
Require Import HOcore.Prelim.

Require Import HOcore.ComplLat

This file gathers the properties obout IO bisimilarity (def. via variable context bisimulations)

IO cxt bis is closed under decidable injective renamings

IO cxt bis is substitutive

(* auxiliary lemma, stating an obvious fact *)
Lemma nu_of_s_io_cxt_sym_is_closed_under_var_bis_f:
  postfp (symmetrize_fun s_var_cxt) (nu s_io_cxt_sym).
  intros p q [x [H1 H2]].
  - destruct (H1 p q H2) as [[_ H3] _].
    eapply s_var_cxt_mono; eauto.
    repeat intro. exists x. split; auto.
    (* analog *)
  - destruct (H1 p q H2) as [_ [_ H3]].
    eapply s_var_cxt_mono; eauto.
    repeat intro. exists x. split; auto.

Lemma s_io_cxt_sym_substit:
  congruence s_io_cxt_sym subst_clos.
  eapply cond_clos_impl_congruence.
    Focus 2. apply nu_of_s_io_cxt_sym_is_closed_under_var_bis_f.
    Focus 2. apply preserv_monoid_refl_impl_nu_is_reflexive'.
    Focus 1.
      apply symmetrize_fun_preserv_cond_clos_when_f_sym.
      eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.
      - eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.
        + eapply decreasing_g_up_preserv_cond_clos.
            Focus 2. exact ho_out_substit_cond_clos.
            Focus 1. repeat intro. cbv in *. intuition.
        + eapply decreasing_g_up_preserv_cond_clos.
          Focus 2.
            eapply increasing_g_lo_preserv_cond_clos.
            Focus 2. exact ho_in_substit_cond_clos.
            Focus 1. repeat intro. contradiction.
          Focus 1. repeat intro. cbv in *. intuition.
      - eapply decreasing_g_up_preserv_cond_clos.
          Focus 2.
            eapply increasing_g_lo_preserv_cond_clos.
              Focus 2. exact var_substit_cond_clos.
              Focus 1. repeat intro. now hnf.
          Focus 1. repeat intro. cbv in *. intuition.

IO cxt bis is a congruence

Congruence property for send construct

Lemma send_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym:
  congruence s_io_cxt_sym send_clos.
  eapply cond_clos_of_increasing_impl_congruence
    with (g_lo := refl_clos)
         (g_up := const top2).
  Focus 2. intros p q H1.
    now apply preserv_monoid_refl_impl_nu_is_reflexive'.
  Focus 2. now hnf.
  Focus 1.
    eapply symmetrize_fun_preserv_cond_clos_when_f_sym.
    eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.
    - eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.
      eapply increasing_g_lo_preserv_cond_clos.
        Focus 2. eapply congr_cond_clos_impl_cond_clos.
        Focus 1. repeat intro; now hnf.
    - eapply increasing_g_lo_preserv_cond_clos.
      Focus 2. eapply congr_cond_clos_impl_cond_clos.
      Focus 1. repeat intro; now hnf.

Congruence property for receive construct

Lemma receive_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym:
  congruence s_io_cxt_sym receive_clos.
  eapply cond_clos_of_increasing_impl_congruence
    with (g_lo := const bot2) (g_up := const top2).
  Focus 2. now hnf.
  Focus 2. now hnf.
  Focus 1.
    eapply symmetrize_fun_preserv_cond_clos_when_f_sym.
    eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.

Congruence property for parallel construct

Lemma par_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym:
  congruence s_io_cxt_sym par_clos.
  eapply cond_clos_of_increasing_impl_congruence
    with (g_lo := decidable_inj_ren_clos) (g_up := const top2).
  Focus 2. intros p q H1.
    now apply s_io_cxt_sym_closed_under_decidable_inj_ren.
  Focus 2. now hnf.
  Focus 1.
    eapply symmetrize_fun_preserv_cond_clos_when_f_sym.
    eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.
    - eapply intersect_fun_bin_preserv_cond_clos.
      + eapply increasing_g_lo_preserv_cond_clos.
        Focus 2. eapply congr_cond_clos_impl_cond_clos.
        Focus 1. repeat intro. contradiction.

Closure under multi-contexts (for multi-congruence)

Definition multi_context_clos
  (x: relation process): relation process :=
  fun p q => exists sigma tau C,
    (forall n, x (sigma n) (tau n)) /\
    p = instantiate' sigma C /\
    q = instantiate' tau C.

Lemma multi_congr_s_io_cxt_sym:
  congruence s_io_cxt_sym multi_context_clos.
  intros p q [sigma [tau [C [H1 [H2 H3]]]]]. subst.
  revert sigma tau H1.
  induction C; intros sigma tau H1.
  - simpl. apply send_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym.
    do 3 eexists. repeat split. now apply IHC.
  - simpl. apply receive_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym.
    do 3 eexists. repeat split. now apply IHC.
  - simpl. apply H1.
  - simpl. apply par_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym.
    exists (instantiate' sigma C1), (instantiate' tau C1), (instantiate' sigma C2), (instantiate' tau C2).
    repeat split.
    + now apply IHC1.
    + now apply IHC2.
  - now apply preserv_monoid_refl_impl_nu_is_reflexive'.

Context closure

Definition context_clos
  (x: relation process): relation process :=
  fun p q => exists p' q' C, x p' q' /\
                             p = instantiate' (p' .: ids) C /\
                             q = instantiate' (q' .: ids) C.

Main result

Lemma context_clos_congruent_for_s_io_cxt_sym:
  congruence s_io_cxt_sym context_clos.
  intros p q H1.
  apply multi_congr_s_io_cxt_sym.
  hnf in H1. decompose [ex and] H1. clear H1. subst.
  do 3 eexists. repeat split.
  intros n. destruct n.
  - exact H0.
  - simpl. apply preserv_monoid_refl_impl_nu_is_reflexive'.
    now hnf.

Soundness of up-to bisimilarity technique