Reducing String Rewriting to MPCP

Require Import Prelim PCP String_rewriting Reductions.
Section sr_mpcp_reduction.

  Variable sig: finType.

  Inductive psig: Type := dollar | hash | sigma (s: sig).
  Notation "#" := hash.
  Notation "$" := dollar.

  Definition sig_psig := map (fun (s: sig) =>(sigma s)).
  Lemma inj_sigma : Injective (fun s : sig => sigma s).
    intros a b. now inversion 1.

Definition of MPCP Dominoes

  Definition fcard (x: list sig) := ([$],$::(sig_psig x)++[#]).
  Definition lcard (y: list sig) : rule psig := ((sig_psig y)++[#;$],[$]).

  Definition pcp_dominos : srs sig -> srs psig :=
    fun S => map (fun r => (sig_psig (fst r), sig_psig (snd r))) S ++ [([#],[#])]
  ++ (map (fun s => ([sigma s],[sigma s])) (elem sig)).

  Definition reduction_f (T: (srs sig) * list sig * list sig) : (rule psig * srs psig) :=
    match T with
    |((R,x),y) => ((fcard x),(lcard y)::(pcp_dominos R))

Correctness Proof

  Definition copy_string (x: list sig) := map (fun s => ([sigma s],[sigma s])) x.

  Lemma copy_string_el x a S:
    a el copy_string x -> a el pcp_dominos S.
    destruct x; cbn. auto. destruct a. intros [HA|HA].
    inv HA. apply in_app_iff. right. apply in_app_iff. right.
    apply in_map_iff. exists e. now split. apply in_map_iff in HA as [s [H1 H2]].
    inv H1. apply in_app_iff. right. apply in_app_iff. right.
    apply in_map_iff. exists s. now split.

  Lemma concat_map_fst_copy x :
    concat (map fst (copy_string x)) = sig_psig x.
  Proof. induction x; simpl. auto. now rewrite IHx. Qed.

  Lemma concat_map_snd_copy x:
    concat (map snd (copy_string x)) = sig_psig x.
  Proof. induction x; simpl. auto. now rewrite IHx. Qed.

  Lemma split_sig_psig x y:
    sig_psig (x++y) = sig_psig x ++ sig_psig y.
  Proof. unfold sig_psig. now rewrite map_app. Qed.

String Rewriting to MPCP Match

  Lemma rewrite_exists_pcp_list R x y:
    rewt R x y -> (exists A, (concat (map fst A))++(sig_psig y)++[#] =
                        (sig_psig x)++[#]++(concat (map snd A)) /\ A <<= (pcp_dominos R)).
    induction 1 as [|x z y].
     - exists []. split; auto.
     - destruct IHrewt as [A [HA HB]]. inv H.
       exists ((copy_string x0)++(sig_psig u,sig_psig v)::(copy_string y0)++[([#],[#])]++A). split.
       + cbn. rewrite !map_app, !concat_app. cbn. rewrite !map_app, !concat_app. cbn.
         rewrite !concat_map_fst_copy, !concat_map_snd_copy, !split_sig_psig.
         rewrite <- !app_assoc. rewrite <- app_comm_cons. rewrite HA.
         now rewrite !split_sig_psig, <- !app_assoc.
       + intros a [HC|[<-|[HC|[HC%in_sing|HC]%in_app_iff]%in_app_iff]]%in_app_iff.
         * apply (@copy_string_el x0 a R HC).
         * apply in_app_iff. left. apply in_map_iff. exists (u,v). split. auto. assumption.
         * apply (@copy_string_el y0 a R HC).
         * apply in_app_iff. right. apply in_app_iff. left. now left.
         * now apply HB.

  Lemma sr_then_pcp_solution (S: srs sig) (x y : list sig):
    rewt S x y -> MPCP (reduction_f (S,x,y)).
    cbn. intros H. apply rewrite_exists_pcp_list in H as [A [HA HB]].
    exists (A++[lcard y]). repeat split. inversion 1. intros e [<-|[HH|HH%in_sing]%in_app_iff].
    - now left.
    - right. right. now apply HB.
    - right. now left.
    - unfold solution. cbn. unfold lcard. rewrite !map_app, !concat_app. cbn.
      rewrite !app_nil_r. change [#;$] with ([#]++[$]). setoid_rewrite app_assoc at 2.
      setoid_rewrite app_assoc at 1. rewrite HA. now rewrite !app_assoc.

MPCP Match to String Rewriting

   Lemma sigma_hash_equal a b A B:
     sig_psig a ++ #::A = sig_psig b ++ #::B -> a = b.
     revert b. induction a; intros b H; destruct b; inv H. auto.
     now rewrite (IHa b H2).

  Lemma split_sigma a u (A B: list psig):
   sig_psig u ++ A = sig_psig a ++ #::B
    -> exists a', sig_psig a = sig_psig u ++ sig_psig a'.
    revert a. induction u; intros b; cbn; intros SL.
    - exists b. reflexivity.
    - destruct b; inv SL. destruct (IHu b H1). exists x. cbn. f_equal. assumption.

  Lemma rewrite_solution (R: srs sig) (A: srs psig) (a x y b: list sig):
    A <<= (fcard x) :: snd (reduction_f (R,x,y))
    -> (concat (map fst A) = sig_psig a++[#]++(sig_psig b)++(concat (map snd A)))
    -> (rewt R a y /\ (b = [])) \/ (exists A' B d, (concat (map fst B) = sig_psig a)
                                     /\ (concat (map snd B) = sig_psig d) /\
                                    A = B++[([#],[#])]++A' /\ rewt R a d).
    revert a x y b. pattern A.
    apply (@size_induction (srs psig) (@length (list psig * list psig))).
    intros D IH. intros a x y b sub H1. destruct D. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H1.
    destruct a; cbn in *.
      + assert (|D|<S(|D|)) as DH by omega.
        destruct (sub r (or_introl eq_refl)) as [<-|[<-|[H|[H|H]%in_app_iff]%in_app_iff]].
        * inv H1.
        * cbn in H1. destruct y, b; cbn in *. left. split. constructor. auto. inv H1. inv H1. inv H1.
        * apply in_map_iff in H as [?[]]. subst. destruct x0 as (u,v). destruct u; cbn in *.
          -- specialize (IH D DH [] x y (b++v)). destruct IH. intros e HE. apply sub.
             now right. rewrite split_sig_psig. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
             left. destruct H. split. assumption. destruct b. auto. inv H2.
             destruct H as [? [? [? [? [? []]]]]]. right.
             exists x0, (([],sig_psig v)::x1), (v++x2). repeat split. cbn. assumption.
             cbn. rewrite H2. now rewrite split_sig_psig. cbn. now rewrite H3.
             apply rewtTrans with (y:= x2). assumption. setoid_rewrite <- app_nil_l at 2.
             apply rewtRule with (y:=(v++x2)). now apply rewR with (x:=[]) (u:=[]) (v:=v).
          -- inv H1.
        * apply in_sing in H. subst. inv H1. right. exists D, [], []. repeat split. constructor.
        * apply in_map_iff in H as [?[]]. subst. inv H1.
      + assert (|D|<S(|D|)) as DH by omega.
        destruct (sub r (or_introl eq_refl)) as [<-|[<-|[H|[H|H]%in_app_iff]%in_app_iff]].
        * inv H1.
        * cbn in *. rewrite <- app_assoc in H1. cbn in H1.
          rewrite app_comm_cons in H1. change (sigma e::sig_psig a) with (sig_psig (e::a)) in H1.
          apply sigma_hash_equal in H1 as H2. subst. inv H1. apply app_inv_head in H0.
          inv H0. destruct b. left. split. constructor. auto. inv H1.
        * apply in_map_iff in H as [?[]]. subst. destruct x0 as (u,v). cbn in *.
          rewrite app_comm_cons in H1. change (sigma e:: sig_psig a) with (sig_psig (e::a)) in H1.
          destruct (split_sigma H1) as [a' HA']. rewrite HA' in H1. rewrite <- app_assoc in H1.
          apply app_inv_head in H1.
          assert (sig_psig (e::a) = sig_psig (u++a')) as H by (now rewrite split_sig_psig).
          unfold sig_psig in H. apply (map_inj _ _ inj_sigma) in H.
          destruct (IH D DH a' x y (b++v)) as [[]|]. intros d EH. apply sub. now right.
          rewrite split_sig_psig, <- app_assoc. assumption.
          -- left. rewrite H. apply app_eq_nil in H3 as []. subst. split.
             rewrite <- app_nil_l. apply rewtTrans with (y:= []++a').
             apply rewtRule with (y:=([]++a')). apply rewR with (x:=[]) (u:=u) (v:=[]).
             assumption. constructor. now rewrite !app_nil_l. reflexivity.
          -- destruct H2 as [?[?[?[?[?[]]]]]]. right.
             exists x0, ((sig_psig u, sig_psig v)::x1),(v++x2). cbn. repeat split.
             ++ rewrite H2. now rewrite <- HA'.
             ++ rewrite H3. now rewrite split_sig_psig.
             ++ now rewrite H4.
             ++ rewrite H. apply rewtTrans with (y:=v++a'). apply rewtRule with (y:=(v++a')).
                now apply rewR with (x:=[]) (u:=u). constructor. now apply rewrite_app.
        * apply in_sing in H. subst. inv H1.
        * apply in_map_iff in H as [?[]]. subst. inv H1.
          destruct (IH D DH a x y (b++[e])). intros d EH. apply sub. now right.
          rewrite split_sig_psig. now rewrite <- app_assoc. destruct H. symmetry in H1.
          now apply app_cons_not_nil in H1. destruct H as [?[?[?[?[?[]]]]]].
          right. exists x0, (([sigma e],[sigma e])::x1), (e::x2). cbn. repeat split.
          now rewrite H. now rewrite H1. now rewrite H2. now apply rewrite_app with (z:=[e]).

  Lemma mpcp_rewriting R x y a A:
    A <<= (fcard x) :: snd (reduction_f (R,x,y))
    -> (concat (map fst A) = sig_psig a++[#]++(concat (map snd A)))
    -> rewt R a y.
    revert a. pattern A.
    apply (@size_induction (srs psig) (@length (list psig* list psig))).
    intros B IH a sub H. destruct (@rewrite_solution R B a x y [] sub) as [[]|].
    cbn. assumption.
    - assumption.
    - destruct H0 as [?[?[?[?[?[]]]]]]. rewrite H2 in H. cbn in *.
      rewrite !map_app, !concat_app in H. cbn in *.
      rewrite H0 in H. rewrite H1 in H. apply app_inv_head in H. inv H.
      apply rewtTrans with (y:=x2). assumption. apply (IH x0).
      destruct x1. cbn. omega. cbn. rewrite app_length. cbn. omega.
      intros e HE. apply sub. apply in_app_iff. right. now right. assumption.

  Lemma mpcp_solution_then_sr (S: srs sig) (x y: list sig):
    MPCP (reduction_f (S,x,y)) -> rewt S x y.
    cbn. unfold MPCP. intros [A [_ [H2 H3]]]. unfold solution in H3.
    cbn in *. inv H3. rewrite <- app_assoc in H0. apply (@mpcp_rewriting S x y x A).
    intros e HE. apply H2. now right. assumption.

End sr_mpcp_reduction.

Theorem reduction_sr_mpcp : red SR MPCPD.
  unfold red. exists (fun S => existT (fun X => mpcp X) (psig (projT1 S)) (reduction_f (projT2 S))).
  intros [sig [[R x] y]]. unfold SR, MPCPD. cbn. split.
  apply sr_then_pcp_solution. apply mpcp_solution_then_sr.