From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Loeb.internal_provability Require Import PA_Lists_Signature.
From Loeb.hilbert_system Require Import Hilbert_System.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Arithmetics.Robinson.
From FOL Require Import ProofMode.
Require Import String List.

Existing Instance PA_li_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance falsity_on.

Equivalence Proof of Hilbert System and ND

Preliminary Facts

Lemma axiom_inclusion {p: peirce} A φ:
    hilAx p φ -> A H φ.
    intros Hax. eapply (HilAx _ 0 Hax).

Lemma operational_K {p: peirce} A φ ψ:
    A H φ -> A H ψ φ.
    intros Hφ. eapply MP; first eassumption.
    apply axiom_inclusion. constructor.

Lemma operational_S {p: peirce} A φ ψ τ:
    A H (φ ψ τ) -> A H (φ ψ) -> A H (φ τ).
    intros H1 H2. eapply MP.
    2: { eapply MP; last eapply (axiom_inclusion A (HS _ _ _)). eassumption. }

Lemma identity {p: peirce} A φ:
    A H φ φ.
    eapply MP; last eapply MP.
    3: { eapply (axiom_inclusion A (HS φ (φ φ) φ)). }
    1-2: apply (axiom_inclusion A (HK _ _)).

Theorem deduction_theorem {p: peirce} A φ ψ:
    (φ::A) H ψ -> A H φ ψ.
    induction 1 as [φ' ψ' p _ IH1 _ IH2 | φ' n | ψ' p HA].
        - eapply operational_S; eassumption.
        - apply operational_K. apply HilAx. assumption.
        - destruct (PA_li_formulas_eq φ ψ').
            + rewrite e. eapply identity.
            + cbn in HA. assert (In ψ' A) by intuition congruence.
              apply operational_K. apply ThAx. assumption.

Section CompatibilityLemmas.

Compatibility Lemmas

    Context {p: peirce}.

    Lemma compat_IE A φ ψ:
        A H φ ψ -> A H φ -> A H ψ.
        intros Himpl Hφ. eapply MP; eassumption.

    Lemma forall_times_once n φ:
         (forall_times n φ) = forall_times (S n) φ.
        cbn. easy.

    Lemma compat_AllI A φ:
        map (subst_form ) A H φ -> A H φ.
        induction 1 as [φ ψ p _ IH1 _ IH2 | φ n p Hax | φ p HA].
            - eapply MP; first eapply IH1.
              eapply MP; first eapply IH2.
              apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.
            - rewrite forall_times_once. apply (HilAx _ _). assumption.
            - assert (exists τ, (subst_form ) τ = φ /\ In τ A) as [τ [<- Hτ]].
              apply in_map_iff. assumption.
              eapply MP.
              2: { eapply (HilAx _ 0). eapply AllG. }
              apply ThAx. assumption.

    Lemma compat_AllE A φ t:
        A H φ -> A H φ[t..].
        intros HAll. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_ExI A φ t:
        A H φ[t..] -> A H φ.
        intros Hφ. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_ExE A φ ψ:
        A H φ -> (φ::(map (subst_form ) A)) H ψ[] -> A H ψ.
        intros Hex Hψ. apply deduction_theorem in Hψ.
        apply compat_AllI in Hψ.
        eapply MP; first eapply Hψ.
        eapply MP; first eapply Hex.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_Exp A φ:
        A H -> A H φ.
        intros Hbot. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_ctx A φ:
        In φ A -> A H φ.
        intros HA. apply ThAx. assumption.

    Lemma compat_CI A φ ψ:
        A H φ -> A H ψ -> A H φ ψ.
        intros Hφ Hψ. eapply MP.
        2: { eapply MP; first eapply Hφ. eapply (HilAx _ 0).
             econstructor. }

    Lemma compat_CE1 A φ ψ:
        A H φ ψ -> A H φ.
        intros Hconj. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        eapply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_CE2 A φ ψ:
        A H φ ψ -> A H ψ.
        intros Hconj. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        eapply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_DI1 A φ ψ:
        A H φ -> A H φ ψ.
        intros Hφ. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_DI2 A φ ψ:
        A H ψ -> A H φ ψ.
        intros Hψ. eapply MP; first eassumption.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_DE A φ ψ τ:
        A H φ ψ -> (φ::A) H τ -> (ψ::A) H τ -> A H τ.
        intros Hdisj Hφ Hψ. apply deduction_theorem in Hφ, Hψ.
        eapply MP; first eapply Hψ.
        eapply MP; first eapply Hφ.
        eapply MP; first eapply Hdisj.
        apply (HilAx _ 0). constructor.

    Lemma compat_Pc A φ ψ:
        A HC (((φ ψ) φ) φ).
        apply axiom_inclusion. constructor.

End CompatibilityLemmas.

Theorem ND_to_Hil:
    forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (φ : form), A φ -> A H φ.
    apply (@prv_ind_full _ _ (fun p A φ => A H φ)); intros p A φ.
        - intros ψ _ IH. apply deduction_theorem. assumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH1 _ IH2. eapply compat_IE; eassumption.
        - intros _ IH. apply compat_AllI. assumption.
        - intros t _ IH. apply compat_AllE. assumption.
        - intros t _ IH. eapply compat_ExI. eassumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH1 _ IH2. eapply compat_ExE; eassumption.
        - intros _ IH. apply compat_Exp. assumption.
        - intros HA. apply compat_ctx. assumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH1 _ IH2. apply compat_CI; assumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH. eapply compat_CE1. eassumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH. eapply compat_CE2. eassumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH. apply compat_DI1. assumption.
        - intros ψ _ IH. apply compat_DI2. assumption.
        - intros ψ τ _ IH1 _ IH2 _ IH3. eapply compat_DE; eassumption.
        - apply compat_Pc.

Section SoundnessLemmas.

Soundness Lemmas

  Context {p: peirce}.

  Lemma sound_HK A φ ψ:
    A φ ψ φ.
    fstart. fintros "Hφ" "Hψ". fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_HS A φ ψ τ:
    A (φ ψ τ) (φ ψ) φ τ.
    fstart. fintros "f" "g" "Hφ". fapply "f".
      - fapply "Hφ".
      - fapply "g". fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_CI A φ ψ:
    A φ ψ φ ψ.
    fstart. fintros "Hφ" "Hψ". fsplit.
      - fapply "Hφ".
      - fapply "Hψ".

  Lemma sound_CE1 A φ ψ:
    A φ ψ φ.
    fstart. fintros "[Hφ Hψ]". fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_CE2 A φ ψ:
    A φ ψ ψ.
    fstart. fintros "[Hφ Hψ]". fapply "Hψ".

  Lemma sound_DI1 A φ ψ:
    A φ (φ ψ).
    fstart. fintros "Hφ". fleft. fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_DI2 A φ ψ:
    A ψ (φ ψ).
    fstart. fintros "Hψ". fright. fapply "Hψ".

  Lemma sound_DE A φ ψ τ:
    A φ ψ (φ τ) (ψ τ) τ.
    fstart. fintros "[Hφ|Hψ]"; fintros "f" "g".
      - fapply "f". fapply "Hφ".
      - fapply "g". fapply "Hψ".

  Lemma sound_Ebot A φ:
    A φ.
    fstart. fintros "H⊥". fexfalso. fapply "H⊥".

  Lemma sound_AllE A φ t:
    A ( φ) φ[t..].
    fstart. fintros "Hφ". fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_AllG A φ:
    A φ φ[].
    fstart. fintros "Hφ" x. fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_AllD A φ ψ:
    A ( φ ψ) ( φ) ψ.
    fstart. fintros "Himpl" "Hφ" x.
    fspecialize ("Himpl" x). fapply "Himpl".
    fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_ExI A φ t:
    A φ[t..] φ.
    fstart. fintros "Hφ". fexists t. fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_ExE A φ ψ:
    A ( φ) ( φ ψ[]) ψ.
    fstart. fintros "[x Hφ]" "f". fapply ("f" x).
    fapply "Hφ".

  Lemma sound_PC A φ ψ:
    A C (((φ ψ) φ) φ).
    apply Pc.

  Lemma empty_context_AllI φ:
    nil φ -> nil φ.
    intros Hall. apply AllI. cbn. assumption.

  Corollary empty_context_forall_times_intro φ n:
    nil φ -> nil forall_times n φ.
    intros Hφ. induction n as [| n IH]; cbn.
      - assumption.
      - apply empty_context_AllI. assumption.

  Lemma quantifed_hilAx_derivable φ n:
    hilAx p φ -> nil forall_times n φ.
    intros Hax. apply empty_context_forall_times_intro. inversion Hax.
      - apply sound_HK.
      - apply sound_HS.
      - apply sound_CI.
      - apply sound_CE1.
      - apply sound_CE2.
      - apply sound_DI1.
      - apply sound_DI2.
      - apply sound_DE.
      - apply sound_Ebot.
      - apply sound_AllE.
      - apply sound_AllG.
      - apply sound_AllD.
      - apply sound_ExI.
      - apply sound_ExE.
      - apply sound_PC.

End SoundnessLemmas.

Equivalence Proof

Theorem Hil_to_ND (p: peirce) φ A:
  A H φ -> A φ.
  induction 1 as [φ ψ p' _ IH1 _ IH2 | φ n Hφ | φ Hincl].
    - eapply IE; eassumption.
    - eapply Weak.
      + eapply quantifed_hilAx_derivable. assumption.
      + easy.
    - apply Ctx. assumption.

Corollary Hil_ND_agree (p: peirce) φ A:
  A H φ <-> A φ.
    - apply Hil_to_ND.
    - intros Hφ. apply (@ND_to_Hil p _ _); assumption.

Corollary Hil_ND_agree_theories (p: peirce) φ T:
  T HT φ <-> T T φ.
    - intros [A [HA HDer]]. exists A. split; first assumption.
      apply Hil_ND_agree; assumption.
    - intros [A [HA Hder]]. exists A. split; first eassumption.
      destruct (Hil_ND_agree p φ A). easy.