Axiom PE : forall P Q, P <-> Q -> P = Q.
Axiom FE : forall X Y (f g : X -> Y), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Axiom XM : forall P, P \/ ~ P.
Lemma predicate_ext X (p q : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, p x <-> q x) -> p = q.
intros H. apply FE. intros x. apply PE, H.
Lemma PI (P : Prop) (H H' : P) :
H = H'.
assert (P = True) as ->.
- apply PE. tauto.
- destruct H, H'. reflexivity.
Definition pi1 := proj1_sig.
Definition pi2 := proj2_sig.
Lemma exist_eq X (p : X -> Prop) (x y : X) Hx Hy :
x = y -> exist p x Hx = exist p y Hy.
intros ->. now rewrite (PI Hx Hy).
Lemma exist_pi1 X (p : X -> Prop) (x y : sig p) :
pi1 x = pi1 y -> x = y.
destruct x as [x Hx], y as [y Hy]. apply exist_eq.
Lemma exist_eta X (p : X -> Prop) (x : sig p) :
exist p (pi1 x) (pi2 x) = x.
now destruct x.
Definition injective X Y (f : X -> Y) :=
forall x x', f x = f x' -> x = x'.
Definition inject X Y :=
exists (f : X -> Y), injective f.
Definition total_rel (X Y : Type) (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x, exists y, R x y.
Definition surjective_rel (X Y : Type) (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall y, exists x, R x y.
Definition functional_rel X Y (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x y y', R x y -> R x y' -> y = y'.
Definition injective_rel X Y (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall y x x', R x y -> R x' y -> x = x'.
Definition inject_rel X Y :=
exists (R : X -> Y -> Prop), total_rel R /\ functional_rel R /\ injective_rel R.
Lemma inject_inject_rel X Y :
inject X Y -> inject_rel X Y.
intros [f Hf]. exists (fun x y => y = f x). repeat split.
- intros x. now exists (f x).
- intros x y y' -> ->. reflexivity.
- intros x x' y -> H. now apply Hf.
(* The following aliases are needed to make setoid rewriting work. *)
Definition sum' : Type -> Type -> Type := sum.
Notation "X + Y" := (sum' X Y) : type_scope.
Definition prod' : Type -> Type -> Type := prod.
Notation "X * Y" := (prod' X Y) : type_scope.
Open Scope type_scope.
Lemma inject_refl X :
inject X X.
exists (fun x => x). congruence.
Lemma inject_trans X Y Z :
inject X Y -> inject Y Z -> inject X Z.
intros [f Hf] [g Hg]. exists (fun x => g (f x)).
now intros x x' H % Hg % Hf.
Lemma inject_sum X Y X' Y' :
inject X X' -> inject Y Y' -> inject (X + Y) (X' + Y').
intros [f Hf] [g Hg].
exists (fun z => match z with inl x => inl (f x) | inr y => inr (g y) end).
intros [x|y] [x'|y'] [=]; f_equal; eauto.
Lemma inject_prod X Y X' Y' :
inject X X' -> inject Y Y' -> inject (X * Y) (X' * Y').
intros [f Hf] [g Hg].
exists (fun z : X * Y => let (x, y) := z in (f x, g y)).
intros [x y] [x' y'] [=]. f_equal; eauto.
Lemma inject_power_morph X Y :
inject X Y -> inject (X -> Prop) (Y -> Prop).
intros [f Hf].
exists (fun p => fun y => exists x, p x /\ y = f x).
intros p q H. apply predicate_ext. intros x; split; intros Hx.
- assert (Hp : exists x', p x' /\ f x = f x') by now exists x.
pattern (f x) in Hp. rewrite H in Hp. now destruct Hp as [x'[Hq <- % Hf]].
- assert (Hq : exists x', q x' /\ f x = f x') by now exists x.
pattern (f x) in Hq. rewrite <- H in Hq. now destruct Hq as [x'[Hp <- % Hf]].
Lemma inject_subtype X (p : X -> Prop) :
inject (sig p) X.
exists (@pi1 X p). intros x y. apply exist_pi1.
Lemma inject_power X :
inject X (X -> Prop).
exists (fun x => eq x). now intros x x' ->.
Fixpoint powit X n :=
match n with
| 0 => X
| S n => powit (X -> Prop) n
Lemma powit_shift X n :
powit (X -> Prop) n = (powit X n -> Prop).
induction n in X |- *; firstorder congruence.
Lemma inject_powit X n :
inject X (powit X n).
induction n.
- apply inject_refl.
- eapply inject_trans; try apply IHn. cbn. rewrite powit_shift. apply inject_power.
Notation upair x y :=
(fun z => z = x \/ z = y).
Definition opair X (x y : X) :=
fun p => p = eq x \/ p = upair x y.
Lemma opair_inj1 X (x y x' y' : X) :
opair x y = opair x' y' -> x = x'.
intros Hxy. assert (H : opair x y (eq x)) by now left.
rewrite Hxy in H. destruct H as [H|H].
- rewrite H. reflexivity.
- rewrite H. now left.
Lemma opair_inj2 X (x y x' y' : X) :
opair x y = opair x' y' -> y = y'.
intros Hxy. assert (y = x' \/ y = y') as [->| ->]; trivial.
- assert (H : opair x y (upair x y)) by now right.
rewrite Hxy in H. destruct H as [H|H].
+ left. symmetry. rewrite <- H. now right.
+ pattern y. rewrite <- H. now right.
- assert (x = x') as -> by now apply opair_inj1 in Hxy.
assert (H : opair x' y' (upair x' y')) by now right.
rewrite <- Hxy in H. destruct H as [H|H].
+ rewrite <- H. now right.
+ enough (H' : upair x' x' y') by now destruct H'.
pattern y'. rewrite <- H. now right.
Lemma inject_prod_power X :
inject (X * X) (powit X 2).
exists (fun c : X * X => let (x, y) := c in opair x y).
intros [x y] [x' y'] H. f_equal.
- apply (opair_inj1 H).
- apply (opair_inj2 H).
Definition infinite X :=
inject nat X.
Lemma infinite_inject X Y :
infinite X -> inject X Y -> infinite Y.
apply inject_trans.
Lemma infinite_powit X n :
infinite X -> infinite (powit X n).
intros H. eapply infinite_inject; try apply H. apply inject_powit.
Definition inverse X Y (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) :=
(forall x, g (f x) = x) /\ (forall y, f (g y) = y).
Definition biject (X Y : Type) :=
exists (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X), inverse f g.
Lemma biject_refl X :
biject X X.
exists (fun x => x), (fun x => x). split; reflexivity.
Lemma biject_sym X Y :
biject X Y -> biject Y X.
intros (f & g & H). exists g, f. split; apply H.
Lemma biject_trans X Y Z :
biject X Y -> biject Y Z -> biject X Z.
intros (f & f' & H1 & H2) (g & g' & H3 & H4).
exists (fun x => g (f x)), (fun z => f' (g' z)). split.
- intros x. rewrite H3. apply H1.
- intros z. rewrite H2. apply H4.
Instance biject_equiv :
Equivalence biject.
- intros X. apply biject_refl.
- intros X Y. apply biject_sym.
- intros X Y Z. apply biject_trans.
Instance biject_sum :
Proper (biject ==> biject ==> biject) sum'.
intros X X' (f & f' & H1 & H2) Y Y' (g & g' & H3 & H4).
exists (fun z => match z with inl x => inl (f x) | inr y => inr (g y) end).
exists (fun z => match z with inl x => inl (f' x) | inr y => inr (g' y) end).
split; intros []; congruence.
Instance biject_prod :
Proper (biject ==> biject ==> biject) prod'.
intros X X' (f & f' & H1 & H2) Y Y' (g & g' & H3 & H4).
exists (fun z : X * Y => let (x, y) := z in (f x, g y)).
exists (fun z : X' * Y' => let (x, y) := z in (f' x, g' y)).
split; intros []; congruence.
Instance biject_power :
Proper (biject ==> biject) (fun X => X -> Prop).
intros X Y (f & g & Hgf & Hfg).
exists (fun p => fun y => exists x, p x /\ y = f x).
exists (fun p => fun x => exists y, p y /\ x = g y).
split; intros p; apply FE; intros z; apply PE; firstorder eauto; congruence.
Lemma biject_inject X Y :
biject X Y -> inject X Y.
intros (f & g & Hgf & Hfg). exists f.
intros x x' H. now rewrite <- (Hgf x), <- (Hgf x'), H.
Definition incl X (p q : X -> Prop) :=
forall x, p x -> q x.
Notation "p <<= q" := (incl p q) (at level 70).
Lemma incl_refl X (p : X -> Prop) :
p <<= p.
unfold incl. tauto.
Lemma incl_trans X (p q r : X -> Prop) :
p <<= q -> q <<= r -> p <<= r.
unfold incl. intuition.
Lemma incl_antisym X (p q : X -> Prop) :
p <<= q -> q <<= p -> p = q.
intros H1 H2. apply FE. intros x. apply PE. firstorder.
Structure WO X (R : X -> X -> Prop) : Prop :=
WO_refl : forall x, R x x;
WO_trans : forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z;
WO_antisym : forall x y, R x y -> R y x -> x = y;
WO_wf : forall p, ex p -> (exists x, p x /\ forall y, p y -> R x y);
Definition WO_type X :=
exists R, @WO X R.
Lemma WO_transport X Y :
inject X Y -> WO_type Y -> WO_type X.
intros [f Hf] [R [HR1 HR2 HR3 HR4]]. exists (fun x x' => R (f x) (f x')). split.
- intros x. apply HR1.
- intros x y z. apply HR2.
- intros x y H1 H2. now apply Hf, HR3.
- intros p [x Hx]. destruct (HR4 (fun y => exists x, y = f x /\ p x)) as [y[[x'[-> H1]] H2]].
+ exists (f x), x. split; trivial.
+ exists x'. split; trivial. intros z Hz. apply H2. now exists z.
Lemma WO_lin X R :
@WO X R -> forall x y, R x y \/ R y x.
intros H x y.
destruct (@WO_wf _ _ H (fun z => z = x \/ z = y)) as (z & [->| ->] & Hz).
- exists x. now left.
- left. apply Hz. now right.
- right. apply Hz. now left.
(* The following notions are placeholders to align the paper that will be instantiated later. *)
Definition relation_embedding X Y (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) :=
forall x x', R x x' <-> S (f x) (f x').
Definition relation_embeddable X Y (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) :=
exists f, relation_embedding R S f.
Lemma relation_embedding_refl X (R : X -> X -> Prop) :
relation_embeddable R R.
exists (fun x => x). firstorder.
Lemma relation_embedding_trans X Y Z (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) (T : Z -> Z -> Prop) :
relation_embeddable R S -> relation_embeddable S T -> relation_embeddable R T.
intros [f Hf] [g Hg]. exists (fun x => g (f x)). intros x x'. rewrite (Hf x x'). apply Hg.
Definition relation_isomorphism X Y (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) :=
relation_embedding R S f /\ exists g, inverse f g.
Definition relation_isomorphic X Y (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) :=
exists f, relation_isomorphism R S f.
Lemma relation_isomorphism_refl X (R : X -> X -> Prop) :
relation_isomorphic R R.
exists (fun x => x). firstorder. exists (fun x => x). firstorder.
Lemma relation_isomorphism_sym X Y (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) :
relation_isomorphic R S -> relation_isomorphic S R.
intros (f & Hf & g & Hfg). exists g. split.
- intros y y'. rewrite <- (proj2 Hfg y), <- (proj2 Hfg y') at 1. symmetry. apply Hf.
- exists f. split; apply Hfg.
Lemma relation_isomorphic_trans X Y Z (R : X -> X -> Prop) (S : Y -> Y -> Prop) (T : Z -> Z -> Prop) :
relation_isomorphic R S -> relation_isomorphic S T -> relation_isomorphic R T.
intros (f & Hf & f' & Hf') (g & Hg & g' & Hg'). exists (fun x => g (f x)). split.
- intros x x'. rewrite (Hf x x'). apply Hg.
- exists (fun z => f' (g' z)). split.
+ intros x. now rewrite (proj1 Hg'), (proj1 Hf').
+ intros z. now rewrite (proj2 Hf'), (proj2 Hg').