(* (c) 2018, Jonas Kaiser *)
Correspondence Relations on variables / de Bruijn indices
Require Import List.
From Autosubst Require Export Autosubst.
Require Import RSC.lib.
Definition vrel := list (var * var).
Notation "Theta |- x ≃ y" := (In (x,y) Theta) (at level 70, no associativity).
(* List inclusion *)
Infix "⊑" := incl (at level 65, right associativity) : list_scope.
Definition vrm (Theta : vrel) (xi zeta : var -> var) : vrel := map (fun p => (xi (fst p), zeta (snd p))) Theta.
Lemma vr_map Theta xi zeta x x' y y' : Theta |- x ≃ y -> xi x = x' -> zeta y = y' -> vrm Theta xi zeta |- x' ≃ y'.
Proof. intros. unfold vrm. apply in_map_iff. exists (x,y). auto. Qed.
Lemma vr_unmap Theta xi zeta x y : vrm Theta xi zeta |- x ≃ y -> exists x' y', xi x' = x /\ zeta y' = y /\ Theta |- x' ≃ y'.
unfold vrm. intros H. apply in_map_iff in H as [[x' y'] [E L]].
simpl in E. inv E. exists x', y'. auto.
Lemma vrm_comb Theta xi zeta rho theta : vrm (vrm Theta xi zeta) rho theta = vrm Theta (xi >>> rho) (zeta >>> theta).
Proof. induction Theta; trivial. destruct a; simpl. congruence. Qed.
Lemma vr_mono (Theta Sigma : vrel) n m : Theta ⊑ Sigma -> Theta |- n ≃ m -> Sigma |- n ≃ m.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma vrm_mono (Theta Sigma : vrel) xi zeta : Theta ⊑ Sigma -> vrm Theta xi zeta ⊑ vrm Sigma xi zeta.
Proof. intros H [n m] (n' & m' & En & Em & J%H)%vr_unmap. subst. eapply vr_map; eauto. Qed.
Extension of Var Relations
We consider two special notions of relation extension: right-skewed (RS) and lockstep (EXT). Left-skewed could also sensibly be defined but is not needed for our purposes.Definition vRS (Theta : vrel) := vrm Theta id (+1).
Definition vEXT (Theta : vrel) := (0,0) :: vrm Theta (+1) (+1).
Lemma vrs_inv {Theta : vrel} {x y} : vRS Theta |- x ≃ y -> exists2 y' : var, y = S y' & Theta |- x ≃ y'.
intros H. destruct (vr_unmap _ _ _ _ _ H) as [x' [y' [Ex [Ey J]]]].
asimpl in *. exists y'; congruence.
Lemma vext_inv {Theta : vrel} {x y} : vEXT Theta |- x ≃ y -> (x = 0 /\ y = 0) \/ exists x' y' : var, (x = S x' /\ y = S y') /\ Theta |- x' ≃ y'.
intros [E|H]%in_inv.
- inv E. left; auto.
- destruct (vr_unmap _ _ _ _ _ H) as [x' [y' [Ex [Ey J]]]].
asimpl in *. right. exists x', y'; split; [split|]; congruence.
Lemma vrs Theta x y : Theta |- x ≃ y -> vRS Theta |- x ≃ S y.
Proof. intros H. eapply vr_map; eauto. Qed.
Lemma vext_head Theta : vEXT Theta |- 0 ≃ 0.
Proof. now left. Qed.
Lemma vext_tail Theta x y : Theta |- x ≃ y -> vEXT Theta |- S x ≃ S y.
Proof. intros H. right. eapply vr_map; eauto. Qed.
Lemma vrm_rs {Theta : vrel} xi zeta : vRS (vrm Theta xi zeta) = vrm (vRS Theta) xi (upren zeta).
Proof. unfold vRS. do 2 rewrite vrm_comb. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma vrm_ext {Theta : vrel} xi zeta : vEXT (vrm Theta xi zeta) = vrm (vEXT Theta) (upren xi) (upren zeta).
Proof. unfold vEXT. simpl. do 2 rewrite vrm_comb. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma vext_mono {Theta Sigma : vrel} : Theta ⊑ Sigma -> vEXT Theta ⊑ vEXT Sigma.
Proof. intros H. apply incl_cons; [now left|now apply incl_tl,vrm_mono]. Qed.
Functionality: when is an index relation functional and what happens under special extensions.
Definition vr_func (Theta : vrel) := rel_func (fun x y => Theta |- x ≃ y).
Lemma vr_func_nil : vr_func nil.
Proof. intros x y1 y2 H. destruct H. Qed.
Lemma vr_func_rs Theta : vr_func Theta -> vr_func (vRS Theta).
intros Rf x y1 y2 [y1' E1y H1]%vrs_inv [y2' E2y H2]%vrs_inv. subst. now rewrite (Rf _ _ _ H1 H2).
Lemma vr_func_ext Theta : vr_func Theta -> vr_func (vEXT Theta).
intros Rf x y1 y2 [[Ex1 Ey1]|[x1 [y1' [[Ex1' Ey1'] H1]]]]%vext_inv [[Ex2 Ey2]|[x2 [y2' [[Ex2' Ey2'] H2]]]]%vext_inv;
subst; trivial; try discriminate.
inv Ex2'. now rewrite (Rf _ _ _ H1 H2).
Lemma vr_func_nil : vr_func nil.
Proof. intros x y1 y2 H. destruct H. Qed.
Lemma vr_func_rs Theta : vr_func Theta -> vr_func (vRS Theta).
intros Rf x y1 y2 [y1' E1y H1]%vrs_inv [y2' E2y H2]%vrs_inv. subst. now rewrite (Rf _ _ _ H1 H2).
Lemma vr_func_ext Theta : vr_func Theta -> vr_func (vEXT Theta).
intros Rf x y1 y2 [[Ex1 Ey1]|[x1 [y1' [[Ex1' Ey1'] H1]]]]%vext_inv [[Ex2 Ey2]|[x2 [y2' [[Ex2' Ey2'] H2]]]]%vext_inv;
subst; trivial; try discriminate.
inv Ex2'. now rewrite (Rf _ _ _ H1 H2).
Injectivity: when is an index relation injective and what happens under special extensions.
Definition vr_inj (Theta : vrel) := rel_inj (fun x y => Theta |- x ≃ y).
Lemma vr_inj_nil : vr_inj nil.
Proof. intros x y1 y2 H. destruct H. Qed.
Lemma vr_inj_rs Theta : vr_inj Theta -> vr_inj (vRS Theta).
intros Ri x1 x2 y [y1' E1y H1]%vrs_inv [y2' E2y H2]%vrs_inv. subst.
inv E2y. now rewrite (Ri _ _ _ H1 H2).
Lemma vr_inj_ext Theta : vr_inj Theta -> vr_inj (vEXT Theta).
intros Ri x1 x2 y [[Ex1 Ey11]|[x1' [y' [[Ex1' Ey1'] H1]]]]%vext_inv [[Ex2 Ey2]|[x2' [y'' [[Ex2' Ey2'] H2]]]]%vext_inv;
subst; trivial; try discriminate.
inv Ey2'. now rewrite (Ri _ _ _ H1 H2).
Lemma vr_inj_nil : vr_inj nil.
Proof. intros x y1 y2 H. destruct H. Qed.
Lemma vr_inj_rs Theta : vr_inj Theta -> vr_inj (vRS Theta).
intros Ri x1 x2 y [y1' E1y H1]%vrs_inv [y2' E2y H2]%vrs_inv. subst.
inv E2y. now rewrite (Ri _ _ _ H1 H2).
Lemma vr_inj_ext Theta : vr_inj Theta -> vr_inj (vEXT Theta).
intros Ri x1 x2 y [[Ex1 Ey11]|[x1' [y' [[Ex1' Ey1'] H1]]]]%vext_inv [[Ex2 Ey2]|[x2' [y'' [[Ex2' Ey2'] H2]]]]%vext_inv;
subst; trivial; try discriminate.
inv Ey2'. now rewrite (Ri _ _ _ H1 H2).
Range-Disjointedness: when are two index relations range disjoint and what happens under special extensions.
Notation "Theta ∥ Sigma" := (forall x1 x2 y : var, Theta |- x1 ≃ y -> Sigma |- x2 ≃ y -> False) (at level 70, no associativity).
Lemma vrdS Theta Sigma : Theta ∥ Sigma -> Sigma ∥ Theta.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma vrd_nil_l Sigma : nil ∥ Sigma.
Proof. intros x1 x2 y H. destruct H. Qed.
Lemma vrd_nil_r Theta: Theta ∥ nil.
Proof. apply vrdS, vrd_nil_l. Qed.
Corollary vrd_nil : nil ∥ nil.
Proof. apply vrd_nil_l. Qed.
Lemma vrd_rs_ext Theta Sigma : Theta ∥ Sigma -> vRS Theta ∥ vEXT Sigma.
intros VD x1 x2 y [y' Ey H1]%vrs_inv [[Ex2 Ey2]|[x2' [y'' [[Ex2' Ey2'] H2]]]]%vext_inv; subst; try discriminate.
inv Ey2'. eauto.
Lemma vrd_ext_rs Theta Sigma : Theta ∥ Sigma -> vEXT Theta ∥ vRS Sigma.
Proof. intros H. now apply vrdS, vrd_rs_ext, vrdS. Qed.
Lemma vrdS Theta Sigma : Theta ∥ Sigma -> Sigma ∥ Theta.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma vrd_nil_l Sigma : nil ∥ Sigma.
Proof. intros x1 x2 y H. destruct H. Qed.
Lemma vrd_nil_r Theta: Theta ∥ nil.
Proof. apply vrdS, vrd_nil_l. Qed.
Corollary vrd_nil : nil ∥ nil.
Proof. apply vrd_nil_l. Qed.
Lemma vrd_rs_ext Theta Sigma : Theta ∥ Sigma -> vRS Theta ∥ vEXT Sigma.
intros VD x1 x2 y [y' Ey H1]%vrs_inv [[Ex2 Ey2]|[x2' [y'' [[Ex2' Ey2'] H2]]]]%vext_inv; subst; try discriminate.
inv Ey2'. eauto.
Lemma vrd_ext_rs Theta Sigma : Theta ∥ Sigma -> vEXT Theta ∥ vRS Sigma.
Proof. intros H. now apply vrdS, vrd_rs_ext, vrdS. Qed.
Fixpoint idR (n : nat) : vrel :=
match n with
| O => nil
| S m => vEXT (idR m)
Lemma vr_inj_idR n : vr_inj (idR n).
Proof. induction n; cbn; eauto using vr_inj_nil, vr_inj_ext. Qed.
Lemma vr_func_idR n : vr_func (idR n).
Proof. induction n; cbn; eauto using vr_func_nil, vr_func_ext. Qed.
match n with
| O => nil
| S m => vEXT (idR m)
Lemma vr_inj_idR n : vr_inj (idR n).
Proof. induction n; cbn; eauto using vr_inj_nil, vr_inj_ext. Qed.
Lemma vr_func_idR n : vr_func (idR n).
Proof. induction n; cbn; eauto using vr_func_nil, vr_func_ext. Qed.