
Require Import Base Template.Template Strings.Ascii String StringBase.

(* without prop, "iConst T" with T := list gives inconsistencies... *)
Inductive iTerm : Prop :=
  iApp : iTerm -> iTerm -> iTerm
| iLam : iTerm -> iTerm
| iFix : iTerm -> iTerm
| iConst (X:Type) : X -> iTerm (* not-unfolded constants *)
| iMatch : iTerm -> list iTerm -> iTerm (* matches with all the cases *)
| iVar : nat -> nat -> iTerm
| iType (X : Type) : option X -> iTerm.

(* Tactics to translate from AST to Coq again *)

Ltac denote_type s :=
  let t := constr:(Ast.tInd (Ast.mkInd s 0)) in
  let k x := exact x in
  denote_term t k.

Ltac denote_constr s n :=
  let t := constr:(Ast.tConstruct (Ast.mkInd s 0) n) in
  let k x := exact x in
  denote_term t k.

Ltac denote_name s :=
  let t := constr:(Ast.tVar s) in
  let k x := exact x in
  denote_term t k.

Ltac denote s :=
  match s with
  | _ => denote_type s
  (* | _ => denote_constr s *)
  | _ => denote_name s
  | _ => fail

Ltac pose_denote s := let f := constr:(ltac:( denote s )) in pose f.

(* Definition of the valid types for internalization *)

Ltac do_quote s := let k x := refine x in
                   let ter := constr: ( ltac:( quote_term s k ) ) in constr : ter .

(* Tactics to internalize automatically *)

  Ltac list_map retType f A :=
  match eval hnf in A with
  | nil => constr:(@nil retType)
  | ?x :: ?xs =>
    let x' := f x in
    let xs' := list_map retType f xs in
  | _ => fail 1000 "not list of type" retType ": " A

    Ltac list_map_constr retType f A :=
  match eval hnf in A with
  | nil => constr:(@nil retType)
  | ?x :: ?xs =>
    let x' := constr:(f x) in
    let x'':= eval hnf in x' in
    let xs' := list_map_constr retType f xs in
  | _ => fail 1000 "not list of type" retType ": " A

  Ltac list_map_2 retType f A :=
  match eval hnf in A with
  | nil => constr:(@nil retType)
  | ?x :: ?xs =>
    let s := constr:(snd x) in
    let s' := eval hnf in s in
    let v := f s' in
    let x' := constr:(fst x, v) in
    let xs' := list_map_2 retType f xs in
  | _ => fail 1000 "not list of type" retType ": " A

Ltac transform t :=
  let transform_app' f s l :=
      match eval hnf in l with
      | nil => constr:s
      | ?s' :: ?l' =>
        let s'' := transform s' in
        let u := constr:(Ast.tApp s [s'']) in
        let r := f f u l' in
      | _ => fail 1000 "no list:" l
  let transform_app s l := transform_app' transform_app' s l in
  match t with
  | Ast.tApp ?t ?ls =>
    let t' := transform t in
    transform_app t' ls
  | Ast.tLambda ?x ?y ?s =>
    let s' := transform s in
    constr:(Ast.tLambda x y s')
  | Ast.tCase ?a ?b ?s ?l =>
    let s' := transform s in
    let l' := list_map_2 (prod nat Ast.term) transform l in
    constr:(Ast.tCase a b s' l')
  | Ast.tFix [Ast.mkdef _ ?x1 ?x2 ?b ?x3] ?x4 =>
    let b' := transform b in
    constr:(Ast.tFix [Ast.mkdef _ x1 x2 b' x3] x4)
  | Ast.tProd ?x ?y ?s =>
    let s' := transform s in
    constr:(Ast.tProd x y s')
  | Ast.tConstruct _ _ => constr:t
  | Ast.tConst _ => constr:t
  | Ast.tInd _ => constr:t
  | Ast.tRel _ => constr:t
  | Ast.tVar _ => constr:t
  | Ast.tSort _ => constr:t
  | t => fail 100 "not supported:" t

Ltac to_iTerm' t := (* Ast.term -> iTerm *)
  match t with
    | Ast.tRel ?n => constr:(iVar n n)
    | Ast.tLambda _ _ ?s =>
      let s' := to_iTerm' s in
      constr:(iLam s')
    | Ast.tApp ?s [?t] =>
      let s' := to_iTerm' s in
      let t' := to_iTerm' t in
      constr:(iApp s' t')
    | Ast.tCase _ _ ?s ?xt =>
      let s' := to_iTerm' s in
      let xt'' := list_map_constr Ast.term (@snd nat Ast.term) xt in
      let xt' := list_map iTerm to_iTerm' xt'' in
      constr:(iMatch s' xt')
    | Ast.tFix [Ast.mkdef _ _ _ ?s _] _ =>
      let s' := to_iTerm' s in
      constr:(iFix s')
    | Ast.tConstruct (Ast.mkInd ?s _) ?n =>
      let c := constr:(ltac:( denote_constr s n )) in
      constr: (iConst c )
    | Ast.tInd (Ast.mkInd ?s _) =>
      let s' := eval cbv in s in
      let c := constr:(ltac:( denote s')) in
      constr: (iConst c )
    | Ast.tConst ?s =>
      let s' := eval cbv in (name_after_dot s) in
      let x := constr:(ltac:( denote s' )) in
      constr: (iConst x)
    | Ast.tVar ?s =>
      let x := constr:(ltac:( denote s )) in
      constr: (iConst x)
    | Ast.tProd _ _ _ => constr:(iType (@None unit))
    | _ => fail 1000 "failed to build iTerm (is identifier available on top-level?)" t

Definition helper (H:Type) := exists X (F:X -> Type) , H = (forall x, F x).

Ltac getHelper H :=
  let G := fresh "G" in
  let H' := constr:(H) in
  assert (G:helper H') by repeat eexists;exact G.

Ltac getBody H :=
  let H' := constr:(ltac:(getHelper H)) in
  match eval hnf in H' with
    ex_intro _ _ (ex_intro _ ?B _) => constr:(B)

(* the Type level of an expression that returns a type is the number of arguments until it returns a type *)
Ltac TypeLevel' t :=
  match eval hnf in t with
  | Ast.tProd _ _ ?t'=>
    let n := TypeLevel' t' in
    constr:(S n)
  | Ast.tSort _ => constr:(0)
  | Ast.tApp ?s _ =>
    let n := TypeLevel' s in
    let n' := eval cbv in (pred n) in
  | Ast.tInd (Ast.mkInd ?s _) => fail 1 (*
    let c := constr:(ltac:( denote s)) in
    let t'' := type of c in
    let k x := exact (transform x) in
    let t' := constr:ltac:(quote_term t'' k) in
    TypeLevel' t'*)

  | Ast.tConst ?s => fail 1 (*
    let s' := eval cbv in (name_after_dot s) in
    let c := constr:(ltac:( denote s')) in
    let k x := exact (transform x) in
    let t' := constr:ltac:(quote_term c k) in
    TypeLevel' t'*)

  | Ast.tVar ?s => fail 1(*
    let s' := eval cbv in (name_after_dot s) in
    let c := constr:(ltac:( denote s')) in
    let t'' := type of c in
    let k x := exact (transform x) in
    let t' := constr:ltac:(quote_term t'' k) in
    TypeLevel' t' *)

  | Ast.tRel ?s => fail 1
  | _ => fail 1 "not supported:" t

Ltac TypeLevel f:=
  let t := type of f in
  let k x := exact x in
  let t'' := constr:ltac:(quote_term t k) in
  let t' := transform t'' in
  match constr:(0) with
    _ => let n := TypeLevel' t' in constr:(Some n)
  | _ => constr:(@None nat)

Ltac reconstruct t :=
  match t with
  | iApp ?s ?t =>
    let s' := reconstruct s in
    let t' := reconstruct t in
    constr: (s' t')
  | iLam ?s =>
    let s' := reconstruct s in
    constr:(fun x : nat => s')
  | iType (Some ?x) => constr:(x)
  | iType None => constr:(True)
  | iConst ?f => constr:(f)
  (* | _ => fail 1000 "reconstruction failed for:" t *)

Ltac type_elim' u := (* iTerm -> ( iTerm * option prop_level *)
 let F x :=
     match type_elim' x with
       (?x',_) => constr:(x')
     end in
  match u with
    iApp ?s ?t =>
    match type_elim' s with
      (?s',?n) =>
      match type_elim' t with
        (?t',_) =>
        match n with
          None => constr:(iApp s' t',@None nat)
        | Some 1 => let x := reconstruct (iApp s t) in constr:(iType (Some x),@None nat)
        | Some 1 => constr:(iType (@None unit),@None nat)
        | Some (S (S ?n')) =>constr:(iApp s' t', Some (S n'))
  | iFix ?s =>
    match type_elim' s with
      (?s',?n) =>
      match n with
      | None => constr:(iFix s', @None nat)
      | Some ?n => constr:(iFix s', Some (S n))
  | iLam ?s =>
    match type_elim' s with
      (?s',?n) =>
      match n with
      | None => constr:(iLam s', @None nat)
      | Some ?n => constr:(iLam s', Some (S n))
  | iConst ?f =>
    let n := TypeLevel f in
    match n with
      Some 0 => constr:(iType (Some f),@None nat)
    | _ => constr:(iConst f,n)
  | iMatch ?s ?lc =>
    let s' := F s in
    let lc' := list_map iTerm F lc in
    constr:(iMatch s' lc',@None nat)
  | iVar ?n ?m => constr:(iVar n m,@None nat)
  | iType ?x => constr:(iType x,Some 0)
  | ?s => fail 1000 "failed for: " s

Ltac type_elim s :=
  match type_elim' s with
    (?s,?n) =>
    match n with
    None => constr:(s)
    | _ => fail "Prop-returning values are not supported"

Ltac to_iTerm'' t :=
  let x := fresh "t" in
  let k x := refine (x) in
  let ter := constr: ( ltac:( quote_term t k ) ) in
  let ter'' := transform ter in
  let ter' := eval cbn in ter'' in

Ltac to_iTerm t :=
  let x := fresh "t" in
  let k x := refine (x) in
  let ter := constr: ( ltac:( quote_term t k ) ) in
  let ter'' := transform ter in
  let ter' := eval cbn in ter'' in
  let t' := to_iTerm' ter' in t'.