Decidability of Beta Equivalence
Require Export List Omega.
From Chapter3 Require Export utlc_pure.
Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst.
Inductive ty := Base | arr : ty -> ty -> ty.
Inductive whr : tm -> tm -> Prop :=
| beta M N M' : M' = M[N..] -> whr (app (lam M) N) M'
| whrapp M M' N : whr M M' -> whr (app M N) (app M' N).
Inductive mwhr : tm -> tm -> Prop :=
| mwhrR s : mwhr s s
| mwhrS s t u : whr s t -> mwhr t u -> mwhr s u.
Hint Constructors whr mwhr.
Lemma mwhr_appL s s' t :
mwhr s s' -> mwhr (app s t) (app s' t).
Proof. induction 1; eauto using whr. Qed.
Lemma mwhr_trans s t u :
mwhr s t -> mwhr t u -> mwhr s u.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Hint Immediate mwhr_trans.
Lemma whr_ren xi M N :
whr M N -> whr (M⟨xi⟩) (N⟨xi⟩).
intros H. revert xi.
induction H; intros; subst; asimpl; eauto.
econstructor. now asimpl.
Lemma mwhr_ren xi M N :
mwhr M N -> mwhr (M⟨xi⟩) (N⟨xi⟩).
Proof. induction 1; eauto using whr_ren. Qed.
Lemma confluence {M N1 N2} : mwhr M N1 -> mwhr M N2 -> exists P, mwhr N1 P /\ mwhr N2 P.
induction 1; eauto. destruct 1; eauto.
enough (t = t0).
- subst. eauto.
- clear - H H1. revert t0 H1.
induction H; intros; inv H1; eauto. inv H4. inv H.
f_equal. eauto.
As we are unscoped, a context is a list of types and we need to define
a function get that gets the nth element of the context.
Definition ctx := list ty.
Definition get (Gamma : ctx) (n : nat) : ty :=
nth n Gamma Base.
Notation "Gamma `_ i" := (get Gamma i) (at level 70).
A context Delta is a reordering of Gamma via the renaming xi, if
1.) If x is a valid position in Gamma, then xi x is a valid position in Delta.
2.) For every valid position x in Gamma, the element at position x in Gamma equals the element at position xi x in Delta.
Definition cont_ext Gamma xi Delta :=
forall x , x < length Gamma -> xi x < length Delta /\ get Gamma x = get Delta (xi x).
Lemma cont_ext_shift Gamma T :
cont_ext Gamma ↑ (T :: Gamma).
Proof. split. simpl. unfold shift. omega. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma cont_ext_cons Gamma xi Delta A :
cont_ext Gamma xi Delta -> cont_ext (A :: Gamma) (up_ren xi) (A :: Delta).
intros H. intros [|i] HH; split; eauto; simpl in *; try omega.
- asimpl. specialize (H i). omega.
- cbn. apply H. omega.
forall x , x < length Gamma -> xi x < length Delta /\ get Gamma x = get Delta (xi x).
Lemma cont_ext_shift Gamma T :
cont_ext Gamma ↑ (T :: Gamma).
Proof. split. simpl. unfold shift. omega. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma cont_ext_cons Gamma xi Delta A :
cont_ext Gamma xi Delta -> cont_ext (A :: Gamma) (up_ren xi) (A :: Delta).
intros H. intros [|i] HH; split; eauto; simpl in *; try omega.
- asimpl. specialize (H i). omega.
- cbn. apply H. omega.
Inductive algeq : ctx -> tm -> tm -> ty -> Prop :=
| alg_base Gamma M N P Q: mwhr M P -> mwhr N Q -> algeqNeu Gamma P Q Base -> algeq Gamma M N Base
| alg_arr Gamma M N T S: algeq (T :: Gamma) (app (M⟨↑⟩) 0__tm) (app (N⟨↑⟩) 0__tm) S
-> algeq Gamma M N (arr T S)
with algeqNeu : ctx -> tm -> tm -> ty -> Prop :=
| alg_var Gamma x : x < length Gamma -> forall s, s = (Gamma `_ x) -> algeqNeu Gamma (var_tm x) (var_tm x) s
| alg_app Gamma M1 M2 T S N1 N2: algeqNeu Gamma M1 M2 (arr T S) -> algeq Gamma N1 N2 T -> algeqNeu Gamma (app M1 N1) (app M2 N2) S.
Scheme algeq_ind_2 := Induction for algeq Sort Prop
with algeqNeu_ind_2 := Induction for algeqNeu Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme algeq_mut_ind from algeq_ind_2, algeqNeu_ind_2.
Lemma algEq_monotone :
(forall Gamma M1 M2 A, algeq Gamma M1 M2 A -> forall Delta xi, cont_ext Gamma xi Delta -> algeq Delta (M1⟨xi⟩) (M2⟨xi⟩) A)
/\ ( (forall Gamma M1 M2 A, algeqNeu Gamma M1 M2 A -> forall Delta xi, cont_ext Gamma xi Delta -> algeqNeu Delta (M1⟨xi⟩) (M2 ⟨xi⟩) A)).
apply algeq_mut_ind; intros; subst; asimpl in *; try (now (econstructor; eauto)).
- econstructor; [| |eauto]. all: eauto using mwhr_ren.
- constructor. specialize (H _ _ (cont_ext_cons _ _ _ T H0)).
asimpl in *. auto.
- destruct (H x l) as (?&->). now constructor.
Lemma algeq_backward_closure Gamma s t A s' t':
algeq Gamma s t A -> mwhr s' s -> mwhr t' t -> algeq Gamma s' t' A.
intros H. revert s' t'. induction H; intros.
- econstructor; [| |apply H1]; eauto.
- econstructor. eapply IHalgeq; eauto using mwhr_appL, mwhr_ren.
Lemma algeq_sym :
(forall Gamma s t A, algeq Gamma s t A -> algeq Gamma t s A) /\ (forall Gamma s t A, algeqNeu Gamma s t A -> algeqNeu Gamma t s A).
Proof. apply algeq_mut_ind; intros; econstructor; eauto. Qed.
The following statements will be necessary to prove transitivity.
Lemma neutral_whr {M N Gamma P T}:
whr M N -> algeqNeu Gamma M P T -> M = N.
intros H H'. revert N H.
induction H'; intros; eauto; inv H0; eauto.
inv H1. inv H'. specialize (IHH' _ H4). now subst.
Lemma neutral_mwhr {M N Gamma P T}:
mwhr M N -> algeqNeu Gamma M P T -> M = N.
induction 1; eauto. intros HH.
specialize (neutral_whr H HH) as ->. eauto.
Lemma type_unique Gamma M1 M2 M3 S T:
algeqNeu Gamma M1 M2 S -> algeqNeu Gamma M2 M3 T -> S = T.
intros H. revert T M3. induction H; subst; eauto.
- intros. now inv H0.
- intros. inv H1. specialize (IHalgeqNeu _ _ H5). congruence.
Lemma algeq_trans :
(forall Gamma s t A, algeq Gamma s t A -> forall u, algeq Gamma t u A -> algeq Gamma s u A) /\
(forall Gamma s t A, algeqNeu Gamma s t A -> forall u, algeqNeu Gamma t u A -> algeqNeu Gamma s u A).
apply algeq_mut_ind; intros; try now (econstructor; eauto).
- inv H0. destruct (confluence m0 H1) as (?&?&?).
specialize (neutral_mwhr H5 H3) as ->.
apply algeq_sym in a. specialize (neutral_mwhr H4 a) as ->.
eapply algeq_backward_closure. econstructor; try (apply H; eauto).
all: eauto.
- inv H0. econstructor. now eapply H.
- subst. inv H. eauto.
- inv H1.
enough (T = T0) by (subst; econstructor; eauto).
enough (arr T0 S = arr T S) by congruence.
symmetry. eapply type_unique; eauto.
Fixpoint logeq (Gamma : ctx) (s s' : tm) (A: ty) : Prop :=
match A with
| Base => algeq Gamma s s' Base
| arr T1 T2 => forall t t' Delta xi, cont_ext Gamma xi Delta
-> logeq Delta t t' T1 -> logeq Delta (app (s⟨xi⟩) t) (app (s'⟨xi⟩) t') T2
Lemma logEq_monotone (Gamma : ctx) M1 M2 A :
logeq Gamma M1 M2 A -> forall Delta xi, cont_ext Gamma xi Delta ->
forall M1' M2', M1' = (M1⟨xi⟩) -> M2' = (M2⟨xi⟩) -> logeq Delta M1' M2' A.
revert Gamma M1 M2. induction A; intros; subst.
- eapply algEq_monotone; eauto.
- asimpl in IHA2. cbn. intros. cbn in H. asimpl. eapply H; eauto.
+ intros x A.
destruct (H0 x A) as (?&->).
destruct (H1 _ H3) as (?&->).
Lemma logeq_backward_closure Gamma s t A s' t':
logeq Gamma s t A -> mwhr s' s -> mwhr t' t -> logeq Gamma s' t' A.
revert Gamma s t s' t'. induction A; simpl in *; intros; eauto using algeq_backward_closure.
- eapply IHA2. all: eauto using mwhr_appL, mwhr_ren.
Lemma logeq_sym Gamma A s t:
logeq Gamma s t A -> logeq Gamma t s A.
revert Gamma s t. induction A; simpl in *; intros; eauto.
- now apply algeq_sym.
Lemma logeq_trans Gamma A s t u :
logeq Gamma s t A -> logeq Gamma t u A -> logeq Gamma s u A.
revert Gamma s t u. induction A; intros; eauto; simpl in *; eauto using algeq_trans.
- eapply algeq_trans; eauto.
- intros. eapply IHA2.
+ eapply H; eauto.
+ eapply H0; eauto. eapply IHA1. eapply logeq_sym. eassumption. eassumption.
Lemma main T :
(forall Gamma s t, logeq Gamma s t T -> algeq Gamma s t T) /\ (forall Gamma p q, algeqNeu Gamma p q T -> logeq Gamma p q T).
induction T as [|T IHT S IHS]; split; simpl in *; intros; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor. eapply IHS, H; eauto using cont_ext_shift.
+ eapply IHT. constructor. simpl. omega. now asimpl.
- eapply IHS. econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply algEq_monotone; eauto.
+ eapply IHT. eauto.
Inductive decleq : forall (Gamma: ctx) A, tm -> tm -> Prop :=
| DecBeta Gamma A B M N M' N': decleq (A :: Gamma) B M M' -> decleq Gamma A N N' -> decleq Gamma B (app (lam M) N) (M'[N'..])
| DecLam Gamma A B M N: decleq (A :: Gamma) B M N -> decleq Gamma (arr A B) (lam M) (lam N)
| DecExt Gamma A B M N : decleq (A :: Gamma) B (app (M⟨↑⟩) 0__tm) (app (N⟨↑⟩) 0__tm) -> decleq Gamma (arr A B) M N
| DecVar Gamma x: x < length Gamma -> decleq Gamma (get Gamma x) (var_tm x) (var_tm x)
| DecApp Gamma A B M M' N N' : decleq Gamma (arr A B) M M' -> decleq Gamma A N N' -> decleq Gamma B (app M N) (app M' N')
| DecSym Gamma A M N : decleq Gamma A M N -> decleq Gamma A N M
| DecTrans Gamma A M N O : decleq Gamma A M N -> decleq Gamma A N O -> decleq Gamma A M O.
All elements in the context will have to be pairwise logically equivalent.
Definition logeq_rel (Gamma: ctx) gamma delta Gamma' : Prop :=
forall x, x < length Gamma -> logeq Gamma' (gamma x) (delta x) (get Gamma x).
Lemma logeq_id Gamma: logeq_rel Gamma ids ids Gamma.
Proof. unfold logeq_rel. intros. eapply main. constructor; eauto. Qed.
Lemma cont_ext_id Gamma : cont_ext Gamma id Gamma.
Proof. intros x H. split; auto. Qed.
forall x, x < length Gamma -> logeq Gamma' (gamma x) (delta x) (get Gamma x).
Lemma logeq_id Gamma: logeq_rel Gamma ids ids Gamma.
Proof. unfold logeq_rel. intros. eapply main. constructor; eauto. Qed.
Lemma cont_ext_id Gamma : cont_ext Gamma id Gamma.
Proof. intros x H. split; auto. Qed.
The fundamental theorem.
Theorem fundamental Gamma A s t:
decleq Gamma A s t -> forall Gamma' gamma delta, logeq_rel Gamma gamma delta Gamma' -> logeq Gamma' (s[gamma]) (t[delta]) A.
induction 1; intros.
- asimpl. eapply logeq_backward_closure; [| |constructor].
2: {eright. constructor. now asimpl. constructor. }
eapply IHdecleq1.
intros [|] HH; cbn; eauto.
+ eapply H1. simpl in *. omega.
- cbn. intros. eapply logeq_backward_closure.
2,3 : eright; now constructor.
asimpl. eapply IHdecleq.
intros [|x]; unfold get; simpl in *; intros; eauto.
eapply logEq_monotone; eauto.
all: try (substify; now reflexivity).
eapply H0. omega.
- simpl. intros. asimpl in *. asimpl in IHdecleq.
specialize (IHdecleq Delta (t, gamma >> ⟨xi⟩) (t',delta >> ⟨xi⟩)).
asimpl in *.
eapply IHdecleq.
intros [|i] HH; asimpl; eauto.
cbn. eapply logEq_monotone; eauto. eapply H0. simpl in *. omega.
- simpl. now eapply H0.
- specialize (IHdecleq1 _ _ _ H1). asimpl in *.
specialize (IHdecleq2 _ _ _ H1). cbn in *.
specialize (IHdecleq1 _ _ _ _ (cont_ext_id Gamma') IHdecleq2).
asimpl in *. now apply IHdecleq1.
- apply logeq_sym. eapply IHdecleq.
intros i HH. now eapply logeq_sym, H0.
- eapply logeq_trans; eauto.
eapply IHdecleq2. intros i HH.
eapply logeq_trans.
+ now eapply logeq_sym, H1.
+ now eapply H1.
Lemma completeness Gamma A s t:
decleq Gamma A s t -> algeq Gamma s t A.
intros H. eapply fundamental with (Gamma' := Gamma) (gamma := ids) (delta := ids) in H; eauto using logeq_id.
- apply main. now asimpl in H.
decleq Gamma A s t -> forall Gamma' gamma delta, logeq_rel Gamma gamma delta Gamma' -> logeq Gamma' (s[gamma]) (t[delta]) A.
induction 1; intros.
- asimpl. eapply logeq_backward_closure; [| |constructor].
2: {eright. constructor. now asimpl. constructor. }
eapply IHdecleq1.
intros [|] HH; cbn; eauto.
+ eapply H1. simpl in *. omega.
- cbn. intros. eapply logeq_backward_closure.
2,3 : eright; now constructor.
asimpl. eapply IHdecleq.
intros [|x]; unfold get; simpl in *; intros; eauto.
eapply logEq_monotone; eauto.
all: try (substify; now reflexivity).
eapply H0. omega.
- simpl. intros. asimpl in *. asimpl in IHdecleq.
specialize (IHdecleq Delta (t, gamma >> ⟨xi⟩) (t',delta >> ⟨xi⟩)).
asimpl in *.
eapply IHdecleq.
intros [|i] HH; asimpl; eauto.
cbn. eapply logEq_monotone; eauto. eapply H0. simpl in *. omega.
- simpl. now eapply H0.
- specialize (IHdecleq1 _ _ _ H1). asimpl in *.
specialize (IHdecleq2 _ _ _ H1). cbn in *.
specialize (IHdecleq1 _ _ _ _ (cont_ext_id Gamma') IHdecleq2).
asimpl in *. now apply IHdecleq1.
- apply logeq_sym. eapply IHdecleq.
intros i HH. now eapply logeq_sym, H0.
- eapply logeq_trans; eauto.
eapply IHdecleq2. intros i HH.
eapply logeq_trans.
+ now eapply logeq_sym, H1.
+ now eapply H1.
Lemma completeness Gamma A s t:
decleq Gamma A s t -> algeq Gamma s t A.
intros H. eapply fundamental with (Gamma' := Gamma) (gamma := ids) (delta := ids) in H; eauto using logeq_id.
- apply main. now asimpl in H.