MetaCoq plugin and examples

Require Import List Arith String.
Require Import MetaCoq.Template.All.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import TemplateToPCUIC PCUICTyping PCUICAst.
Import ListNotations MonadNotation.
Require Import Vectors.Fin.

Require Import T_continuity_pred.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Open Scope string_scope.

Inductive term : Type :=
| zero : term
| succ : term
| var : nat -> term
| rec : type -> term
| lambda : type -> term -> term
| app : term -> term -> term.

Coercion app : term >-> Funclass.
Coercion var : nat >-> term.
Arguments izero {_ _}, {_} _.
Arguments isucc {_ _}, {_} _.
Arguments ivar {_ _} _, {_} _ _.
Arguments irec {_ _} _, {_} _ _.

Fixpoint back {n Γ T} (t : @iterm n Γ T) :=
  match t with
  | izero => zero
  | isucc => succ
  | ivar v => var (proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat v))
  | irec A => rec A
  | @ilambda _ _ A B s => lambda A (back s)
  | iapp _ _ s t => app (back s) (back t)

Definition type_eq (t1 t2 : type) :
  {t1 = t2} + {t1 <> t2}.
  decide equality.

Fixpoint infer (t : term) {n} (Γ : env n) {struct t} :
  option ( A, @iterm n Γ A) :=
  match t with
  | zero => Some (N; izero)
  | succ => Some (N ~> N; isucc)
  | var v => match lt_dec v n with
            | left H => let v' := Fin.of_nat_lt H in Some (Γ v'; ivar v')
            | right _ => None
  | rec A => Some (_ ; irec A )
  | lambda A s => match infer s (cns A Γ) with
            | Some (A'; t') => Some (A ~> A'; ilambda t')
            | None => None end
  | app s t => match infer s Γ with
              | Some (A ~> B; s') => match infer t Γ with
                                        | Some (A'; t') => match type_eq A A' with
                                                              | left H => Some (B; iapp s' (eq_rec_r _ t' H))
                                                              | right H => None
                                        | None => None
              | _ => None

Lemma infer_correct t n (Γ : env n) t' :
  infer t Γ = Some t' -> back (projT2 t') = t.
  induction t in n, Γ, t' |- *; cbn; intros; try now inversion H.
  - destruct lt_dec; inversion H; subst; clear H.
    cbn. now rewrite to_nat_of_nat.
  - destruct infer as [ [] | ] eqn:E; inversion H; subst; clear H.
    cbn. eapply IHt in E. cbn in *. now rewrite E.
  - destruct infer as [ [] | ] eqn:E1; inversion H; subst; clear H.
    destruct x; inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
    destruct (infer t2 _) as [ [] | ] eqn:E2; inversion H0; subst; clear H0.
    destruct type_eq; inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
    eapply IHt1 in E1. eapply IHt2 in E2.
    subst. reflexivity.

(* Definition empty_env : env 0. intros ?. inversion H. Defined. *)

Existing Instance option_monad.

Definition tmTryUnfold {A} (f : A) := s <- tmQuote f ;;
                                       match s with
                                       | Ast.tConst name _ => tmEval (unfold name) f
                                       | _ => tmReturn f

Fixpoint reify_type (fuel : nat) (t : PCUICAst.term) : TemplateMonad type :=
  match fuel with 0 => tmFail "not enough fuel" | S fuel =>
  match t with
    tProd na A B => A' <- reify_type fuel A ;;
                   B' <- reify_type fuel B ;;
                   ret (A' ~> B')
  | tInd {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} [] =>
    ret N
  | tConst name u =>
    c <- tmUnquote (Ast.tConst name u) ;;
    c' <- tmEval Common.hnf (my_projT2 c) ;;
    c' <- tmTryUnfold c' ;;
    s <- tmQuote c' ;;
    s' <- reify_type fuel (trans s) ;;
    ret s'
  | _ => tmFail "not a System T type"
  end end.

Fixpoint reify (fuel : nat) (t : PCUICAst.term) : TemplateMonad term :=
  match fuel with 0 => tmFail "not enough fuel" | S fuel =>
  match t with
  | tRel n =>
    ret (var n)
  | tLambda na ty body =>
    body' <- reify fuel body ;;
    A <- reify_type fuel ty ;;
    ret (lambda A body')
  | tApp (tConst "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat_rec" _) (tLambda _ _ X) =>
    A <- reify_type fuel X ;;
    ret (rec A)
  | tApp t1 t2 =>
    t1' <- reify fuel t1;;
    t2' <- reify fuel t2;;
    ret (app t1' t2')
  | tConst name u =>
    c <- tmUnquote (Ast.tConst name u) ;;
    c' <- tmEval Common.hnf (my_projT2 c) ;;
    c' <- tmTryUnfold c' ;;
    s <- tmQuote c' ;;
    s' <- reify fuel (trans s) ;;
    ret s'
  | tConstruct {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 [] =>
    ret zero
  | tConstruct {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 1 [] =>
    ret succ
  | _ => tmFail "not in SystemT fragment"
  end end.

Definition Reify (def : ident) {A} (f : A) :=
  (* f' <- tmTryUnfold f ;; *)
  f <- tmEval hnf f ;;
  s <- tmQuote f ;;
  s' <- reify 20 (trans s) ;;
  s' <- tmEval cbv (infer s' empty_env) ;;
  match s' with
  | Some (_; s') =>
    tmDefinitionRed def (Some Common.hnf) s';;
    tmPrint s'
  | None => tmFail "could not infer type"

Definition ExtractModulus' {A} (f : A) :=
  (* f' <- tmTryUnfold f ;; *)
  s <- tmQuote f ;;
  s' <- reify 20 (trans s) ;;
  s' <- tmEval cbv (infer s' empty_env) ;;
  match s' with
  | Some (A; s') =>
    tmReturn (A; s')
  | None => tmFail "could not infer type"

Definition cnst s1 s := (Ast.tApp (Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.def_continuous" [])
     (Ast.tConstruct {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Specif.sig"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0
        (Ast.tInd {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.iterm"; inductive_ind := 0 |} [])
           {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 [];
        Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.empty_env" [];
             {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.type"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 1 [])
                {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.type"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 1 [])
                {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.type"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 [];
               {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.type"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 []];
            {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.type"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 []]];
     Ast.tLambda (nNamed "t")
          (Ast.tInd {| inductive_mind := "T_continuity_pred.iterm"; inductive_ind := 0 |}
             {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 [];
          Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.empty_env" [];
          Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.functional" []])
          (Ast.tInd {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Logic.eq"; inductive_ind := 0 |} [])
          [Ast.tApp (Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.sem_ty" [])
             [Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.functional" []];
          Ast.tApp (Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.sem_tm" [])
               {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 [];
            Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.empty_env" [];
            Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.functional" []; Ast.tRel 0;
            Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.empty_interp" []]; s1]);
       (Ast.tConstruct {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Logic.eq"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0
       [Ast.tApp (Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.sem_ty" [])
          [Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.functional" []];
       Ast.tApp (Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.sem_tm" [])
            {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 [];
         Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.empty_env" [];
         Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.functional" []; s;
         Ast.tConst "T_continuity_pred.empty_interp" []]]]]).

Definition ExtractModulus (def : ident) (f : Baire -> nat) : TemplateMonad (continuous f) :=
  syn <- tmQuote f ;;
  m <- ExtractModulus' f;;
  let (A, s) := (m : ( A0 : type, iterm empty_env A0)) in
  match type_eq A ((N ~> N) ~> N) with
  | left H => s <- tmQuote s ;; H <- tmUnquoteTyped (continuous f) (cnst syn s);;
               H <- tmEval cbv H;;
               tmDefinition def H
  | right _ => @tmFail (continuous f) "wrong type"
Definition get_modulus (f : Baire -> nat) (H : continuous f) := fun f => proj1_sig (H f).

(* Definition f2 := (fix f n := match n with 0 => 0 | S n => 1 end). *)
Definition f1 := (fun n : nat => n).
MetaCoq Run (Reify "ext_f1" f1).

Definition add := (fun n m : nat => nat_rec _ m (fun n r => S r) n).
MetaCoq Run (Reify "ext_add" add).

Definition f2 (phi : nat -> nat) (n : nat) : nat := add (phi n) (phi 0).
MetaCoq Run (Reify "ext_f2" f2).

Definition f3 (phi : nat -> nat) n := phi (phi n).
MetaCoq Run (Reify "ext_f3" f3).

MetaCoq Run (Reify "ext_add'" (fun n m : nat => nat_rec _ m (fun n r => S r) n)).

Definition f6 (phi : nat -> nat) := phi 0.
MetaCoq Run (ExtractModulus "cont_f6" f6).
Compute (get_modulus cont_f6).

Definition f5 (phi : nat -> nat) := phi (phi 0).
MetaCoq Run (ExtractModulus "cont_f5" f5).
Compute (get_modulus cont_f5).

Definition f4 (phi : nat -> nat) := add (phi 0) (phi (phi 2)).
MetaCoq Run (Reify "ext_f4" f4).
MetaCoq Run (ExtractModulus "cont_f4" f4).
Compute (get_modulus cont_f4).
Compute (get_modulus cont_f4 (fun x => x)).