Library Premodel
Interpretation yields a premodel of lambda calculus
Require Export Interpretation.
Require Import Contexts Types.
Implicit Types Gamma Delta : context.
Implicit Types u v : inttype -> Prop.
Implicit Types m n : basetype -> Prop.
Implicit Types A B C : inttype.
Implicit Types F G H : basetype.
Implicit Types x y z : var.
Implicit Types s t : term.
Variables are interpreted according to the type context
Lemma int_x rho x : valid rho -> [ x ] rho ~ rho x.
intros v A.
- intros [n Gamma crG tyG].
assert (E := invtyVar _ _ _ _ tyG).
eapply compatible_sub_Gamma ; eauto.
- intros.
apply intty with 0 (fun y => if decide (x =y) then A :type else OMEGA) ; auto.
+ intros y B E. decide (x = y) ; auto.
+ apply tyVarA. decide (x = x) ; auto.
Term applications are interpreted as filter applications
Lemma int_st rho s t : valid rho -> [ s t ] rho ~ [ s ] rho @ [ t ] rho.
intros v.
apply closure_filter_equiv ; auto using int_IF.
- intros F [m Gamma ? tys].
inversion tys.
exists A ; eauto using intty, compatible_sub, cte_csub_R.
- intros F [A [n Gamma ? ?] [m Delta ? ?]].
eauto using intty, compatible_cint.
intros v.
apply closure_filter_equiv ; auto using int_IF.
- intros F [m Gamma ? tys].
inversion tys.
exists A ; eauto using intty, compatible_sub, cte_csub_R.
- intros F [A [n Gamma ? ?] [m Delta ? ?]].
eauto using intty, compatible_cint.
For non-empty arguments u, the interpretation of an abstraction respects beta reduction
Lemma int_lam rho s u : valid rho -> IFilter u -> (exists B, u B) -> [ s ] (u .: rho) ~ [ Lam s ] rho @ u.
intros v uF [B uB].
apply closure_filter_equiv ; auto using int_IF, valid_up.
- intros F [n Gamma c tys].
remember (Gamma 0) as V.
destruct V as [A|].
+ exists A.
* econstructor ; eauto using compatible_down.
econstructor. rewrite HeqV. eauto using ty_equiv, cons_drop_inv.
* now apply (c 0).
+ exists B ; auto.
eapply (intty _ _ _ _ (drop 1 Gamma)) ; eauto using compatible_down.
eapply tycsub ; eauto.
exists ((B : type) .: Empty).
intros [|x] ; simpl ; auto.
* now rewrite <- HeqV.
* now rewrite int_O.
- intros F [A [n Gamma ? tyL] ?].
inversion tyL.
eauto using compatible_up, intty, valid_up.