From PCF2.external.Shared Require Export EqDecDef.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Records.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Fixpoint count (X: Type) `{eq_dec X} (A: list X) (x: X) {struct A} : nat :=
match A with
| nil => O
| cons y A' => if Dec (x=y) then S(count A' x) else count A' x end.
Class finTypeC (type:eqType) : Type :=
FinTypeC {
enum: list type;
enum_ok: forall x: type, count enum x = 1
Structure finType : Type :=
type:> eqType;
class: finTypeC type
Arguments FinType type {class}.
#[global] Existing Instance class | 0.
#[export] Hint Extern 5 (finTypeC (EqType ?x)) => unfold x : typeclass_instances.
Canonical Structure finType_CS (X : Type) {p : eq_dec X} {class : finTypeC (EqType X)} : finType := FinType (EqType X).
Arguments finType_CS (X) {_ _}.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Records.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Fixpoint count (X: Type) `{eq_dec X} (A: list X) (x: X) {struct A} : nat :=
match A with
| nil => O
| cons y A' => if Dec (x=y) then S(count A' x) else count A' x end.
Class finTypeC (type:eqType) : Type :=
FinTypeC {
enum: list type;
enum_ok: forall x: type, count enum x = 1
Structure finType : Type :=
type:> eqType;
class: finTypeC type
Arguments FinType type {class}.
#[global] Existing Instance class | 0.
#[export] Hint Extern 5 (finTypeC (EqType ?x)) => unfold x : typeclass_instances.
Canonical Structure finType_CS (X : Type) {p : eq_dec X} {class : finTypeC (EqType X)} : finType := FinType (EqType X).
Arguments finType_CS (X) {_ _}.