From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import embed_nat Dec.
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations.
Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Ltac first s := only 1: s.
Ltac last s := cycle -1; only 1: (s + fail).
Lemma vec_0_nil X (v : Vector.t X 0) : v = [].
now depelim v.
Lemma vec_1_inv X (v : Vector.t X 1) : {a & v = [a]}.
repeat depelim v. eauto.
Lemma vec_2_inv X (v : Vector.t X 2) : { a & { b & v = [a; b]} }.
repeat depelim v. eauto.
Lemma vec_singleton {X} (a b : X) : Vector.In a [b] -> a = b.
inversion 1; now inversion H2.
Definition core_valid {Y : Type} (core : nat -> option Y) :=
forall y1 y2 k1 k2, core k1 = Some y1 -> core k2 = Some y2 -> y1 = y2.
Record part (Y : Type) : Type := mkPart {
core : nat -> option Y;
valid : core_valid core
Arguments mkPart {_} _ _.
Arguments valid [_] _.
Definition part_eval {Y : Type} (p : part Y) (y : Y) :=
exists k, (core p) k = Some y.
Notation "p ▷ y" := (part_eval p y) (at level 30).
Notation "'partial' f " := ({| core := f; valid := _ |}) (at level 30, only printing).
Notation "A -\ B" := (A -> part B) (at level 30).
Definition mu (p : nat -> Prop) :
(forall x, dec (p x)) -> ex p -> sig p.
apply constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc.
Lemma totalise_part X (p : part X) : (exists y, p ▷ y) -> {y & p ▷ y}.
intros H.
assert (exists k, exists y, p.(core) k = Some y) as H'%mu by firstorder.
- destruct H' as [k H'']. destruct (p.(core) k) as [x|] eqn:Heq.
+ firstorder.
+ exfalso. now destruct H''.
- intros k. destruct (p.(core) k) as [x|] eqn:H''.
+ left. eauto.
+ right. now intros [y Hy].
Theorem totalise X Y (f : X -\ Y) : (forall x, exists y, f x ▷ y) -> forall x, {y & f x ▷ y}.
intros H x. apply totalise_part, H.
Definition partialise X Y (f : X -> Y) : X -\ Y.
intros x. exists (fun _ => Some (f x)). congruence.
Lemma part_functional {X : Type} (p : part X) (x y : X) : p ▷ x -> p ▷ y -> x = y.
intros [k1 H1] [k2 H2].
eapply (p.(valid)); eassumption.
Program Definition comp_part_total Y Z (f : Y -> Z) (g : part Y) : part Z.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. exact (match g.(core) k with Some y => Some (f y) | None => None end). }
intros z1 z2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (core _ k1) as [y1|] eqn:Hk1, (core _ k2) as [y2|] eqn:Hk2; try congruence.
enough (y1 = y2) by congruence.
eapply part_functional; eexists; eassumption.
Program Definition comp_part_partial Y Z (f : Y -\ Z) (g : part Y) : part Z.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. exact (match g.(core) k with Some y => (f y).(core) k | None => None end). }
intros z1 z2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (core _ k1) as [y1|] eqn:Hk1, (core _ k2) as [y2|] eqn:Hk2; try congruence.
assert (y1 = y2) as ->.
{ eapply part_functional with (p := g); eexists; eassumption. }
eapply part_functional; eexists; eassumption.
Lemma enumerable_separable (X : Type) (P1 P2 : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, P1 x -> P2 x -> False) ->
semi_decidable P1 -> semi_decidable P2 -> exists f : X -\ bool,
(forall x, P1 x <-> f x ▷ true) /\
(forall x, P2 x <-> f x ▷ false).
intros Pdisjoint [f1 Hf1] [f2 Hf2].
unshelve eexists.
{ intros x. unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. refine (if f1 x k then Some true else if f2 x k then Some false else None). }
intros y1 y2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (f1 x k1) eqn:H11, (f2 x k1) eqn:H21, (f1 x k2) eqn:H12, (f2 x k2) eqn:H22; try congruence.
all: destruct (Pdisjoint x); apply Hf1+apply Hf2; eauto. }
split; intros x; split.
- intros [k Hk]%Hf1. exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk.
- intros [k Hk]. apply Hf1. exists k. cbn in Hk. now destruct (f1 x k), (f2 x k).
- intros [k Hk]%Hf2. exists k. cbn. destruct (f1 x k) eqn:Hk'.
+ destruct (Pdisjoint x); apply Hf1 + apply Hf2; eauto.
+ now rewrite Hk.
- intros [k Hk]. apply Hf2. exists k. cbn in Hk. now destruct (f1 x k), (f2 x k).
Theorem general_post (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) s1 s2 :
semi_decider s1 P -> semi_decider s2 Q -> (forall x, P x -> Q x -> False)
-> { f : X -\ bool | forall x, (P x <-> f x ▷ true) /\ (Q x <-> f x ▷ false) }.
intros H1 H2 HD. unshelve eexists. 2: split; split.
- intros x. exists (fun n => if s1 x n then Some true else if s2 x n then Some false else None).
intros b b' n n'. destruct (s1 x n) eqn:HS1, (s2 x n) eqn:HS2.
all: destruct (s1 x n') eqn:HS1', (s2 x n') eqn:HS2'; try congruence.
all: exfalso; apply (HD x); [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]; eauto.
- intros [n Hn] % H1. exists n. cbn. now rewrite Hn.
- intros [n Hn]. cbn in Hn. apply H1. exists n. destruct (s1 x n), (s2 x n); congruence.
- intros [n Hn] % H2. exists n. cbn. rewrite Hn.
enough (s1 x n = false) as -> by reflexivity.
destruct (s1 x n) eqn:H; try reflexivity.
exfalso. apply (HD x); [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]; eauto.
- intros [n Hn]. cbn in Hn. apply H2. exists n. destruct (s1 x n), (s2 x n); congruence.
Theorem general_post_dec (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) s1 s2 :
semi_decider s1 P -> semi_decider s2 Q -> (forall x, P x -> Q x -> False)
-> (forall x, P x \/ Q x) -> decidable P.
intros H1 H2 HD HE. destruct (general_post H1 H2 HD) as [f Hf]. unshelve eexists.
- intros x. unshelve edestruct (@totalise _ _ f) as [b Hb]; try exact x.
+ intros y. destruct (HE y) as [H|H].
* exists true. now apply Hf.
* exists false. now apply Hf.
+ exact b.
- cbn. intros x. destruct totalise as [b Hb]. unfold reflects.
destruct b; firstorder congruence.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import embed_nat Dec.
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations.
Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Ltac first s := only 1: s.
Ltac last s := cycle -1; only 1: (s + fail).
Lemma vec_0_nil X (v : Vector.t X 0) : v = [].
now depelim v.
Lemma vec_1_inv X (v : Vector.t X 1) : {a & v = [a]}.
repeat depelim v. eauto.
Lemma vec_2_inv X (v : Vector.t X 2) : { a & { b & v = [a; b]} }.
repeat depelim v. eauto.
Lemma vec_singleton {X} (a b : X) : Vector.In a [b] -> a = b.
inversion 1; now inversion H2.
Definition core_valid {Y : Type} (core : nat -> option Y) :=
forall y1 y2 k1 k2, core k1 = Some y1 -> core k2 = Some y2 -> y1 = y2.
Record part (Y : Type) : Type := mkPart {
core : nat -> option Y;
valid : core_valid core
Arguments mkPart {_} _ _.
Arguments valid [_] _.
Definition part_eval {Y : Type} (p : part Y) (y : Y) :=
exists k, (core p) k = Some y.
Notation "p ▷ y" := (part_eval p y) (at level 30).
Notation "'partial' f " := ({| core := f; valid := _ |}) (at level 30, only printing).
Notation "A -\ B" := (A -> part B) (at level 30).
Definition mu (p : nat -> Prop) :
(forall x, dec (p x)) -> ex p -> sig p.
apply constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc.
Lemma totalise_part X (p : part X) : (exists y, p ▷ y) -> {y & p ▷ y}.
intros H.
assert (exists k, exists y, p.(core) k = Some y) as H'%mu by firstorder.
- destruct H' as [k H'']. destruct (p.(core) k) as [x|] eqn:Heq.
+ firstorder.
+ exfalso. now destruct H''.
- intros k. destruct (p.(core) k) as [x|] eqn:H''.
+ left. eauto.
+ right. now intros [y Hy].
Theorem totalise X Y (f : X -\ Y) : (forall x, exists y, f x ▷ y) -> forall x, {y & f x ▷ y}.
intros H x. apply totalise_part, H.
Definition partialise X Y (f : X -> Y) : X -\ Y.
intros x. exists (fun _ => Some (f x)). congruence.
Lemma part_functional {X : Type} (p : part X) (x y : X) : p ▷ x -> p ▷ y -> x = y.
intros [k1 H1] [k2 H2].
eapply (p.(valid)); eassumption.
Program Definition comp_part_total Y Z (f : Y -> Z) (g : part Y) : part Z.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. exact (match g.(core) k with Some y => Some (f y) | None => None end). }
intros z1 z2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (core _ k1) as [y1|] eqn:Hk1, (core _ k2) as [y2|] eqn:Hk2; try congruence.
enough (y1 = y2) by congruence.
eapply part_functional; eexists; eassumption.
Program Definition comp_part_partial Y Z (f : Y -\ Z) (g : part Y) : part Z.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. exact (match g.(core) k with Some y => (f y).(core) k | None => None end). }
intros z1 z2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (core _ k1) as [y1|] eqn:Hk1, (core _ k2) as [y2|] eqn:Hk2; try congruence.
assert (y1 = y2) as ->.
{ eapply part_functional with (p := g); eexists; eassumption. }
eapply part_functional; eexists; eassumption.
Lemma enumerable_separable (X : Type) (P1 P2 : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, P1 x -> P2 x -> False) ->
semi_decidable P1 -> semi_decidable P2 -> exists f : X -\ bool,
(forall x, P1 x <-> f x ▷ true) /\
(forall x, P2 x <-> f x ▷ false).
intros Pdisjoint [f1 Hf1] [f2 Hf2].
unshelve eexists.
{ intros x. unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. refine (if f1 x k then Some true else if f2 x k then Some false else None). }
intros y1 y2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (f1 x k1) eqn:H11, (f2 x k1) eqn:H21, (f1 x k2) eqn:H12, (f2 x k2) eqn:H22; try congruence.
all: destruct (Pdisjoint x); apply Hf1+apply Hf2; eauto. }
split; intros x; split.
- intros [k Hk]%Hf1. exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk.
- intros [k Hk]. apply Hf1. exists k. cbn in Hk. now destruct (f1 x k), (f2 x k).
- intros [k Hk]%Hf2. exists k. cbn. destruct (f1 x k) eqn:Hk'.
+ destruct (Pdisjoint x); apply Hf1 + apply Hf2; eauto.
+ now rewrite Hk.
- intros [k Hk]. apply Hf2. exists k. cbn in Hk. now destruct (f1 x k), (f2 x k).
Theorem general_post (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) s1 s2 :
semi_decider s1 P -> semi_decider s2 Q -> (forall x, P x -> Q x -> False)
-> { f : X -\ bool | forall x, (P x <-> f x ▷ true) /\ (Q x <-> f x ▷ false) }.
intros H1 H2 HD. unshelve eexists. 2: split; split.
- intros x. exists (fun n => if s1 x n then Some true else if s2 x n then Some false else None).
intros b b' n n'. destruct (s1 x n) eqn:HS1, (s2 x n) eqn:HS2.
all: destruct (s1 x n') eqn:HS1', (s2 x n') eqn:HS2'; try congruence.
all: exfalso; apply (HD x); [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]; eauto.
- intros [n Hn] % H1. exists n. cbn. now rewrite Hn.
- intros [n Hn]. cbn in Hn. apply H1. exists n. destruct (s1 x n), (s2 x n); congruence.
- intros [n Hn] % H2. exists n. cbn. rewrite Hn.
enough (s1 x n = false) as -> by reflexivity.
destruct (s1 x n) eqn:H; try reflexivity.
exfalso. apply (HD x); [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]; eauto.
- intros [n Hn]. cbn in Hn. apply H2. exists n. destruct (s1 x n), (s2 x n); congruence.
Theorem general_post_dec (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) s1 s2 :
semi_decider s1 P -> semi_decider s2 Q -> (forall x, P x -> Q x -> False)
-> (forall x, P x \/ Q x) -> decidable P.
intros H1 H2 HD HE. destruct (general_post H1 H2 HD) as [f Hf]. unshelve eexists.
- intros x. unshelve edestruct (@totalise _ _ f) as [b Hb]; try exact x.
+ intros y. destruct (HE y) as [H|H].
* exists true. now apply Hf.
* exists false. now apply Hf.
+ exact b.
- cbn. intros x. destruct totalise as [b Hb]. unfold reflects.
destruct b; firstorder congruence.