Require Import List Arith Bool Lia Eqdep_dec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
Require Import notations utils fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic fo_sat.
Import fol_notations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Reserved Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" (at level 1, format "⟪ A ⟫'").
Local Notation ø := vec_nil.
Section remove_constants.
Variable (Σ : fo_signature) (HΣ : forall r, ar_rels Σ r <= 1).
Definition Σno_props : fo_signature.
exists (syms Σ) (rels Σ).
+ apply ar_syms.
+ exact (fun _ => 1).
Notation Σ' := Σno_props.
Implicit Type (A : fol_form Σ).
Let choice : forall a, { a = 0 } + { a = 1 } + { 1 < a }.
Proof. intros [ | [ | a ] ]; auto; right; lia. Qed.
Fixpoint Σrem_props (n : nat) A { struct A } : fol_form Σ'.
refine (match A with
| ⊥ => ⊥
| fol_atom r v =>
match choice (ar_rels _ r) with
| inleft (left _) => @fol_atom Σ' r (£n##ø)
| inleft (right E) => @fol_atom Σ' r (cast v E)
| inright H => _
| fol_bin b A B => fol_bin b (Σrem_props n A) (Σrem_props n B)
| fol_quant q A => fol_quant q (Σrem_props (S n) A)
abstract (generalize (HΣ r); lia).
Variable (X : Type).
Section soundness.
Variable (M : fo_model Σ X)
(φ : nat -> X).
Let M' : fo_model Σ' X.
+ apply (fom_syms M).
+ simpl; intros r.
destruct (choice (ar_rels _ r)) as [ [ H | H ] | H ].
* exact (fun _ => fom_rels M r (cast ø (eq_sym H))).
* exact (fun v => fom_rels M r (cast v (eq_sym H))).
* exact (fun _ => False).
Local Fact Σrem_props_sound n A : fol_sem M φ A <-> fol_sem M' φ (Σrem_props n A).
revert n φ; induction A as [ | r v | b A HA B HB | q A HA ]; intros n φ.
+ simpl; tauto.
+ simpl.
case_eq (choice (ar_rels Σ r)); [ intros [ E | E ] | intros E ]; intros HE;
simpl; try rewrite HE.
* apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
clear n HE; revert E v.
intros -> v; vec nil v; auto.
* apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
clear n HE; revert E v.
intros -> v; auto.
* exfalso; generalize (HΣ r); intros.
clear v n HE; lia.
+ simpl; apply fol_bin_sem_ext; auto.
+ simpl; apply fol_quant_sem_ext; intro; auto.
Hypothesis (Xfin : finite_t X)
(Mdec : fo_model_dec M)
(A : fol_form Σ)
(HA : fol_sem M φ A).
Local Lemma Σrem_props_soundness : fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in (Σrem_props 0 A) X.
exists M', Xfin.
{ intros r; simpl; intros v; simpl in *.
destruct (choice (ar_rels _ r)) as [ [ | ] | ];
try apply Mdec; tauto. }
exists φ; apply Σrem_props_sound; auto.
End soundness.
Section completeness.
Variable (M' : fo_model Σ' X)
(φ : nat -> X).
Let M : fo_model Σ X.
+ apply (fom_syms M').
+ simpl; intros r.
destruct (choice (ar_rels _ r)) as [ [ H | H ] | H ].
* exact (fun _ => fom_rels M' r (φ 0##ø)).
* exact (fun v => fom_rels M' r (cast v H)).
* exact (fun _ => False).
Local Fact Σrem_props_complete n A ψ :
ψ n = φ 0
-> fol_sem M ψ A <-> fol_sem M' ψ (Σrem_props n A).
revert n ψ; induction A as [ | r v | b A HA B HB | q A HA ]; intros n ψ H.
+ simpl; tauto.
+ simpl.
destruct (choice (ar_rels Σ r)) as [ [ E | E ] | E ].
* apply fol_equiv_ext; simpl; now do 2 f_equal.
* apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
clear n H; revert E v.
intros -> v; auto.
* exfalso; generalize (HΣ r); intros.
clear v n H; lia.
+ simpl; apply fol_bin_sem_ext; auto.
+ simpl; apply fol_quant_sem_ext; intro; apply HA; simpl; auto.
Hypothesis (Xfin : finite_t X)
(M'dec : fo_model_dec M')
(A : fol_form Σ)
(HA : fol_sem M' φ (Σrem_props 0 A)).
Local Lemma Σrem_props_completeness : fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in A X.
exists M, Xfin.
{ intros r v; simpl in *.
destruct (choice (ar_rels _ r)) as [ [ | ] | ];
try apply M'dec; tauto. }
exists φ; revert HA; apply Σrem_props_complete; auto.
End completeness.
Theorem Σrem_props_correct A :
fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in A X
<-> fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in (Σrem_props 0 A) X.
+ intros (M & H1 & H2 & phi & H3).
apply Σrem_props_soundness with M phi; auto.
+ intros (M & H1 & H2 & phi & H3).
apply Σrem_props_completeness with M phi; auto.
End remove_constants.