From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List Program.Equality.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax Heyting.Heyting.
Import ListNotations.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List Program.Equality.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax Heyting.Heyting.
Import ListNotations.
Section Soundness.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Context {eq_dec_Funcs : EqDec Σ_funcs}.
Context {eq_dec_Preds : EqDec Σ_preds}.
Context { HA : CompleteHeytingAlgebra }.
Lemma Meet_hsat_L A phi ( HP : forall (P : Σ_preds), Vector.t term (ar_preds P) -> HA) :
Meet (hsat_L HP A) (hsat HP phi) <= hsat_L HP (phi :: A).
apply Inf1. intros x [psi[[->|H1] ->]].
- apply Meet3.
- rewrite Meet2. apply Inf2. now exists psi.
Lemma map_subst t A sigma :
map (subst_form sigma) A = map (subst_form (t.:sigma)) (map (subst_form ↑) A).
induction A; cbn; trivial.
rewrite IHA. now asimpl.
Context { HP : forall (P : Σ_preds), Vector.t term (ar_preds P) -> HA}.
Theorem Soundness' A phi :
A ⊢I phi -> forall sigma, hsat_L HP (map (subst_form sigma) A) <= hsat HP phi[sigma].
remember intu as b. intros H.
dependent induction H; intros sigma; asimpl; simp hsat in *; fold subst_form in *.
all: try specialize (IHprv eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
try specialize (IHprv1 eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
try specialize (IHprv2 eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
try specialize (IHprv3 eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
- apply Impl1. rewrite <- IHprv. apply Meet_hsat_L.
- specialize (IHprv1 sigma). specialize (IHprv2 sigma). cbn in IHprv1.
simp hsat in *. apply Impl1 in IHprv1.
rewrite <- IHprv1, <- Meet1. now split.
- apply Inf1. intros x [t ->]. asimpl. rewrite <- IHprv.
setoid_rewrite map_subst with (t:=t) at 1. reflexivity.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Inf2. exists (t`[sigma]). now asimpl.
- rewrite IHprv. apply Sup2. exists (t`[sigma]). now asimpl.
- specialize (IHprv1 sigma). cbn in IHprv1. simp hsat in IHprv1.
rewrite (meet_sup_expansion IHprv1). apply Sup1. intros x [t ->].
rewrite Meet_hsat_L. setoid_rewrite map_subst with (t:=t) at 1.
asimpl. rewrite (IHprv2 (t.:sigma)). now asimpl.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Bot1.
- apply Inf2. exists phi[sigma]. split; trivial. apply in_map_iff. now exists phi.
- now apply Meet1.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Meet2.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Meet3.
- rewrite IHprv. apply Join2.
- rewrite IHprv. apply Join3.
- specialize (IHprv1 sigma). cbn. simp hsat in IHprv1. cbn in IHprv1. simp hsat in IHprv1. rewrite (meet_join_expansion IHprv1).
apply Join1. cbn in *. split; rewrite Meet_hsat_L; eauto.
Theorem Soundness A phi :
A ⊢I phi -> hsat_L HP A <= hsat HP phi.
intros H. apply Soundness' with (sigma:=var) in H. asimpl in H.
erewrite map_ext, map_id in H. 1:easy. now intros a; cbn; asimpl.
End Soundness.
Section BSoundness.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Context {eq_dec_Funcs : EqDec Σ_funcs}.
Context {eq_dec_Preds : EqDec Σ_preds}.
Context { HA : CompleteHeytingAlgebra }.
Context { HP : forall (P : Σ_preds), Vector.t term (ar_preds P) -> HA}.
Theorem BSoundness' A phi :
boolean HA -> A ⊢C phi -> forall sigma, hsat_L HP (map (subst_form sigma) A) <= hsat HP phi[sigma].
Proof. intros HB.
intros H.
dependent induction H; intros sigma; asimpl; simp hsat in *; fold subst_form in *.
all: try specialize (IHprv eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ HB eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
try specialize (IHprv1 eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ HB eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
try specialize (IHprv2 eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ HB eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
try specialize (IHprv3 eq_dec_Funcs eq_dec_Preds HP _ _ HB eq_refl eq_refl JMeq_refl JMeq_refl);
- apply Impl1. rewrite <- IHprv. apply Meet_hsat_L.
- specialize (IHprv1 sigma). specialize (IHprv2 sigma). cbn in IHprv1.
simp hsat in *. apply Impl1 in IHprv1.
rewrite <- IHprv1, <- Meet1. now split.
- apply Inf1. intros x [t ->]. asimpl. rewrite <- IHprv.
setoid_rewrite map_subst with (t:=t) at 1. reflexivity.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Inf2. exists (t`[sigma]). now asimpl.
- rewrite IHprv. apply Sup2. exists (t`[sigma]). now asimpl.
- specialize (IHprv1 sigma). cbn in IHprv1. simp hsat in IHprv1.
rewrite (meet_sup_expansion IHprv1). apply Sup1. intros x [t ->].
rewrite Meet_hsat_L. setoid_rewrite map_subst with (t:=t) at 1.
asimpl. rewrite (IHprv2 (t.:sigma)). now asimpl.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Bot1.
- apply Inf2. exists phi[sigma]. split; trivial. apply in_map_iff. now exists phi.
- now apply Meet1.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Meet2.
- rewrite IHprv. cbn. simp hsat. apply Meet3.
- rewrite IHprv. apply Join2.
- rewrite IHprv. apply Join3.
- specialize (IHprv1 sigma). cbn. simp hsat in IHprv1. cbn in IHprv1. simp hsat in IHprv1. rewrite (meet_join_expansion IHprv1).
apply Join1. cbn in *. split; rewrite Meet_hsat_L; eauto.
- apply Impl1. eapply Rtra; try apply Meet3. apply HB.
Theorem BSoundness A phi :
boolean HA -> A ⊢C phi -> hsat_L HP A <= hsat HP phi.
intros HB H. apply BSoundness' with (sigma:=var) in H; asimpl in H.
erewrite map_ext, map_id in H. 1:easy. now intros a; cbn; asimpl. apply HB.
End BSoundness.