Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import BA.External.
Require Import BA.FinTypes.
Require Import BasicDefs.
Require Import Seqs.
Require Import SeqOperations.
Require Import NFAs.
Require Import Buechi.
Open Scope string_scope.
Hint Resolve final_state_dec.
Hint Resolve initial_state_dec.
Hint Resolve transition_dec.
Hint Resolve finType_exists_dec.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import BA.External.
Require Import BA.FinTypes.
Require Import BasicDefs.
Require Import Seqs.
Require Import SeqOperations.
Require Import NFAs.
Require Import Buechi.
Open Scope string_scope.
Hint Resolve final_state_dec.
Hint Resolve initial_state_dec.
Hint Resolve transition_dec.
Hint Resolve finType_exists_dec.
Decidability of Buechi Language Emptyness
Decidability of Final Coaccessibility
The existance of a valid and final run can be reduced to finding final cycles which again can be reduced to connectivity
Section FinalCycle.
Context {A : finType}.
Context {aut : BuechiAut A}.
Definition accessible s := initial_state s \/ (exists s', initial_state s' /\ connected (aut:=aut) s' s).
Definition final_coaccessible s := exists (r : Run aut) w, valid_run r w /\ final r /\ (r 0) = s.
Definition final_cycle (r:Run aut) w s := cyclic_path r w s /\ exists n, n <= |w| /\ final_state (r n).
Definition final_cyclic s := exists r w, final_cycle r w s.
Context {A : finType}.
Context {aut : BuechiAut A}.
Definition accessible s := initial_state s \/ (exists s', initial_state s' /\ connected (aut:=aut) s' s).
Definition final_coaccessible s := exists (r : Run aut) w, valid_run r w /\ final r /\ (r 0) = s.
Definition final_cycle (r:Run aut) w s := cyclic_path r w s /\ exists n, n <= |w| /\ final_state (r n).
Definition final_cyclic s := exists r w, final_cycle r w s.
accessible is decidable because existentials in finite types and connectivity are decidable
final_cyclic can be reduced to connectivity
Lemma final_cyclic_to_connected s : final_cyclic s <-> ((exists s', final_state s' /\ connected (aut:= aut) s s' /\ connected (aut:=aut) s' s)).
- intros [r [w [C [n [L F]]]]].
destruct C as [V [B E]] eqn:H.
destruct n.
+ exists s. repeat split.
* now rewrite <- B.
* apply (cyclic_path_connects C).
* apply (cyclic_path_connects C).
+ exists (r ( S n)). repeat split; auto.
* rewrite <-B. apply (cyclic_path_connects_on_path C). omega.
* rewrite <-E. apply (cyclic_path_connects_on_path C). omega.
- intros [s' [F [C1 C2]]].
destruct C1 as [r1 [w1 [V1 [B1 E1]]]]. destruct C2 as [r2 [w2 [V2 [B2 E2]]]].
exists (prepend_path (|w1|) r1 r2), ( w1 ++ w2). repeat split.
+ apply prepending_path_on_path_is_valid; auto. now rewrite B2, E1.
+ rewrite prepend_path_begin_correct; oauto.
+ simpl. rewrite_eq ( (S ((| w1 |) + S (| w2 |))) = S(|w1|) + S(|w2|)).
now rewrite prepend_path_rest_correct.
+ exists (S(|w1|)). split.
* simpl. omega.
* rewrite_eq (S(|w1|) = S(|w1|) + 0).
rewrite prepend_path_rest_correct. now rewrite B2.
Instance dec_final_cyclic s : dec (final_cyclic s).
apply (dec_prop_iff (X:=(exists s', final_state s' /\ connected (aut:= aut) s s' /\ connected (aut:=aut) s' s))).
- symmetry. apply final_cyclic_to_connected.
- auto.
- intros [r [w [C [n [L F]]]]].
destruct C as [V [B E]] eqn:H.
destruct n.
+ exists s. repeat split.
* now rewrite <- B.
* apply (cyclic_path_connects C).
* apply (cyclic_path_connects C).
+ exists (r ( S n)). repeat split; auto.
* rewrite <-B. apply (cyclic_path_connects_on_path C). omega.
* rewrite <-E. apply (cyclic_path_connects_on_path C). omega.
- intros [s' [F [C1 C2]]].
destruct C1 as [r1 [w1 [V1 [B1 E1]]]]. destruct C2 as [r2 [w2 [V2 [B2 E2]]]].
exists (prepend_path (|w1|) r1 r2), ( w1 ++ w2). repeat split.
+ apply prepending_path_on_path_is_valid; auto. now rewrite B2, E1.
+ rewrite prepend_path_begin_correct; oauto.
+ simpl. rewrite_eq ( (S ((| w1 |) + S (| w2 |))) = S(|w1|) + S(|w2|)).
now rewrite prepend_path_rest_correct.
+ exists (S(|w1|)). split.
* simpl. omega.
* rewrite_eq (S(|w1|) = S(|w1|) + 0).
rewrite prepend_path_rest_correct. now rewrite B2.
Instance dec_final_cyclic s : dec (final_cyclic s).
apply (dec_prop_iff (X:=(exists s', final_state s' /\ connected (aut:= aut) s s' /\ connected (aut:=aut) s' s))).
- symmetry. apply final_cyclic_to_connected.
- auto.
Every final and valid run has a final cycle
Lemma final_valid_run_has_cycle r w: valid_run r w -> final r -> exists (s : state aut), connected (r 0) s /\ exists r' w', final_cycle r' w' s.
intros V [s [Inf Fin]].
destruct (Inf 1) as [m1 [P1 Q1]].
destruct (Inf (S m1)) as [m2 [P2 Q2]].
exists s. split.
- exists r, (mkstring w (pred m1)). repeat split.
+ apply (valid_run_is_path_from_begin V).
+ simpl. now rewrite_eq (S(pred m1) = m1).
- exists (drop m1 r), (extract m1 m2 w). repeat split.
+ apply (valid_run_is_path_everywhere V).
+ rewrite drop_correct. now rewrite_eq (m1+0 = m1).
+ rewrite drop_correct. simpl. now rewrite_eq (m1 + S (m2 - S m1) = m2).
+ exists 0. split.
* omega.
* rewrite drop_correct. rewrite_eq(m1 + 0 = m1). now rewrite Q1.
intros V [s [Inf Fin]].
destruct (Inf 1) as [m1 [P1 Q1]].
destruct (Inf (S m1)) as [m2 [P2 Q2]].
exists s. split.
- exists r, (mkstring w (pred m1)). repeat split.
+ apply (valid_run_is_path_from_begin V).
+ simpl. now rewrite_eq (S(pred m1) = m1).
- exists (drop m1 r), (extract m1 m2 w). repeat split.
+ apply (valid_run_is_path_everywhere V).
+ rewrite drop_correct. now rewrite_eq (m1+0 = m1).
+ rewrite drop_correct. simpl. now rewrite_eq (m1 + S (m2 - S m1) = m2).
+ exists 0. split.
* omega.
* rewrite drop_correct. rewrite_eq(m1 + 0 = m1). now rewrite Q1.
final_coaccessible can be reduced to what we already have
Lemma final_coaccessible_iff_final_cycle s:
final_coaccessible s <-> (exists s', connected s s' /\ final_cyclic s').
- intros [r [w [V [F I]]]].
rewrite <-I.
now apply (final_valid_run_has_cycle V).
- intros [s' [[r [w C]] [r' [w' [C' F']]]]].
pose (r2 := (mkstring r' (|w'|)) to_omega).
pose (w2 := w' to_omega).
pose (r1 := (mkstring r (|w|)) +++ r2).
pose (w1 := w +++ w2).
exists r1, w1. repeat split; unfold r1,w1,r2,w2; simpl.
+ apply prepending_path_is_valid.
* apply C.
* simpl. destruct C as [_ [_ C]]; destruct C' as [_ [C' _]].
now rewrite C, C'.
* apply (non_empty_cycle_is_valid C').
+ destruct F' as [n [L F]].
exists (r' n). split.
* apply finite_prefix_preserves_infinite.
now apply omega_iteration_infinite.
* assumption.
+ rewrite prepend_path_begin_correct by omega.
now destruct C as [_ [C _]].
Instance dec_final_coaccessible s: dec (final_coaccessible s).
apply (dec_prop_iff (X:= exists s', connected s s' /\ final_cyclic s')).
- split; apply final_coaccessible_iff_final_cycle.
- auto.
End FinalCycle.
final_coaccessible s <-> (exists s', connected s s' /\ final_cyclic s').
- intros [r [w [V [F I]]]].
rewrite <-I.
now apply (final_valid_run_has_cycle V).
- intros [s' [[r [w C]] [r' [w' [C' F']]]]].
pose (r2 := (mkstring r' (|w'|)) to_omega).
pose (w2 := w' to_omega).
pose (r1 := (mkstring r (|w|)) +++ r2).
pose (w1 := w +++ w2).
exists r1, w1. repeat split; unfold r1,w1,r2,w2; simpl.
+ apply prepending_path_is_valid.
* apply C.
* simpl. destruct C as [_ [_ C]]; destruct C' as [_ [C' _]].
now rewrite C, C'.
* apply (non_empty_cycle_is_valid C').
+ destruct F' as [n [L F]].
exists (r' n). split.
* apply finite_prefix_preserves_infinite.
now apply omega_iteration_infinite.
* assumption.
+ rewrite prepend_path_begin_correct by omega.
now destruct C as [_ [C _]].
Instance dec_final_coaccessible s: dec (final_coaccessible s).
apply (dec_prop_iff (X:= exists s', connected s s' /\ final_cyclic s')).
- split; apply final_coaccessible_iff_final_cycle.
- auto.
End FinalCycle.
Trimming of NFAs w.r.t. Buechi Languages
The trim automaton only consists of the trim states, but it recognizes the same language.
Section TrimAutomata.
Context {A : finType}.
Context {aut: BuechiAut A}.
Definition state_trim (s:state aut):= accessible s /\ final_coaccessible s.
Hint Resolve dec_finite_accessible.
Hint Resolve dec_final_coaccessible.
Hint Resolve and_dec.
Lemma dec_state_trim s : dec (state_trim s).
unfold state_trim. auto.
Definition trim_state := finType_sub state_trim dec_state_trim.
Definition orig_state (s:trim_state) : (state aut):= match s with
exist _ s _ =>s end.
Definition trim_transition s a s':= transition (orig_state s) a (orig_state s').
Definition trim_initial s := initial_state (orig_state s).
Definition trim_final s := final_state (orig_state s).
Lemma dec_trim_transition s a s': dec(trim_transition s a s'). Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma dec_trim_initial s: dec(trim_initial s). Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma dec_trim_final s : dec (trim_final s). Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition trim_aut := mknfa dec_trim_transition dec_trim_initial dec_trim_final.
Context {A : finType}.
Context {aut: BuechiAut A}.
Definition state_trim (s:state aut):= accessible s /\ final_coaccessible s.
Hint Resolve dec_finite_accessible.
Hint Resolve dec_final_coaccessible.
Hint Resolve and_dec.
Lemma dec_state_trim s : dec (state_trim s).
unfold state_trim. auto.
Definition trim_state := finType_sub state_trim dec_state_trim.
Definition orig_state (s:trim_state) : (state aut):= match s with
exist _ s _ =>s end.
Definition trim_transition s a s':= transition (orig_state s) a (orig_state s').
Definition trim_initial s := initial_state (orig_state s).
Definition trim_final s := final_state (orig_state s).
Lemma dec_trim_transition s a s': dec(trim_transition s a s'). Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma dec_trim_initial s: dec(trim_initial s). Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma dec_trim_final s : dec (trim_final s). Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition trim_aut := mknfa dec_trim_transition dec_trim_initial dec_trim_final.
Lemma trim_accepted_by_aut: L_B trim_aut <$= L_B aut.
intros w [r [V [I [s [Inf Fin]]]]].
exists (seq_map orig_state r). repeat split; auto.
exists (orig_state s).
destruct s as [s' p]. simpl. split.
- intros n. destruct (Inf n) as [m [P Q]].
exists m. split;auto.
unfold seq_map. now rewrite Q.
- auto.
Lemma states_in_final_path_are_trim r w: valid_run r w -> final r -> initial r -> forall n, state_trim (r n).
intros V F I n.
unfold state_trim. split.
- unfold accessible. destruct n.
+ now left.
+ right. exists (r 0). split; auto.
apply (valid_run_connects V). omega.
- exists (drop n r); exists (drop n w). repeat split.
+ now apply (valid_run_drop ).
+ now apply final_drop.
+ rewrite drop_correct. now f_equal.
Lemma states_trim_subtype s n r w: valid_run r w -> final r -> initial r -> s = r n ->
pure state_trim (D:= dec_state_trim) s.
intros V F I E.
unfold pure.
rewrite E.
decide (state_trim (r n)). split.
- apply n0. now apply (states_in_final_path_are_trim V) .
Lemma aut_accepted_by_trim: L_B aut <$= L_B trim_aut.
intros w [r [V [I F]]].
pose (MkTrim:= fun s k (N: s = r k) => exist (pure state_trim (D:= dec_state_trim)) s
(states_trim_subtype V F I N ): subtype state_trim ).
exists (seq_map (fun n => MkTrim (r n) n eq_refl ) (fun n => n)).
destruct (final_valid_run_has_cycle V F) as [s [C [k [r' [w' K]]]]].
repeat split; auto.
unfold final.
destruct F as [f [Inf Fin]]. destruct (Inf 0) as [nf [Pf Qf]].
symmetry in Qf.
exists (MkTrim f nf Qf). split.
- intros n. destruct (Inf n) as [m [P Q]].
exists m. split;auto.
unfold MkTrim, seq_map. f_equal.
destruct Q.
apply pure_eq.
- apply Fin.
Lemma trim_accepts_same_as_aut: L_B aut =$= L_B trim_aut.
- apply aut_accepted_by_trim.
- apply trim_accepted_by_aut.
Decidability of language emptiness of a trim automaton
The Buechi language of a trim automaton is empty iff it has no states
Definition trim (aut:BuechiAut A):= forall (s: state aut), accessible s /\ final_coaccessible (A:=A) s.
Lemma trim_state_implies_language_non_empty: state trim_aut -> exists w, (L_B aut) w.
intros [s P].
rewrite <-pure_equiv in P.
destruct P as [[I | [s' [I [r' [w' [V' [r'0 r's]]]]]]] [r [w [V [F rs]]]]].
- exists w, r. repeat split; auto. unfold initial. now rewrite rs.
- exists (w' +++ w), (mkstring r' (|w'|) +++ r). repeat split; simpl.
+ apply prepending_path_is_valid; auto.
now rewrite rs, r's.
+ unfold initial. rewrite prepend_path_first.
now rewrite r'0.
+ now apply final_prepend.
Lemma trim_empty_buechi : (~exists (s: state trim_aut), True) <-> L_B aut =$= {}.
- intros E. apply language_empty_iff. intros w LA. apply E.
pose (Q:= trim_accepts_same_as_aut). autounfold in Q.
rewrite Q in LA.
destruct LA as [r _]. now exists (r 0).
- intros LA [r _].
destruct (trim_state_implies_language_non_empty r) as [w Lw].
specialize (LA w). now apply LA.
Instance dec_trim_states_empty: dec (exists (s :state trim_aut), True).
Proof. auto. Defined.
Lemma trim_state_implies_language_non_empty: state trim_aut -> exists w, (L_B aut) w.
intros [s P].
rewrite <-pure_equiv in P.
destruct P as [[I | [s' [I [r' [w' [V' [r'0 r's]]]]]]] [r [w [V [F rs]]]]].
- exists w, r. repeat split; auto. unfold initial. now rewrite rs.
- exists (w' +++ w), (mkstring r' (|w'|) +++ r). repeat split; simpl.
+ apply prepending_path_is_valid; auto.
now rewrite rs, r's.
+ unfold initial. rewrite prepend_path_first.
now rewrite r'0.
+ now apply final_prepend.
Lemma trim_empty_buechi : (~exists (s: state trim_aut), True) <-> L_B aut =$= {}.
- intros E. apply language_empty_iff. intros w LA. apply E.
pose (Q:= trim_accepts_same_as_aut). autounfold in Q.
rewrite Q in LA.
destruct LA as [r _]. now exists (r 0).
- intros LA [r _].
destruct (trim_state_implies_language_non_empty r) as [w Lw].
specialize (LA w). now apply LA.
Instance dec_trim_states_empty: dec (exists (s :state trim_aut), True).
Proof. auto. Defined.
Theorem dec_language_empty_informative : {exists w, L_B aut w} + {L_B aut =$= {}}.
decide (exists (s: state trim_aut), True) as [D|D].
- left. destruct D. now apply trim_state_implies_language_non_empty.
- right. now apply trim_empty_buechi.
Corollary dec_language_empty: dec(L_B aut =$= {}).
destruct dec_language_empty_informative as [D|D].
- right. intros E. destruct D as [w Lw]. now apply (E w).
- now left.
End TrimAutomata.
decide (exists (s: state trim_aut), True) as [D|D].
- left. destruct D. now apply trim_state_implies_language_non_empty.
- right. now apply trim_empty_buechi.
Corollary dec_language_empty: dec(L_B aut =$= {}).
destruct dec_language_empty_informative as [D|D].
- right. intros E. destruct D as [w Lw]. now apply (E w).
- now left.
End TrimAutomata.