From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax.
From FOL Require Import Arithmetics.


Definition inv {X Y: Type} (f: Y -> X) (g: X -> Y) := forall x, x = f (g x).

Definition dec (X: Type) := (X + (X -> False))%type.

Definition decider {X: Type} (p: X -> Type) := forall x, dec (p x).

Gödelisation of formulas
Class goedelisation {ops: operators} {ff: falsity_flag} {fns: funcs_signature} {prs: preds_signature}:=
     {g: form -> nat; f: nat -> form; inv_fg: inv f g}.

The numeral of a formula's Gödel number
Definition quine_quote {göd: goedelisation} φ := num (g φ).

Lemma qq_closed {göd: goedelisation} A:
     bounded_t 0 (quine_quote A).
     unfold quine_quote. apply num_bound.