Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From libs Require Import edone bcase fset base modular_hilbert sltype.
Require Import CTL_def gen_def hilbert hilbert_hist.
Import IC.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From libs Require Import edone bcase fset base modular_hilbert sltype.
Require Import CTL_def gen_def hilbert hilbert_hist.
Import IC.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Definition hist (H : {fset clause}) := \and_(C <- H) ~~: [af C].
Lemma histU C (H : {fset clause}) :
prv (hist (C |` H) <--> ~~: [af C] :/\: hist H).
Proof. rule axAI.
- rewrite {1}/hist. by rewrite -> andU, bigA1.
- rewrite {2}/hist. by rewrite -> andU, bigA1.
Definition interp_a A :=
match A with
| aVoid => Top
| aAU (s, t, H) => AU (s :/\: hist H) (t :/\: hist H)
| aAXU (s, t, H) => AX (AU (s :/\: hist H) (t :/\: hist H))
| aAR (s, t, H) => EU (~~:s :/\: hist H) (~~: t :/\: hist H)
| aAXR (s, t, H) => EX (EU (~~:s :/\: hist H) (~~: t :/\: hist H))
Lemma annot_request E : prv (interp_a E ---> AX (interp_a (aR E))).
case: E => [[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|]; try (Intro; ApplyH axBT).
exact: axI.
Lemma hist0 s : prv (s ---> s :/\: hist fset0).
Proof. Intro. ApplyH axAI. drop. rewrite /hist fset0Es big_nil. exact: axI. Qed.
Lemma hilbert_soundness A : gen A -> prv ([af A.1] ---> interp_a A.2 ---> Bot).
elim => {A} /=.
- move => C E. rewrite -> andU, afp1. rule axAcase. exact: axBE.
- move => p C E. rewrite -> andU,andU,afp1,afn1.
rule axAcase. Intro. ApplyH axAcase; do 3 Intro. Apply* 2.
- move => s t C E _ IHs _ IHt. rewrite -> andU, afp1. rule axAcase.
Intro. Have (~~: s :\/: t). ApplyH axIO. drop. rule axOE.
+ rewrite <- IHs. rewrite -> andU,af1n. exact: axAI.
+ rewrite <- IHt. rewrite -> andU. rewrite -> (af1p t) at 1. exact: axAI.
- move => s t C R _ IH. rewrite <- IH. do ! rewrite -> andU. rewrite -> afn1, <- af1p, <- af1n.
rewrite -> dmI, axAA. exact: axI.
- move => s C E _ IH.
rewrite -> andU,afn1. rewrite -> box_request, annot_request.
rewrite <- (axDN s); rewrite -/(EX (~~: s)). rule axAcase. do 3 Intro.
Have (EX ( ~~: s :/\: (interp_a (aR E) :/\: [af R C]))). ApplyH axDBD. rewrite <- axABBA. by ApplyH axAI.
drop. rewrite <- axDF. apply: rEXn. rule axAcase. Intro. ApplyH axAcase; do 2 Intro.
ApplyH IH. rewrite -> andU, <- af1n. ApplyH axAI.
- move => s t C E _ IH1 _ IH2.
rewrite -> andU, afp1, axAUeq. rewrite -> axADr. rule axOE.
+ by rewrite -> (af1p t), <- andU.
+ rewrite -> (af1p s) at 1. rewrite -> (af1p (AX (AU s t))). do 2 rewrite <- andU.
by rewrite -fsetUA.
- move => s t C R _ IH1 _ IH2.
rewrite -> andU,afn1. rewrite -> axAC. rule axAcase. Intro.
rewrite -> (dmAU s t), axERu. ApplyH axAcase; Intro. ApplyH axOE; Intro.
- ApplyH IH1. do ! rewrite -> andU. do ! rewrite <- af1n. do ! ApplyH axAI.
- ApplyH IH2. do ! rewrite -> andU. do ! rewrite <- af1n. ApplyH axAI. ApplyH axAI.
Rev. drop. do 2 Intro.
Have (EX (ER (~~: s) (~~: t) :/\: fAU s t)). by ApplyH axDBD.
drop. rewrite -> axAC, axAUERF. exact: axDF.
- move => s t C _ IH. rewrite -> andU, afp1.
do ! rewrite <- hist0 in IH. rule axAcase. do 3 Intro. by ApplyH IH.
- move => s t H C _ IH1 _ IH2.
apply: AUH_hil.
+ rule axAcase. do 2 Intro. ApplyH IH1. rewrite -> andU, <- af1p. ApplyH axAI. exact: axsT.
+ rewrite /AU_. rewrite <- histU. do 3 Intro. ApplyH IH2. rewrite -> andU, <- af1p. by ApplyH axAI.
- move => s t H C.
rewrite -> axAUAEr, histU. rewrite -> axAEl. do 2 Intro. Apply.
- move => s t C E _ IH1 _ IH2.
rewrite -> andU,afp1. rewrite -> axAReq. do 2 rule axAcase. rule axC. rule axOE.
+ do 3 Intro. ApplyH IH1. do 2 rewrite -> andU. do 2 rewrite <- af1p. by do 2 ApplyH axAI.
+ do 3 Intro. ApplyH IH2. do 2 rewrite -> andU. do 2 rewrite <- af1p. by do 2 ApplyH axAI.
- move => s t C E _ IH1 _ IH2.
rewrite -> andU,afn1. rewrite -> (dmAR s t). rewrite -> axEUeq. rule axAcase. rule axOE.
+ do 3 Intro. ApplyH IH1. rewrite -> andU. rewrite <- af1n. by ApplyH axAI.
+ rule axAcase. do 3 Intro. ApplyH IH2. do 2 rewrite -> andU. do 2 rewrite <- af1n.
rewrite /=. rewrite -> dmAX. rewrite -> dmAR. by do 2 ApplyH axAI.
- move => s t C _ IH. rewrite -> andU,afn1 => /=. rewrite -> dmAR. rule axAcase. do 3 Intro.
do 2 rewrite <- hist0 in IH. by ApplyH IH.
- move => s t H C _ IH1 _ IH2. apply: ARH_hil.
- rewrite -> andU in IH1. do 2 Intro. ApplyH IH1; last by drop; exact: axI.
rewrite <- af1n. by ApplyH axAI.
- rewrite /EU_. rewrite <- histU. do 3 Intro. ApplyH IH2. rewrite -> andU. rewrite <- af1n. by ApplyH axAI.
- move => s t H C.
rewrite -> axEUEr. rewrite -> histU,axAEl. exact: axContra.
- move => s t H C _ IH. rewrite -> box_request. do 2 Intro.
Suff (EX fF). drop. Intro. Apply. drop. exact: axBT.
Suff (EX ([af R C] :/\: EU (~~: s :/\: hist H) (~~: t :/\: hist H))).
drop. apply: rEXn. by rule axAcase.
rewrite <- (axAC _ [af R C]). ApplyH axDBD.
- move => C E _ IH.
rewrite -> box_request, annot_request. do 2 Intro.
Have (~~: fAX fF). ApplyH ax_serial. rewrite <- (axDN fF) at 1; rewrite -/(EX Top). Intro.
Have (EX ( Top :/\: (interp_a (aR E) :/\: [af R C]))). ApplyH axDBD. rewrite <- axABBA. by ApplyH axAI.
drop. rewrite <- axDF. apply: rEXn. rule axAcase. drop. rule axAcase; do 2 Intro.
Rev* 1. Rev. done.
Lemma plain_soundness C : gen (C,aVoid) -> prv (~~: [af C]).
Proof. move/hilbert_soundness => /= H. Intro. ApplyH H. by drop. Qed.