Library CFG.Lists

Require Export Base.

Decidability instances

Instance eq_dec_prod X Y (Dx : eq_dec X) (Dy : eq_dec Y) :
  eq_dec (X × Y).
  intros [x y] [x' y'].
  decide (x = x') ; decide (y = y') ; try (right ; intros H ; inv H ; tauto).
  left. f_equal ; auto.

Instance filter_prod_dec X Y {D : eq_dec X} (x : X) :
   (e : X × Y) , dec ((fun e : X × Ymatch e with (xe, _)x = xe end) e).
  intros [xe _]. auto.

Instance splitList_dec X (D : eq_dec X) (xs ys : list X) : dec ( zs, xs = ys ++ zs).
  revert xs.
  induction ys as [| s ys IHv]; intros xs.
  - left. xs. auto.
  - destruct xs as [|s' xs].
    + right. intros [zs H]. inv H.
    + decide (s = s') as [DS | DS].
      × rewrite DS.
        destruct (IHv xs) as [IH | IH].
        { left. destruct IH as [zs IH]. zs. rewrite IH. auto. }
        { right. intros [zs H]. simpl in H.
          apply IH. zs. now inv H. }
      × right. intros [zs H]. inv H. tauto.


Fixpoint slists (X : Type) (p : X Prop) (pdec : x, dec (p x)) (xs : list X) : list (list X) :=
  match xs with
  | [][[]]
| s::xs'
      ys := slists pdec xs'
    in let
      zs := map (cons s) ys
    if decision (p s) then ys ++ zs else zs
Arguments slists {X} p {pdec} xs.

Inductive slist (X : Type) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} : list X list X Prop :=
| subnil : slist nil nil
| subconsp s ys xs: p s slist ys xs slist ys (s :: xs)
| subcons s ys xs : slist ys xs slist (s :: ys) (s :: xs).
Arguments slist {X} p {pdec} ys xs.
Hint Constructors slist.

Lemma slists_slist (X : Type) (xs ys : list X) (p : X Prop) (D : x, dec (p x)) :
  ys el slists p xs slist p ys xs.
Proof with (apply in_map_iff in H ; destruct H as [ys' [H0 H1]] ; subst ; auto).
  - revert ys.
    induction xs as [| s xs' IHu] ; intros ys H ; simpl in H.
    + destruct H as [H | H] ; [ rewrite <- H ; constructor | tauto ].
    + decide (p s) ; [ apply in_app_iff in H ; destruct H as [H | H] | ] ; auto...
  - induction 1 as [| s ys xs H H0 IH | s ys xs H IH] ; simpl ; auto.
    × decide (p s) ; firstorder.
    × assert (H1: ys', s::ys' = s::ys ys' el (slists p xs)) by firstorder.
      rewrite <- in_map_iff in H1.
      decide (p s) ; [ apply in_app_iff | ] ; auto.

Properties of sublists

Lemma slist_id (X : Type) (xs : list X) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} :
  slist p xs xs.
  induction xs ; auto.

Lemma slist_trans (X : Type) (xs ys zs : list X) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} :
  slist p zs ys slist p ys xs slist p zs xs.
Proof with (remember (s :: xs) as zs ; induction H2 ; [congruence | | inv Heqzs ] ; auto).
  intros H1. revert xs.
  induction H1 as [| s ys xs H H0 IH | s ys xs H IH] ; intros xs' H2 ; try now auto ; auto...

Lemma slist_append (X : Type) (xs1 xs2 ys1 ys2 : list X) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} :
  slist p ys1 xs1 slist p ys2 xs2 slist p (ys1 ++ ys2) (xs1 ++ xs2).
  induction 1 ; simpl ; auto.

Lemma slist_equiv_pred (X : Type) (xs ys : list X) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} (p' : X Prop) {pdec' : x, dec (p' x)}:
  ( x, p x p' x) slist p xs ys slist p' xs ys.
  induction 2 ; auto.
  constructor 2 ; firstorder.

Lemma slist_inv (X : Type) (xs ys : list X) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} :
  slist p ys xs ( s, s el ys p s) s, s el xs p s.
Proof with (destruct E as [E | E] ; try rewrite <- E ; auto).
  intros H0 H1 s E.
  induction H0 ; auto...

Lemma slist_split (X : Type) (xs ys : list X) (p : X Prop) {pdec : x, dec (p x)} :
  slist p ys xs xs1 xs2, xs = xs1 ++ xs2 ys1 ys2, slist p ys1 xs1 slist p ys2 xs2 ys = ys1 ++ ys2.
Proof with (repeat split ; auto ; try inv IH0 ; auto).
  induction 1 as [ | s ys xs H H0 IH | s ys xs H IH] ; intros xs1 xs2 U.
  - [], [].
    symmetry in U.
    apply app_eq_nil in U ; destruct U as [H1 U].
    rewrite H1, U. repeat split ; auto.
  - destruct xs1, xs2 ; simpl in U ; (try now inv U) ; injection U ; intros U0 U1 ; subst.
    + destruct (IH [] xs2 eq_refl) as [ys1 [ys2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]]. ys1, ys2...
    + destruct (IH xs1 [] eq_refl) as [ys1 [ys2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]]. ys1, ys2...
    + destruct (IH xs1 (x0 :: xs2) eq_refl) as [ys1 [ys2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]]. ys1, ys2...
  - destruct xs1, xs2 ; simpl in U ; (try now inv U) ; injection U ; intros U0 U1 ; subst.
    + destruct (IH [] xs2 eq_refl) as [ys1 [ys2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]]. ys1, (x :: ys2)...
    + destruct (IH xs1 [] eq_refl) as [ys1 [ys2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]]. (x :: ys1), ys2...
    + destruct (IH xs1 (x0 :: xs2) eq_refl) as [ys1 [ys2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]]. (x :: ys1), ys2...

Lemma slist_subsumes X (p : X Prop) {D : x, dec (p x)} xs ys :
  slist p xs ys xs <<= ys.
  induction 1 ; auto.

Lemma slist_length X (p : X Prop) {D : x, dec (p x)} (xs ys : list X) :
  slist p xs ys |xs| |ys|.
  induction 1 ; simpl ; omega.

Lemma slist_pred X (p p' : X Prop) {D : x, dec (p' x)} (xs ys : list X) :
  slist p' xs ys ( y, y el ys p y) x, x el xs p x.
  intros Ss P.
  induction Ss ; intros x' E ; auto.
  destruct E as [E | E] ; auto.
  rewrite <- E. now apply P.


Definition segment X (xs ys : list X) := xs1 xs2, xs = xs1 ++ ys ++ xs2.

Fixpoint segms X (D : eq_dec X) (xs : list X) :=
  match xs with
    [][ [] ]
  | s :: xs
      Ss :=segms D xs
    map (cons s) (filter (fun ys zs, xs = ys ++ zs) Ss) ++ Ss
Arguments segms {X} {D} xs.

Properties of segments

Lemma segment_nil X {D : eq_dec X} (xs : list X) :
  segment xs [].
   xs, []. now rewrite app_nil_r.

Lemma segment_refl X {D : eq_dec X} (xs : list X) :
  segment xs xs.
   [], []. rewrite app_nil_r. auto.

Lemma segment_trans X {D : eq_dec X} (xs ys zs : list X) :
  segment ys zs segment xs ys segment xs zs.
  intros [w1 [w2 H0]] [ys1 [ys2 H1]].
   (ys1 ++ w1), (w2 ++ ys2). rewrite H1, H0.
  now repeat rewrite <- app_assoc.

Equivalence of segment characterizations

Lemma segms_corr1 X {D : eq_dec X} (xs ys : list X) :
  segment xs ys ys el segms xs.
  revert ys.
  induction xs as [| s xs IHxs] ; intros ys [ys1 [ys2 H]].
  - simpl. symmetry in H.
    apply app_eq_nil in H.
    destruct H as [H0 H]. apply app_eq_nil in H.
    destruct H as [H1 H2]. subst. auto.
  - destruct ys1 as [| sys1 ys1] ; simpl in H.
    + destruct ys as [| sys ys] ; simpl in H.
      { simpl. apply in_or_app. right. apply IHxs. now apply segment_nil. }
      { injection H ; intros H0 H1 ; subst.
        simpl. apply in_or_app. left. apply in_map_iff.
         ys. split ; auto. apply in_filter_iff. split.
        - apply IHxs. [], ys2. auto.
        - now ( ys2). }
    + injection H ; intros H0 H1 ; subst.
      simpl. apply in_or_app. right. apply IHxs.
      now ( ys1, ys2).

Lemma segms_corr2 X {D : eq_dec X} (xs ys : list X) :
  ys el segms xs segment xs ys.
  intros H.
  induction xs as [| s xs IHxs] ; simpl in H.
  - destruct H as [H | H] ; [subst | tauto].
    now ( [], []).
  - apply in_app_iff in H.
    destruct H as [H | H].
    + apply in_map_iff in H. destruct H as [x [H0 H1]].
      apply in_filter_iff in H1. destruct H1 as [H1 [zs H2]].
      rewrite <- H0, H2 in ×.
       [], zs. auto.
    + destruct (IHxs H) as [x [z IH]].
       (s :: x), z. rewrite IH. auto.

Lemma segms_corr X {D : eq_dec X} (xs ys : list X) :
  ys el segms xs segment xs ys.
  split ; intros Ss ; [eapply segms_corr2 | eapply segms_corr1] ; eauto.

General functions on lists


Fixpoint product X Y Z (f : X Y Z) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) : list Z :=
  match xs with
  | s :: xsmap (f s) ys ++ product f xs ys

Lemma prod_corr1 X Y Z (f : X Y Z) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) (z : Z) :
  z el product f xs ys sxs sys, f sxs sys = z sxs el xs sys el ys.
  intros H.
  induction xs as [| s xs IHxs ] ; simpl in H ; try tauto.
  apply in_app_iff in H.
  destruct H as [H | H].
  - apply in_map_iff in H.
    destruct H as [x [H0 H1]].
     s, x. repeat split ; auto.
  - destruct (IHxs H) as [sxs [sys [H0 [H1 H2]]]].
     sxs, sys. auto.

Lemma prod_corr2 X Y Z (f : X Y Z) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) (z : Z) :
  ( sxs sys, f sxs sys = z sxs el xs sys el ys) z el product f xs ys.
  intros [sxs [sys [H0 [H1 H2]]]].
  induction xs as [| s xs IHxs ] ; try now inv H1.
  simpl. apply in_app_iff.
  destruct H1 as [H1 | H1].
  - rewrite H1 in ×. left. apply in_map_iff. sys. auto.
  - right. auto.

Lemma prod_corr X Y Z (f : X Y Z) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) (z : Z) :
  z el product f xs ys sxs sys, f sxs sys = z sxs el xs sys el ys.
  split ; [apply prod_corr1 | apply prod_corr2].


Fixpoint fsts X Y (xs : list (X × Y)) :=
  match xs with
  | (x, y) :: xsx :: fsts xs

Lemma fsts_split X Y (xs ys : list (X × Y)) :
  fsts (xs ++ ys) = fsts xs ++ fsts ys.
  induction xs as [| [s1 s2] xs IHxs] ; simpl ; auto.
  now rewrite IHxs.

Fixpoint snds X Y (xs : list (X × Y)) :=
  match xs with
  | (x, y) :: xsy :: snds xs

Lemma snds_split X Y (xs ys : list (X × Y)) :
  snds (xs ++ ys) = snds xs ++ snds ys.
  induction xs as [| [s1 s2] xs IHxs] ; simpl ; auto.
  now rewrite IHxs.


Fixpoint concat X (xs : list (list X)) :=
  match xs with
  | ys :: xsys ++ (concat xs)

Lemma concat_split X (xs ys : list (list X)) :
  concat (xs ++ ys) = concat xs ++ concat ys.
  induction xs ; simpl ; [| rewrite IHxs] ; auto using app_assoc.


Fixpoint substL X {D : eq_dec X} (xs : list X) (y : X) (ys : list X) :=
  match xs with
  | x :: xsif decision (x = y) then ys ++ substL xs y ys else x :: substL xs y ys

Lemma substL_split X {D : eq_dec X} (xs1 xs2 : list X) (y : X) (ys : list X) :
  substL (xs1 ++ xs2) y ys = substL xs1 y ys ++ substL xs2 y ys.
  induction xs1 as [| sxs1 xs1 IHxs1] ; simpl ; try (decide (sxs1 = y) ; rewrite IHxs1) ; auto using app_assoc.

Lemma substL_skip X {D : eq_dec X} (xs : list X) (y : X) (ys : list X) :
  ¬ y el xs substL xs y ys = xs.
  intros U.
  induction xs as [| x xs IHxs] ; simpl in × ; auto.
  decide (x = y) as [D0 | D0].
  - exfalso. apply U ; auto.
  - f_equal. apply IHxs.
    intros H. apply U. auto.

Lemma substL_length_unit X {D : eq_dec X} (xs : list X) (x x' : X) :
  (|xs|) = | substL xs x [x'] |.
  induction xs as [| y xr IHxr] ; simpl ; try decide (y = x) ; simpl ; auto.

Lemma substL_undo X {D : eq_dec X} (xs : list X) (x x' : X) :
  ¬ x' el xs substL (substL xs x [x']) x' [x] = xs.
  intros H.
  induction xs as [| y xr IHxr] ; simpl ; auto.
  simpl. decide (y = x) as [D0 | D0] ; subst ; simpl.
  - decide (x' = x') ; try tauto. f_equal. auto.
  - decide (y = x') ; subst.
    + exfalso. now apply H.
    + f_equal. auto.

General lemmas on lists

Lemma list_unit (X : Type) (xs zs : list X) (x y : X) :
  [x] = xs ++ y :: zs xs = [] zs = [] x = y.
  intros H.
  destruct xs, zs ; (try now inv H ; auto) ; (injection H ; intros H0 H1 ; subst;
     symmetry in H0 ; apply app_eq_nil in H0 ; destruct H0 ; congruence).