Useful Functions and Results in PCF2

From Coq Require Import Init.Nat Lia List.
From PCF2 Require Import pcf_2_system preliminaries.
From PCF2.Autosubst Require Import unscoped pcf_2.

Definition base_fun n T :=
    iter n (fun T => Base T) T.

Definition apply_args (t: tm) (l: list tm) :=
    fold_right (fun arg t => app t arg) t (rev l).

Definition base_context n := iter n (fun l => cons Base l) nil.

Definition lam_T n t :=
    iter n (fun t => lam t) t.

Definition var_seq start length := map (fun n => var_tm n) (seq start length).

Definition list_to_fun (L: list ty) (A: ty) :=
    fold_right (fun A B => A B) A L.

Lemma apply_args_app (s: tm) (l l': list tm):
    apply_args s (l ++ l') = apply_args (apply_args s l) l'.
    unfold apply_args. rewrite rev_app_distr. now rewrite fold_right_app.

Lemma apply_args_cons (s: tm) (a: tm) (l: list tm):
    apply_args s (a :: l) = apply_args (app s a) l.
    assert (eq: a :: l = (a :: nil) ++ l) by easy.
    rewrite eq. apply apply_args_app.

Lemma apply_args_typed (l1: list ty) (l2: list tm) (t: tm) (A: ty) (Γ: context):
    Γ t: list_to_fun l1 A -> length l1 = length l2 -> (forall n A' t', nth_error l1 n = Some A' -> nth_error l2 n = Some t' -> Γ t': A') -> Γ apply_args t l2: A.
    intros typed_t len H. induction l1 as [| a1 l1] in l2, t, len, typed_t, H |-*.
    1: destruct l2; try easy.
    destruct l2 as [| a2 l2]; try easy. rewrite apply_args_cons.
    apply IHl1.
    - eapply app_typed with (typ1 := a1).
        1: exact typed_t.
        now apply H with (n := 0).
    - cbn in len. lia.
    - intros n A' t' H1 H2. now apply H with (n := S n).

Lemma subst_apply_args (σ: nat -> tm) (s: tm) (l: list tm):
    Subst_tm σ (apply_args s l) = apply_args (Subst_tm σ s) (map (Subst_tm σ) l).
    induction l in s |-*.
    1: easy.
    rewrite apply_args_cons.
    rewrite IHl. rewrite map_cons. now rewrite apply_args_cons.

Lemma ren_apply_args (σ: nat -> nat) (s: tm) (l: list tm):
    ren_tm σ (apply_args s l) = apply_args (ren_tm σ s) (map (ren_tm σ) l).
    induction l in s |-*.
    1: easy.
    rewrite apply_args_cons.
    rewrite IHl. rewrite map_cons. now rewrite apply_args_cons.

Lemma apply_args_steps_body (t t': tm) (l: list tm):
    t ≻* t' -> apply_args t l ≻* apply_args t' l.
        intros steps_t.
        induction l in t, t', steps_t |-*. 1: easy.
        rewrite apply_args_cons, apply_args_cons.
        rewrite IHl with (t := app t a). 1: constructor 2. now rewrite steps_t.

Lemma apply_args_steps_list (t: tm) (l l': list tm):
    length l = length l' -> (forall n t t', nth_error l n = Some t -> nth_error l' n = Some t' -> t ≻* t') -> apply_args t l ≻* apply_args t l'.
    intros H_len H_steps.
    induction l as [| a l] in l', t, H_len, H_steps |-*.
    - cbn. destruct l'; easy.
    - destruct l' as [| a' l'].
        1: easy. rewrite apply_args_cons, apply_args_cons.
        eapply steps_PreOrder. 1: eapply apply_args_steps_body; rewrite (H_steps 0 a a'); eauto.
        erewrite (IHl _ l'). 1: easy. 1: now injection H_len.
        intros n s u H_s H_u. now apply (H_steps (S n)).

Lemma apply_args_steps_list' (t: tm) (l l' m: list tm):
    length l = length l' -> (forall n t t', nth_error l n = Some t -> nth_error l' n = Some t' -> t ≻* t') -> apply_args t (l ++ m) ≻* apply_args t (l' ++ m).
    intros H1 H2. eapply apply_args_steps_list.
    1: simpl_list; now rewrite H1.
    intros n s u Hs Hu. destruct (nat_ord_dec (length l) n).
    - rewrite nth_error_app2 in Hs. 2: easy.
        rewrite nth_error_app2 in Hu. 2: lia. rewrite H1 in Hs. rewrite Hs in Hu. injection Hu. intro. subst. constructor 2.
    - rewrite nth_error_app1 in Hs. 2: easy. rewrite nth_error_app1 in Hu. 2: lia.
        eapply H2; eauto.

Lemma list_to_fun_app' l l' A:
    list_to_fun (l ++ l') A = list_to_fun l (list_to_fun l' A).
  unfold list_to_fun. now rewrite fold_right_app.

Lemma lam_T_shift_subst (t: tm) (n: nat) (σ: nat -> tm):
    Subst_tm σ (lam_T n t) = lam_T n (Subst_tm (iter n Up_tm_tm σ) t).
    induction n in σ |-*.
    1: easy. unfold lam_T.
    cbn. erewrite IHn. unfold lam_T. rewrite <- iter_succ_r. easy.

Lemma lam_T_split (t: tm) (n m: nat):
    lam_T (n + m) t = lam_T n (lam_T m t).
    induction n.
    1: easy.
    unfold lam_T. unfold lam_T in IHn. assert (eq: S n + m = S(n + m)) by lia.
    rewrite eq. rewrite iter_succ_l. now rewrite IHn.

Lemma lam_list_to_type t Γ A:
    Γ t: A -> nil lam_T (length Γ) t: list_to_fun (rev Γ) A.
    intros typed_t. induction Γ in t, A, typed_t |-*.
    1: easy.
    assert (eq: length (a :: Γ) = length Γ + 1). 1: cbn; lia.
    rewrite eq, lam_T_split. cbn. rewrite fold_right_app. cbn. fold (list_to_fun (rev Γ) (a A)).
    apply IHΓ. now constructor.

Lemma lam_list_to_type' t Γ Γ' A:
    (Γ ++ Γ') t: A -> Γ' lam_T (length Γ) t: list_to_fun (rev Γ) A.
    intros typed_t. induction Γ in t, A, typed_t |-*.
    1: easy.
    assert (eq: length (a :: Γ) = length Γ + 1). 1: cbn; lia.
    rewrite eq, lam_T_split. cbn. rewrite fold_right_app. cbn. fold (list_to_fun (rev Γ) (a A)).
    apply IHΓ. now constructor.

Lemma length_var_seq :
    forall len start, length (var_seq start len) = len.
    intros n m. unfold var_seq. now simpl_list.

Lemma var_seq_split (start n m: nat):
    var_seq start (n + m) = var_seq start n ++ var_seq (start + n) m.
    unfold var_seq. rewrite seq_app. now rewrite map_app.

Lemma var_seq_nth n start len:
    n < len -> nth_error (var_seq start len) n = Some (var_tm (start + n)).
    intros H.
    enough (H': nth n (var_seq start len) (var_tm 0) = var_tm (start + n)).
    - rewrite <- H'. apply nth_error_nth'. now rewrite length_var_seq.
    - unfold var_seq. rewrite map_nth. now rewrite seq_nth.

Lemma var_seq_map_nth n start length (σ: nat -> tm):
    n < length -> nth_error (map (Subst_tm σ) (var_seq start length)) n = Some (σ (start + n)).
    intros H. rewrite nth_error_map. rewrite var_seq_nth. 2: easy.
    now cbn.

Lemma length_base_context (n: nat):
    length (base_context n) = n.
    induction n.
    1: easy.
    unfold base_context in IHn. unfold base_context. rewrite iter_succ_l.
    cbn. now rewrite IHn.

Lemma base_context_some_base (n m: nat) (T: ty):
    nth_error (base_context n) m = Some T -> T = Base.
    intros H. induction n in m, H |-*.
    1: destruct m; easy.
    destruct m.
    - cbn in H. intuition congruence.
    - apply (IHn m). easy.

Lemma base_context_le_base (n m: nat):
  m < n -> nth_error (base_context n) m = Some Base.
  intros H. rewrite <- length_base_context in H. apply nth_error_Some in H.
  destruct (nth_error (base_context n) m) eqn: e. 2: easy.
  erewrite (base_context_some_base _ _ t); eauto.

Lemma base_context_rev' n A:
    rev (iter n (fun l : list ty => Base :: l) A) = rev A ++ iter n (fun l : list ty => Base :: l) nil.
    induction n in A |-*.
    1: now simpl_list. rewrite iter_succ_r at 1. cbn.
    rewrite IHn. cbn. now rewrite <- app_assoc.

Lemma base_context_rev n:
    rev (base_context n) = base_context n.
    unfold base_context. now rewrite base_context_rev'.

Lemma base_fun_applied_typed t l Γ:
    Γ t: base_fun (length l) Base -> (Forall (fun t => Γ t: Base) l) -> Γ apply_args t l: Base.
    intros typed_t H. induction l in t, typed_t, H |-*.
    1: easy.
    rewrite apply_args_cons. rewrite Forall_cons_iff in H. eapply IHl.
    1: now apply app_typed with (typ1 := Base).

Lemma fun_rev_to_context t Γ A:
    nil t: list_to_fun (rev Γ) A -> Γ apply_args t (rev (var_seq 0 (length Γ))): A.
    intros typed_t. induction (length Γ) eqn: e in t, Γ, typed_t |-*.
    - cbn. rewrite length_zero_iff_nil in e. now subst.
    - assert (H: Γ <> nil). 1: intros H; rewrite <- length_zero_iff_nil in H; lia.
        specialize (exists_last H). intros [l' [a Hl']]. rewrite Hl'.
        assert (eq1: S n = n + 1) by lia. rewrite eq1, var_seq_split, rev_app_distr, apply_args_app.
        cbn. rewrite Hl' in e. rewrite app_length in e. cbn in e. assert (eq2: length l' = n) by lia.
        apply apply_args_typed with (l1 := rev l').
        + apply app_typed with (typ1 := a).
        * rewrite Hl', rev_app_distr, list_to_fun_app' in typed_t. cbn in typed_t.
            assert (eq3: l' ++ a :: nil = nil ++ l' ++ a :: nil) by now simpl_list.
            rewrite eq3. now apply type_weakening.
        * constructor. rewrite nth_error_app2. 2: lia. rewrite eq2. assert (eq3: n - n = 0) by lia.
            now rewrite eq3.
        + simpl_list. now rewrite eq2, length_var_seq.
        + intros n' A' t' H1 H2. assert (H3: n' < length (rev (var_seq 0 n))).
        { apply nth_error_Some. intros ?. now destruct (nth_error (rev (var_seq 0 n)) n'). }
        rewrite rev_length in H3.
        rewrite <- rev_nth_error2 in H2; eauto. rewrite var_seq_nth in H2.
        2: { rewrite length_var_seq. destruct n. 1: easy. lia. }
        injection H2. rewrite length_var_seq. intros eq. rewrite <- eq.
        constructor. rewrite <- H1. assert (eq3: n' < length l').
        { rewrite <- rev_length. apply nth_error_Some. intros ?. now destruct (nth_error (rev l') n'). }
        rewrite <- rev_nth_error2; eauto.
        assert (eq4: n - S n' < length l').
        {rewrite eq2. destruct n. 1: easy. lia. }
        rewrite nth_error_app1; eauto.

Lemma basefun_var_applied_typed n t:
    nil t: base_fun n Base -> base_context n apply_args t (var_seq 0 n): Base.
    intros typed_t. apply base_fun_applied_typed.
    - assert (eq: base_context n = nil ++ base_context n) by easy.
    rewrite eq. apply type_weakening. now rewrite length_var_seq.
    - rewrite Forall_forall. intros a Ha.
        specialize (In_nth_error _ _ Ha). intros [n' Hn'].
        assert (H: n' < n).
        { rewrite <- (length_var_seq n 0). apply nth_error_Some.
        intros H. now rewrite H in Hn'. }
        rewrite (var_seq_nth _ _ _ H) in Hn'.
        cbn in Hn'. injection Hn'.
        intros ?; subst. constructor.
        destruct (nth_error (base_context n) n') eqn: e.
        1: now rewrite (base_context_some_base _ _ _ e).
        rewrite nth_error_None in e. rewrite length_base_context in e. lia.