Require Export List.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Require Import Preliminaries_Coq.
(* Preliminary Definitions and Results regarding Lists *)
Section MyList.
(* Injective Mappings *)
Lemma map_setinj_elem {X Y} (f: X -> Y) p q L:
set_injection p q f -> (forall x, In x L -> p x) ->
forall x, p x -> In x L <-> In (f x) (map f L).
intros Inj P x px.
rewrite in_map_iff. split.
- intros H. eauto.
- intros [x0 [E H1]].
assert (x = x0).
+ apply Inj; intuition.
+ rewrite H. exact H1.
Lemma map_setinj_NoDup {X Y} (f: X -> Y) p q L:
set_injection p q f -> (forall x, In x L -> p x) ->
NoDup L <-> NoDup (map f L).
intros Inj P.
induction L; cbn.
- split; constructor.
- rewrite NoDup_cons_iff, NoDup_cons_iff.
rewrite IHL, (map_setinj_elem f p q L Inj).
+ firstorder.
+ intros x H. apply P. intuition.
+ apply P. intuition.
+ intros x H. apply P. intuition.
Corollary map_inj_elem {X Y} (f: X -> Y) L:
injective f -> forall x, In x L <-> In (f x) (map f L).
intros H1 x.
apply (map_setinj_elem f (Top X) (Top Y)); firstorder.
Corollary map_inj_NoDup {X Y} (f: X -> Y) L:
injective f -> NoDup L <-> NoDup (map f L).
intros H1.
apply (map_setinj_NoDup f (Top X) (Top Y)); firstorder.
(* Maximum Function *)
Fixpoint list_max L : nat
:= match L with nil => 0 |
(a::L) => let m := list_max L in
if le_gt_dec a m then m else a end.
Lemma list_max_not_in L:
forall x, x > list_max L -> ~ In x L.
intros x.
induction L.
- intros _. firstorder.
- intros H1. cbn in *; destruct (le_gt_dec a (list_max L)); cbn in *.
+ intros [H2 | H2].
* rewrite <- H2 in H1. lia.
* apply IHL in H1. firstorder.
+ intros [H2 | H2].
* rewrite H2 in H1. lia.
* apply IHL. lia. exact H2.
Lemma list_max_in (L: list nat):
forall x, In x L -> x <= list_max L.
intros x H.
destruct (Nat.le_gt_cases x (list_max L)); intuition.
apply list_max_not_in in H0. firstorder.
(* Removing Function for General Predicates *)
Context {LX: Type}.
Fixpoint remove_pred (p: LX -> Prop) (D: dec_pred p) L : list LX
:= match L with nil => nil |
(a::L) => if D a then remove_pred p D L else a :: (remove_pred p D L) end.
Lemma remove_pred_spec1 p D L:
forall x, In x L -> (~ p x) -> In x (remove_pred p D L).
intros x H1 H2. induction L.
- firstorder.
- destruct H1.
+ rewrite H. cbn; destruct D.
* firstorder.
* now left.
+ apply IHL in H. cbn; destruct D; firstorder.
Lemma remove_pred_spec2 p D L:
forall x, In x (remove_pred p D L) -> In x L /\ (~ p x).
intros x H. induction L; cbn in H.
- firstorder.
- destruct D.
+ apply IHL in H. firstorder.
+ destruct H.
* rewrite <- H. firstorder.
* apply IHL in H. firstorder.
(* Membership Decider & Removing of an Element *)
Variable D : discrete LX.
Lemma dec_membership:
forall (L: list LX), @dec_pred LX (fun x => In x L).
intros L x.
induction L.
- right. firstorder.
- destruct IHL, (D (x,a)); firstorder; tauto.
Definition remove x L : list LX
:= remove_pred (fun a => x = a) (fun a => D(x,a)) L.
Lemma remove_spec1 x L:
length (remove x L) <= length L.
induction L.
- firstorder.
- cbn; destruct (D (x,a)); unfold remove in IHL.
+ lia.
+ cbn. lia.
Lemma remove_spec2 x L:
In x L -> length (remove x L) < length L.
intros H.
induction L.
- firstorder.
- assert (length (remove x L) <= length L) by (exact (remove_spec1 x L)).
destruct H, (D (x,a)) eqn: H1; cbn; rewrite H1.
+ unfold remove in H0. lia.
+ assert (x = a) by (rewrite H; trivial).
exfalso. firstorder.
+ unfold remove in IHL. apply IHL in H. lia.
+ assert (length (remove x L) < length L) by (exact (IHL H)).
unfold remove in H2. cbn. lia.
Lemma remove_spec3 x x0 L:
In x0 L -> (~ In x0 (remove x L)) -> x = x0.
intros H H1. destruct (D (x,x0)); try assumption.
contradict H1. now apply remove_pred_spec1.
Lemma remove_spec4 x x0 L:
In x0 (remove x L) -> In x0 L.
now intros H % remove_pred_spec2.
Lemma remove_NoDup x L:
NoDup L -> NoDup (remove x L).
intros ND. induction ND.
- constructor.
- cbn. destruct (D (x,x0)).
+ exact IHND.
+ constructor.
* intros H1 % remove_spec4. apply H, H1.
* exact IHND.
(* Pigeonhole Principles *)
Lemma pigeonhole_exists (L1: list LX):
NoDup L1 -> forall L2, length L1 > length L2 -> exists x, In x L1 /\ ~ In x L2.
intros H. induction L1.
- intros L2 E. cbn in E. lia.
- intros L2 E.
apply NoDup_cons_iff in H.
destruct (dec_membership L2 a).
+ specialize (IHL1 (proj2 H) (remove a L2)).
assert (length (remove a L2) < length L2) by (apply remove_spec2, i).
assert (length L1 > length (remove a L2)) by (cbn in E; lia).
destruct (IHL1 H1) as [x0 [H31 H32]].
exists x0. split.
* right. exact H31.
* intros e % (remove_spec3 a x0 L2).
** rewrite e in H. firstorder.
** exact H32.
+ exists a. firstorder.
Lemma pigeonhole_length (L1: list LX):
NoDup L1 -> forall L2, incl L1 L2 -> length L1 <= length L2.
intros H L2 H1.
destruct (Nat.le_gt_cases (length L1) (length L2)).
- assumption.
- apply pigeonhole_exists in H0.
+ destruct H0 as (x & H2 & H3). firstorder.
+ assumption.
(* Difference Function of Lists *)
Fixpoint list_minus (L1 L2: list LX) : list LX
:= match L1 with nil => nil |
(x :: L1) => let L := list_minus L1 L2 in
if dec_membership L2 x then L else x :: L end.
Lemma list_minus_spec L1 L2:
forall x, In x (list_minus L1 L2) <-> In x L1 /\ ~ In x L2.
intros x. induction L1.
- cbn. firstorder.
- cbn. destruct (dec_membership L2 a); split.
+ intuition.
+ intros [[<- | H0] H1].
* intuition.
* apply IHL1; intuition.
+ intros [<- | H0 % IHL1]; intuition.
+ intros [[<- | H0] H1].
* intuition.
* right. apply IHL1; intuition.
Lemma list_minus_NoDup L1 L2:
NoDup L1 -> NoDup (list_minus L1 L2).
intros ND.
induction ND.
- cbn. constructor.
- destruct (dec_membership L2 x) eqn: E; cbn; rewrite E.
+ exact IHND.
+ constructor.
* intros H1 % list_minus_spec. firstorder.
* exact IHND.
Lemma list_minus_remove L1 L2 a:
~ In a L1 -> incl (list_minus L1 (remove a L2)) (list_minus L1 L2).
intros H1 x H2 % list_minus_spec. apply list_minus_spec. split.
- apply H2.
- intros H3. assert (a = x). apply (remove_spec3 a x L2); intuition.
rewrite <- H in H2. firstorder.
Lemma list_minus_length L1 L2:
NoDup L1 -> length (list_minus L1 L2) + length L2 >= length L1.
intros ND.
revert L2.
induction ND.
- cbn. lia.
- intros L2. destruct (dec_membership L2 x) eqn: E; cbn; rewrite E.
+ specialize (IHND (remove x L2)). remember (remove_spec2 x L2 i).
enough (length (list_minus l L2) >= length (list_minus l (remove x L2))) by lia.
apply NoDup_incl_length.
* apply list_minus_NoDup, ND.
* apply list_minus_remove, H.
+ cbn. specialize (IHND L2). lia.
(* Facts about firstn (Defined in Standard Library) *)
Lemma firstn_elements L n:
forall x, In x (firstn n L) -> @In LX x L.
intros x H.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n L).
apply in_or_app; firstorder.
Lemma firstn_NoDup L n:
NoDup L -> @NoDup LX (firstn n L).
intros H. revert n.
induction H.
- intros n. rewrite firstn_nil. constructor.
- destruct n ; cbn; constructor.
+ intros H1 % firstn_elements. firstorder.
+ apply IHNoDup.
End MyList.
(* Lists of Pairs, Projections *)
Section PairList.
Context {LX LY: Type}.
Definition fstL (L: list (LX * LY)) : list LX
:= map fst L.
Definition sndL (L: list (LX * LY)) : list LY
:= map snd L.
Lemma fstL_in x L:
In x (fstL L) <-> exists y, In (x,y) L.
unfold fstL. rewrite in_map_iff. firstorder.
exists (snd x0).
rewrite <- H, <- (surjective_pairing x0).
exact H0.
Lemma sndL_in y L:
In y (sndL L) <-> exists x, In (x,y) L.
unfold sndL. rewrite in_map_iff. firstorder.
exists (fst x).
rewrite <- H, <- (surjective_pairing x).
exact H0.
Lemma fstL_length L:
length L = length (fstL L).
unfold fstL. rewrite map_length. trivial.
Lemma sndL_length L:
length L = length (sndL L).
unfold sndL. rewrite map_length. trivial.
Variable DX: discrete LX.
Variable DY: discrete LY.
Definition in_fst L : forall x, {In x (fstL L)} + {~ In x (fstL L)}
:= dec_membership DX (fstL L).
Definition in_snd L : forall y, {In y (sndL L)} + {~ In y (sndL L)}
:= dec_membership DY (sndL L).
End PairList.
(* Function computing the complement of a list up to a bound *)
Section ComplToBound.
Definition complToBound L b : list nat
:= list_minus D_nat (seq 0 (S b)) L.
Lemma complToBound_Bound L b :
forall x, In x (complToBound L b) -> x <= b.
intros x [H _] % list_minus_spec.
apply in_seq in H. lia.
Lemma complToBound_length L b:
length (complToBound L b) + length L >= S b.
assert (length (seq 0 (S b) ) = S b) by exact (seq_length (S b) 0). rewrite <- H.
apply list_minus_length.
apply seq_NoDup.
Lemma complToBound_NoDup L b:
NoDup (complToBound L b).
apply list_minus_NoDup. apply seq_NoDup.
End ComplToBound.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Require Import Preliminaries_Coq.
(* Preliminary Definitions and Results regarding Lists *)
Section MyList.
(* Injective Mappings *)
Lemma map_setinj_elem {X Y} (f: X -> Y) p q L:
set_injection p q f -> (forall x, In x L -> p x) ->
forall x, p x -> In x L <-> In (f x) (map f L).
intros Inj P x px.
rewrite in_map_iff. split.
- intros H. eauto.
- intros [x0 [E H1]].
assert (x = x0).
+ apply Inj; intuition.
+ rewrite H. exact H1.
Lemma map_setinj_NoDup {X Y} (f: X -> Y) p q L:
set_injection p q f -> (forall x, In x L -> p x) ->
NoDup L <-> NoDup (map f L).
intros Inj P.
induction L; cbn.
- split; constructor.
- rewrite NoDup_cons_iff, NoDup_cons_iff.
rewrite IHL, (map_setinj_elem f p q L Inj).
+ firstorder.
+ intros x H. apply P. intuition.
+ apply P. intuition.
+ intros x H. apply P. intuition.
Corollary map_inj_elem {X Y} (f: X -> Y) L:
injective f -> forall x, In x L <-> In (f x) (map f L).
intros H1 x.
apply (map_setinj_elem f (Top X) (Top Y)); firstorder.
Corollary map_inj_NoDup {X Y} (f: X -> Y) L:
injective f -> NoDup L <-> NoDup (map f L).
intros H1.
apply (map_setinj_NoDup f (Top X) (Top Y)); firstorder.
(* Maximum Function *)
Fixpoint list_max L : nat
:= match L with nil => 0 |
(a::L) => let m := list_max L in
if le_gt_dec a m then m else a end.
Lemma list_max_not_in L:
forall x, x > list_max L -> ~ In x L.
intros x.
induction L.
- intros _. firstorder.
- intros H1. cbn in *; destruct (le_gt_dec a (list_max L)); cbn in *.
+ intros [H2 | H2].
* rewrite <- H2 in H1. lia.
* apply IHL in H1. firstorder.
+ intros [H2 | H2].
* rewrite H2 in H1. lia.
* apply IHL. lia. exact H2.
Lemma list_max_in (L: list nat):
forall x, In x L -> x <= list_max L.
intros x H.
destruct (Nat.le_gt_cases x (list_max L)); intuition.
apply list_max_not_in in H0. firstorder.
(* Removing Function for General Predicates *)
Context {LX: Type}.
Fixpoint remove_pred (p: LX -> Prop) (D: dec_pred p) L : list LX
:= match L with nil => nil |
(a::L) => if D a then remove_pred p D L else a :: (remove_pred p D L) end.
Lemma remove_pred_spec1 p D L:
forall x, In x L -> (~ p x) -> In x (remove_pred p D L).
intros x H1 H2. induction L.
- firstorder.
- destruct H1.
+ rewrite H. cbn; destruct D.
* firstorder.
* now left.
+ apply IHL in H. cbn; destruct D; firstorder.
Lemma remove_pred_spec2 p D L:
forall x, In x (remove_pred p D L) -> In x L /\ (~ p x).
intros x H. induction L; cbn in H.
- firstorder.
- destruct D.
+ apply IHL in H. firstorder.
+ destruct H.
* rewrite <- H. firstorder.
* apply IHL in H. firstorder.
(* Membership Decider & Removing of an Element *)
Variable D : discrete LX.
Lemma dec_membership:
forall (L: list LX), @dec_pred LX (fun x => In x L).
intros L x.
induction L.
- right. firstorder.
- destruct IHL, (D (x,a)); firstorder; tauto.
Definition remove x L : list LX
:= remove_pred (fun a => x = a) (fun a => D(x,a)) L.
Lemma remove_spec1 x L:
length (remove x L) <= length L.
induction L.
- firstorder.
- cbn; destruct (D (x,a)); unfold remove in IHL.
+ lia.
+ cbn. lia.
Lemma remove_spec2 x L:
In x L -> length (remove x L) < length L.
intros H.
induction L.
- firstorder.
- assert (length (remove x L) <= length L) by (exact (remove_spec1 x L)).
destruct H, (D (x,a)) eqn: H1; cbn; rewrite H1.
+ unfold remove in H0. lia.
+ assert (x = a) by (rewrite H; trivial).
exfalso. firstorder.
+ unfold remove in IHL. apply IHL in H. lia.
+ assert (length (remove x L) < length L) by (exact (IHL H)).
unfold remove in H2. cbn. lia.
Lemma remove_spec3 x x0 L:
In x0 L -> (~ In x0 (remove x L)) -> x = x0.
intros H H1. destruct (D (x,x0)); try assumption.
contradict H1. now apply remove_pred_spec1.
Lemma remove_spec4 x x0 L:
In x0 (remove x L) -> In x0 L.
now intros H % remove_pred_spec2.
Lemma remove_NoDup x L:
NoDup L -> NoDup (remove x L).
intros ND. induction ND.
- constructor.
- cbn. destruct (D (x,x0)).
+ exact IHND.
+ constructor.
* intros H1 % remove_spec4. apply H, H1.
* exact IHND.
(* Pigeonhole Principles *)
Lemma pigeonhole_exists (L1: list LX):
NoDup L1 -> forall L2, length L1 > length L2 -> exists x, In x L1 /\ ~ In x L2.
intros H. induction L1.
- intros L2 E. cbn in E. lia.
- intros L2 E.
apply NoDup_cons_iff in H.
destruct (dec_membership L2 a).
+ specialize (IHL1 (proj2 H) (remove a L2)).
assert (length (remove a L2) < length L2) by (apply remove_spec2, i).
assert (length L1 > length (remove a L2)) by (cbn in E; lia).
destruct (IHL1 H1) as [x0 [H31 H32]].
exists x0. split.
* right. exact H31.
* intros e % (remove_spec3 a x0 L2).
** rewrite e in H. firstorder.
** exact H32.
+ exists a. firstorder.
Lemma pigeonhole_length (L1: list LX):
NoDup L1 -> forall L2, incl L1 L2 -> length L1 <= length L2.
intros H L2 H1.
destruct (Nat.le_gt_cases (length L1) (length L2)).
- assumption.
- apply pigeonhole_exists in H0.
+ destruct H0 as (x & H2 & H3). firstorder.
+ assumption.
(* Difference Function of Lists *)
Fixpoint list_minus (L1 L2: list LX) : list LX
:= match L1 with nil => nil |
(x :: L1) => let L := list_minus L1 L2 in
if dec_membership L2 x then L else x :: L end.
Lemma list_minus_spec L1 L2:
forall x, In x (list_minus L1 L2) <-> In x L1 /\ ~ In x L2.
intros x. induction L1.
- cbn. firstorder.
- cbn. destruct (dec_membership L2 a); split.
+ intuition.
+ intros [[<- | H0] H1].
* intuition.
* apply IHL1; intuition.
+ intros [<- | H0 % IHL1]; intuition.
+ intros [[<- | H0] H1].
* intuition.
* right. apply IHL1; intuition.
Lemma list_minus_NoDup L1 L2:
NoDup L1 -> NoDup (list_minus L1 L2).
intros ND.
induction ND.
- cbn. constructor.
- destruct (dec_membership L2 x) eqn: E; cbn; rewrite E.
+ exact IHND.
+ constructor.
* intros H1 % list_minus_spec. firstorder.
* exact IHND.
Lemma list_minus_remove L1 L2 a:
~ In a L1 -> incl (list_minus L1 (remove a L2)) (list_minus L1 L2).
intros H1 x H2 % list_minus_spec. apply list_minus_spec. split.
- apply H2.
- intros H3. assert (a = x). apply (remove_spec3 a x L2); intuition.
rewrite <- H in H2. firstorder.
Lemma list_minus_length L1 L2:
NoDup L1 -> length (list_minus L1 L2) + length L2 >= length L1.
intros ND.
revert L2.
induction ND.
- cbn. lia.
- intros L2. destruct (dec_membership L2 x) eqn: E; cbn; rewrite E.
+ specialize (IHND (remove x L2)). remember (remove_spec2 x L2 i).
enough (length (list_minus l L2) >= length (list_minus l (remove x L2))) by lia.
apply NoDup_incl_length.
* apply list_minus_NoDup, ND.
* apply list_minus_remove, H.
+ cbn. specialize (IHND L2). lia.
(* Facts about firstn (Defined in Standard Library) *)
Lemma firstn_elements L n:
forall x, In x (firstn n L) -> @In LX x L.
intros x H.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n L).
apply in_or_app; firstorder.
Lemma firstn_NoDup L n:
NoDup L -> @NoDup LX (firstn n L).
intros H. revert n.
induction H.
- intros n. rewrite firstn_nil. constructor.
- destruct n ; cbn; constructor.
+ intros H1 % firstn_elements. firstorder.
+ apply IHNoDup.
End MyList.
(* Lists of Pairs, Projections *)
Section PairList.
Context {LX LY: Type}.
Definition fstL (L: list (LX * LY)) : list LX
:= map fst L.
Definition sndL (L: list (LX * LY)) : list LY
:= map snd L.
Lemma fstL_in x L:
In x (fstL L) <-> exists y, In (x,y) L.
unfold fstL. rewrite in_map_iff. firstorder.
exists (snd x0).
rewrite <- H, <- (surjective_pairing x0).
exact H0.
Lemma sndL_in y L:
In y (sndL L) <-> exists x, In (x,y) L.
unfold sndL. rewrite in_map_iff. firstorder.
exists (fst x).
rewrite <- H, <- (surjective_pairing x).
exact H0.
Lemma fstL_length L:
length L = length (fstL L).
unfold fstL. rewrite map_length. trivial.
Lemma sndL_length L:
length L = length (sndL L).
unfold sndL. rewrite map_length. trivial.
Variable DX: discrete LX.
Variable DY: discrete LY.
Definition in_fst L : forall x, {In x (fstL L)} + {~ In x (fstL L)}
:= dec_membership DX (fstL L).
Definition in_snd L : forall y, {In y (sndL L)} + {~ In y (sndL L)}
:= dec_membership DY (sndL L).
End PairList.
(* Function computing the complement of a list up to a bound *)
Section ComplToBound.
Definition complToBound L b : list nat
:= list_minus D_nat (seq 0 (S b)) L.
Lemma complToBound_Bound L b :
forall x, In x (complToBound L b) -> x <= b.
intros x [H _] % list_minus_spec.
apply in_seq in H. lia.
Lemma complToBound_length L b:
length (complToBound L b) + length L >= S b.
assert (length (seq 0 (S b) ) = S b) by exact (seq_length (S b) 0). rewrite <- H.
apply list_minus_length.
apply seq_NoDup.
Lemma complToBound_NoDup L b:
NoDup (complToBound L b).
apply list_minus_NoDup. apply seq_NoDup.
End ComplToBound.