Require Export Prelim.

Export ListNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A <<= B" := (incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "| A |" := (length A) (at level 65).
Definition equi X (A B : list X) : Prop := incl A B /\ incl B A.
Notation "A === B" := (equi A B) (at level 70).
Hint Unfold equi.

Hint Extern 4 =>
match goal with
|[ H: ?x el nil |- _ ] => destruct H

(*** Lists *)

(* Register additional simplification rules with autorewrite / simpl_list *)
(* Print Rewrite HintDb list. *)
Hint Rewrite <- app_assoc : list.
Hint Rewrite rev_app_distr map_app prod_length : list.

Lemma list_cycle (X : Type) (A : list X) x :
  x::A <> A.
  intros B.
  assert (C: |x::A| <> |A|) by (cbn; omega).
  apply C. now rewrite B.

(**** Decisions for lists *)

Instance list_in_dec X (x : X) (A : list X) :
  eq_dec X -> dec (x el A).
  intros D. apply in_dec. exact D.

(* Certifying find *)

Lemma cfind X A (p: X -> Prop) (p_dec: forall x, dec (p x)) :
  {x | x el A /\ p x} + {forall x, x el A -> ~ p x}.
  destruct (find (fun x => Dec (p x)) A) eqn:E.
  - apply find_some in E. firstorder.
  - right. intros. eapply find_none in E; eauto.

Arguments cfind {X} A p {p_dec}.

Instance list_forall_dec X A (p : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) -> dec (forall x, x el A -> p x).
  intros p_dec.
  destruct (find (fun x => Dec (~ p x)) A) eqn:Eq.
  - apply find_some in Eq as [H1 H0 %Dec_true]; right; auto.
  - left. intros x E. apply find_none with (x := x) in Eq. apply dec_DN; auto. auto.

Instance list_exists_dec X A (p : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) -> dec (exists x, x el A /\ p x).
  intros p_dec.
  destruct (find (fun x => Dec (p x)) A) eqn:Eq. (* New: eta expansion needed *)
  - apply find_some in Eq as [H0 H1 %Dec_true]. firstorder. (* New: Need firstorder here *)
  - right. intros [x [E F]]. apply find_none with (x := x) in Eq; auto. eauto. (* New: Why can't auto solve this? *)

Lemma list_exists_DM X A (p : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) ->
  ~ (forall x, x el A -> ~ p x) -> exists x, x el A /\ p x.
  intros D E.
  destruct (find (fun x => Dec (p x)) A) eqn:Eq.
  + apply find_some in Eq as [? ?%Dec_true]. eauto.
  + exfalso. apply E. intros. apply find_none with (x := x) in Eq; eauto.

Lemma list_exists_not_incl (X: eqType) (A B : list X) :
  ~ A <<= B -> exists x, x el A /\ ~ x el B.
  intros E.
  apply list_exists_DM; auto.
  intros F. apply E. intros x G.
  apply dec_DN; auto.

Lemma list_cc X (p : X -> Prop) A :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) ->
  (exists x, x el A /\ p x) -> {x | x el A /\ p x}.
  intros D E.
  destruct (cfind A p) as [[x [F G]]|F].
  - eauto.
  - exfalso. destruct E as [x [G H]]. apply (F x); auto.

(**** Membership

We use the following lemmas from Coq's standard library List.
in_eq : x el x::A
in_nil : ~ x el nil
in_cons : x el A -> x el y::A
in_or_app : x el A \/ x el B -> x el A++B
in_app_iff : x el A++B <-> x el A \/ x el B
in_map_iff : y el map f A <-> exists x, f x = y /\ x el A

Hint Resolve in_eq in_nil in_cons in_or_app.

Section Membership.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types (x y: X) (A B: list X).

  Lemma in_sing x y :
    x el [y] -> x = y.
    cbn. intros [[]|[]]. reflexivity.

  Lemma in_cons_neq x y A :
    x el y::A -> x <> y -> x el A.
    cbn. intros [[]|D] E; congruence.

  Lemma not_in_cons x y A :
    ~ x el y :: A -> x <> y /\ ~ x el A.
    intuition; subst; auto.

(**** Disjointness *)

  Definition disjoint A B :=
    ~ exists x, x el A /\ x el B.

  Lemma disjoint_forall A B :
    disjoint A B <-> forall x, x el A -> ~ x el B.
    - intros D x E F. apply D. exists x. auto.
    - intros D [x [E F]]. exact (D x E F).

  Lemma disjoint_symm A B :
    disjoint A B -> disjoint B A.

  Lemma disjoint_incl A B B' :
    B' <<= B -> disjoint A B -> disjoint A B'.

  Lemma disjoint_nil B :
    disjoint nil B.

  Lemma disjoint_nil' A :
    disjoint A nil.

  Lemma disjoint_cons x A B :
    disjoint (x::A) B <-> ~ x el B /\ disjoint A B.
    - intros D. split.
      + intros E. apply D. eauto.
      + intros [y [E F]]. apply D. eauto.
    - intros [D E] [y [[F|F] G]].
      + congruence.
      + apply E. eauto.

  Lemma disjoint_app A B C :
    disjoint (A ++ B) C <-> disjoint A C /\ disjoint B C.
    - intros D. split.
      + intros [x [E F]]. eauto 6.
      + intros [x [E F]]. eauto 6.
    - intros [D E] [x [F G]].
      apply in_app_iff in F as [F|F]; eauto.

End Membership.

Hint Resolve disjoint_nil disjoint_nil'.

(**** Inclusion

We use the following lemmas from Coq's standard library List.
incl_refl : A <<= A
incl_tl : A <<= B -> A <<= x::B
incl_cons : x el B -> A <<= B -> x::A <<= B
incl_appl : A <<= B -> A <<= B++C
incl_appr : A <<= C -> A <<= B++C
incl_app : A <<= C -> B <<= C -> A++B <<= C

Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_tl incl_cons incl_appl incl_appr incl_app.

Lemma incl_nil X (A : list X) :
  nil <<= A.

Proof. intros x []. Qed.

Hint Resolve incl_nil.

Lemma incl_map X Y A B (f : X -> Y) :
  A <<= B -> map f A <<= map f B.

  intros D y E. apply in_map_iff in E as [x [E E']].
  subst y. apply in_map_iff. eauto.

Section Inclusion.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Lemma incl_nil_eq A :
    A <<= nil -> A=nil.

    intros D. destruct A as [|x A].
    - reflexivity.
    - exfalso. apply (D x). auto.

  Lemma incl_shift x A B :
    A <<= B -> x::A <<= x::B.

  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma incl_lcons x A B :
    x::A <<= B <-> x el B /\ A <<= B.
    - intros D. split; hnf; auto.
    - intros [D E] z [F|F]; subst; auto.

  Lemma incl_sing x A y :
    x::A <<= [y] -> x = y /\ A <<= [y].
    rewrite incl_lcons. intros [D E].
    apply in_sing in D. auto.

  Lemma incl_rcons x A B :
    A <<= x::B -> ~ x el A -> A <<= B.

  Proof. intros C D y E. destruct (C y E) as [F|F]; congruence. Qed.

  Lemma incl_lrcons x A B :
    x::A <<= x::B -> ~ x el A -> A <<= B.

    intros C D y E.
    assert (F: y el x::B) by auto.
    destruct F as [F|F]; congruence.

  Lemma incl_app_left A B C :
    A ++ B <<= C -> A <<= C /\ B <<= C.

End Inclusion.

Definition inclp (X : Type) (A : list X) (p : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
  forall x, x el A -> p x.

(**** Setoid rewriting with list inclusion and list equivalence *)

Instance incl_preorder X :
  PreOrder (@incl X).
  constructor; hnf; unfold incl; auto.

Instance equi_Equivalence X :
  Equivalence (@equi X).
  constructor; hnf; firstorder.

Instance incl_equi_proper X :
  Proper (@equi X ==> @equi X ==> iff) (@incl X).
  hnf. intros A B D. hnf. firstorder.

Instance cons_incl_proper X x :
  Proper (@incl X ==> @incl X) (@cons X x).
  hnf. apply incl_shift.

Instance cons_equi_proper X x :
  Proper (@equi X ==> @equi X) (@cons X x).
  hnf. firstorder.

Instance in_incl_proper X x :
  Proper (@incl X ==> Basics.impl) (@In X x).
  intros A B D. hnf. auto.

Instance in_equi_proper X x :
  Proper (@equi X ==> iff) (@In X x).
  intros A B D. firstorder.

Instance app_incl_proper X :
  Proper (@incl X ==> @incl X ==> @incl X) (@app X).
  intros A B D A' B' E. auto.

Instance app_equi_proper X :
  Proper (@equi X ==> @equi X ==> @equi X) (@app X).
  hnf. intros A B D. hnf. intros A' B' E.
  destruct D, E; auto.

Section Equi.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Lemma equi_push x A :
    x el A -> A === x::A.

  Lemma equi_dup x A :
    x::A === x::x::A.


  Lemma equi_swap x y A:
    x::y::A === y::x::A.
    split; intros z; cbn; tauto.

  Lemma equi_shift x A B :
    x::A++B === A++x::B.
    split; intros y.
    - intros [D|D].
      + subst; auto.
      + apply in_app_iff in D as [D|D]; auto.
    - intros D. apply in_app_iff in D as [D|D].
      + auto.
      + destruct D; subst; auto.

  Lemma equi_rotate x A :
    x::A === A++[x].
    split; intros y; cbn.
    - intros [D|D]; subst; auto.
    - intros D. apply in_app_iff in D as [D|D].
      + auto.
      + apply in_sing in D. auto.

End Equi.

Lemma in_concat_iff A l (a:A) : a el concat l <-> exists l', a el l' /\ l' el l.
  induction l; cbn.
  - intuition. now destruct H.
  - rewrite in_app_iff, IHl. firstorder subst. auto. (* TODO: find something faster than firstorder subst *)