Require Import Util.
Require Import ListLib.
Require Import Decidable.
Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Definition enumerator {X} (f : nat -> option X) (P : X -> Prop) : Prop := forall x, P x <-> exists n, f n = Some x.
Definition enumerable {X} (P : X -> Prop) : Prop := exists f : nat -> option X, enumerator f P.
Definition enumerator__T' X f := forall x : X, exists n : nat, f n = Some x.
Notation enumerator__T f X := (enumerator__T' X f).
Definition enumerable__T X := exists f : nat -> option X, enumerator__T f X.
Definition list_enumerator__T' X f := forall x : X, exists n : nat, In x (f n).
Notation list_enumerator__T f X := (list_enumerator__T' X f).
Definition list_enumerable__T X := exists f : nat -> list X, list_enumerator__T f X.
Definition inf_list_enumerable__T X := { f : nat -> list X | list_enumerator__T f X }.
My Lemmas
Lemma enumerable_ext X (p1 p2 : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, p1 x <-> p2 x) -> enumerable p1 -> enumerable p2.
intros H [f Hf]. exists f. firstorder.
Lemma enumerable_conj X (p q : X -> Prop) :
eq_dec X -> enumerable p -> enumerable q -> enumerable (fun x => p x /\ q x).
intros EX [f Ef] [g Eg].
exists (fun n => match f (pi1 n) with
| Some x => match g (pi2 n) with
| Some x' => if EX x x' then Some x else None
| _ => None
| _ => None
intros x. split.
- intros [H1 H2]. specialize (Ef x) as [Ef _]; specialize (Eg x) as [Eg _].
destruct (Ef H1) as [n1 Hf], (Eg H2) as [n2 Hg].
exists (embed (n1, n2)). rewrite pi1_correct, Hf, pi2_correct, Hg.
destruct (EX x x); congruence.
- intros [n H]. split.
+ apply Ef. exists (pi1 n). destruct (f (pi1 n)), (g (pi2 n)).
destruct (EX x0 x1); congruence. all: congruence.
+ apply Eg. exists (pi2 n). destruct (f (pi1 n)), (g (pi2 n)).
destruct (EX x0 x1); congruence. all: congruence.
Lemma enumerable_decidable X (p : X -> Prop) :
enumerable__T X -> decidable p -> enumerable p.
intros [f Hf] [g Hg].
exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => if g x then Some x else None | None => None end).
intros x. split.
- intros H%Hg. destruct (Hf x) as [n H1]. exists n. now rewrite H1, H.
- intros [n H]. destruct f. destruct g eqn:H1. apply Hg. all: congruence.
Lemma enumerable__T_pair X Y :
enumerable__T X -> enumerable__T Y -> enumerable__T (X * Y).
intros [f Hf] [g Hg].
exists (fun n => match f (pi1 n), g (pi2 n) with
| Some x, Some y => Some (x, y)
| _, _ => None
intros [x y]. specialize (Hf x) as [n1 H1]; specialize (Hg y) as [n2 H2].
exists (embed (n1, n2)). now rewrite pi1_correct, H1, pi2_correct, H2.
Lemma enumerable_comp X Y (p : Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) :
enumerable p -> enumerable__T X -> eq_dec Y -> enumerable (fun x => p (f x)).
intros [g Hg] [h Hh] E.
exists (fun n => match g (pi1 n), h (pi2 n) with
| Some y, Some x => if E (f x) y then Some x else None
| _, _ => None
intros x. split.
- intros H. specialize (Hg (f x)) as [Hg _]; specialize (Hh x) as [n2 Hh].
specialize (Hg H) as [n1 Hg]. exists (embed (n1, n2)).
rewrite pi1_correct, Hg, pi2_correct, Hh. destruct (E (f x)); congruence.
- intros [n H]. destruct (g (pi1 n)) eqn:H1, (h (pi2 n)) eqn:H2.
destruct (E (f x0) y) eqn:H3. all: try congruence. apply Hg. exists (pi1 n).
Theorem weakPost X (p : X -> Prop) :
eq_dec X -> ldecidable p -> enumerable p -> enumerable (fun x => ~ p x) -> decidable p.
intros E Hl [f Hf] [g Hg].
apply decidable_if. intros x.
assert (exists n, f n = Some x \/ g n = Some x) as H by (destruct (Hl x); firstorder).
assert (forall n, dec (f n = Some x)) as H1. {
intros. destruct (f n). destruct (E x0 x) as [->|].
now left. all: right; congruence. }
assert (forall n, dec (g n = Some x)) as H2. {
intros. destruct (g n). destruct (E x0 x) as [->|].
now left. all: right; congruence. }
edestruct constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc as [n H'].
2: apply H.
- intros n. destruct (H1 n) as [->|], (H2 n) as [->|]. 1-2: tauto.
now left; right. right. intros []; firstorder.
- destruct (H1 n). firstorder. destruct (H2 n); firstorder.
Theorem Post :
MP <-> (forall X (p : X -> Prop), eq_dec X -> enumerable p -> enumerable (fun x => ~ p x) -> decidable p).
- intros mp X p E H1 H2. apply weakPost; try easy.
destruct H1 as [f Hf], H2 as [g Hg].
intros x. specialize (Hf x); specialize (Hg x).
pose (h n := match f n, g n with
| Some x', None => if E x x' then true else false
| None, Some x' => if E x x' then true else false
| Some x1, Some x2 => if E x x1 then true else
if E x x2 then true else false
| None, None => false
enough (exists n, h n = true) as [n H]. {
unfold h in H. destruct (f n) eqn:H1, (g n) eqn:H2; try congruence;
destruct (E x x0) as [<-|]; try congruence.
2: destruct (E x x1) as [<-|]; try congruence.
all: firstorder. }
apply mp. intros H.
assert (~~(p x \/ ~ p x)) as H1 by tauto. apply H1; clear H1. intros [H1|H1].
+ apply H. apply Hf in H1 as [n H1]. exists n. unfold h.
destruct (f n) eqn:H2, (g n) eqn:H3; try congruence;
destruct (E x x0); congruence.
+ apply H. apply Hg in H1 as [n H1]. exists n. unfold h.
destruct (f n) eqn:H2, (g n) eqn:H3; try congruence;
destruct (E x x0); try congruence. destruct (E x x1); congruence.
- intros H1 f H2. enough (decidable (fun _ : nat => tsat f)) as [d H].
{ specialize (H 0). destruct (d 0). tauto. exfalso. apply H2. now intros ?%H. }
apply H1.
+ unfold eq_dec, dec. decide equality.
+ exists (fun n => if f (pi1 n) then Some (pi2 n) else None). intros n. split.
* intros [n' H]. exists (embed (n', n)). now rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct, H.
* intros [n' H]. destruct (f (pi1 n')) eqn:H3. now exists (pi1 n'). easy.
+ exists (fun _ => None). intros n. split. now intros H. now intros [_ ?].
List enumerator Lemmas
Definition cumulative {X} (L: nat -> list X) :=
forall n, exists A, L (S n) = L n ++ A.
Hint Extern 0 (cumulative _) => intros ?; cbn; eauto : core.
Lemma cum_ge {X} {L: nat -> list X} {n m} :
cumulative L -> m >= n -> exists A, L m = L n ++ A.
induction 2 as [|m _ IH].
- exists nil. now rewrite app_nil_r.
- destruct (H m) as (A&->), IH as [B ->].
exists (B ++ A). now rewrite app_assoc.
Lemma cum_ge' {X} {L: nat -> list X} {x n m} :
cumulative L -> In x (L n) -> m >= n -> In x (L m).
intros ? H [A ->] % (cum_ge (L := L)). apply in_app_iff. eauto. eauto.
Definition list_enumerator {X} (L: nat -> list X) (p : X -> Prop) :=
forall x, p x <-> exists m, In x (L m).
Definition list_enumerable {X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
exists L, list_enumerator L p.
Section enumerator_list_enumerator.
Variable X : Type.
Variable p : X -> Prop.
Variables (e : nat -> option X).
Let T (n : nat) : list X := match e n with Some x => [x] | None => [] end.
Lemma enumerator_to_list_enumerator : forall x, (exists n, e n = Some x) <-> (exists n, In x (T n)).
split; intros [n H].
- exists n. unfold T. rewrite H. firstorder.
- unfold T in *. destruct (e n) eqn:E. inversion H; subst. eauto. inversion H0. inversion H.
End enumerator_list_enumerator.
Lemma enumerable_list_enumerable {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
enumerable p -> list_enumerable p.
intros [f Hf]. eexists.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros x. rewrite <- enumerator_to_list_enumerator.
eapply Hf.
Lemma enumerable__T_list_enumerable {X} :
enumerable__T X -> list_enumerable__T X.
intros [f Hf]. eexists.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros x. rewrite <- enumerator_to_list_enumerator.
eapply Hf.
Section enumerator_list_enumerator.
Variable X : Type.
Variables (T : nat -> list X).
Let e (n : nat) : option X :=
let (n, m) := unembed n in
nth_error (T n) m.
Lemma list_enumerator_to_enumerator : forall x, (exists n, e n = Some x) <-> (exists n, In x (T n)).
split; intros [k H].
- unfold e in *.
destruct (unembed k) as (n, m).
exists n. eapply (nth_error_In _ _ H).
- unfold e in *.
eapply In_nth_error in H as [m].
exists (embed (k, m)). now rewrite unembed_embed, H.
End enumerator_list_enumerator.
Lemma list_enumerator_enumerator {X} {p : X -> Prop} {T} :
list_enumerator T p -> enumerator (fun n => let (n, m) := unembed n in
nth_error (T n) m) p.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros H x. rewrite list_enumerator_to_enumerator. eauto.
Lemma list_enumerable_enumerable {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
list_enumerable p -> enumerable p.
intros [T HT]. eexists.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros x. rewrite list_enumerator_to_enumerator.
eapply HT.
Lemma list_enumerable__T_enumerable {X} :
list_enumerable__T X -> enumerable__T X.
intros [T HT]. eexists.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros x. rewrite list_enumerator_to_enumerator.
eapply HT.
Lemma enum_enum {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
enumerable p <-> list_enumerable p.
apply enumerable_list_enumerable.
apply list_enumerable_enumerable.
Lemma enum_enumT {X} :
enumerable__T X <-> list_enumerable__T X.
eapply enumerable__T_list_enumerable.
eapply list_enumerable__T_enumerable.
Definition to_cumul {X} (L : nat -> list X) := fix f n :=
match n with 0 => [] | S n => f n ++ L n end.
Lemma to_cumul_cumulative {X} (L : nat -> list X) :
cumulative (to_cumul L).
Lemma to_cumul_spec {X} (L : nat -> list X) x :
(exists n, In x (L n)) <-> exists n, In x (to_cumul L n).
- intros [n H].
exists (S n). cbn. eapply in_app_iff. eauto.
- intros [n H].
induction n; cbn in *.
+ inversion H.
+ eapply in_app_iff in H as [H | H]; eauto.
Lemma cumul_In {X} (L : nat -> list X) x n :
In x (L n) -> In x (to_cumul L (S n)).
intros H. cbn. eapply in_app_iff. eauto.
Lemma In_cumul {X} (L : nat -> list X) x n :
In x (to_cumul L n) -> exists n, In x (L n).
intros H. eapply to_cumul_spec. eauto.
Hint Resolve cumul_In In_cumul : core.
Lemma list_enumerator_to_cumul {X} {p : X -> Prop} {L} :
list_enumerator L p -> list_enumerator (to_cumul L) p.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros. rewrite H.
eapply to_cumul_spec.
Lemma cumul_spec__T {X} {L} :
list_enumerator__T L X -> list_enumerator__T (to_cumul L) X.
unfold list_enumerator__T.
intros. now rewrite <- to_cumul_spec.
Lemma cumul_spec {X} {L} {p : X -> Prop} :
list_enumerator L p -> list_enumerator (to_cumul L) p.
unfold list_enumerator.
intros. now rewrite <- to_cumul_spec.
Notation cumul := (to_cumul).
Section L_list_def.
Context {X : Type}.
Variable (L : nat -> list X).
Fixpoint L_list (n : nat) : list (list X) :=
match n
| 0 => [ [] ]
| S n => L_list n ++ [ x :: L | (x,L) ∈ (cumul L n × L_list n) ]
End L_list_def.
Lemma L_list_cumulative {X} L : cumulative (@L_list X L).
intros ?; cbn; eauto.
Lemma enumerator__T_list {X} L :
list_enumerator__T L X -> list_enumerator__T (L_list L) (list X).
intros H l.
induction l.
- exists 0. cbn. eauto.
- destruct IHl as [n IH].
destruct (cumul_spec__T H a) as [m ?].
exists (1 + n + m). cbn. intros. in_app 2.
in_collect (a,l).
all: eapply cum_ge'; eauto using L_list_cumulative; lia.
Lemma enumerable_list {X} : list_enumerable__T X -> list_enumerable__T (list X).
intros [L H].
eexists. now eapply enumerator__T_list.
Hint Extern 4 => match goal with [H : list_enumerator _ ?p |- ?p _ ] => eapply H end : core.
(* Lemma enumerable_conj X (p q : X -> Prop) :
discrete X -> enumerable p -> enumerable q -> enumerable (fun x => p x /\ q x).
intros enumerable_list_enumerable Lq *)
Lemma projection X Y (p : X * Y -> Prop) :
enumerable p -> enumerable (fun x => exists y, p (x,y)).
intros [f].
exists (fun n => match f n with Some (x, y) => Some x | None => None end).
intros; split.
- intros [y ?]. eapply H in H0 as [n]. exists n. now rewrite H0.
- intros [n ?]. destruct (f n) as [ [] | ] eqn:E; inversion H0.
exists y. eapply H. rewrite <- H2. eauto.
Lemma projection' X Y (p : X * Y -> Prop) :
enumerable p -> enumerable (fun y => exists x, p (x,y)).
intros [f].
exists (fun n => match f n with Some (x, y) => Some y | None => None end).
intros y; split.
- intros [x ?]. eapply H in H0 as [n]. exists n. now rewrite H0.
- intros [n ?]. destruct (f n) as [ [] | ] eqn:E; inversion H0.
exists x. eapply H. rewrite <- H2. eauto.
Definition L_T {X : Type} {f : nat -> list X} {H : list_enumerator__T f X} : nat -> list X.
exact (cumul f).
Arguments L_T _ {_ _} _, {_ _ _}.
Hint Unfold L_T : core.
Hint Resolve cumul_In : core.
Existing Class list_enumerator__T'.
Existing Class enumerator__T'.
Definition el_T {X} {f} `{list_enumerator__T f X} : list_enumerator__T L_T X.
now eapply cumul_spec__T.
Existing Instance enumerator__T_list.
Instance enumerator__T_to_list {X} {f} :
list_enumerator__T f X -> enumerator__T (fun n => let (n, m) := unembed n in nth_error (f n) m) X | 100.
intros H x. eapply list_enumerator_to_enumerator in H. exact H.
Instance enumerator__T_of_list {X} {f} :
enumerator__T f X -> list_enumerator__T (fun n => match f n with Some x => [x] | None => [] end) X | 100.
intros H x. eapply enumerator_to_list_enumerator. eauto.
Existing Class inf_list_enumerable__T.
Instance inf_to_enumerator {X} :
forall H : inf_list_enumerable__T X, list_enumerator__T (proj1_sig H) X | 100.
intros [? H]. eapply H.
Hint Unfold enumerable list_enumerable : core.
Hint Resolve enumerable_list_enumerable
list_enumerable_enumerable : core.
Lemma enumerable_enum {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
enumerable p <-> list_enumerable p.
split; eauto.
Lemma enumerable_disj X (p q : X -> Prop) :
enumerable p -> enumerable q -> enumerable (fun x => p x \/ q x).
intros [Lp H] % enumerable_enum [Lq H0] % enumerable_enum.
eapply enumerable_enum.
exists (fix f n := match n with 0 => [] | S n => f n ++ [ x | x ∈ Lp n] ++ [ y | y ∈ Lq n] end).
intros x. split.
- intros [H1 | H1].
* eapply H in H1 as [m]. exists (1 + m). cbn. in_app 2. in_collect x. eauto.
* eapply H0 in H1 as [m]. exists (1 + m). cbn. in_app 3. in_collect x. eauto.
- intros [m]. induction m.
* inversion H1.
* inv_collect;
unfold list_enumerator in *; firstorder.