Library Framework
Termination Framework
Require Export RealizorPredicates.
Require Export Reduction.
Require Import Termination.
Implicit Types rho : type_context.
Implicit Types Gamma Delta : context.
Implicit Types u v : inttype -> Prop.
Implicit Types x y z : var.
Implicit Types s t : term.
A valuation maps variables to Realizor Predicates
Definition rc_ctx := var -> realizorCandidate.
Implicit Types sigma : rc_ctx.
Definition valuation sigma := forall x, realizorPredicate (sigma x).
Implicit Types sigma : rc_ctx.
Definition valuation sigma := forall x, realizorPredicate (sigma x).
Valuations can be extended with Realizor Predicates
Lemma valuation_up {P sigma} : valuation sigma -> realizorPredicate P -> valuation (P .: sigma).
intros sigma_val rpP [|x] ; simpl ; auto. Qed.
Section General_Termination.
intros sigma_val rpP [|x] ; simpl ; auto. Qed.
Section General_Termination.
The termination framework works for any other type system ttype
These types are interpreted under a valuation
Variable int_ty : ttype -> rc_ctx -> realizorCandidate.
Notation "[[ T ]] sigma" := (int_ty T sigma) (at level 1).
Notation "[[ T ]] sigma" := (int_ty T sigma) (at level 1).
The type interpretation preserves Realizor Predicates if it interprets types as Realizor Predicates
Definition rp_preservation := (forall T sigma, valuation sigma -> realizorPredicate [[T]]sigma).
Section Compiler.
The termination framework accepts any source system
that can be embedded into the pure lambda calculus
Variable tterm : Type.
Implicit Types a b c : tterm.
Variable compiler : tterm -> term.
Notation "[| a |]" := (compiler a) (at level 9).
Furthermore, we assume that there is a typing system that
relates terms and types
The typing system validates if it recognizes
valid type contexts and valuations
Variable vtty : forall rho sigma, tterm -> ttype -> Prop.
Definition validation := forall a T,
ctty a T <-> (exists rho sigma, valid rho /\ valuation sigma /\ vtty rho sigma a T).
Definition validation := forall a T,
ctty a T <-> (exists rho sigma, valid rho /\ valuation sigma /\ vtty rho sigma a T).
In addition to this, we consider a reduction relation on
the terms of the source system
The compiler is consistent if it preserves reducibility
The compiler is adequate if it compiles the term to a term
which can be given types that correspond to the original type
Definition cadequacy := forall {rho sigma}, valid rho -> valuation sigma -> forall {a T}, vtty rho sigma a T -> [[T]]sigma [ [|a|] ]rho.
Compiler consistency and the termination of the
compilate imply termination of the source
Lemma sn_tsn a : compiler_consistency -> SN [|a|] -> TSN a.
intros H sn.
apply sn_gsn in sn.
remember ([|a|]) as t.
revert a Heqt.
induction sn as [? ? IH].
constructor ; subst.
intros b st. apply IH with ([| b |]) ; auto.
Any system that validates, preserves realizor predicates,
and has an adequate and consistent compiler is
Theorem tsn : validation -> rp_preservation -> cadequacy -> compiler_consistency
-> forall a T, ctty a T -> TSN a.
intros v rpr ad cc a T tyt.
unfold validation in *. rewrite v in tyt.
destruct tyt as [rho [sigma [rho_val [sigma_val tyt ] ] ] ].
assert (inRP := ad _ _ rho_val sigma_val _ _ tyt).
destruct (excl_bot [[T]]sigma (rpr _ _ sigma_val) _ inRP) as [A [n Gamma comp styt] ].
apply sn_tsn ; auto.
apply (sn_system _ _ _ _ styt).
End Compiler.
Section LambdaCurry.
For the special case of lambda curry,
we do not need to provide a special compiler
We can assume that lambda curry systems use
contexts in their typing judgements
Definition t_ctx := var -> ttype.
Implicit Types tGamma : t_ctx.
Variable tty : t_ctx -> term -> ttype -> Prop.
Implicit Types tGamma : t_ctx.
Variable tty : t_ctx -> term -> ttype -> Prop.
The lambda curry compiler is the identity mapping
and is trivally consistent
A type context validates a source context and and valuation
if it is pointwise contained in the type interpretation of
the source context
Validity is preserved under extension with compatible
types and filters
Lemma validates_up {rho tGamma sigma} : validates rho tGamma sigma -> forall T u, [[T]]sigma u ->
validates (u .: rho) (T .: tGamma) sigma.
intros rho_sigma_val A u Au [|x] ; simpl in * ; auto. Qed.
validates (u .: rho) (T .: tGamma) sigma.
intros rho_sigma_val A u Au [|x] ; simpl in * ; auto. Qed.
The top type context maps all variables to top and is valid
The top valuation maps all variables to the top realizor
Definition top_sigma x := top_rp.
unfold valid.
eauto using top_filter. Qed.
Lemma top_sigma_valuation : valuation top_sigma.
unfold valuation.
eauto using top_rp_realizable. Qed.
unfold valid.
eauto using top_filter. Qed.
Lemma top_sigma_valuation : valuation top_sigma.
unfold valuation.
eauto using top_rp_realizable. Qed.
The typing judgement recognizes type contexts and valuations
if the system preserves realizor predicates
Inductive val_ty rho sigma t T : Prop := val_ty_gamma tGamma : validates rho tGamma sigma -> tty tGamma t T -> val_ty rho sigma t T.
Lemma val_ty_v : rp_preservation -> validation term (fun t T => exists tGamma, tty tGamma t T) val_ty.
intros rp t T.
- intros [tGamma tyt].
exists top_rho, top_sigma.
intuition ; eauto using top_rho_valid, top_sigma_valuation.
exists tGamma ; auto.
intros x. unfold top_rho. apply incl_top, rp. apply top_sigma_valuation.
- intros [? [? [? [? [tGamma ? tyt] ] ] ] ]. eauto.
Lemma val_ty_v : rp_preservation -> validation term (fun t T => exists tGamma, tty tGamma t T) val_ty.
intros rp t T.
- intros [tGamma tyt].
exists top_rho, top_sigma.
intuition ; eauto using top_rho_valid, top_sigma_valuation.
exists tGamma ; auto.
intros x. unfold top_rho. apply incl_top, rp. apply top_sigma_valuation.
- intros [? [? [? [? [tGamma ? tyt] ] ] ] ]. eauto.
The system is adequate if the term interpretation is contained
in the type interpretation, i.e., the type interpretation contains
all possible A-Types that can be given to its terms
Definition adequacy := forall {tGamma t T}, tty tGamma t T -> forall {rho sigma}, valid rho -> valuation sigma -> validates rho tGamma sigma -> [[T]]sigma [t]rho.
Adequacy suffices to show that the lambda curry compiler is adequate
Lemma adequacy_cadequacy : adequacy -> cadequacy _ lcc val_ty.
intros ad rho sigma rho_val sig_val a T [tGamma rho_sigma_val tyt].
eauto. Qed.
intros ad rho sigma rho_val sig_val a T [tGamma rho_sigma_val tyt].
eauto. Qed.
Therefore adequacy and preservation of realizor candidates imply
termination in any lambda curry system
Lemma sn : rp_preservation -> adequacy
-> forall tGamma t T, tty tGamma t T -> SN t.
intros rp ad tGamma t T tyt.
assert ((fun t T => exists tGamma, tty tGamma t T) t T) by eauto.
change SN with (TSN _ step).
eauto using tsn, adequacy_cadequacy, val_ty_v, lcc_c.
End LambdaCurry.
End General_Termination.
-> forall tGamma t T, tty tGamma t T -> SN t.
intros rp ad tGamma t T tyt.
assert ((fun t T => exists tGamma, tty tGamma t T) t T) by eauto.
change SN with (TSN _ step).
eauto using tsn, adequacy_cadequacy, val_ty_v, lcc_c.
End LambdaCurry.
End General_Termination.