From PostTheorem.external.Shared Require Import embed_nat.
From PostTheorem.external Require Import Synthetic.Definitions.
From PostTheorem.external Require Import partial.
Require Import ssreflect Setoid.
Require Import Lia Vector List.
Import ListNotations.
Local Notation vec := Vector.t.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Notation "P ⪯ₘ Q" := (reduces P Q) (at level 70).
Lemma red_m_transitive {X Y Z} {p : X -> Prop} (q : Y -> Prop) (r : Z -> Prop) :
p ⪯ₘ q -> q ⪯ₘ r -> p ⪯ₘ r.
intros [f Hf] [g Hg]. exists (fun x => g (f x)). firstorder.
Definition compl {X} (p : X -> Prop) := fun x => ~ p x.
Notation "⟨ a , b ⟩" := (embed (a, b)) (at level 0).
Notation "'fun!' '⟨' x ',' y '⟩' '=>' b" := (fun p => let (x,y) := unembed p in b) (at level 30, b at level 200).
Tactic Notation "intros" "⟨" ident(n) "," ident(m) "⟩" :=
let nm := fresh "nm" in
let E := fresh "E" in
intros nm; destruct (unembed nm) as [n m] eqn:E.
Notation "'∑' x .. y , p" := (sig (fun x => .. (sig (fun y => p)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' '∑' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Lemma R_func {X} {R: FunRel X bool} {x} :
R x true -> R x false -> False.
intros t f. enough (true = false) by discriminate.
eapply R; eauto.
Definition char_rel {X} (p : X -> Prop) : FunRel X bool. exists (fun x b => if (b : bool) then p x else ~ p x).
abstract (intros ? [] [] ? ?; firstorder congruence).
Lemma partfun_to_FunRel `{partiality} {X Y} (f : X ↛ Y) :
exists F : FunRel X Y, forall y b, F y b <-> f y =! b.
unshelve eexists. {
apply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x y => f x =! y)).
intros x y z. apply hasvalue_det.
Section Continouity.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Definition continuous {X Y Z1 Z2} (r : FunRel Y Z1 -> FunRel X Z2) :=
forall (R : FunRel Y Z1) (x : X) (b : Z2), r R x b -> exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b) /\ (forall R' : FunRel Y Z1, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> r R' x b).
Definition continuous_f {X Y Z1 Z2} (r' : (Y ↛ Z1) -> (X ↛ Z2)) :=
forall f x z, r' f x =! z -> exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, f y =! b) /\ (forall f', (forall y b, In y L -> f y =! b -> f' y =! b) -> r' f' x =! z).
Definition monotonic {X Y Z1 Z2} (r : FunRel Y Z1 -> FunRel X Z2) :=
forall (R R' : FunRel Y Z1), (forall x b, R x b -> R' x b) -> forall x b, r R x b -> r R' x b.
Definition monotonic_f {X Y Z1 Z2} (r' : (Y ↛ Z1) -> (X ↛ Z2)) :=
forall f f', (forall x b, f x =! b -> f' x =! b) -> forall x b, r' f x =! b -> r' f' x =! b.
Definition compact {X Y Z1 Z2} (r : FunRel Y Z1 -> FunRel X Z2) :=
forall (R : FunRel Y Z1) (x : X) b, r R x b -> exists Rfin, (exists L, forall x, In x L <-> exists b, the_rel Rfin x b) /\ (forall x b, Rfin x b -> R x b) /\ r Rfin x b.
Definition compact_f {X Y Z1 Z2} (r' : (Y ↛ Z1) -> (X ↛ Z2)) :=
forall f x b, r' f x =! b -> exists Ffin, (exists L, forall x, In x L <-> exists b, Ffin x =! b) /\ (forall x b, Ffin x =! b -> f x =! b) /\ r' Ffin x =! b.
Lemma cont_is_mon_and_comp {X Y Z1 Z2} (r : FunRel Y Z1 -> FunRel X Z2) :
continuous r <-> monotonic r /\ compact r.
unfold continuous, monotonic, compact. split.
- intros cont. split.
+ firstorder.
+ intros R x b h.
specialize (cont R x b h) as [L Hl].
exists (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y z => In y L /\ R y z) ltac:(intros y z1 z2 [_ R1] [_ R2]; eapply R; eauto)).
repeat split; cbn.
* exists L. firstorder.
* firstorder.
* apply Hl. cbn. firstorder.
- intros [mono comp].
intros R x b h. specialize (comp R x b h) as [Rfin [[L Hl] [HRfin HRfh]]].
exists L. split.
+ intros y i. apply Hl in i as [z Hz]. exists z. apply HRfin, Hz.
+ intros R' HRR'. eapply mono. 2: apply HRfh.
intros y z Hyz. apply HRR'.
* apply Hl. now exists z.
* apply HRfin, Hyz.
Lemma cont_is_mon_and_comp_f {X Y Z1 Z2} (dec : forall (x y : Y), {x = y} + {x <> y}) (r' : (Y ↛ Z1) -> (X ↛ Z2)) :
continuous_f r' <-> monotonic_f r' /\ compact_f r'.
unfold continuous_f, monotonic_f, compact_f. split.
- intros cont. split.
+ intros f f' Hff' x z H. destruct (cont _ _ _ H) as [L HL].
apply HL. intros. now apply Hff'.
+ intros R x b h.
specialize (cont R x b h) as [L Hl].
exists (fun y => match List.find (fun y' => match dec y y' with left _ => true | right _ => false end) L with Some _ => R y | None => undef end).
assert (forall y z, match List.find (fun y' => match dec y y' with left _ => true | right _ => false end) L with Some _ => R y | None => undef end =! z <-> (In y L /\ R y =! z)) as spec. {
clear. intros y Hz.
destruct find eqn:eq.
- apply find_some in eq as [i eq].
destruct dec as [<- | neq]. 2: discriminate.
- split; [intros []%undef_hasvalue|].
intros [H%(find_none _ _ eq y) H']. now destruct dec.
repeat setoid_rewrite spec.
repeat split; cbn.
* exists L. firstorder.
* firstorder.
* apply Hl. firstorder.
- intros [mono comp].
intros R x b h. specialize (comp R x b h) as [Rfin [[L Hl] [HRfin HRfh]]].
exists L. split.
+ intros y i. apply Hl in i as [z Hz]. exists z. apply HRfin, Hz.
+ intros R' HRR'. eapply mono. 2: apply HRfh.
intros y z Hyz. apply HRR'.
* apply Hl. now exists z.
* apply HRfin, Hyz.
End Continouity.
Section OracleMachines.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Record oracle_machine A B X Y :=
oracle_fun_rel :> FunRel A B -> FunRel X Y ;
oracle_fun_part : (A ↛ B) -> (X ↛ Y) ;
oracle_factors : (forall f R, pcomputes f (the_rel R) -> pcomputes (oracle_fun_part f) (oracle_fun_rel R)) ;
oracle_continuous : continuous oracle_fun_rel
Lemma oracle_machine_core_coninous {A B X Y} (om : oracle_machine A B X Y) :
continuous_f (om.(oracle_fun_part)).
intros f x b h. destruct om as [r r' Hr cont]. cbn in *.
apply (Hr f (@Build_FunRel A B (fun a b => f a =! b) ltac:(intros ? ?; apply hasvalue_det)) ltac:(firstorder)) in h.
destruct (cont _ _ _ h) as [L [Hl Hl']]. exists L. split.
- intros a i. destruct (Hl a i) as [b' Hb']. now exists b'.
- intros f' Hf'. apply (Hr f' (@Build_FunRel A B (fun a b => f' a =! b) ltac:(intros ? ?; apply hasvalue_det)) ltac:(firstorder)).
now apply Hl'.
End OracleMachines.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Record oracle_machine A B X Y :=
oracle_fun_rel :> FunRel A B -> FunRel X Y ;
oracle_fun_part : (A ↛ B) -> (X ↛ Y) ;
oracle_factors : (forall f R, pcomputes f (the_rel R) -> pcomputes (oracle_fun_part f) (oracle_fun_rel R)) ;
oracle_continuous : continuous oracle_fun_rel
Lemma oracle_machine_core_coninous {A B X Y} (om : oracle_machine A B X Y) :
continuous_f (om.(oracle_fun_part)).
intros f x b h. destruct om as [r r' Hr cont]. cbn in *.
apply (Hr f (@Build_FunRel A B (fun a b => f a =! b) ltac:(intros ? ?; apply hasvalue_det)) ltac:(firstorder)) in h.
destruct (cont _ _ _ h) as [L [Hl Hl']]. exists L. split.
- intros a i. destruct (Hl a i) as [b' Hb']. now exists b'.
- intros f' Hf'. apply (Hr f' (@Build_FunRel A B (fun a b => f' a =! b) ltac:(intros ? ?; apply hasvalue_det)) ltac:(firstorder)).
now apply Hl'.
End OracleMachines.
Section TuringReduction.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Definition red_Turing {X A} (p : X -> Prop) (q : A -> Prop) :=
exists r : oracle_machine A bool X bool, forall x b, char_rel p x b <-> r (char_rel q) x b.
Notation "P ⪯ᴛ Q" := (red_Turing P Q) (at level 50).
Definition red_m_impl_red_T {X} (P : X -> Prop) {Y} (Q : Y -> Prop):
P ⪯ₘ Q -> P ⪯ᴛ Q.
intros [f Hf].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => R (f x) b)). { intros x b b'. apply R. }
- intros r x. apply r, f, x.
- cbn. firstorder.
- intros R x b H. cbn in *. exists ([f x]). split; [|firstorder].
intros y [<-|[]]. now exists b.
cbn. intros x []; cbn; firstorder.
Lemma weakly_total_Forall2' {X Y} {R : X -> Y -> Prop} (L : list X) :
(forall x, In x L -> exists y, R x y) -> exists L', Forall2 R L L'.
intros Htot. induction L.
- exists []. econstructor.
- destruct (Htot a ltac:(now left)) as [y Hy].
destruct (IHL ltac:(firstorder)) as [L' IH].
exists (y :: L'). now econstructor.
Lemma Forall2_Forall_l {A B} (P : A -> B -> Prop) (Q : A -> Prop) l k :
Forall2 P l k -> Forall (fun y => forall x, P x y -> Q x) k -> Forall Q l.
Proof. induction 1; inversion_clear 1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma red_T_trans {X} (A : X -> Prop) {Y} (B : Y -> Prop) {Z} (C : Z -> Prop) :
A ⪯ᴛ B -> B ⪯ᴛ C -> A ⪯ᴛ C.
intros [om1 Hom1] [om2 Hom2].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => om1 (om2 R) x b)). {
intros ? [] [] eq eq'; cbn in *; reflexivity + destruct (R_func eq eq') + destruct (R_func eq' eq).
- intros r. apply om1, om2, r.
- intros. now apply om1, om2.
- intros R x H.
destruct om1 as [or or' oHr oC]. destruct om2 as [rr rr' rHr rC].
unfold continuous in *. cbn in *.
intros halt.
destruct (oC (rr R) x _ halt) as [L1 [HL1' HL1]].
assert (forall x, In x L1 ->
exists L, (forall y : Z, In y L -> exists b : bool, R y b)
/\ (forall R': FunRel Z bool, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, rr R x b -> rr R' x b)) as rC'. {
intros y i.
destruct (HL1' y i) as [b Hb].
destruct (rC R y b Hb) as [L Hl].
exists L. split; [apply Hl|].
intros R' HR' b' Hb'.
assert (b = b') as <-. {
destruct (rr R) as [rrf rrp]. eapply rrp; eauto.
} now apply Hl.
eapply (@weakly_total_Forall2' _ _ _ L1) in rC' as [L2 HL2].
exists (concat L2). split. {
rewrite <- List.Forall_forall.
setoid_rewrite Forall_concat.
rewrite List.Forall_forall.
intros L' i'.
clear HL1.
induction HL2.
- destruct i'.
- cbn in *. destruct i' as [-> | i'].
+ rewrite List.Forall_forall. apply H0.
+ apply IHHL2.
* intros. apply HL1'. now right.
* apply i'.
intros. eapply HL1. intros y b' Hy. revert b'. pattern y. revert y Hy.
eapply List.Forall_forall.
eapply Forall2_Forall_l. eassumption.
eapply List.Forall_forall. intros. eapply H2. 2: eauto.
intros. apply H0.
eapply in_concat. eauto. eauto.
specialize om1.(oracle_continuous).
intros [mono _]%cont_is_mon_and_comp x b.
assert (om1 (om2 (char_rel C)) x b <-> om1 (char_rel B) x b) as -> by (split; eapply mono, Hom2).
apply Hom1.
Definition DN := forall p, ~~p -> p.
Lemma Turing_red_compl {X} (P : X -> Prop):
DN -> P ⪯ᴛ compl P.
intros DN.
unshelve eexists. {
clear DN.
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => R x (negb b))). { intros ? [] [] eq eq'; cbn in *; try reflexivity; eapply R; eauto. }
- intros O x. apply (bind (O x) (fun b => ret (negb b))).
- cbn. intros f R pc x b. rewrite bind_hasvalue. setoid_rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
split. { now intros [[] [H%pc <-]]. } { intros H%pc. exists (negb b). now destruct b. }
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x b H. exists [x]. split; [exists (negb b)|]; firstorder congruence.
} cbn. intros x []; cbn.
- split; [firstorder|apply DN].
- reflexivity.
Lemma compl_Turing_red {X} (P : X -> Prop):
DN -> (compl P) ⪯ᴛ P.
intros DN.
unshelve eexists. {
clear DN.
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => R x (negb b))). { intros ? [] [] eq eq'; cbn in *; try reflexivity; eapply R; eauto. }
- intros O x. apply (bind (O x) (fun b => ret (negb b))).
- cbn. intros f R pc x b. rewrite bind_hasvalue. setoid_rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
split. { now intros [[] [H%pc <-]]. } { intros H%pc. exists (negb b). now destruct b. }
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x b H. exists [x]. split;[exists (negb b)|]; firstorder congruence.
} cbn. intros x []; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- split; [apply DN|firstorder].
End TuringReduction.
Notation "P ⪯ᴛ Q" := (red_Turing P Q) (at level 50).
Context {Part : partiality}.
Definition red_Turing {X A} (p : X -> Prop) (q : A -> Prop) :=
exists r : oracle_machine A bool X bool, forall x b, char_rel p x b <-> r (char_rel q) x b.
Notation "P ⪯ᴛ Q" := (red_Turing P Q) (at level 50).
Definition red_m_impl_red_T {X} (P : X -> Prop) {Y} (Q : Y -> Prop):
P ⪯ₘ Q -> P ⪯ᴛ Q.
intros [f Hf].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => R (f x) b)). { intros x b b'. apply R. }
- intros r x. apply r, f, x.
- cbn. firstorder.
- intros R x b H. cbn in *. exists ([f x]). split; [|firstorder].
intros y [<-|[]]. now exists b.
cbn. intros x []; cbn; firstorder.
Lemma weakly_total_Forall2' {X Y} {R : X -> Y -> Prop} (L : list X) :
(forall x, In x L -> exists y, R x y) -> exists L', Forall2 R L L'.
intros Htot. induction L.
- exists []. econstructor.
- destruct (Htot a ltac:(now left)) as [y Hy].
destruct (IHL ltac:(firstorder)) as [L' IH].
exists (y :: L'). now econstructor.
Lemma Forall2_Forall_l {A B} (P : A -> B -> Prop) (Q : A -> Prop) l k :
Forall2 P l k -> Forall (fun y => forall x, P x y -> Q x) k -> Forall Q l.
Proof. induction 1; inversion_clear 1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma red_T_trans {X} (A : X -> Prop) {Y} (B : Y -> Prop) {Z} (C : Z -> Prop) :
A ⪯ᴛ B -> B ⪯ᴛ C -> A ⪯ᴛ C.
intros [om1 Hom1] [om2 Hom2].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => om1 (om2 R) x b)). {
intros ? [] [] eq eq'; cbn in *; reflexivity + destruct (R_func eq eq') + destruct (R_func eq' eq).
- intros r. apply om1, om2, r.
- intros. now apply om1, om2.
- intros R x H.
destruct om1 as [or or' oHr oC]. destruct om2 as [rr rr' rHr rC].
unfold continuous in *. cbn in *.
intros halt.
destruct (oC (rr R) x _ halt) as [L1 [HL1' HL1]].
assert (forall x, In x L1 ->
exists L, (forall y : Z, In y L -> exists b : bool, R y b)
/\ (forall R': FunRel Z bool, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, rr R x b -> rr R' x b)) as rC'. {
intros y i.
destruct (HL1' y i) as [b Hb].
destruct (rC R y b Hb) as [L Hl].
exists L. split; [apply Hl|].
intros R' HR' b' Hb'.
assert (b = b') as <-. {
destruct (rr R) as [rrf rrp]. eapply rrp; eauto.
} now apply Hl.
eapply (@weakly_total_Forall2' _ _ _ L1) in rC' as [L2 HL2].
exists (concat L2). split. {
rewrite <- List.Forall_forall.
setoid_rewrite Forall_concat.
rewrite List.Forall_forall.
intros L' i'.
clear HL1.
induction HL2.
- destruct i'.
- cbn in *. destruct i' as [-> | i'].
+ rewrite List.Forall_forall. apply H0.
+ apply IHHL2.
* intros. apply HL1'. now right.
* apply i'.
intros. eapply HL1. intros y b' Hy. revert b'. pattern y. revert y Hy.
eapply List.Forall_forall.
eapply Forall2_Forall_l. eassumption.
eapply List.Forall_forall. intros. eapply H2. 2: eauto.
intros. apply H0.
eapply in_concat. eauto. eauto.
specialize om1.(oracle_continuous).
intros [mono _]%cont_is_mon_and_comp x b.
assert (om1 (om2 (char_rel C)) x b <-> om1 (char_rel B) x b) as -> by (split; eapply mono, Hom2).
apply Hom1.
Definition DN := forall p, ~~p -> p.
Lemma Turing_red_compl {X} (P : X -> Prop):
DN -> P ⪯ᴛ compl P.
intros DN.
unshelve eexists. {
clear DN.
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => R x (negb b))). { intros ? [] [] eq eq'; cbn in *; try reflexivity; eapply R; eauto. }
- intros O x. apply (bind (O x) (fun b => ret (negb b))).
- cbn. intros f R pc x b. rewrite bind_hasvalue. setoid_rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
split. { now intros [[] [H%pc <-]]. } { intros H%pc. exists (negb b). now destruct b. }
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x b H. exists [x]. split; [exists (negb b)|]; firstorder congruence.
} cbn. intros x []; cbn.
- split; [firstorder|apply DN].
- reflexivity.
Lemma compl_Turing_red {X} (P : X -> Prop):
DN -> (compl P) ⪯ᴛ P.
intros DN.
unshelve eexists. {
clear DN.
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun x b => R x (negb b))). { intros ? [] [] eq eq'; cbn in *; try reflexivity; eapply R; eauto. }
- intros O x. apply (bind (O x) (fun b => ret (negb b))).
- cbn. intros f R pc x b. rewrite bind_hasvalue. setoid_rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
split. { now intros [[] [H%pc <-]]. } { intros H%pc. exists (negb b). now destruct b. }
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x b H. exists [x]. split;[exists (negb b)|]; firstorder congruence.
} cbn. intros x []; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- split; [apply DN|firstorder].
End TuringReduction.
Notation "P ⪯ᴛ Q" := (red_Turing P Q) (at level 50).
Section OracleSemiDecidability.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Lemma semi_decidable_part_iff_True {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
semi_decidable p <-> exists (f : X -> part True), forall x, p x <-> f x =! I.
- intros [f Hf].
exists (fun x : X => mkpart (fun n : nat => if f x n then Some I else None)).
intros x.
rewrite (Hf x). split.
+ intros [n H].
apply mkpart_hasvalue. {
intros n1 n2 [] []. destruct (f x n1), (f x n2). all: congruence.
exists n. now rewrite H.
+ intros [n H]%mkpart_hasvalue1. exists n.
destruct f; congruence.
- intros [f Hf]. exists (fun x n => if seval (f x) n is Some _ then true else false).
intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros H. eapply seval_hasvalue in H as [n H].
exists n. now rewrite H.
+ intros [n H]. eapply seval_hasvalue. exists n.
destruct seval as [[]|]; congruence.
Definition oracle_semi_decidable `{partiality} {A} (Q : A -> Prop) {X} (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
exists (om : oracle_machine A bool X True), forall x, P x <-> om (char_rel Q) x I.
Lemma oracle_semi_dec_inhabited_type {A} (Q : A -> Prop) {X} (P : X -> Prop) {Y} (z : Y) :
oracle_semi_decidable Q P <-> exists (om : oracle_machine A bool X Y), forall x, P x <-> exists z, om (char_rel Q) x z.
split; intros [[r r' Hr cont] Hom]; cbn in *.
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x z' => z' = z /\ r R x I)).
now intros x z1 z2 [-> _] [-> _].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros _. apply (ret z).
- cbn. intros f R Hf x z'. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ now intros [[] [H%(Hr f R Hf) H'%ret_hasvalue_iff]].
+ intros [-> H%(Hr f R Hf)]. exists I. now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x ? [-> H].
specialize (cont R x I H). firstorder.
} cbn. intros x. rewrite Hom. now split; [exists z|intros [? [-> ?]]].
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X True (fun x i => exists z, r R x z)). now intros x [] [].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros _. apply (ret I).
- cbn. intros f R Hf x []. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ intros [z' [H%(Hr f R Hf) H'%ret_hasvalue_iff]]; eauto.
+ intros [z' H%(Hr f R Hf)]. exists z'. now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x [] [z' H].
specialize (cont R x z' H). firstorder.
} cbn. intros x. now rewrite Hom.
Lemma oracle_semi_dec_inhabited_discrete_type {A} (Q : A -> Prop) {X} (P : X -> Prop) {Y} (z : Y) (dec: forall z', {z = z'} + {z <> z'}) :
oracle_semi_decidable Q P <-> exists (om : oracle_machine A bool X Y), forall x, P x <-> om (char_rel Q) x z.
split; intros [[r r' Hr cont] Hom]; cbn in *.
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x z' => z' = z /\ r R x I)).
now intros x z1 z2 [-> _] [-> _].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros _. apply (ret z).
- cbn. intros f R Hf x z'. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ now intros [[] [H%(Hr f R Hf) H'%ret_hasvalue_iff]].
+ intros [-> H%(Hr f R Hf)]. exists I. now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x ? [-> H].
specialize (cont R x I H). firstorder.
} cbn. intros x. now rewrite Hom.
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X True (fun x i => r R x z)). now intros x [] [].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros z'. destruct (dec z'); [apply (ret I) | apply undef].
- cbn. intros f R Hf x []. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ intros [z' [H%(Hr f R Hf) H']]. destruct dec as [->|]; [easy|]. now apply undef_hasvalue in H'.
+ intros H%(Hr f R Hf). exists z. destruct (dec z) as [_|neq]; [now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff|now contradict neq].
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x []. apply cont.
} cbn. intros x. now rewrite Hom.
Lemma mk𝕄True {X Y} (r : FunRel Y bool -> X -> Prop) (r' : (Y ↛ bool) -> (X ↛ True)) :
(forall f (R : FunRel Y bool), pcomputes f R -> forall x, r' f x =! I <-> r R x) ->
(forall R x, r R x -> exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b)
/\ (forall R' : FunRel Y bool,
(forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> r R' x)) ->
oracle_machine Y bool X True.
unshelve eexists.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ True (fun x _ => r R x)). now intros ? [] [].
- apply r'.
- unfold pcomputes. cbn. intros ? ? ? ? []. auto.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros ? ? []. auto.
Lemma mk_semi_dec {X Y} {Q : Y -> Prop} {P : X -> Prop} (r : FunRel Y bool -> X -> Prop) (r' : (Y ↛ bool) -> (X ↛ True)) :
(forall f (R : FunRel Y bool), pcomputes f R -> forall x, r' f x =! I <-> r R x) ->
(forall R x, r R x -> exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b)
/\ (forall R' : FunRel Y bool,
(forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> r R' x)) ->
(forall x, P x <-> r (char_rel Q) x) ->
oracle_semi_decidable Q P.
unshelve eexists.
eapply mk𝕄True; eauto.
Lemma no_oracle_semi_decidable {X A} (p : X -> Prop) (q : A -> Prop):
decidable q -> semi_decidable p <-> oracle_semi_decidable q p.
Proof. unfold decidable, decider, reflects.
intros Hdec. split.
- intros [f Hf]%semi_decidable_part_iff_True.
unfold oracle_semi_decidable.
eapply mk_semi_dec with (r := fun _ => p) (r' := fun _ => f); eauto.
+ intros. now rewrite <- Hf.
+ intros. now exists [].
+ now intros.
- intros [[r r' Hr'] H]. cbn in H.
apply semi_decidable_part_iff_True.
destruct Hdec as [fd Hdec].
exists (r' (fun a => ret(fd a))).
unfold pcomputes in *.
intros x. rewrite H. rewrite (Hr' _ ). 2: reflexivity. clear x.
intros x b. unfold char_rel. cbn.
rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. unfold decider, reflects in Hdec.
destruct b; rewrite Hdec; destruct fd; split; congruence.
Lemma semi_dec_turing_red_trans {X} (A : X -> Prop) {Y} (B : Y -> Prop) {Z} (C : Z -> Prop) :
oracle_semi_decidable B A -> B ⪯ᴛ C -> oracle_semi_decidable C A.
intros [om Hom] [red Hred].
unshelve eapply mk_semi_dec with
(r := fun O x => om (red O) x I)
(r' := fun O => om.(oracle_fun_part) (red.(oracle_fun_part) O)).
- intros. now apply om, red.
- intros R x H.
destruct om as [or or' oHr oC]. destruct red as [rr rr' rHr rC].
unfold continuous in *. cbn in *.
destruct (oC (rr R) x I H) as [L1 [HL1' HL1]].
assert (forall x, In x L1 ->
exists L, (forall y : Z, In y L -> exists b : bool, R y b)
/\ (forall R': FunRel Z bool, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, rr R x b -> rr R' x b)) as rC'. {
intros y i.
destruct (HL1' y i) as [b Hb].
destruct (rC R y b Hb) as [L Hl].
exists L. split; [apply Hl|].
intros R' HR' b' Hb'.
assert (b = b') as <-. {
destruct (rr R) as [rrf rrp]. eapply rrp; eauto.
} now apply Hl.
eapply (@weakly_total_Forall2' _ _ _ L1) in rC' as [L2 HL2].
exists (concat L2). split. {
rewrite <- List.Forall_forall.
setoid_rewrite Forall_concat.
rewrite List.Forall_forall.
intros L' i'.
clear HL1.
induction HL2.
- destruct i'.
- cbn in *. destruct i' as [-> | i'].
+ rewrite List.Forall_forall. apply H0.
+ apply IHHL2.
* intros. apply HL1'. now right.
* apply i'.
intros. eapply HL1. intros y b' Hy. revert b'. pattern y. revert y Hy.
eapply List.Forall_forall.
eapply Forall2_Forall_l. eassumption.
eapply List.Forall_forall. intros. eapply H2. 2: eauto.
intros. apply H0.
eapply in_concat. eauto. eauto.
- specialize om.(oracle_continuous).
intros [mono _]%cont_is_mon_and_comp x.
assert (om (red (char_rel C)) x I <-> om (char_rel B) x I) as -> by (split; eapply mono, Hred).
apply Hom.
Lemma oracle_semi_decidable_complement_iff {X} (A : X -> Prop) {Y} (B : Y -> Prop) :
DN -> oracle_semi_decidable B A <-> oracle_semi_decidable (fun y => ~ B y) A.
intros DN.
- intros H. apply (semi_dec_turing_red_trans H), Turing_red_compl, DN.
- intros H. apply (semi_dec_turing_red_trans H), compl_Turing_red, DN.
Lemma semi_decidable_m_red {X} (Q : X -> Prop) {Y} (P : Y -> Prop) {Y'} (P' : Y' -> Prop):
P ⪯ₘ P' -> oracle_semi_decidable Q P' -> oracle_semi_decidable Q P.
intros [f Hf] [[r r' Hr Hc] Hom]. cbn in *.
unfold reduction in Hf. unfold oracle_semi_decidable.
setoid_rewrite Hf. setoid_rewrite Hom.
eapply mk_semi_dec with
(r := fun R x => r R (f x) I)
(r' := fun R x => (r' R (f x))).
- intros. now apply Hr.
- intros. now apply Hc.
- reflexivity.
Definition V0 (f : nat -> bool) := forall n, f n = true.
Definition Cof0 (f : nat -> bool) := exists k, forall n, n > k -> f n = true.
Lemma Cof0_is_semi_decidable_in_V0:
oracle_semi_decidable V0 Cof0.
eapply mk_semi_dec with
(r := fun O f =>(exists k, O (fun n => if Nat.leb n k then true else f n) true))
(r' := (fun O f => mkpart (fun! ⟨k,m⟩ =>
match seval (O (fun n => if Nat.leb n k then true else f n)) m with
| Some true => Some I
| _ => None
- intros f R Hr f'. rewrite mkpart_hasvalue. 1: intros ? ? [] []; reflexivity.
+ intros [em H]. destruct unembed as [k m]. exists k.
destruct seval as [[]|] eqn:eq; try congruence.
apply Hr. apply seval_hasvalue. eauto.
+ intros [k H].
unfold pcomputes in Hr.
specialize Hr as Hr'.
specialize (Hr' (fun n : nat => if Nat.leb n k then true else f' n) true) as [_ Hr']. specialize (Hr' H).
apply seval_hasvalue in Hr' as [m Hr'].
exists (embed (k, m)).
rewrite embedP.
destruct seval as [[]|] eqn:eq.
* reflexivity.
* congruence.
* congruence.
- intros R x [k H].
exists [(fun n : nat => if Nat.leb n k then true else x n)].
split. { intros f [<-|[]]. now exists true. }
intros R' Hl. exists k. now apply Hl; [now left|].
- intros f.
unfold Cof0. unfold V0. split.
+ intros [k H]. exists k. intros n. destruct Nat.leb eqn:leb.
* reflexivity.
* apply H. apply Compare_dec.leb_complete_conv in leb. lia.
+ intros [k H]. exists k. intros n ge. rewrite <- (H n). destruct Nat.leb eqn:leb.
* apply Compare_dec.leb_complete in leb. lia.
* reflexivity.
End OracleSemiDecidability.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Lemma semi_decidable_part_iff_True {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
semi_decidable p <-> exists (f : X -> part True), forall x, p x <-> f x =! I.
- intros [f Hf].
exists (fun x : X => mkpart (fun n : nat => if f x n then Some I else None)).
intros x.
rewrite (Hf x). split.
+ intros [n H].
apply mkpart_hasvalue. {
intros n1 n2 [] []. destruct (f x n1), (f x n2). all: congruence.
exists n. now rewrite H.
+ intros [n H]%mkpart_hasvalue1. exists n.
destruct f; congruence.
- intros [f Hf]. exists (fun x n => if seval (f x) n is Some _ then true else false).
intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros H. eapply seval_hasvalue in H as [n H].
exists n. now rewrite H.
+ intros [n H]. eapply seval_hasvalue. exists n.
destruct seval as [[]|]; congruence.
Definition oracle_semi_decidable `{partiality} {A} (Q : A -> Prop) {X} (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
exists (om : oracle_machine A bool X True), forall x, P x <-> om (char_rel Q) x I.
Lemma oracle_semi_dec_inhabited_type {A} (Q : A -> Prop) {X} (P : X -> Prop) {Y} (z : Y) :
oracle_semi_decidable Q P <-> exists (om : oracle_machine A bool X Y), forall x, P x <-> exists z, om (char_rel Q) x z.
split; intros [[r r' Hr cont] Hom]; cbn in *.
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x z' => z' = z /\ r R x I)).
now intros x z1 z2 [-> _] [-> _].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros _. apply (ret z).
- cbn. intros f R Hf x z'. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ now intros [[] [H%(Hr f R Hf) H'%ret_hasvalue_iff]].
+ intros [-> H%(Hr f R Hf)]. exists I. now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x ? [-> H].
specialize (cont R x I H). firstorder.
} cbn. intros x. rewrite Hom. now split; [exists z|intros [? [-> ?]]].
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X True (fun x i => exists z, r R x z)). now intros x [] [].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros _. apply (ret I).
- cbn. intros f R Hf x []. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ intros [z' [H%(Hr f R Hf) H'%ret_hasvalue_iff]]; eauto.
+ intros [z' H%(Hr f R Hf)]. exists z'. now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x [] [z' H].
specialize (cont R x z' H). firstorder.
} cbn. intros x. now rewrite Hom.
Lemma oracle_semi_dec_inhabited_discrete_type {A} (Q : A -> Prop) {X} (P : X -> Prop) {Y} (z : Y) (dec: forall z', {z = z'} + {z <> z'}) :
oracle_semi_decidable Q P <-> exists (om : oracle_machine A bool X Y), forall x, P x <-> om (char_rel Q) x z.
split; intros [[r r' Hr cont] Hom]; cbn in *.
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x z' => z' = z /\ r R x I)).
now intros x z1 z2 [-> _] [-> _].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros _. apply (ret z).
- cbn. intros f R Hf x z'. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ now intros [[] [H%(Hr f R Hf) H'%ret_hasvalue_iff]].
+ intros [-> H%(Hr f R Hf)]. exists I. now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x ? [-> H].
specialize (cont R x I H). firstorder.
} cbn. intros x. now rewrite Hom.
- unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X True (fun x i => r R x z)). now intros x [] [].
- intros R x. apply (bind (r' R x)). intros z'. destruct (dec z'); [apply (ret I) | apply undef].
- cbn. intros f R Hf x []. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
+ intros [z' [H%(Hr f R Hf) H']]. destruct dec as [->|]; [easy|]. now apply undef_hasvalue in H'.
+ intros H%(Hr f R Hf). exists z. destruct (dec z) as [_|neq]; [now rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff|now contradict neq].
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros R x []. apply cont.
} cbn. intros x. now rewrite Hom.
Lemma mk𝕄True {X Y} (r : FunRel Y bool -> X -> Prop) (r' : (Y ↛ bool) -> (X ↛ True)) :
(forall f (R : FunRel Y bool), pcomputes f R -> forall x, r' f x =! I <-> r R x) ->
(forall R x, r R x -> exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b)
/\ (forall R' : FunRel Y bool,
(forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> r R' x)) ->
oracle_machine Y bool X True.
unshelve eexists.
- intros R. apply (@Build_FunRel _ True (fun x _ => r R x)). now intros ? [] [].
- apply r'.
- unfold pcomputes. cbn. intros ? ? ? ? []. auto.
- unfold continuous. cbn. intros ? ? []. auto.
Lemma mk_semi_dec {X Y} {Q : Y -> Prop} {P : X -> Prop} (r : FunRel Y bool -> X -> Prop) (r' : (Y ↛ bool) -> (X ↛ True)) :
(forall f (R : FunRel Y bool), pcomputes f R -> forall x, r' f x =! I <-> r R x) ->
(forall R x, r R x -> exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b)
/\ (forall R' : FunRel Y bool,
(forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> r R' x)) ->
(forall x, P x <-> r (char_rel Q) x) ->
oracle_semi_decidable Q P.
unshelve eexists.
eapply mk𝕄True; eauto.
Lemma no_oracle_semi_decidable {X A} (p : X -> Prop) (q : A -> Prop):
decidable q -> semi_decidable p <-> oracle_semi_decidable q p.
Proof. unfold decidable, decider, reflects.
intros Hdec. split.
- intros [f Hf]%semi_decidable_part_iff_True.
unfold oracle_semi_decidable.
eapply mk_semi_dec with (r := fun _ => p) (r' := fun _ => f); eauto.
+ intros. now rewrite <- Hf.
+ intros. now exists [].
+ now intros.
- intros [[r r' Hr'] H]. cbn in H.
apply semi_decidable_part_iff_True.
destruct Hdec as [fd Hdec].
exists (r' (fun a => ret(fd a))).
unfold pcomputes in *.
intros x. rewrite H. rewrite (Hr' _ ). 2: reflexivity. clear x.
intros x b. unfold char_rel. cbn.
rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. unfold decider, reflects in Hdec.
destruct b; rewrite Hdec; destruct fd; split; congruence.
Lemma semi_dec_turing_red_trans {X} (A : X -> Prop) {Y} (B : Y -> Prop) {Z} (C : Z -> Prop) :
oracle_semi_decidable B A -> B ⪯ᴛ C -> oracle_semi_decidable C A.
intros [om Hom] [red Hred].
unshelve eapply mk_semi_dec with
(r := fun O x => om (red O) x I)
(r' := fun O => om.(oracle_fun_part) (red.(oracle_fun_part) O)).
- intros. now apply om, red.
- intros R x H.
destruct om as [or or' oHr oC]. destruct red as [rr rr' rHr rC].
unfold continuous in *. cbn in *.
destruct (oC (rr R) x I H) as [L1 [HL1' HL1]].
assert (forall x, In x L1 ->
exists L, (forall y : Z, In y L -> exists b : bool, R y b)
/\ (forall R': FunRel Z bool, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, rr R x b -> rr R' x b)) as rC'. {
intros y i.
destruct (HL1' y i) as [b Hb].
destruct (rC R y b Hb) as [L Hl].
exists L. split; [apply Hl|].
intros R' HR' b' Hb'.
assert (b = b') as <-. {
destruct (rr R) as [rrf rrp]. eapply rrp; eauto.
} now apply Hl.
eapply (@weakly_total_Forall2' _ _ _ L1) in rC' as [L2 HL2].
exists (concat L2). split. {
rewrite <- List.Forall_forall.
setoid_rewrite Forall_concat.
rewrite List.Forall_forall.
intros L' i'.
clear HL1.
induction HL2.
- destruct i'.
- cbn in *. destruct i' as [-> | i'].
+ rewrite List.Forall_forall. apply H0.
+ apply IHHL2.
* intros. apply HL1'. now right.
* apply i'.
intros. eapply HL1. intros y b' Hy. revert b'. pattern y. revert y Hy.
eapply List.Forall_forall.
eapply Forall2_Forall_l. eassumption.
eapply List.Forall_forall. intros. eapply H2. 2: eauto.
intros. apply H0.
eapply in_concat. eauto. eauto.
- specialize om.(oracle_continuous).
intros [mono _]%cont_is_mon_and_comp x.
assert (om (red (char_rel C)) x I <-> om (char_rel B) x I) as -> by (split; eapply mono, Hred).
apply Hom.
Lemma oracle_semi_decidable_complement_iff {X} (A : X -> Prop) {Y} (B : Y -> Prop) :
DN -> oracle_semi_decidable B A <-> oracle_semi_decidable (fun y => ~ B y) A.
intros DN.
- intros H. apply (semi_dec_turing_red_trans H), Turing_red_compl, DN.
- intros H. apply (semi_dec_turing_red_trans H), compl_Turing_red, DN.
Lemma semi_decidable_m_red {X} (Q : X -> Prop) {Y} (P : Y -> Prop) {Y'} (P' : Y' -> Prop):
P ⪯ₘ P' -> oracle_semi_decidable Q P' -> oracle_semi_decidable Q P.
intros [f Hf] [[r r' Hr Hc] Hom]. cbn in *.
unfold reduction in Hf. unfold oracle_semi_decidable.
setoid_rewrite Hf. setoid_rewrite Hom.
eapply mk_semi_dec with
(r := fun R x => r R (f x) I)
(r' := fun R x => (r' R (f x))).
- intros. now apply Hr.
- intros. now apply Hc.
- reflexivity.
Definition V0 (f : nat -> bool) := forall n, f n = true.
Definition Cof0 (f : nat -> bool) := exists k, forall n, n > k -> f n = true.
Lemma Cof0_is_semi_decidable_in_V0:
oracle_semi_decidable V0 Cof0.
eapply mk_semi_dec with
(r := fun O f =>(exists k, O (fun n => if Nat.leb n k then true else f n) true))
(r' := (fun O f => mkpart (fun! ⟨k,m⟩ =>
match seval (O (fun n => if Nat.leb n k then true else f n)) m with
| Some true => Some I
| _ => None
- intros f R Hr f'. rewrite mkpart_hasvalue. 1: intros ? ? [] []; reflexivity.
+ intros [em H]. destruct unembed as [k m]. exists k.
destruct seval as [[]|] eqn:eq; try congruence.
apply Hr. apply seval_hasvalue. eauto.
+ intros [k H].
unfold pcomputes in Hr.
specialize Hr as Hr'.
specialize (Hr' (fun n : nat => if Nat.leb n k then true else f' n) true) as [_ Hr']. specialize (Hr' H).
apply seval_hasvalue in Hr' as [m Hr'].
exists (embed (k, m)).
rewrite embedP.
destruct seval as [[]|] eqn:eq.
* reflexivity.
* congruence.
* congruence.
- intros R x [k H].
exists [(fun n : nat => if Nat.leb n k then true else x n)].
split. { intros f [<-|[]]. now exists true. }
intros R' Hl. exists k. now apply Hl; [now left|].
- intros f.
unfold Cof0. unfold V0. split.
+ intros [k H]. exists k. intros n. destruct Nat.leb eqn:leb.
* reflexivity.
* apply H. apply Compare_dec.leb_complete_conv in leb. lia.
+ intros [k H]. exists k. intros n ge. rewrite <- (H n). destruct Nat.leb eqn:leb.
* apply Compare_dec.leb_complete in leb. lia.
* reflexivity.
End OracleSemiDecidability.
Section CoreDeterminacy.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Variable vec_to_nat : forall k, vec nat k -> nat.
Variable nat_to_vec : forall k, nat -> vec nat k.
Variable vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_vec k (vec_to_nat v) = v.
Variable nat_vec_inv : forall k n, vec_to_nat (nat_to_vec k n) = n.
Definition oracle_from_lists {X} (dec : forall (x y : X), {x = y} + {x <> y}) (LT LF: list X) (x : X) :=
if existsb (fun y => match dec x y with left _ => true | right _ => false end) LT then ret true
else if existsb (fun y => match dec x y with left _ => true | right _ => false end) LF then ret false
else undef.
Lemma oracle_from_lists_spec {X} (dec : forall (x y : X), {x = y} + {x <> y}) LT LF x:
(forall y, ~(List.In y LT /\ List.In y LF)) ->
(oracle_from_lists dec LT LF x =! true <-> List.In x LT)
/\ (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF x =! false <-> List.In x LF).
intros disj.
unfold oracle_from_lists. destruct (existsb _ LT) eqn:eq; [|destruct (existsb _ LF) eqn:eq'].
- repeat rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. apply List.existsb_exists in eq as [y [i eq]].
destruct (dec x y) as [<-|]; firstorder congruence.
- repeat rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. apply List.existsb_exists in eq' as [y [i eq']].
destruct (dec x y) as [<-|]; firstorder congruence.
- split; split.
+ intros []%undef_hasvalue.
+ intros H. enough (false = true) as [=]. rewrite <- eq. apply List.existsb_exists.
exists x. now destruct dec.
+ intros []%undef_hasvalue.
+ intros H. enough (false = true) as [=]. rewrite <- eq'. apply List.existsb_exists.
exists x. now destruct dec.
Lemma split_L_LT_LF {X} (L: list X) (R: FunRel X bool):
(forall x, In x L -> exists b, R x b) ->
exists LT LF,
(forall y, List.In y LT -> R y true) /\
(forall y, List.In y LF -> R y false) /\
(forall x, List.In x L -> List.In x LT \/ List.In x LF ) /\
(forall y, ~(In y LT /\ In y LF)).
induction L as [|x L IH]; intros H.
- now exists List.nil, List.nil.
- destruct (IH ltac:(firstorder)) as [LT [LF [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]]].
destruct (H x ltac:(now left)) as [[] Hb].
+ exists (List.cons x LT), LF. clear IH. repeat split. 1-3: firstorder congruence.
intros y [[-> | i1] i2].
* eapply R_func; eauto.
* eapply R_func; [apply IH1|apply IH2]; eauto.
+ exists LT, (List.cons x LF). clear IH. repeat split. 1-3: firstorder congruence.
intros y [i1 [-> | i2]].
* eapply R_func; eauto.
* eapply R_func; [apply IH1|apply IH2]; eauto.
Lemma oracle_iff_exists_LT_LF {A X Y} (dec : forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {x <> y}) (om : oracle_machine A bool X Y) :
forall R x y, om R x y <-> (exists LT LF, (forall y, List.In y LT -> R y true) /\ (forall y, List.In y LF -> R y false) /\ om.(oracle_fun_part) (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) x =! y).
intros x. destruct om as [r r' Hr cont].
unfold continuous, monotonic in *. cbn in *. intros ? z.
- intros halt.
destruct (cont _ _ _ halt) as [L [Hl' Hl]].
destruct (split_L_LT_LF Hl') as [LT [LF [H1 [H2 [H3 disj]]]]].
exists LT, LF. repeat split; try assumption.
apply (Hr _ (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y b => (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) y =! b) ltac:(intros ?; apply hasvalue_det))). 1: now intros ? ?.
apply Hl.
intros y b i H; cbn in *.
destruct b.
+ apply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec _ disj). destruct (H3 y i) as [|H'%H2]; [easy|].
destruct (R_func H H').
+ apply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec _ disj). destruct (H3 y i) as [H'%H1|]; [|easy].
destruct (R_func H' H).
- intros [LT [LF [HT [HF H]]]].
apply (Hr _ (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y b => (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) y =! b) ltac:(intros ?; apply hasvalue_det))) in H; [|now intros y b].
apply cont_is_mon_and_comp in cont as [mono _].
eapply mono. 2: apply H.
intros y []; cbn.
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HT.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HF.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
Lemma eq_core {A X Y} (dec : forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {x <> y}) :
forall (om1 om2 : oracle_machine A bool X Y),
(forall f x z, om1.(oracle_fun_part) f x =! z <-> om2.(oracle_fun_part) f x =! z) -> forall R x z, om1 R x z <-> om2 R x z.
intros om1 om2 eq R x z.
repeat rewrite (oracle_iff_exists_LT_LF dec). now setoid_rewrite eq.
Lemma core_to_om {A X Y} (dec : forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {x <> y}):
forall C, continuous_f C ->
{ M : oracle_machine A bool X Y | M.(oracle_fun_part) = C }.
intros C cont.
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x z => exists LT LF, (forall y, List.In y LT -> R y true) /\ (forall y, List.In y LF -> R y false) /\ C (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) x =! z)).
intros x z1 z2. intros [LT1 [LF1 [LH1 [LH1' LH1'']]]] [LT2 [LF2 [LH2 [LH2' LH2'']]]].
apply (cont_is_mon_and_comp_f dec) in cont as [mono _]. unfold monotonic_f in mono.
assert (forall y, ~(List.In y LT1 /\ List.In y LF1)) as disj1. {
intros y [Rt%LH1 Rf%LH1']. eapply R_func; eauto.
assert (forall y, ~(List.In y LT2 /\ List.In y LF2)) as disj2. {
intros y [Rt%LH2 Rf%LH2']. eapply R_func; eauto.
assert (forall y, ~(List.In y (LT1++LT2) /\ List.In y (LF1++LF2))) as disj12. {
intros y [[Rt%LH1|Rt%LH2]%in_app_or [Rf%LH1'|Rf%LH2']%in_app_or]; eapply R_func; eauto.
assert (C (oracle_from_lists dec (LT1++LT2) (LF1++LF2)) x =! z1) as Hz1. {
eapply mono. 2: apply LH1''. intros y []; intros H%(oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj1).
all: eapply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj12), in_app_iff; auto.
assert (C (oracle_from_lists dec (LT1++LT2) (LF1++LF2)) x =! z2) as Hz2. {
eapply mono. 2: apply LH2''. intros y []; intros H%(oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj2).
all: eapply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj12), in_app_iff; auto.
eapply hasvalue_det.
+ apply Hz1.
+ apply Hz2.
- apply C.
- cbn. unfold pcomputes. intros f R HfR x y. {
- intros halt.
destruct (cont _ _ _ halt) as [L [Hl' Hl]].
destruct (partfun_to_FunRel f) as [F HF].
specialize Hl' as Hl''. setoid_rewrite HfR in Hl''.
setoid_rewrite <- HF in Hl'.
destruct (split_L_LT_LF Hl') as [LT [LF [H1 [H2 [H3 disj]]]]].
setoid_rewrite HF in H1. setoid_rewrite HF in H2.
setoid_rewrite HfR in H1. setoid_rewrite HfR in H2.
exists LT, LF. repeat split; try assumption.
apply (cont_is_mon_and_comp_f dec) in cont as [mono _]. unfold monotonic_f in mono.
apply Hl. intros y' [] [i|i]%H3 h%HfR;
eapply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec _ disj).
all: try assumption.
+ destruct (R_func h (H2 _ i)).
+ destruct (R_func (H1 _ i) h).
- apply (cont_is_mon_and_comp_f dec) in cont as [mono _]. unfold monotonic_f in mono.
intros [LT [LF [HT [HF H]]]].
eapply mono. 2: apply H.
intros y' []; cbn.
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HfR, HT.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HfR, HF.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
- unfold continuous. cbn.
intros R x z [LT [LF [H1 [H2 H3]]]].
exists (LT ++ LF). split.
+ intros y [i%H1|i%H2]%in_app_iff; eexists; eauto.
+ intros R' HR'. exists LT, LF. repeat split.
* intros y i. apply HR'. 2: now apply H1. apply in_app_iff. now left.
* intros y i. apply HR'. 2: now apply H2. apply in_app_iff. now right.
* apply H3.
} reflexivity.
Lemma core_to_om_True {A X}:
forall C, continuous_f C ->
{ M : oracle_machine A bool X True | M.(oracle_fun_part) = C }.
intros C cont.
unshelve eexists. {
eapply mk𝕄True with
(r := fun R x => exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b) /\ (forall f, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> f y =! b) -> C f x =! I))
(r' := C).
- intros r R H x. unfold pcomputes in H. split.
+ intros iT. destruct (cont r x I iT) as [L [Hl Hl']].
exists L. setoid_rewrite <- H. split;[apply Hl|]. intros f l. eapply (Hl' f l).
+ intros [L [Hl Hl']]. specialize (Hl' r). setoid_rewrite <- H in Hl'. now apply Hl'.
- intros R x [L [Hl Hl']].
exists L. split;[apply Hl|]. intros R'. intros HR'.
exists L. split.
+ intros y i.
destruct (Hl y i) as [b Hb]. exists b. now apply HR'.
+ intros f H'. apply Hl'. intros y b i HR.
apply (H' _ _ i). now apply HR'.
} reflexivity.
End CoreDeterminacy.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Variable vec_to_nat : forall k, vec nat k -> nat.
Variable nat_to_vec : forall k, nat -> vec nat k.
Variable vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_vec k (vec_to_nat v) = v.
Variable nat_vec_inv : forall k n, vec_to_nat (nat_to_vec k n) = n.
Definition oracle_from_lists {X} (dec : forall (x y : X), {x = y} + {x <> y}) (LT LF: list X) (x : X) :=
if existsb (fun y => match dec x y with left _ => true | right _ => false end) LT then ret true
else if existsb (fun y => match dec x y with left _ => true | right _ => false end) LF then ret false
else undef.
Lemma oracle_from_lists_spec {X} (dec : forall (x y : X), {x = y} + {x <> y}) LT LF x:
(forall y, ~(List.In y LT /\ List.In y LF)) ->
(oracle_from_lists dec LT LF x =! true <-> List.In x LT)
/\ (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF x =! false <-> List.In x LF).
intros disj.
unfold oracle_from_lists. destruct (existsb _ LT) eqn:eq; [|destruct (existsb _ LF) eqn:eq'].
- repeat rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. apply List.existsb_exists in eq as [y [i eq]].
destruct (dec x y) as [<-|]; firstorder congruence.
- repeat rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. apply List.existsb_exists in eq' as [y [i eq']].
destruct (dec x y) as [<-|]; firstorder congruence.
- split; split.
+ intros []%undef_hasvalue.
+ intros H. enough (false = true) as [=]. rewrite <- eq. apply List.existsb_exists.
exists x. now destruct dec.
+ intros []%undef_hasvalue.
+ intros H. enough (false = true) as [=]. rewrite <- eq'. apply List.existsb_exists.
exists x. now destruct dec.
Lemma split_L_LT_LF {X} (L: list X) (R: FunRel X bool):
(forall x, In x L -> exists b, R x b) ->
exists LT LF,
(forall y, List.In y LT -> R y true) /\
(forall y, List.In y LF -> R y false) /\
(forall x, List.In x L -> List.In x LT \/ List.In x LF ) /\
(forall y, ~(In y LT /\ In y LF)).
induction L as [|x L IH]; intros H.
- now exists List.nil, List.nil.
- destruct (IH ltac:(firstorder)) as [LT [LF [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]]].
destruct (H x ltac:(now left)) as [[] Hb].
+ exists (List.cons x LT), LF. clear IH. repeat split. 1-3: firstorder congruence.
intros y [[-> | i1] i2].
* eapply R_func; eauto.
* eapply R_func; [apply IH1|apply IH2]; eauto.
+ exists LT, (List.cons x LF). clear IH. repeat split. 1-3: firstorder congruence.
intros y [i1 [-> | i2]].
* eapply R_func; eauto.
* eapply R_func; [apply IH1|apply IH2]; eauto.
Lemma oracle_iff_exists_LT_LF {A X Y} (dec : forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {x <> y}) (om : oracle_machine A bool X Y) :
forall R x y, om R x y <-> (exists LT LF, (forall y, List.In y LT -> R y true) /\ (forall y, List.In y LF -> R y false) /\ om.(oracle_fun_part) (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) x =! y).
intros x. destruct om as [r r' Hr cont].
unfold continuous, monotonic in *. cbn in *. intros ? z.
- intros halt.
destruct (cont _ _ _ halt) as [L [Hl' Hl]].
destruct (split_L_LT_LF Hl') as [LT [LF [H1 [H2 [H3 disj]]]]].
exists LT, LF. repeat split; try assumption.
apply (Hr _ (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y b => (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) y =! b) ltac:(intros ?; apply hasvalue_det))). 1: now intros ? ?.
apply Hl.
intros y b i H; cbn in *.
destruct b.
+ apply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec _ disj). destruct (H3 y i) as [|H'%H2]; [easy|].
destruct (R_func H H').
+ apply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec _ disj). destruct (H3 y i) as [H'%H1|]; [|easy].
destruct (R_func H' H).
- intros [LT [LF [HT [HF H]]]].
apply (Hr _ (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y b => (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) y =! b) ltac:(intros ?; apply hasvalue_det))) in H; [|now intros y b].
apply cont_is_mon_and_comp in cont as [mono _].
eapply mono. 2: apply H.
intros y []; cbn.
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HT.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HF.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
Lemma eq_core {A X Y} (dec : forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {x <> y}) :
forall (om1 om2 : oracle_machine A bool X Y),
(forall f x z, om1.(oracle_fun_part) f x =! z <-> om2.(oracle_fun_part) f x =! z) -> forall R x z, om1 R x z <-> om2 R x z.
intros om1 om2 eq R x z.
repeat rewrite (oracle_iff_exists_LT_LF dec). now setoid_rewrite eq.
Lemma core_to_om {A X Y} (dec : forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {x <> y}):
forall C, continuous_f C ->
{ M : oracle_machine A bool X Y | M.(oracle_fun_part) = C }.
intros C cont.
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- intros R. eapply (@Build_FunRel X Y (fun x z => exists LT LF, (forall y, List.In y LT -> R y true) /\ (forall y, List.In y LF -> R y false) /\ C (oracle_from_lists dec LT LF) x =! z)).
intros x z1 z2. intros [LT1 [LF1 [LH1 [LH1' LH1'']]]] [LT2 [LF2 [LH2 [LH2' LH2'']]]].
apply (cont_is_mon_and_comp_f dec) in cont as [mono _]. unfold monotonic_f in mono.
assert (forall y, ~(List.In y LT1 /\ List.In y LF1)) as disj1. {
intros y [Rt%LH1 Rf%LH1']. eapply R_func; eauto.
assert (forall y, ~(List.In y LT2 /\ List.In y LF2)) as disj2. {
intros y [Rt%LH2 Rf%LH2']. eapply R_func; eauto.
assert (forall y, ~(List.In y (LT1++LT2) /\ List.In y (LF1++LF2))) as disj12. {
intros y [[Rt%LH1|Rt%LH2]%in_app_or [Rf%LH1'|Rf%LH2']%in_app_or]; eapply R_func; eauto.
assert (C (oracle_from_lists dec (LT1++LT2) (LF1++LF2)) x =! z1) as Hz1. {
eapply mono. 2: apply LH1''. intros y []; intros H%(oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj1).
all: eapply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj12), in_app_iff; auto.
assert (C (oracle_from_lists dec (LT1++LT2) (LF1++LF2)) x =! z2) as Hz2. {
eapply mono. 2: apply LH2''. intros y []; intros H%(oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj2).
all: eapply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec y disj12), in_app_iff; auto.
eapply hasvalue_det.
+ apply Hz1.
+ apply Hz2.
- apply C.
- cbn. unfold pcomputes. intros f R HfR x y. {
- intros halt.
destruct (cont _ _ _ halt) as [L [Hl' Hl]].
destruct (partfun_to_FunRel f) as [F HF].
specialize Hl' as Hl''. setoid_rewrite HfR in Hl''.
setoid_rewrite <- HF in Hl'.
destruct (split_L_LT_LF Hl') as [LT [LF [H1 [H2 [H3 disj]]]]].
setoid_rewrite HF in H1. setoid_rewrite HF in H2.
setoid_rewrite HfR in H1. setoid_rewrite HfR in H2.
exists LT, LF. repeat split; try assumption.
apply (cont_is_mon_and_comp_f dec) in cont as [mono _]. unfold monotonic_f in mono.
apply Hl. intros y' [] [i|i]%H3 h%HfR;
eapply (oracle_from_lists_spec dec _ disj).
all: try assumption.
+ destruct (R_func h (H2 _ i)).
+ destruct (R_func (H1 _ i) h).
- apply (cont_is_mon_and_comp_f dec) in cont as [mono _]. unfold monotonic_f in mono.
intros [LT [LF [HT [HF H]]]].
eapply mono. 2: apply H.
intros y' []; cbn.
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HfR, HT.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
+ intros H'%oracle_from_lists_spec. now apply HfR, HF.
intros v [Rt%HT Rf%HF]. destruct (R_func Rt Rf).
- unfold continuous. cbn.
intros R x z [LT [LF [H1 [H2 H3]]]].
exists (LT ++ LF). split.
+ intros y [i%H1|i%H2]%in_app_iff; eexists; eauto.
+ intros R' HR'. exists LT, LF. repeat split.
* intros y i. apply HR'. 2: now apply H1. apply in_app_iff. now left.
* intros y i. apply HR'. 2: now apply H2. apply in_app_iff. now right.
* apply H3.
} reflexivity.
Lemma core_to_om_True {A X}:
forall C, continuous_f C ->
{ M : oracle_machine A bool X True | M.(oracle_fun_part) = C }.
intros C cont.
unshelve eexists. {
eapply mk𝕄True with
(r := fun R x => exists L, (forall y, In y L -> exists b, R y b) /\ (forall f, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> f y =! b) -> C f x =! I))
(r' := C).
- intros r R H x. unfold pcomputes in H. split.
+ intros iT. destruct (cont r x I iT) as [L [Hl Hl']].
exists L. setoid_rewrite <- H. split;[apply Hl|]. intros f l. eapply (Hl' f l).
+ intros [L [Hl Hl']]. specialize (Hl' r). setoid_rewrite <- H in Hl'. now apply Hl'.
- intros R x [L [Hl Hl']].
exists L. split;[apply Hl|]. intros R'. intros HR'.
exists L. split.
+ intros y i.
destruct (Hl y i) as [b Hb]. exists b. now apply HR'.
+ intros f H'. apply Hl'. intros y b i HR.
apply (H' _ _ i). now apply HR'.
} reflexivity.
End CoreDeterminacy.
Section compare_Forster_Kirst.
Hypothesis Fext : forall X Y (f g : X -> Y), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Hypothesis Pext : forall P Q : Prop, P <-> Q -> P = Q.
Fact PI : forall P : Prop, forall H1 H2 : P, H1 = H2.
intros P H1 H2.
assert (P <-> True) as -> % Pext by firstorder.
now destruct H1, H2.
Lemma FunRel_ext {X Y} (R1 R2 : FunRel X Y) :
(forall x y, R1 x y <-> R2 x y) -> R1 = R2.
destruct R1 as [R1 H1], R2 as [R2 H2].
cbn. intros H.
- assert (R1 = R2) as ->. {
eapply Fext. intros x. eapply Fext. intros y.
eapply Pext, H. }
f_equal. eapply PI.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Record Turing_red X Y :=
red_fun_relT :> FunRel Y bool -> FunRel X bool ;
red_fun_partT : (Y ↛ bool) -> (X ↛ bool) ;
red_factorsT : (forall f R, pcomputes f (the_rel R) -> pcomputes (red_fun_partT f) (red_fun_relT R)) ;
fun_rel_contT : forall (R : FunRel Y bool) x, ~~ exists L, forall R' : FunRel Y bool, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, red_fun_relT R x b -> red_fun_relT R' x b ;
fun_rel_monoT : forall (R R' : FunRel Y bool), (forall x b, R x b -> R' x b) -> forall x b, red_fun_relT R x b -> red_fun_relT R' x b ;
Definition red_Turing_FK {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :=
exists r : Turing_red X Y, char_rel p = r (char_rel q).
Notation "P ⪯ꜰᴋ Q" := (red_Turing_FK P Q) (at level 50).
Fact cont_impl_ForsterKirst {W X Y Z : Type} (F : FunRel Y W -> FunRel X Z) :
continuous F -> forall (R : FunRel Y W) x, ~~ exists L, forall R' : FunRel Y W, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, F R x b -> F R' x b.
unfold continuous. intros H R x.
assert (~~((exists b, F R x b) \/ ~(exists b, F R x b))) as LEMb by firstorder.
intros nnE. apply LEMb. intros [[b Fb] | nFb].
- specialize (H R x b Fb) as [L Hl].
apply nnE. exists L. intros R' HRR' b' Hb'.
assert (b = b') as ->. { eapply (F R); eauto. }
now apply Hl.
- apply nnE. exists []. intros ? ? b' Hb'. contradict nFb. now exists b'.
Definition LEM := forall p, p \/ ~p.
Fact cont_ForsterKirst_impl {W X Y Z} (F : FunRel Y W -> FunRel X Z) :
LEM -> (forall (R : FunRel Y W) x, ~~ exists L, forall R' : FunRel Y W, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, F R x b -> F R' x b)
-> continuous F.
unfold continuous, LEM. intros LEM H R x b Hb.
assert (forall p, ~~p -> p) as DN. { intros p nnp. now destruct (LEM p). }
specialize (H R x). apply DN in H. destruct H as [L Hl].
assert (exists L', (forall y, In y L' -> exists b, R y b) /\ (forall y, In y L -> In y L' \/ forall b, ~R y b)) as [L' [Hl'1 Hl'2]]. {
clear Hl x b Hb. induction L as [|y L IHL].
- now exists [].
- destruct IHL as [L' [HL1 HL2]].
destruct (LEM (exists b, R y b)) as [E | nE].
+ exists (y::L'). split; intros y'.
* intros [->|]; [apply E|now apply HL1].
* intros [->|i]; [now left;left|].
destruct (HL2 y' i); [now left;right|now right].
+ exists L'. split;[apply HL1|].
intros y' [->|i]; [right; firstorder|].
destruct (HL2 y' i); [now left|now right].
exists L'. split.
- apply Hl'1.
- intros R' HRR'.
apply Hl. 2: apply Hb.
intros y b' i Hb'. destruct (Hl'2 y i); firstorder.
Lemma redT_impl_ForsterKirst {X Y} (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
P ⪯ᴛ Q -> P ⪯ꜰᴋ Q.
intros [om H].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply cont_impl_ForsterKirst, om.
- apply cont_is_mon_and_comp, om.
} apply FunRel_ext, H.
Lemma ForsterKirst_impl_redT {X Y} (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
LEM -> P ⪯ꜰᴋ Q -> P ⪯ᴛ Q.
intros LEM [om H].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply (cont_ForsterKirst_impl LEM), om.
} now rewrite H.
Lemma finite_agreeing_function (R : FunRel nat bool) :
forall L, ~~exists f, forall y b, (In y L -> f y =! b <-> R y b) /\ (f y =! b -> R y b).
induction L as [|n ns].
- intros nnE. apply nnE. exists (fun _ => undef). intros y b. split; [easy| intros []%undef_hasvalue].
- enough (R n true \/ ~R n true -> R n false \/ ~R n false
-> (exists f : nat ↛ bool, forall (y : nat) (b : bool), (In y ns -> f y =! b <-> R y b) /\ (f y =! b -> R y b))
-> (exists f : nat ↛ bool, forall (y : nat) (b : bool), (In y (n :: ns) -> f y =! b <-> R y b) /\ (f y =! b -> R y b))) by firstorder.
intros [T | nT] [F | nF] [f Hf].
+ specialize (@the_func_proof _ _ R _ _ _ T F) as [=].
+ exists (fun y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n then ret true else f y). intros y b.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n) eqn:eq.
* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true _ _ eq). split.
-- intros _. rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
-- rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
* specialize (EqNat.beq_nat_false _ _ eq) as neq. split.
-- intros [->|i]; [contradiction|]. now apply Hf.
-- apply Hf.
+ exists (fun y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n then ret false else f y). intros y b.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n) eqn:eq.
* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true _ _ eq). split.
-- intros _. rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
-- rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
* specialize (EqNat.beq_nat_false _ _ eq) as neq. split.
-- intros [->|i]; [contradiction|]. now apply Hf.
-- apply Hf.
+ exists (fun y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n then undef else f y). intros y b.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n) eqn:eq.
* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true _ _ eq). split.
-- intros _. split; [intros []%undef_hasvalue|]. now destruct b.
-- intros []%undef_hasvalue.
* specialize (EqNat.beq_nat_false _ _ eq) as neq. split.
-- intros [->|i]; [contradiction|]. now apply Hf.
-- apply Hf.
Lemma eq_core_ForsterKirst :
forall (F1 F2 : Turing_red nat nat),
(forall f x z, F1.(red_fun_partT) f x =! z <-> F2.(red_fun_partT) f x =! z) -> forall R x b, ~F1 R x b -> ~F2 R x b.
intros [r1 r'1 Hr1 c1' m1] [r2 r'2 Hr2 c2 m2]. cbn in *.
unfold continuous, monotonic in *.
intros eq R x b nH1 H2.
apply (c1' R x). intros [L1 c1].
apply (c2 R x). clear c2. intros [L2 c2].
apply (@finite_agreeing_function R L2). intros [f Hf].
specialize (c2 (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y b => f y =! b) ltac:(intros ?; apply hasvalue_det)) ltac:(apply Hf) b H2) as H2'.
unfold pcomputes in *.
apply (Hr2 f) in H2'. 2: now intros.
setoid_rewrite eq in Hr1.
eapply (Hr1 f {|
the_rel := fun (y : nat) (b : bool) => f y =! b;
the_func_proof := fun x0 : nat => hasvalue_det (x:=f x0)|}) in H2'. 2: firstorder.
apply nH1. eapply m1. 2: apply H2'.
intros y b'. cbn.
apply Hf.
End compare_Forster_Kirst.
Hypothesis Fext : forall X Y (f g : X -> Y), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Hypothesis Pext : forall P Q : Prop, P <-> Q -> P = Q.
Fact PI : forall P : Prop, forall H1 H2 : P, H1 = H2.
intros P H1 H2.
assert (P <-> True) as -> % Pext by firstorder.
now destruct H1, H2.
Lemma FunRel_ext {X Y} (R1 R2 : FunRel X Y) :
(forall x y, R1 x y <-> R2 x y) -> R1 = R2.
destruct R1 as [R1 H1], R2 as [R2 H2].
cbn. intros H.
- assert (R1 = R2) as ->. {
eapply Fext. intros x. eapply Fext. intros y.
eapply Pext, H. }
f_equal. eapply PI.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Record Turing_red X Y :=
red_fun_relT :> FunRel Y bool -> FunRel X bool ;
red_fun_partT : (Y ↛ bool) -> (X ↛ bool) ;
red_factorsT : (forall f R, pcomputes f (the_rel R) -> pcomputes (red_fun_partT f) (red_fun_relT R)) ;
fun_rel_contT : forall (R : FunRel Y bool) x, ~~ exists L, forall R' : FunRel Y bool, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, red_fun_relT R x b -> red_fun_relT R' x b ;
fun_rel_monoT : forall (R R' : FunRel Y bool), (forall x b, R x b -> R' x b) -> forall x b, red_fun_relT R x b -> red_fun_relT R' x b ;
Definition red_Turing_FK {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :=
exists r : Turing_red X Y, char_rel p = r (char_rel q).
Notation "P ⪯ꜰᴋ Q" := (red_Turing_FK P Q) (at level 50).
Fact cont_impl_ForsterKirst {W X Y Z : Type} (F : FunRel Y W -> FunRel X Z) :
continuous F -> forall (R : FunRel Y W) x, ~~ exists L, forall R' : FunRel Y W, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, F R x b -> F R' x b.
unfold continuous. intros H R x.
assert (~~((exists b, F R x b) \/ ~(exists b, F R x b))) as LEMb by firstorder.
intros nnE. apply LEMb. intros [[b Fb] | nFb].
- specialize (H R x b Fb) as [L Hl].
apply nnE. exists L. intros R' HRR' b' Hb'.
assert (b = b') as ->. { eapply (F R); eauto. }
now apply Hl.
- apply nnE. exists []. intros ? ? b' Hb'. contradict nFb. now exists b'.
Definition LEM := forall p, p \/ ~p.
Fact cont_ForsterKirst_impl {W X Y Z} (F : FunRel Y W -> FunRel X Z) :
LEM -> (forall (R : FunRel Y W) x, ~~ exists L, forall R' : FunRel Y W, (forall y b, In y L -> R y b -> R' y b) -> forall b, F R x b -> F R' x b)
-> continuous F.
unfold continuous, LEM. intros LEM H R x b Hb.
assert (forall p, ~~p -> p) as DN. { intros p nnp. now destruct (LEM p). }
specialize (H R x). apply DN in H. destruct H as [L Hl].
assert (exists L', (forall y, In y L' -> exists b, R y b) /\ (forall y, In y L -> In y L' \/ forall b, ~R y b)) as [L' [Hl'1 Hl'2]]. {
clear Hl x b Hb. induction L as [|y L IHL].
- now exists [].
- destruct IHL as [L' [HL1 HL2]].
destruct (LEM (exists b, R y b)) as [E | nE].
+ exists (y::L'). split; intros y'.
* intros [->|]; [apply E|now apply HL1].
* intros [->|i]; [now left;left|].
destruct (HL2 y' i); [now left;right|now right].
+ exists L'. split;[apply HL1|].
intros y' [->|i]; [right; firstorder|].
destruct (HL2 y' i); [now left|now right].
exists L'. split.
- apply Hl'1.
- intros R' HRR'.
apply Hl. 2: apply Hb.
intros y b' i Hb'. destruct (Hl'2 y i); firstorder.
Lemma redT_impl_ForsterKirst {X Y} (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
P ⪯ᴛ Q -> P ⪯ꜰᴋ Q.
intros [om H].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply cont_impl_ForsterKirst, om.
- apply cont_is_mon_and_comp, om.
} apply FunRel_ext, H.
Lemma ForsterKirst_impl_redT {X Y} (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
LEM -> P ⪯ꜰᴋ Q -> P ⪯ᴛ Q.
intros LEM [om H].
unshelve eexists. {
unshelve econstructor.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply om.
- apply (cont_ForsterKirst_impl LEM), om.
} now rewrite H.
Lemma finite_agreeing_function (R : FunRel nat bool) :
forall L, ~~exists f, forall y b, (In y L -> f y =! b <-> R y b) /\ (f y =! b -> R y b).
induction L as [|n ns].
- intros nnE. apply nnE. exists (fun _ => undef). intros y b. split; [easy| intros []%undef_hasvalue].
- enough (R n true \/ ~R n true -> R n false \/ ~R n false
-> (exists f : nat ↛ bool, forall (y : nat) (b : bool), (In y ns -> f y =! b <-> R y b) /\ (f y =! b -> R y b))
-> (exists f : nat ↛ bool, forall (y : nat) (b : bool), (In y (n :: ns) -> f y =! b <-> R y b) /\ (f y =! b -> R y b))) by firstorder.
intros [T | nT] [F | nF] [f Hf].
+ specialize (@the_func_proof _ _ R _ _ _ T F) as [=].
+ exists (fun y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n then ret true else f y). intros y b.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n) eqn:eq.
* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true _ _ eq). split.
-- intros _. rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
-- rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
* specialize (EqNat.beq_nat_false _ _ eq) as neq. split.
-- intros [->|i]; [contradiction|]. now apply Hf.
-- apply Hf.
+ exists (fun y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n then ret false else f y). intros y b.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n) eqn:eq.
* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true _ _ eq). split.
-- intros _. rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
-- rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff. now destruct b.
* specialize (EqNat.beq_nat_false _ _ eq) as neq. split.
-- intros [->|i]; [contradiction|]. now apply Hf.
-- apply Hf.
+ exists (fun y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n then undef else f y). intros y b.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb y n) eqn:eq.
* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true _ _ eq). split.
-- intros _. split; [intros []%undef_hasvalue|]. now destruct b.
-- intros []%undef_hasvalue.
* specialize (EqNat.beq_nat_false _ _ eq) as neq. split.
-- intros [->|i]; [contradiction|]. now apply Hf.
-- apply Hf.
Lemma eq_core_ForsterKirst :
forall (F1 F2 : Turing_red nat nat),
(forall f x z, F1.(red_fun_partT) f x =! z <-> F2.(red_fun_partT) f x =! z) -> forall R x b, ~F1 R x b -> ~F2 R x b.
intros [r1 r'1 Hr1 c1' m1] [r2 r'2 Hr2 c2 m2]. cbn in *.
unfold continuous, monotonic in *.
intros eq R x b nH1 H2.
apply (c1' R x). intros [L1 c1].
apply (c2 R x). clear c2. intros [L2 c2].
apply (@finite_agreeing_function R L2). intros [f Hf].
specialize (c2 (@Build_FunRel _ _ (fun y b => f y =! b) ltac:(intros ?; apply hasvalue_det)) ltac:(apply Hf) b H2) as H2'.
unfold pcomputes in *.
apply (Hr2 f) in H2'. 2: now intros.
setoid_rewrite eq in Hr1.
eapply (Hr1 f {|
the_rel := fun (y : nat) (b : bool) => f y =! b;
the_func_proof := fun x0 : nat => hasvalue_det (x:=f x0)|}) in H2'. 2: firstorder.
apply nH1. eapply m1. 2: apply H2'.
intros y b'. cbn.
apply Hf.
End compare_Forster_Kirst.