Library libs.fset_tac
Author: Alexander Anisimov
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype seq choice.
From libs Require Import edone bcase base fset.
Set Implicit Arguments.
From libs Require Import edone bcase base fset.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Simplification rules
composite set operations and relations
Lemma properSub (A B : {fset T}): A `<` B = (A `<=` B) && ~~ (B `<=` A).
Proof. rewrite properEneq eqEsub. by case (A`<=`B), (B`<=`A). Qed.
Lemma sepI (A B : {fset T}) : A `&` B = [fset x in A | x \in B].
Proof. by rewrite /fsetI. Qed.
Lemma sepD (A B : {fset T}) : A `\` B = [fset x in A | x \notin B].
Proof. by rewrite /fsetD. Qed.
Definition compSetOps := (sepI, sepD, properSub).
Proof. rewrite properEneq eqEsub. by case (A`<=`B), (B`<=`A). Qed.
Lemma sepI (A B : {fset T}) : A `&` B = [fset x in A | x \in B].
Proof. by rewrite /fsetI. Qed.
Lemma sepD (A B : {fset T}) : A `\` B = [fset x in A | x \notin B].
Proof. by rewrite /fsetD. Qed.
Definition compSetOps := (sepI, sepD, properSub).
Lemma prop_dn s : ~~ ~~ s → s. Proof. exact (@ negbNE s). Qed.
Lemma prop_conj s t : s && t → s ∧ t. Proof. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma prop_negDisj s t : ~~ (s || t) → ~~ s ∧ ~~ t. Proof. rewrite negb_or. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma prop_negImpl s t : ~~ (s ==> t) → s ∧ ~~ t. Proof. rewrite negb_imply. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqSym (a b : T) : a == b → b == a. Proof. by rewrite eq_sym. Qed.
Lemma satr_memSgt (a b : T) : a \in [fset b] → a == b. Proof. by rewrite in_fset1. Qed.
Lemma satr_nmemSgt (a b : T) : a \notin [fset b] → a != b. Proof. by rewrite in_fset1. Qed.
Lemma satr_sgtSub (a:T) (A : {fset T}) : [fset a] `<=` A → a \in A. Proof. by rewrite fsub1. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqP (A B : {fset T}) : A == B → (A `<=` B) ∧ (B `<=` A). Proof. rewrite eqEsub. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma satr_nmemU (a:T) (A B : {fset T}) : a \notin A `|` B → a \notin A ∧ a \notin B. Proof. rewrite in_fsetU negb_or. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma pow_mem (A B : {fset T}) : A \in (powerset B) → A `<=` B. Proof. by rewrite powersetE. Qed.
Lemma prop_conj s t : s && t → s ∧ t. Proof. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma prop_negDisj s t : ~~ (s || t) → ~~ s ∧ ~~ t. Proof. rewrite negb_or. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma prop_negImpl s t : ~~ (s ==> t) → s ∧ ~~ t. Proof. rewrite negb_imply. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqSym (a b : T) : a == b → b == a. Proof. by rewrite eq_sym. Qed.
Lemma satr_memSgt (a b : T) : a \in [fset b] → a == b. Proof. by rewrite in_fset1. Qed.
Lemma satr_nmemSgt (a b : T) : a \notin [fset b] → a != b. Proof. by rewrite in_fset1. Qed.
Lemma satr_sgtSub (a:T) (A : {fset T}) : [fset a] `<=` A → a \in A. Proof. by rewrite fsub1. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqP (A B : {fset T}) : A == B → (A `<=` B) ∧ (B `<=` A). Proof. rewrite eqEsub. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma satr_nmemU (a:T) (A B : {fset T}) : a \notin A `|` B → a \notin A ∧ a \notin B. Proof. rewrite in_fsetU negb_or. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma pow_mem (A B : {fset T}) : A \in (powerset B) → A `<=` B. Proof. by rewrite powersetE. Qed.
several premises
Lemma satr_memSub (a:T) (A B : {fset T}) : a \in A → A `<=` B → a \in B. Proof. move ⇒ P Q. apply: (@subP T A) ⇒ //. Qed.
Lemma satr_nmemSup (a:T) (A B : {fset T}) : a \notin A → B `<=` A → a \notin B. Proof. move ⇒ P Q. case R: (a \in B) ⇒ //. by rewrite (subP Q) in P. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqMem (a b : T) (A : {fset T}) : a == b → b \in A → a \in A. Proof. intros P Q. by rewrite -(eqP P) in Q. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqTrans (a b c : T) : a == b → b == c → a == c. Proof. intros P Q. by rewrite -(eqP P) in Q. Qed.
Lemma satr_nmemSup (a:T) (A B : {fset T}) : a \notin A → B `<=` A → a \notin B. Proof. move ⇒ P Q. case R: (a \in B) ⇒ //. by rewrite (subP Q) in P. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqMem (a b : T) (A : {fset T}) : a == b → b \in A → a \in A. Proof. intros P Q. by rewrite -(eqP P) in Q. Qed.
Lemma satr_eqTrans (a b c : T) : a == b → b == c → a == c. Proof. intros P Q. by rewrite -(eqP P) in Q. Qed.
fresh variable generation
Lemma satr_notSub (A B : {fset T}) : ~~ (A `<=` B) → ∃ a, (a \in A) ∧ (a \notin B). Proof. move ⇒ P. move: (subPn A B P) ⇒ {P} [a P Q]. by ∃ a. Qed.
Lemma pow_nmem (A B : {fset T}) : A \notin (powerset B) → ∃ x, (x \in A) ∧ (x \notin B). Proof. rewrite powersetE ⇒ P. apply (satr_notSub A B P). Qed.
Lemma pow_nmem (A B : {fset T}) : A \notin (powerset B) → ∃ x, (x \in A) ∧ (x \notin B). Proof. rewrite powersetE ⇒ P. apply (satr_notSub A B P). Qed.
Lemma prop_disj s t : s || t → s ∨ t. Proof. apply: orP. Qed.
Lemma prop_impl s t : s ==> t → ~~ s ∨ t. Proof. rewrite implybE. apply: orP. Qed.
Lemma prop_negConj s t : ~~ (s && t) → ~~ s ∨ ~~ t. Proof. rewrite negb_and. apply: orP. Qed.
Lemma satr_memU (a:T) (A B : {fset T}) : a \in A `|` B → a \in A ∨ a \in B. Proof. rewrite in_fsetU. apply: orP. Qed.
Lemma satr_neqP (A B : {fset T}) :
A != B → ∃ x, (x \in A ∧ x \notin B) ∨ (x \in B ∧ x \notin A). Proof.
rewrite eqEsub negb_and ⇒ P. move: (orP P) ⇒ {P} [P|P].
- move: (satr_notSub A B P) ⇒ {P} [x [P Q]]. ∃ x; by left.
- move: (satr_notSub B A P) ⇒ {P} [x [P Q]]. ∃ x; by right.
branch closing
Lemma clos_posNeg (s : bool) : s → ~~ s → False. Proof. by case s. Qed.
Lemma clos_neqxx (a : T) : a != a → False. Proof. by rewrite eqxx. Qed.
Lemma clos_memEmp (a : T) : a \in fset0 → False. Proof. by rewrite in_fset0. Qed.
Lemma subst_memSep (y:T) (A : {fset T}) (p : T → bool) : y \in sep A p → (y \in A) ∧ (p y). Proof. rewrite in_sep. apply: andP. Qed.
Lemma subst_nmemSep (y:T) (A : {fset T}) (p : T → bool):
y \notin [ fset x in A | p x] → y \notin A ∨ ~~ p y. Proof. rewrite in_sep ⇒ P . apply: orP. by rewrite -negb_and. Qed.
Lemma cut_eq (a b : T) : a == b ∨ a != b.
Proof. case (a == b); first by left. right. by apply negbT. Qed.
Lemma cut_mem a (A: {fset T}) : a \in A ∨ a \notin A. Proof. case (a \in A); first by left. right. by apply negbT. Qed.
Lemma cut_sub (A B : {fset T}) : A `<=` B ∨ ~~ (A `<=` B). Proof. case (A `<=` B); first by left. right. by apply negbT. Qed.
End TabRules.
Ltac extend X PX :=
let V := fresh "H" in
let X := constr:(is_true X) in
match goal with
| _: X |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ have V: X by apply PX
Ltac extend_conj A B PX :=
let U := fresh "H" in
let V := fresh "H" in
let A := (eval simpl in (is_true A)) in
let B := (eval simpl in (is_true B)) in
match goal with
| _: A, _: B |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ have [U V]: A ∧ B by apply PX
Ltac extend_disj A B PX :=
let V := fresh "H" in
let A := (eval simpl in (is_true A)) in
let B := (eval simpl in (is_true B)) in
match goal with
| _: A |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _: B |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ have [V | V]: A ∨ B by apply PX
Ltac extend_conj_ex A B PX :=
let X := fresh "x" in
let U := fresh "H" in
let V := fresh "H" in
match goal with
| _: is_true(?x \in A), _: is_true (?x \notin B) |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ have [X [U V]]: ∃ x, (x \in A) ∧ (x \notin B) by apply PX
Ltac extend_disconj_ex A B PX :=
let X := fresh "x" in
let U := fresh "H" in
let V := fresh "H" in
match goal with
| _: is_true(?x \in A), _: is_true(?x \notin B) |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _: is_true(?x \in B), _: is_true(?x \notin A) |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ have [X [[U V] | [U V]]]:
∃ x, (x \in A ∧ x \notin B) ∨ (x \in B ∧ x \notin A)
by apply PX
Ltac closebranch :=
match goal with
| H0: is_true (?s), H1: is_true(~~ ?s) |- _ ⇒ apply (@ clos_posNeg s); first exact H0; exact H1
| H0: is_true (?a != ?a) |- _ ⇒ apply (@ clos_neqxx _ a); exact H0
| H0: is_true (?a \in fset0) |- _ ⇒ apply (@ clos_memEmp _ a); exact H0
Ltac nonbranching :=
match goal with
| _: is_true(~~ ~~ ?s) |- _ ⇒ extend s (prop_dn s)
| _: is_true(?s && ?t) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj s t (prop_conj s t)
| _: is_true(~~ (?s || ?t)) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj (~~ s) (~~ t) (prop_negDisj s t)
| _: is_true(~~ (?s ==> ?t)) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj s (~~ t) (prop_negImpl s t)
| _: is_true(?a == ?b) |- _ ⇒ extend (b == a) (satr_eqSym a b)
| _: is_true(?a \in [fset ?b]) |- _ ⇒ extend (a == b) (satr_memSgt _ a b)
| _: is_true(?a \notin [fset ?b]) |- _ ⇒ extend (a != b) (satr_nmemSgt _ a b)
| _: is_true([fset ?a] `<=` ?A) |- _ ⇒ extend (a \in A) (satr_sgtSub a A)
| _: is_true(?A == ?B) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj (A `<=` B) (B `<=` A) (satr_eqP A B)
| _: is_true(?a \notin ?A `|` ?B) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj (a \notin A) (a \notin B) (satr_nmemU a A B)
| _: is_true(?A \in (powerset ?B)) |- _ ⇒ extend (A `<=` B) (pow_mem A B)
| _: is_true(?a \in ?A), _: is_true(?A `<=` ?B) |- _ ⇒ extend (a \in B) (satr_memSub a A B)
| _: is_true(?a \notin ?A), _: is_true(?B `<=` ?A) |- _ ⇒ extend (a \notin B) (satr_nmemSup a A B)
| _: is_true(?a == ?b), _: is_true(?b \in ?A) |- _ ⇒ extend (a \in A) (satr_eqMem a b A)
| _: is_true(?a == ?b), _: is_true(?b == ?c) |- _ ⇒ extend (a == c) (satr_eqTrans _ a b c)
| _: is_true(~~ (?A `<=` ?B)) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj_ex A B (satr_notSub A B)
| _: is_true(?A \notin (powerset ?B)) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj_ex A B (pow_nmem A B)
| _: is_true(?a \in sep ?A ?p) |- _ ⇒ extend_conj (a \in A) (p a) (subst_memSep a A p)
Ltac branching :=
match goal with
| _: is_true(?s || ?t) |- _ ⇒ extend_disj s t (prop_disj s t)
| _: is_true(?s ==> ?t) |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (~~ s) t (prop_impl s t)
| _: is_true(~~ (?s && ?t)) |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (~~ s) (~~ t) (prop_negConj s t)
| _: is_true(?a \in ?A `|` ?B) |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (a \in A) (a \in B) (satr_memU a A B)
| _: is_true(?A != ?B) |- _ ⇒ extend_disconj_ex A B (satr_neqP A B)
| _: is_true(?a \notin sep ?A ?p) |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (a \notin A) (~~ (p a)) (subst_nmemSep a A p)
Ltac cutrules :=
match goal with
| _: context[?a], _: context[?A] |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (a \in A) (a \notin A) (cut_mem a A)
| _: context[?A], _: context[?B] |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (A `<=` B) (~~(A `<=` B)) (cut_sub A B)
| _: context[?A], _: context[?B] |- _ ⇒ extend_disj (A == B) (A != B) (cut_eq _ A B)
form control
Ltac reverywhere X :=
repeat rewrite X;
repeat match goal with
| H: _ |- _ ⇒ rewrite X in H
Ltac genSubst :=
repeat (
let V := fresh "su" in
match goal with
| H: is_true(?x == ?y) |- _ ⇒
match goal with
| _: x = y |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ move: (eqP H) ⇒ V
| x := _ |- _ ⇒ subst x
); subst.
Ltac clearNonbools :=
match goal with
| H : _ |- _ ⇒
match type of H with
| is_true _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ = _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ clear H
Lemma semiDN (b:bool) : ¬ ~~ b → b.
Proof. case: b ⇒ _ //. Qed.
Lemma eq2bool (T : eqType) (a b : T) : a = b → a == b.
Proof. move ⇒ H. by rewrite H. Qed.
Ltac oDN :=
let V := fresh "H" in
match goal with
| |- is_true _ ⇒ apply semiDN; hnf ⇒ V
| |- _ = _ ⇒ apply:eqP; apply semiDN; hnf ⇒ V
| |- False ⇒ idtac
Ltac eq2bool :=
let V := fresh "H" in
match goal with
| H: _ = _ |- _ ⇒ move:(eq2bool _ H) ⇒ V
| _ ⇒ idtac
Ltac preproc :=
repeat (let V := fresh "H" in move ⇒ V);
reverywhere compSetOps;
automated saturation without cuts
Ltac core :=
repeat nonbranching;
try closebranch;
try branching;
try closebranch
Ltac fset_dec :=
try closebranch;
try cutrules
omits cut rules
Ltac fset_nocut := preproc; try closebranch; core.
Ltac invert X :=
match X with
| (?x, ?y) ⇒
match x with
| (?x0, ?x1) ⇒ let z := invert (x0, (x1, y)) in constr:(z)
| _ ⇒ constr:(X)
Ltac invert X :=
match X with
| (?x, ?y) ⇒
match x with
| (?x0, ?x1) ⇒ let z := invert (x0, (x1, y)) in constr:(z)
| _ ⇒ constr:(X)
unfolds all definitions given in a tuple before applying fset_dec
Ltac fset_decu X :=
let Y := invert X in
match Y with
| (?x, ?xs) ⇒ unfold x in *; fset_decu xs
| ?x ⇒ unfold x in *; fset_dec
let Y := invert X in
match Y with
| (?x, ?xs) ⇒ unfold x in *; fset_decu xs
| ?x ⇒ unfold x in *; fset_dec
omits cut rules and unfolds definitions