Require Import forms nd List.
Section Embedding.
Definition E := (VarI 0).
Fixpoint e (f: form) : formIPC :=
match f with
| K x => (ImpI (ImpI (e x) E) (e x))
| (ϕ ⊃ ψ) => (ImpI (e ϕ) (e ψ))
| And ϕ ψ => (AndI (e ϕ) (e ψ))
| Or ϕ ψ => (OrI (e ϕ) (e ψ))
| Bot => BotI
| Var x => (VarI x)
Definition ℇ := map e.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A <<= B" := (incl A B) (at level 70).
Define ND for IPC
Inductive ndI: list formIPC -> formIPC -> Prop :=
ndiE A s: ndI A BotI -> ndI A s
| ndiA A s: s el A -> ndI A s
| ndiII A s t: ndI (s::A) t -> ndI A (ImpI s t)
| ndiIE A s t: ndI A (ImpI s t) -> ndI A s -> ndI A t
| ndiCI A s t: ndI A s -> ndI A t -> ndI A (AndI s t)
| ndiCEL A s t: ndI A (AndI s t) -> ndI A s
| ndiCER A s t: ndI A (AndI s t) -> ndI A t
| ndiDIL A s t: ndI A s -> ndI A (OrI s t)
| ndiDIR A s t: ndI A t -> ndI A (OrI s t)
| ndiDE A s t v: ndI A (ImpI s v) -> ndI A (ImpI t v) -> ndI A (OrI s t) -> ndI A v.
Hint Constructors ndI : core.
Hint Constructors nd : core.
Lemma ndiWeak Γ ϕ: (ndI Γ ϕ) -> forall Ω, Γ <<= Ω -> (ndI Ω ϕ).
intro H.
induction H; eauto.
Ltac iselement := try apply ndiA; firstorder eauto.
Lemma embedding Γ {D: DerivationType}: forall ϕ, nd Γ ϕ -> (ndI (ℇ Γ) (e ϕ)).
intros ϕ H.
induction H; simpl e; firstorder eauto.
- apply ndiA. unfold ℇ. apply in_map_iff. eauto.
- apply ndiII. apply ndiII.
remember (ImpI (e t) E :: ImpI (ImpI (e s) E) (e s) :: ℇ Γ) as Γ'.
assert (ndI ((e s)::Γ') (ImpI (e (s ⊃ t)) E) ).
simpl e. apply ndiII.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e t)). rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)); rewrite HeqΓ'; iselement.
assert (ndI Γ' (e s)).
apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (e s) E)).
- rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement.
- apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := ((ImpI (e s) (e t)))).
+ apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e t)). rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)); iselement.
+ simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (ImpI (e s) (e t)) E)).
apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). exact IHnd. rewrite HeqΓ'. firstorder eauto.
exact H0.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)).
apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (ImpI (e s) (e t)) E)).
simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). apply IHnd. rewrite HeqΓ'. firstorder eauto.
apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e t)). rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)).
iselement. apply ndiWeak with (Γ := Γ'); firstorder eauto. assumption.
simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)). apply ndiII. iselement.
apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). exact IHnd. intro; firstorder eauto.
simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)). iselement. apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (e s) E)).
apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). exact IHnd. intro; firstorder eauto.
apply ndiII. apply ndiE. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)); iselement.
End Embedding.
ndiE A s: ndI A BotI -> ndI A s
| ndiA A s: s el A -> ndI A s
| ndiII A s t: ndI (s::A) t -> ndI A (ImpI s t)
| ndiIE A s t: ndI A (ImpI s t) -> ndI A s -> ndI A t
| ndiCI A s t: ndI A s -> ndI A t -> ndI A (AndI s t)
| ndiCEL A s t: ndI A (AndI s t) -> ndI A s
| ndiCER A s t: ndI A (AndI s t) -> ndI A t
| ndiDIL A s t: ndI A s -> ndI A (OrI s t)
| ndiDIR A s t: ndI A t -> ndI A (OrI s t)
| ndiDE A s t v: ndI A (ImpI s v) -> ndI A (ImpI t v) -> ndI A (OrI s t) -> ndI A v.
Hint Constructors ndI : core.
Hint Constructors nd : core.
Lemma ndiWeak Γ ϕ: (ndI Γ ϕ) -> forall Ω, Γ <<= Ω -> (ndI Ω ϕ).
intro H.
induction H; eauto.
Ltac iselement := try apply ndiA; firstorder eauto.
Lemma embedding Γ {D: DerivationType}: forall ϕ, nd Γ ϕ -> (ndI (ℇ Γ) (e ϕ)).
intros ϕ H.
induction H; simpl e; firstorder eauto.
- apply ndiA. unfold ℇ. apply in_map_iff. eauto.
- apply ndiII. apply ndiII.
remember (ImpI (e t) E :: ImpI (ImpI (e s) E) (e s) :: ℇ Γ) as Γ'.
assert (ndI ((e s)::Γ') (ImpI (e (s ⊃ t)) E) ).
simpl e. apply ndiII.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e t)). rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)); rewrite HeqΓ'; iselement.
assert (ndI Γ' (e s)).
apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (e s) E)).
- rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement.
- apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := ((ImpI (e s) (e t)))).
+ apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e t)). rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)); iselement.
+ simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (ImpI (e s) (e t)) E)).
apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). exact IHnd. rewrite HeqΓ'. firstorder eauto.
exact H0.
apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)).
apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (ImpI (e s) (e t)) E)).
simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). apply IHnd. rewrite HeqΓ'. firstorder eauto.
apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e t)). rewrite HeqΓ'. iselement. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)).
iselement. apply ndiWeak with (Γ := Γ'); firstorder eauto. assumption.
simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)). apply ndiII. iselement.
apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). exact IHnd. intro; firstorder eauto.
simpl e in IHnd. apply ndiII. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)). iselement. apply ndiIE with (s := (ImpI (e s) E)).
apply ndiWeak with (Γ := (ℇ Γ)). exact IHnd. intro; firstorder eauto.
apply ndiII. apply ndiE. apply ndiIE with (s := (e s)); iselement.
End Embedding.