, steps M k (q, t) = None.
move=> /TM_facts.TM_eval_iff => - [k Hk]. exists k.
elim: k q t q' ts' Hk; first done.
move=> k IH q t q' ts' Hk. rewrite (steps_plus 1 k).
case Hqt: (steps M 1 (q, t)) => [[q'' t'']|]; last done.
move: Hqt => /simulation_step [t'''] [H'qt Et''t'''].
move: Hk => /=. rewrite H'qt.
have : canonize_tape t''' = canonize_tape (encode_tape t'').
{ rewrite Et''t'''. by case: (t'''). }
by move=> /TM_loopM_canonize_tape /[apply] => - [?] /IH.
End Construction.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Theorem reduction :
exists ((fun '(existT _ M (q, t)) =>
existT2 _ _ (finType_CS bool) (M' M q) (| encode_tape t |)) ).
move=> [M [q t]] /=. split.
- by move=> [k] /simulation => /(_ q).
- by move=> [?] [?] /inverse_simulation.