Extra: Van Dalen's Semantic Reduction
Require Import FOL SOL Tarski Henkin.
Require Import Vector VectorLib Util.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import Lia.
Import VectorNotations.
Definition toFOLBinop b := match b with
| FullSyntax.Conj => FOL.Conj
| FullSyntax.Disj => FOL.Disj
| FullSyntax.Impl => FOL.Impl
Definition toSOLBinop b := match b with
| FOL.Conj => FullSyntax.Conj
| FOL.Disj => FullSyntax.Disj
| FOL.Impl => FullSyntax.Impl
Definition toSOLQuantop b := match b with
| FOL.All => FullSyntax.All
| FOL.Ex => FullSyntax.Ex
Section Signature.
Context {Σf2 : SOL.funcs_signature}.
Context {Σp2 : SOL.preds_signature}.
(* Add symbols for function and predicate application to the
SOL signature. Also add predicates to check if something
is an individual, a function or a predicate. *)
Inductive FOLSyms :=
| NormalSym : syms -> FOLSyms
| FuncApp : nat -> FOLSyms
| DummyFunc : nat -> FOLSyms.
Inductive FOLPreds :=
| NormalPred : preds -> FOLPreds
| PredApp : nat -> FOLPreds
| DummyPred : nat -> FOLPreds
| IsIndi : FOLPreds
| IsFunc : nat -> FOLPreds
| IsPred : nat -> FOLPreds
| Eq : FOLPreds.
Instance Σf1 : FOL.funcs_signature := {|
FOL.syms := FOLSyms ;
FOL.ar_syms f := match f with NormalSym f => SOL.ar_syms f | FuncApp ar => S ar | DummyFunc ar => ar end
Instance Σp1 : FOL.preds_signature := {|
FOL.preds := FOLPreds ;
FOL.ar_preds P := match P with NormalPred P => SOL.ar_preds P | PredApp ar => S ar | DummyPred ar => ar | IsIndi => 1 | IsFunc _ => 1 | IsPred _ => 1 | Eq => 2 end
Notation "⊥'" := FOL.falsity.
Notation "A ∧' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Conj A B) (at level 41).
Notation "A ∨' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Disj A B) (at level 42).
Notation "A '-->'' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Impl A B) (at level 43, right associativity).
Notation "A '<-->'' B" := ((A -->' B) ∧' (B -->' A)) (at level 44, right associativity).
Notation "∀' Phi" := (@FOL.quant Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.All Phi) (at level 50).
Notation "∃' Phi" := (@FOL.quant Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Ex Phi) (at level 50).
Notation "phi == psi" := (@FOL.atom Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ Eq ([phi ; psi])) (at level 40).
Notation "x ==i y" := (i_atom (P:=Eq) ([x ; y])) (at level 40).
Translation from SOL to FOL
(* The idea is to use functions pos_i, pos_f and pos_p that given a
position in the SOL environment tell us the positition of the same
object in the FOL environment.
Quantifiers update those mappings by adding 0 the the matching
kind and shiftig the other two. *)
Definition pcons (pos : nat -> nat) : nat -> nat :=
fun n => match n with 0 => 0 | S n => S (pos n) end.
Definition pcons' (ar : nat) (pos : nat -> nat -> nat) : nat -> nat -> nat :=
fun n ar' => match n with
| 0 => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' then 0 else S (pos 0 ar')
| S n => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' then S (pos n ar') else S (pos (S n) ar') end.
Definition pshift (pos : nat -> nat) : nat -> nat := fun n => S (pos n).
Definition pshift' (pos : nat -> nat -> nat) : nat -> nat -> nat := fun n ar => S (pos n ar).
Fixpoint toFOLTerm (pos_i : nat -> nat) (pos_f : nat -> nat -> nat) (t : SOL.term) : FOL.term := match t with
| SOL.var_indi x => FOL.var (pos_i x)
| SOL.func (@var_func _ x ar) v => FOL.func (FuncApp ar) (FOL.var (pos_f x ar) :: Vector.map (toFOLTerm pos_i pos_f) v)
| SOL.func (sym f) v => FOL.func (NormalSym f) (Vector.map (toFOLTerm pos_i pos_f) v)
Fixpoint toFOLForm (pos_i : nat -> nat) (pos_f : nat -> nat -> nat) (pos_p : nat -> nat -> nat) (phi : SOL.form) : FOL.form := match phi with
| SOL.fal => FOL.falsity
| SOL.atom (pred P) v => FOL.atom (NormalPred P) (Vector.map (toFOLTerm pos_i pos_f) v)
| SOL.atom (@var_pred _ x ar) v => FOL.atom (PredApp ar) (FOL.var (pos_p x ar) :: Vector.map (toFOLTerm pos_i pos_f) v)
| SOL.bin op phi psi => FOL.bin (toFOLBinop op) (toFOLForm pos_i pos_f pos_p phi) (toFOLForm pos_i pos_f pos_p psi)
| SOL.quant_indi FullSyntax.All phi => FOL.quant FOL.All (FOL.atom IsIndi ([var 0]) -->' toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_f) (pshift' pos_p) phi)
| SOL.quant_indi FullSyntax.Ex phi => FOL.quant FOL.Ex (FOL.atom IsIndi ([var 0]) ∧' toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_f) (pshift' pos_p) phi)
| SOL.quant_func FullSyntax.All ar phi => FOL.quant FOL.All (FOL.atom (IsFunc ar) ([var 0]) -->' toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' ar pos_f) (pshift' pos_p) phi)
| SOL.quant_func FullSyntax.Ex ar phi => FOL.quant FOL.Ex (FOL.atom (IsFunc ar) ([var 0]) ∧' toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' ar pos_f) (pshift' pos_p) phi)
| SOL.quant_pred FullSyntax.All ar phi => FOL.quant FOL.All (FOL.atom (IsPred ar) ([var 0]) -->' toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pshift' pos_f) (pcons' ar pos_p) phi)
| SOL.quant_pred FullSyntax.Ex ar phi => FOL.quant FOL.Ex (FOL.atom (IsPred ar) ([var 0]) ∧' toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pshift' pos_f) (pcons' ar pos_p) phi)
Translate Henkin model to first-order model.
Section HenkinModel_To_FOModel.
Variable D2 : Type.
Inductive D1 :=
| D_indi : D2 -> D1
| D_func : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> D2) -> D1
| D_pred : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> Prop) -> D1.
Context {I2 : Tarski.interp D2}.
Hypothesis D2_inhabited : D2.
Definition error := D2_inhabited.
Variable funcs : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> D2) -> Prop.
Variable preds : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> Prop) -> Prop.
Hypothesis funcs_exist : forall ar, { f | funcs ar f }.
Hypothesis preds_exist : forall ar, { P | preds ar P }.
Instance I1 : FOL.interp D1 := {|
FOL.i_func f := match f with
| NormalSym f => fun v => D_indi (Tarski.i_f _ f (Vector.map (fun d => match d with D_indi d => d | _ => error end) v))
| FuncApp ar => fun v => match Vector.hd v with
| D_func ar' f => match PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' with
| left e => D_indi (f match e in _ = ar' return vec _ ar' with eq_refl => Vector.map (fun d => match d with D_indi d => d | _ => error end) (Vector.tl v) end)
| right _ => D_indi error
| _ => D_indi error
| DummyFunc ar => fun v => D_indi (proj1_sig (funcs_exist ar) (Vector.map (fun d => match d with D_indi d => d | _ => error end) v))
end ;
FOL.i_atom P := match P with
| NormalPred P => fun v => Tarski.i_P _ P (Vector.map (fun d => match d with D_indi d => d | _ => error end) v)
| PredApp ar => fun v => match Vector.hd v with
| D_pred ar' P => match PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' with
| left e => P match e in _ = ar' return vec _ ar' with eq_refl => Vector.map (fun d => match d with D_indi d => d | _ => error end) (Vector.tl v) end
| right _ => False
| _ => False
| DummyPred ar => fun v => proj1_sig (preds_exist ar) (Vector.map (fun d => match d with D_indi d => d | _ => error end) v)
| IsIndi => fun v => match Vector.hd v with D_indi _ => True | _ => False end
| IsFunc ar => fun v => match Vector.hd v with D_func ar' f => ar = ar' /\ funcs _ f | _ => False end
| IsPred ar => fun v => match Vector.hd v with D_pred ar' P => ar = ar' /\ preds _ P | _ => False end
| Eq => fun v => Vector.hd v = Vector.hd (Vector.tl v)
Lemma toFOLTerm_correct_2To1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f t :
(forall n, ~bounded_indi_term n t -> rho1 (pos_i n) = D_indi (get_indi rho2 n))
-> (forall n ar, ~bounded_func_term ar n t -> rho1 (pos_f n ar) = D_func _ (get_func rho2 n ar))
-> FOL.eval rho1 (toFOLTerm pos_i pos_f t) = D_indi (Tarski.eval D2 rho2 t).
intros Hi Hf. induction t; cbn.
- rewrite Hi. reflexivity. cbn; lia.
- rewrite Hf. 2: cbn; lia. destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar) as [<-|]. 2: easy.
f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_map, map_map. eapply map_ext, Forall2_identical, Forall_ext_in.
2: apply IH. intros t H1 H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
+ intros n' H3. apply Hi. intros H4. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
+ intros n' ar' H3. apply Hf. intros [_ H4]. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
- f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_map, map_map. eapply map_ext, Forall2_identical, Forall_ext_in.
2: apply IH. intros t H1 H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
+ intros n' H3. apply Hi. intros H4. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
+ intros n' ar' H3. apply Hf. intros H4. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
Lemma toFOLForm_correct_2To1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p phi :
(forall n, ~bounded_indi n phi -> rho1 (pos_i n) = D_indi (get_indi rho2 n))
-> (forall n ar, ~bounded_func ar n phi -> rho1 (pos_f n ar) = D_func _ (get_func rho2 n ar))
-> (forall n ar, ~bounded_pred ar n phi -> rho1 (pos_p n ar) = D_pred _ (get_pred rho2 n ar))
-> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm pos_i pos_f pos_p phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
revert rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p Hi Hf Hp; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; cbn.
+ rewrite Hp. 2: cbn; lia. destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar) as [<-|]. 2: easy.
assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
f_equal. rewrite map_map, map_map. eapply map_ext, Forall2_identical, Forall_in.
intros t H. erewrite toFOLTerm_correct_2To1. reflexivity.
* intros n' H1. apply Hi. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
* intros n' ar' H1. apply Hf. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
+ assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
f_equal. rewrite map_map, map_map. eapply map_ext, Forall2_identical, Forall_in.
intros t H. erewrite toFOLTerm_correct_2To1. reflexivity.
* intros n' H1. apply Hi. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
* intros n' ar' H1. apply Hf. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
- specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder));
specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder)).
destruct b; cbn; tauto.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (D_indi d)). intros []. all: firstorder.
+ intros H [d| |] []. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). intros []. all: firstorder.
+ intros [[d| |] [[] H]]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. intros []. all: firstorder.
+ intros [d H]. exists (D_indi d). split. easy. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. intros []. all: firstorder.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H f Hf'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (D_func _ f)).
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: firstorder.
+ intros H [|ar f|]; try easy. intros [-> Hf']. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H f).
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: firstorder.
+ intros [[|ar f|] [H1 H2]]; try easy. destruct H1 as [-> Hf']. exists f, Hf'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H2.
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn. all: firstorder.
+ intros [f [Hf' H]]. exists (D_func _ f). split. easy. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H.
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: firstorder.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H P HP'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (D_pred _ P)).
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: firstorder.
+ intros H [| |ar P]; try easy. intros [-> HP']. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H P).
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: firstorder.
+ intros [[| |ar P] [H1 H2]]; try easy. destruct H1 as [-> HP']. exists P, HP'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H2.
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn. all: firstorder.
+ intros [P [HP' H]]. exists (D_pred _ P). split. easy. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H.
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: firstorder.
End HenkinModel_To_FOModel.
Translate first-order model to Henkin model.
Section FOModel_To_HenkinModel.
Variable D1 : Type.
Context {I1 : FOL.interp D1}.
Inductive D2 := D1ToD2 : forall d : D1, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([d]) -> D2.
Definition D2ToD1 (d2 : D2) : D1 := match d2 with D1ToD2 d1 _ => d1 end.
Definition funcs ar (f : vec D2 ar -> D2) :=
exists d : D1, i_atom (P:=IsFunc ar) ([d]) /\ forall v, i_func (f:=FuncApp ar) (d::Vector.map D2ToD1 v) ==i D2ToD1 (f v).
Definition preds ar (P : vec D2 ar -> Prop) :=
exists d : D1, i_atom (P:=IsPred ar) ([d]) /\ forall v, i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (d::Vector.map D2ToD1 v) <-> P v.
Hypothesis func_app_returns_indi : forall ar d v, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([i_func (f:=FuncApp ar) (d::v)]).
Hypothesis sig_func_returns_indi : forall f v, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([i_func (f:=NormalSym f) v]).
Hypothesis eq_reflexive : forall x, x ==i x.
Hypothesis eq_transitive : forall x y z, x ==i y -> y ==i z -> x ==i z.
Hypothesis eq_func_congr : forall f v v', VectorLib.Forall2 (fun x y => x ==i y) v v' -> i_func (f:=f) v ==i i_func (f:=f) v'.
Hypothesis eq_pred_congr : forall P v v', VectorLib.Forall2 (fun x y => x ==i y) v v' -> i_atom (P:=P) v <-> i_atom (P:=P) v'.
Instance I2 : Tarski.interp D2 := {|
Tarski.i_f f v := D1ToD2 (i_func (f:=NormalSym f) (Vector.map D2ToD1 v)) (sig_func_returns_indi _ _) ;
Tarski.i_P P v := i_atom (P:=NormalPred P) (Vector.map D2ToD1 v)
Lemma toFOLTerm_correct_1To2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f t :
(forall n, ~bounded_indi_term n t -> rho1 (pos_i n) ==i D2ToD1 (get_indi rho2 n))
-> (forall n ar, ~bounded_func_term ar n t -> forall v, i_func (f:=FuncApp ar) (rho1 (pos_f n ar) :: Vector.map D2ToD1 v) ==i D2ToD1 (get_func rho2 n ar v))
-> FOL.eval rho1 (toFOLTerm pos_i pos_f t) ==i D2ToD1 (Tarski.eval D2 rho2 t).
intros Hi Hf. induction t; cbn.
- apply Hi. cbn; lia.
- eapply eq_transitive. 2: apply Hf. 2: cbn; lia. f_equal. f_equal.
apply eq_func_congr. split. apply eq_reflexive. rewrite ! map_map. cbn.
eapply Forall2_Forall, Forall_ext_in. 2: apply IH. intros t H1 H2. apply H2.
+ intros n' H3. apply Hi. intros H4. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
+ intros n' ar' H3. apply Hf. intros [_ H4]. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
- f_equal. apply eq_func_congr. rewrite map_map, map_map.
eapply Forall2_Forall, Forall_ext_in. 2: apply IH. intros t H1 H2. apply H2.
+ intros n' H3. apply Hi. intros H4. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
+ intros n' ar' H3. apply Hf. intros H4. apply H3. eapply Forall_in in H4. apply H4. easy.
Lemma toFOLForm_correct_1To2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p phi :
(forall n, ~bounded_indi n phi -> rho1 (pos_i n) ==i D2ToD1 (get_indi rho2 n))
-> (forall n ar, ~bounded_func ar n phi -> forall v, i_func (f:=FuncApp ar) (rho1 (pos_f n ar) :: Vector.map D2ToD1 v) ==i D2ToD1 (get_func rho2 n ar v))
-> (forall n ar, ~bounded_pred ar n phi -> forall v, i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (rho1 (pos_p n ar) :: Vector.map D2ToD1 v) <-> get_pred rho2 n ar v)
-> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm pos_i pos_f pos_p phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
revert rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p Hi Hf Hp; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; cbn.
+ rewrite <- Hp. 2: cbn; lia. apply eq_pred_congr. split. apply eq_reflexive.
rewrite ! map_map. cbn. eapply Forall2_Forall, Forall_in. intros t H. apply toFOLTerm_correct_1To2.
* intros n' H1. apply Hi. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
* intros n' ar' H1. apply Hf. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
+ apply eq_pred_congr. rewrite ! map_map. eapply Forall2_Forall, Forall_in.
intros t H. apply toFOLTerm_correct_1To2.
* intros n' H1. apply Hi. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
* intros n' ar' H1. apply Hf. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. easy.
- specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p ltac:(clear IHphi1 IHphi2; firstorder) ltac:(clear IHphi1 IHphi2; firstorder) ltac:(clear IHphi1 IHphi2; firstorder));
specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_f pos_p ltac:(clear IHphi1 IHphi2; firstorder) ltac:(clear IHphi1 IHphi2; firstorder) ltac:(clear IHphi1 IHphi2; firstorder)).
destruct b; cbn; tauto.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H [d Hd]. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). intros []. all: try easy; apply Hi.
+ intros H d Hd. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (D1ToD2 d Hd)). intros []. all: try easy; apply Hi.
+ intros [d [Hd H]]. exists (D1ToD2 d Hd). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. intros []. all: try easy; apply Hi.
+ intros [[d Hd] H]. exists d. split. easy. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. intros []. all: try easy; apply Hi.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H f [d Hd]. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d).
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi; firstorder.
+ intros H d Hd. eapply IHphi.
4: apply (H (fun v => D1ToD2 (@i_func Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (FuncApp n) (d::Vector.map D2ToD1 v)) (func_app_returns_indi _ _ (Vector.map D2ToD1 v)))).
4: now exists d. 2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi; firstorder.
+ intros [d [Hd H]]. exists (fun v => D1ToD2 (@i_func Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (FuncApp n) (d::Vector.map D2ToD1 v)) (func_app_returns_indi _ _ (Vector.map D2ToD1 v))).
eexists. now exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H.
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi; firstorder.
+ intros [f [[d Hd] H]]. exists d. split. easy. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H.
2: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi; firstorder.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H P [d Hd]. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d).
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi; firstorder.
+ intros H d Hd. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fun v => @i_atom Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (PredApp n) (d::Vector.map D2ToD1 v))).
4: now exists d. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi H; firstorder.
+ intros [d [Hd H]]. exists (fun v => @i_atom Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (PredApp n) (d::Vector.map D2ToD1 v)).
eexists. now exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H.
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi; firstorder.
+ intros [P [[d Hd] H]]. exists d. split. easy. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H.
3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. all: try easy; try apply Hf. all: clear IHphi H Hd; firstorder.
End FOModel_To_HenkinModel.
First-order formulas asserting model properties
Fixpoint iter {X} (f : X -> X) n x := match n with O => x | S n' => f (iter f n' x) end.
Definition forall_vec `{falsity_flag} ar (p : vec FOL.term ar -> FOL.form) :=
iter (fun phi => ∀' phi) ar (p (VectorLib.tabulate ar FOL.var)).
Definition forall_two_equal_vec `{falsity_flag} ar (p : vec FOL.term ar -> vec FOL.term ar -> FOL.form) :=
iter (fun phi => ∀' ∀' FOL.var 1 == FOL.var 0 -->' phi) ar (p (VectorLib.tabulate ar (fun x => FOL.var (S(x+x)))) (VectorLib.tabulate ar (fun x => FOL.var (x+x)))).
Definition eq_reflexive `{falsity_flag} :=
∀' FOL.var 0 == FOL.var 0.
Definition eq_transitive `{falsity_flag} :=
∀' ∀' ∀' FOL.var 2 == FOL.var 1 -->' FOL.var 1 == FOL.var 0 -->' FOL.var 2 == FOL.var 0.
Definition eq_func_congr `{falsity_flag} (f : FOL.syms) :=
forall_two_equal_vec (FOL.ar_syms f) (fun v v' => FOL.func f v == FOL.func f v').
Definition eq_pred_congr `{falsity_flag} (P : FOL.preds) :=
forall_two_equal_vec (FOL.ar_preds P) (fun v v' => FOL.atom P v <-->' FOL.atom P v').
Definition func_app_returns_indi `{falsity_flag} ar :=
∀' forall_vec ar (fun v => FOL.atom IsIndi ([FOL.func (FuncApp ar) (FOL.var ar :: v)])).
Definition sig_func_returns_indi `{falsity_flag} (f : SOL.syms) :=
forall_vec (SOL.ar_syms f) (fun v => FOL.atom IsIndi ([FOL.func (NormalSym f) v])).
Definition dummy_func_returns_indi `{falsity_flag} ar :=
forall_vec ar (fun v => FOL.atom IsIndi ([FOL.func (DummyFunc ar) v])).
Definition sig_func_exists `{falsity_flag} (f : SOL.syms) :=
∃' FOL.atom (IsFunc (SOL.ar_syms f)) ([FOL.var 0]) ∧' forall_vec (SOL.ar_syms f) (fun v => FOL.func (FuncApp (SOL.ar_syms f)) (FOL.var (SOL.ar_syms f) :: v) == FOL.func (NormalSym f) v).
Definition sig_pred_exists `{falsity_flag} (P : SOL.preds) :=
∃' FOL.atom (IsPred (SOL.ar_preds P)) ([FOL.var 0]) ∧' forall_vec (SOL.ar_preds P) (fun v => FOL.atom (PredApp (SOL.ar_preds P)) (FOL.var (SOL.ar_preds P) :: v) <-->' FOL.atom (NormalPred P) v).
Definition dummy_func_exists `{falsity_flag} ar :=
∃' FOL.atom (IsFunc ar) ([FOL.var 0]) ∧' forall_vec ar (fun v => FOL.func (FuncApp ar) (FOL.var ar :: v) == FOL.func (DummyFunc ar) v).
Definition dummy_pred_exists `{falsity_flag} ar :=
∃' FOL.atom (IsPred ar) ([FOL.var 0]) ∧' forall_vec ar (fun v => FOL.atom (PredApp ar) (FOL.var ar :: v) <-->' FOL.atom (DummyPred ar) v).
Definition indi_exists `{falsity_flag} :=
∃' FOL.atom IsIndi ([FOL.var 0]).
Correctness of vector constructions
Lemma forall_vec_correct `{ff : falsity_flag} D (I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D) rho n phi :
FOL.sat rho (iter (fun phi => ∀' phi) n phi) <-> forall v : vec D n, FOL.sat (VectorLib.fold_left FOL.scons rho v) phi.
revert rho. induction n; intros rho; cbn.
- split.
+ intros H v. now dependent elimination v.
+ intros H. apply (H (Vector.nil _)).
- split.
+ intros H v. dependent elimination v. cbn. apply IHn, H.
+ intros H d. apply IHn. intros v. apply (H (d::v)).
Lemma forall_two_equal_vec_correct `{ff : falsity_flag} D (I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D) rho n phi :
FOL.sat rho (iter (fun phi => ∀' ∀' FOL.var 1 == FOL.var 0 -->' phi) n phi) <-> forall v v' : vec D n, VectorLib.Forall2 (fun x y => x ==i y) v v' -> FOL.sat (VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v') phi.
revert rho. induction n; intros rho; cbn.
- split.
+ intros H v v'. now dependent elimination v.
+ intros H. now apply (H (Vector.nil _) (Vector.nil _)).
- split.
+ intros H v v'. dependent elimination v; dependent elimination v'; cbn.
intros [H1 H2]. apply IHn. now apply H. exact H2.
+ intros H d d' H1. apply IHn. intros v v' H2. now apply (H (d::v) (d'::v')).
Lemma fold_left_scons_lookup D (rho : nat -> D) n m (v : vec D n) :
VectorLib.fold_left FOL.scons rho v (n+m) = rho m.
revert rho m. induction v; intros rho m; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ replace (S (n+m)) with (n + S m) by lia. rewrite IHv. reflexivity.
Lemma fold_left_scons_lookup_zero D (rho : nat -> D) n (v : vec D n) :
VectorLib.fold_left FOL.scons rho v n = rho 0.
enough (VectorLib.fold_left FOL.scons rho v (n + 0) = rho 0) by now replace (n + 0) with n in H by lia.
apply fold_left_scons_lookup.
Lemma fold_two_left_scons_lookup D (rho : nat -> D) n m (v v' : vec D n) :
VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v' (n+n+m) = rho m.
revert rho m. induction v; intros rho m; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ replace (S (n + S n + m)) with (n + n + S (S m)) by lia. rewrite IHv. reflexivity.
Lemma fold_two_left_scons_lookup_zero D (rho : nat -> D) n (v v' : vec D n) :
VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v' (n+n) = rho 0.
enough (VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v' (n+n+0) = rho 0) by now replace (n + n + 0) with (n+n) in H by lia.
apply fold_two_left_scons_lookup.
Lemma fold_two_left_scons_lookup_one D (rho : nat -> D) n (v v' : vec D n) :
VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v' (S(n+n)) = rho 1.
enough (VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v' (n+n+1) = rho 1) by now replace (n + n + 1) with (S(n+n)) in H by lia.
apply fold_two_left_scons_lookup.
Lemma eval_tabulate D (I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D) rho ar (v : vec D ar) :
Vector.map (FOL.eval (VectorLib.fold_left FOL.scons rho v)) (VectorLib.tabulate ar var) = v.
revert rho. induction v; intros rho; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- f_equal. apply fold_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply IHv.
Lemma eval_tabulate_two_left D (I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D) rho ar (v v' : vec D ar) :
Vector.map (FOL.eval (VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v')) (VectorLib.tabulate ar (fun x => FOL.var (S(x+x)))) = v.
revert rho. induction v; intros rho; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- depelim v'; cbn. f_equal. apply fold_two_left_scons_lookup_one. apply IHv.
Lemma eval_tabulate_two_right D (I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D) rho ar (v v' : vec D ar) :
Vector.map (FOL.eval (VectorLib.fold_two_left FOL.scons rho v v')) (VectorLib.tabulate ar (fun x => FOL.var (x+x))) = v'.
revert rho. induction v; intros rho; cbn.
- now depelim v'.
- depelim v'; cbn. f_equal. apply fold_two_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply IHv.
Correctness of formulas
Lemma func_app_returns_indi_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho ar :
FOL.sat rho (func_app_returns_indi ar) <-> forall d v, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([i_func (f:=FuncApp ar) (d::v)]).
- intros H d v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H. cbn in H.
rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero in H. apply H.
- intros H d. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v. cbn.
rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply H.
Lemma sig_func_returns_indi_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho f :
FOL.sat rho (sig_func_returns_indi f) <-> forall v, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([i_func (f:=NormalSym f) v]).
cbn. split.
- intros H v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H. cbn in H. rewrite eval_tabulate in H. apply H.
- intros H. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v. cbn. rewrite eval_tabulate. apply H.
Lemma dummy_func_returns_indi_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho ar :
FOL.sat rho (dummy_func_returns_indi ar) <-> forall v, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([i_func (f:=DummyFunc ar) v]).
cbn. split.
- intros H v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H. cbn in H. rewrite eval_tabulate in H. apply H.
- intros H. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v. cbn. rewrite eval_tabulate. apply H.
Lemma sig_func_exists_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho f :
FOL.sat rho (sig_func_exists f) <-> exists d, i_atom (P:=IsFunc (SOL.ar_syms f)) ([d]) /\ forall v, i_func (f:=FuncApp (SOL.ar_syms f)) (d::v) ==i i_func (f:=NormalSym f) v.
cbn. split.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. intros v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H2.
cbn in H2. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero in H2. apply H2.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v.
cbn. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply H2.
Lemma sig_pred_exists_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho P :
FOL.sat rho (sig_pred_exists P) <-> exists d, i_atom (P:=IsPred (SOL.ar_preds P)) ([d]) /\ forall v, i_atom (P:=PredApp (SOL.ar_preds P)) (d::v) <-> i_atom (P:=NormalPred P) v.
cbn. split.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. intros v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H2.
cbn in H2. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero in H2. apply H2.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v.
cbn. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply H2.
Lemma dummy_func_exists_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho ar :
FOL.sat rho (dummy_func_exists ar) <-> exists d, i_atom (P:=IsFunc ar) ([d]) /\ forall v, i_func (f:=FuncApp ar) (d::v) ==i i_func (f:=DummyFunc ar) v.
cbn. split.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. intros v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H2.
cbn in H2. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero in H2. apply H2.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v.
cbn. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply H2.
Lemma dummy_pred_exists_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho ar :
FOL.sat rho (dummy_pred_exists ar) <-> exists d, i_atom (P:=IsPred ar) ([d]) /\ forall v, i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (d::v) <-> i_atom (P:=DummyPred ar) v.
cbn. split.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. intros v. eapply forall_vec_correct in H2.
cbn in H2. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero in H2. apply H2.
- intros [d [H1 H2]]. exists d. split. apply H1. apply forall_vec_correct. intros v.
cbn. rewrite eval_tabulate, fold_left_scons_lookup_zero. apply H2.
Lemma eq_func_congr_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho f :
FOL.sat rho (eq_func_congr f) <-> forall v v', VectorLib.Forall2 (fun x y => x ==i y) v v' -> i_func (f:=f) v ==i i_func (f:=f) v'.
cbn. split.
- intros H v v' H1. eapply forall_two_equal_vec_correct in H. 2: apply H1.
cbn in H. now rewrite eval_tabulate_two_left, eval_tabulate_two_right in H.
- intros H. apply forall_two_equal_vec_correct. cbn. intros v v' H1.
rewrite eval_tabulate_two_left, eval_tabulate_two_right. now apply H.
Lemma eq_pred_congr_correct D `{ff :falsity_flag, I : @FOL.interp Σf1 Σp1 D} rho P :
FOL.sat rho (eq_pred_congr P) <-> forall v v', VectorLib.Forall2 (fun x y => x ==i y) v v' -> i_atom (P:=P) v <-> i_atom (P:=P) v'.
cbn. split.
- intros H v v' H1. eapply forall_two_equal_vec_correct in H. 2: apply H1.
cbn in H. now rewrite eval_tabulate_two_left, eval_tabulate_two_right in H.
- intros H. apply forall_two_equal_vec_correct. cbn. intros v v' H1.
rewrite eval_tabulate_two_left, eval_tabulate_two_right. now apply H.
Full translation of validity
Definition toFOLForm' (phi : SOL.form) := toFOLForm (fun _ => 0) (fun _ _ => 0) (fun _ _ => 0) phi.
Definition toFOLTheory (T : SOL.form -> Prop) := fun phi =>
phi = eq_reflexive
\/ phi = eq_transitive
\/ (exists f, phi = eq_func_congr f)
\/ (exists P, phi = eq_pred_congr P)
\/ (exists ar, phi = func_app_returns_indi ar)
\/ (exists f, phi = sig_func_returns_indi f)
\/ (exists ar, phi = dummy_func_returns_indi ar)
\/ (exists f, phi = sig_func_exists f)
\/ (exists P, phi = sig_pred_exists P)
\/ (exists f, phi = dummy_func_exists f)
\/ (exists P, phi = dummy_pred_exists P)
\/ phi = indi_exists
\/ (exists phi', phi = toFOLForm' phi' /\ T phi').
Definition validH (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :=
forall D (I : Tarski.interp D) funcs preds, henkin_interp I funcs preds -> forall rho, henkin_env funcs preds rho -> (forall psi, T psi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho psi) -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho phi.
Definition validFO `{falsity_flag} (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi :=
forall D (I : FOL.interp D) rho, (forall psi, T psi -> FOL.sat rho psi) -> FOL.sat rho phi.
Definition closed phi := bounded_indi 0 phi /\ (forall ar, bounded_func ar 0 phi) /\ (forall ar, bounded_pred ar 0 phi).
Ltac solveT := repeat (try (left; try eexists; reflexivity); right).
Lemma henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
closed phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> closed psi) -> validH T phi <-> validFO (toFOLTheory T) (toFOLForm' phi).
intros C TC. split.
- intros H D1 I1 rho1 HT.
assert (exists d, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([d])) as [d1 Hd1] by (apply (HT indi_exists); solveT).
assert (forall ar v, i_atom (P:=IsIndi) ([i_func (f:=DummyFunc ar) v])) as H_dummy_func_returns_indi by (intros; eapply dummy_func_returns_indi_correct, HT; solveT).
pose (rho2 := ⟨ fun _ => D1ToD2 _ d1 Hd1,
fun _ ar v => D1ToD2 _ (i_func (f:=DummyFunc ar) (map (D2ToD1 _) v)) (H_dummy_func_returns_indi _ _),
fun _ ar v => i_atom (P:=DummyPred ar) (map (D2ToD1 _) v) ⟩).
unshelve eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2 with (rho2 := rho2).
+ intros; eapply sig_func_returns_indi_correct, HT; solveT.
+ intros; eapply func_app_returns_indi_correct, HT; solveT.
+ apply (HT (eq_reflexive)); solveT.
+ apply (HT (eq_transitive)); solveT.
+ intros ? ?; eapply eq_func_congr_correct, HT; solveT.
+ intros ? ?; eapply eq_pred_congr_correct, HT; solveT.
+ intros n H4. exfalso. eapply H4, bounded_indi_up. 2: apply C. lia.
+ intros n ar H4. exfalso. eapply H4, bounded_func_up. 2: apply C. lia.
+ intros n ar H4. exfalso. eapply H4, bounded_pred_up. 2: apply C. lia.
+ apply H.
* split.
-- intros f. unfold funcs; cbn. edestruct sig_func_exists_correct as [[d [H1 H2]] _].
apply HT; solveT. exists d. split. apply H1. easy.
-- intros P. unfold preds; cbn. edestruct sig_pred_exists_correct as [[d [H1 H2]] _].
apply HT; solveT. exists d. split. apply H1. easy.
* intros n ar. split.
-- unfold funcs; cbn. edestruct dummy_func_exists_correct as [[d [H1 H2]] _].
apply HT; solveT. exists d. split. apply H1. easy.
-- unfold preds; cbn. edestruct dummy_pred_exists_correct as [[d [H1 H2]] _].
apply HT; solveT. exists d. split. apply H1. easy.
* intros psi H1. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2 with (rho1 := rho1) (pos_i := fun _ => 0) (pos_f := fun _ _ => 0) (pos_p := fun _ _ => 0).
-- intros; eapply func_app_returns_indi_correct, HT; solveT.
-- apply (HT (eq_reflexive)); solveT.
-- apply (HT (eq_transitive)); solveT.
-- intros ? ?; eapply eq_func_congr_correct, HT; solveT.
-- intros ? ?; eapply eq_pred_congr_correct, HT; solveT.
-- intros n H2. exfalso. eapply H2, bounded_indi_up. 2: now apply TC. lia.
-- intros n ar H2. exfalso. eapply H2, bounded_func_up. 2: now apply TC. lia.
-- intros n ar H2. exfalso. eapply H2, bounded_pred_up. 2: now apply TC. lia.
-- apply HT. repeat right. now exists psi.
- intros H D2 I2 funcs preds HI2 rho2 H_rho2 HT.
pose (rho1 := fun n : nat => D_indi _ (get_indi rho2 0)).
unshelve eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1 with (rho1 := rho1) (pos_i := fun _ => 0) (pos_f := fun _ _ => 0) (pos_p := fun _ _ => 0).
+ exact (get_indi rho2 0).
+ intros ar. exists (get_func rho2 0 ar). apply H_rho2.
+ intros ar. exists (get_pred rho2 0 ar). apply H_rho2.
+ intros n H1. exfalso. eapply H1, bounded_indi_up. 2: apply C. lia.
+ intros n ar H1. exfalso. eapply H1, bounded_func_up. 2: apply C. lia.
+ intros n ar H1. exfalso. eapply H1, bounded_pred_up. 2: apply C. lia.
+ apply H. intros psi H1. repeat (try destruct H1 as [->|H1]; try destruct H1 as [[x ->]|H1]).
* easy.
* cbn; congruence.
* apply eq_func_congr_correct. now intros v v' ->%Forall2_eq.
* apply eq_pred_congr_correct. now intros v v' ->%Forall2_eq.
* apply func_app_returns_indi_correct. intros []; try easy.
intros v; cbn. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
* now apply sig_func_returns_indi_correct.
* now apply dummy_func_returns_indi_correct.
* apply sig_func_exists_correct. exists (D_func _ _ (i_f _ x)). split.
-- split. reflexivity. apply HI2.
-- intros v; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [e|]. 2: easy.
rewrite uip' with (e := e). reflexivity. lia.
* apply sig_pred_exists_correct. exists (D_pred _ _ (i_P _ x)). split.
-- split. reflexivity. apply HI2.
-- intros v; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [e|]. 2: easy.
rewrite uip' with (e := e). reflexivity. lia.
* apply dummy_func_exists_correct. exists (D_func _ _ (get_func rho2 0 x)). split.
-- split. reflexivity. apply H_rho2.
-- intros v; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [e|]. 2: easy.
rewrite uip' with (e := e). reflexivity. lia.
* apply dummy_pred_exists_correct. exists (D_pred _ _ (get_pred rho2 0 x)). split.
-- split. reflexivity. apply H_rho2.
-- intros v; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [e|]. 2: easy.
rewrite uip' with (e := e). reflexivity. lia.
* now exists (D_indi _ (get_indi rho2 0)).
* destruct H1 as [phi' [-> H1]]. eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1 with (rho2 := rho2).
-- intros n H2. exfalso. eapply H2, bounded_indi_up. 2: now apply TC. lia.
-- intros n ar H2. exfalso. eapply H2, bounded_func_up. 2: now apply TC. lia.
-- intros n ar H2. exfalso. eapply H2, bounded_pred_up. 2: now apply TC. lia.
-- now apply HT.
End Signature.