Require Export Omega Classical.
Global Set Implicit Arguments.
Global Unset Strict Implicit.
Global Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Ltac contra A :=
match goal with
|[ |- ?t] => destruct (classic t) as [A|A]; [exact A|exfalso]
(* Some definitions for relations *)
Definition functional {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x y y', R x y -> R x y' -> y = y'.
Definition injective {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x x' y, R x y -> R x' y -> x = x'.
Definition total {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x, exists y, R x y.
Definition surjective {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall y, exists x, R x y.
(* Definition of ZF-structures and notation *)
Class SetStruct :=
set : Type;
elem : set -> set -> Prop;
eset : set;
union : set -> set;
power : set -> set;
rep : (set -> set -> Prop) -> set -> set;
Coercion set : SetStruct >-> Sortclass.
Definition sub {M : SetStruct} (x y : M) :=
forall z, elem z x -> elem z y.
Notation "x 'el' y" := (elem x y) (at level 70).
Notation "x 'nel' y" := (~ elem x y) (at level 70).
Notation "x '<<=' y" := (sub x y) (at level 70).
Notation "x << y" := (x <<= y /\ x <> y) (at level 70).
Notation "p '<=p' q" := (forall z, p z -> q z) (at level 70).
Notation "x '<=c' p" := (forall z, z el x -> p z) (at level 70).
Notation "p '<=s' x" := (forall z, p z -> z el x) (at level 70).
Notation "0" := eset.
Notation inhab x := (exists y, y el x).
Notation upbnd x u := (forall z, z el x -> z <<= u).
Notation gel x u := (u el x /\ upbnd x u).
Definition agree {M : SetStruct} p x :=
forall z, z el x <-> p z.
Definition small {M : SetStruct} p :=
exists x, agree p x.
Definition trans {M : SetStruct} x :=
forall y, y el x -> y <<= x.
Definition swelled {M : SetStruct} x :=
forall y z, y el x -> z <<= y -> z el x.
Inductive WF {M : SetStruct} : set -> Prop :=
| WFI x : x <=c WF -> WF x.
(* ZF is the usual set of axioms (without infinity) *)
Class ZF (M : SetStruct) :=
Ext : forall x y, x <<= y -> y <<= x -> x = y;
Eset : forall z, z nel 0;
Union : forall x z, z el union x <-> exists y, y el x /\ z el y;
Power : forall x z, z el power x <-> z <<= x;
Rep : forall R, functional R -> forall x z, z el rep R x <-> exists y, y el x /\ R y z;
AxWF : forall x, WF x;
Arguments AxWF {_} {_} _.
Existing Class ZF.