Library Continuum.Definability

Require Export ZF_Structures.
Import VectorDef.VectorNotations.

First-Order Logic

Section First_Order_Logic.
  Context {S : ZF_Structure}.

  Inductive Term (n : nat) :=
  | const : S Term n
  | var : Fin.t n Term n.
  Arguments var {_} _.

  Inductive Formula (n : nat) :=
  | exist : Formula n.+1 Formula n
  | and : Formula n Formula n Formula n
  | not : Formula n Formula n
  | equal : Term n Term n Formula n
  | is_element : Term n Term n Formula n.
  Arguments exist {_} _.
  Arguments and {_} _ _.
  Arguments not {_} _.
  Arguments equal {_} _ _.
  Arguments is_element {_} _ _.

  Definition eval_term {n : nat} (t : Term n) (env : Vector.t S n)
    : S :=
    match t with
    | const _ cc
    | var xenv[@x]

  Fixpoint eval {n: nat} (ϕ : Formula n) (env : Vector.t S n)
    : Prop :=
    match ϕ with
    | exist ϕ x, eval ϕ (x :: env)
    | and ϕ ψ ⇒ eval ϕ env eval ψ env
    | not ϕ¬ eval ϕ env
    | equal t1 t2eval_term t1 env = eval_term t2 env
    | is_element t1 t2eval_term t1 env eval_term t2 env

End First_Order_Logic.
Arguments var {_ _} _.
Arguments exist {_ _} _.
Arguments and {_ _} _ _.
Arguments not {_ _} _.
Arguments equal {_ _} _ _.
Arguments is_element {_ _} _ _.


Section Environments.
  Context {S : ZF_Structure}.

  Fixpoint Env_Type_and_Typed_Env (n : nat) :
    { Env_Type : Type & Env_Type Type } :=
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒
      existT (fun Env_TypeEnv_Type Type)
             (fun _unit)
    | n.+1
      existT (fun type'type' Type)
             { type' : projT1 (Env_Type_and_Typed_Env n) &
                       projT2 (Env_Type_and_Typed_Env n) type' Class_Like }
             (fun type{ env' : projT2 (Env_Type_and_Typed_Env n)
                                       (projT1 type) &
                                projT2 type env' })

  Definition Env_Type (n : nat) : Type :=
    projT1 (Env_Type_and_Typed_Env n).
  Coercion Typed_Env {n} (type : Env_Type n) : Type :=
    projT2 (Env_Type_and_Typed_Env n) type.

  Definition env_type_nil : Env_Type 0 :=
  Definition env_type_cons
             {n} (type' : Env_Type n) (A : type' Class_Like) :
    Env_Type n.+1 :=
    existT _ type' A.
  Definition env_type_tail {n} (type : Env_Type n.+1) : Env_Type n :=
    projT1 type.
  Definition env_type_head {n} (type : Env_Type n.+1) :
    env_type_tail type Class_Like :=
    projT2 type.

  Definition env_nil : env_type_nil :=
  Definition env_cons
             {n} {type' : Env_Type n} (env' : type')
             {A : type' Class_Like} (x : A env') :
    Typed_Env (env_type_cons type' A) :=
    existT _ env' x.
  Definition env_tail
             {n} {type : Env_Type n.+1}
             (env : type) :
    Typed_Env (env_type_tail type) :=
    projT1 env.
  Definition env_head
             {n} {type : Env_Type n.+1}
             (env : type) :
    env_type_head type (env_tail env) :=
    projT2 env.

  Global Opaque Env_Type_and_Typed_Env Env_Type Typed_Env.
  Global Opaque env_type_nil env_type_cons.
  Global Opaque env_nil env_cons env_head env_tail.

  Fixpoint erase_types {n : nat} :
     {type : Env_Type n}, type Vector.t S n :=
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ fun _ _[]
    | n.+1fun type env(encode (env_head env) : S)
                            :: erase_types (env_tail env)

End Environments.

Infix ";;" := env_type_cons (at level 61, left associativity).


Section Definability.
  Set Universe Polymorphism.
  Context {S : ZF_Structure}.

  Class Definability_On {n} {type : Env_Type n} (A : type Type) :=
    build_definability {
        Is_Definable_In_Env : ( env : type, A env) Type
  Existing Class Is_Definable_In_Env.
  Arguments Is_Definable_In_Env : simpl never.
  Arguments build_definability {_ _ _} _.

  Definition definability_on
             {n} {type : Env_Type n} (A : type Type)
             {definability : Definability_On A} :=

  Notation Is_Definable x :=
    ( n (type : Env_Type n), Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ : typex)).

Env Reductions

  Inductive Is_Env_Reduction :
     {n k} {type1 : Env_Type n} {type2 : Env_Type k},
      (type1 type2) Prop :=
  | id_is_env_reduction n (type : Env_Type n) :
      Is_Env_Reduction (id : type type)
  | composition_with_env_tail_is_env_reduction
      n k (type1 : Env_Type n.+1) (type2 : Env_Type k)
      (f : env_type_tail type1 type2) :
      Is_Env_Reduction f
      Is_Env_Reduction (f env_tail).
  Existing Class Is_Env_Reduction.

  Record Env_Reduction
         {n k} (type1 : Env_Type n) (type2 : Env_Type k) : Type :=
    build_env_reduction {
        env_reduction_fun :> type1 type2;
        env_reduction_property : Is_Env_Reduction env_reduction_fun
  Arguments build_env_reduction {_ _ _ _} _ {_}.
  Arguments env_reduction_fun {_ _ _ _} _.
  Arguments env_reduction_property {_ _ _ _} _.
  Global Existing Instance env_reduction_property.

  Definition env_reduction_id
             {n} {type : Env_Type n} :
    Env_Reduction type type.
  Proof. id. apply id_is_env_reduction. Defined.

  Global Instance composition_is_env_reduction
        {n1 n2 n3}
        {type1 : Env_Type n1}
        {type2 : Env_Type n2}
        {type3 : Env_Type n3}
        {r1 : type1 type2}
        {r2 : type2 type3} :
    Is_Env_Reduction r1
    Is_Env_Reduction r2
    Is_Env_Reduction (r2 r1).


  Definition compose_env_reductions
        {n1 n2 n3}
        {type1 : Env_Type n1}
        {type2 : Env_Type n2}
        {type3 : Env_Type n3}
        (r1 : Env_Reduction type2 type3)
        (r2 : Env_Reduction type1 type2) :
    Env_Reduction type1 type3.
  Proof. exact (build_env_reduction (r1 r2)). Defined.

  Ltac combine_env_reductions :=
    match goal with
      [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env
            (fun env : ?type
               ?f (env_reduction_fun ?r1 (env_reduction_fun ?r2 ?r3))) ] ⇒
      change (Is_Definable_In_Env (f (compose_env_reductions r1 r2)))
  Hint Extern 1 (Is_Definable_In_Env
                   (fun __ (env_reduction_fun _ (env_reduction_fun _ _)))) ⇒
  combine_env_reductions : typeclass_instances.

Definability on Type

  Global Instance definability_on_Type {n} (type : Env_Type n) :
    Definability_On (fun _ : typeType) :=
      (fun A : type Type
         { definability :
              n' (type' : Env_Type n'),
              r : Env_Reduction type' type,
               Definability_On (A r)
              n' (type' : Env_Type n'),
              r : Env_Reduction type' type,
              n'' (type'' : Env_Type n''),
              r' : Env_Reduction type'' type',
              (x : env, A (r env)),
               Is_Definable_In_Env x
               let definability' :=
                   definability n'' type'' (compose_env_reductions r r') in
               Is_Definable_In_Env (x r')

  Global Instance type_weakening
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : type Type}
         {n'} {type' : Env_Type n'}
         (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env A
    Is_Definable_In_Env (A r).

Definability on Function Types

  Definition definability_on_fun_type
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : type Type}
         {B : env, A env Type}
         (HA : m (type' : Env_Type m),
              r : Env_Reduction type' type,
               Definability_On (fun envA (r env)))
         (HB : m (type' : Env_Type m),
              r : Env_Reduction type' type,
              a : env : type', A (r env),
               Definability_On (fun env : type'B (r env) (a env))) :
    Definability_On (fun env a, B env a) :=
      (fun f : env a, B env a
          m (type' : Env_Type m) (r : Env_Reduction type' type),
          (a : env, A (r env)),
          Ha : Is_Definable_In_Env a,
           Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env ⇒ (f (r env)) (a env))).

  Hint Extern 1 (Definability_On (fun __)) ⇒
  eapply @definability_on_fun_type :

  Lemma fun_weakening
        {n} {type : Env_Type n}
        {A : type Type} {B : env, A env Type}
        {HA : m (type' : Env_Type m),
             r : Env_Reduction type' type,
              Definability_On (A r)}
        {HB : m (type' : Env_Type m),
             r : Env_Reduction type' type,
             (x : env, A (r env)),
              Definability_On (fun env : type'B (r env) (x env))}
        {f : env, x : A env, B env x}
        {k} {type' : Env_Type k} (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env f
    let HA' := fun l (type'' : Env_Type l)
                 (r' : Env_Reduction type'' type') ⇒
                 HA l type'' (compose_env_reductions r r') :
                   Definability_On (A r r') in
    let HB' := fun l (type'' : Env_Type l)
                 (r' : Env_Reduction type'' type')
                 (x : env, A (r (r' env))) ⇒
                 HB l type'' (compose_env_reductions r r') x :
                     (fun env : type''B (r (r' env)) (x env)) in
    Is_Definable_In_Env (f r).
    cbn. intros Hf l type'' r'.
    exact (Hf l type'' (compose_env_reductions r r')).

  Ltac apply_fun_weakening :=
    match goal with
      [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env (?f (env_reduction_fun ?r)) ] ⇒
      match type of f with
         env : Typed_Env ?type, (x : @?A env), @?B env x
        let HA :=
            constr:(_ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                          (r' : Env_Reduction type' type),
                       Definability_On (A r')) in
        let HB :=
            constr:(_ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                          (r' : Env_Reduction type' type)
                          (x : env, A (r' env)),
                       Definability_On (fun envB (r' env) (x env))) in
        apply (fun_weakening (HA := HA) (HB := HB) (f := f) r)
  Hint Extern 2 (Is_Definable_In_Env
                   (Definability_On := definability_on_fun_type _ _)
                   (_ (env_reduction_fun _))) ⇒
  apply_fun_weakening : typeclass_instances.

  Lemma application_is_definable {n} {type : Env_Type n}
        {A : type Type} {B : env, A env Type}
        {HA : m (type' : Env_Type m),
             r : Env_Reduction type' type,
              Definability_On (A r)}
        {HB : m (type' : Env_Type m),
             r : Env_Reduction type' type,
             a : env : type', A (r env),
              Definability_On (fun env : type'B _ (a env))}
        {f : env (x : A env), B env x}
        (Hf : Is_Definable_In_Env f)
        {x : env, A env}
        (Hx :
           let HA' := HA n type env_reduction_id : Definability_On A in
           Is_Definable_In_Env x) :
    let HB' := HB n type env_reduction_id x :
                 Definability_On (fun env ⇒ (B env) (x env)) in
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun envf env (x env)).
  Proof. intros HB'. apply (Hf n type env_reduction_id). assumption. Defined.

  Ltac prove_that_application_is_definable :=
    match goal with
      [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env : Typed_Env ?type ⇒ ?f ?y) ] ⇒
      match type of (fun env : typef) with
         env, a : @?A env, @?B env a
        lazymatch A with
        | (fun _Typed_Env _) ⇒ fail
        | _
          let HA := constr:(
                      _ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                            (r : Env_Reduction type' type),
                        Definability_On (A r))
          let HB := constr:(
                      _ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                            (r : Env_Reduction type' type)
                            (a : env, A (r env)),
                        Definability_On (fun env ⇒ (B (r env)) (a env)))

          in notypeclasses refine (application_is_definable
                                     (HA := HA)
                                     (HB := HB)
                                     (f := fun env : typef)
                                     (x := fun env : typey)
  Hint Extern 100 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun __ _)) ⇒
  prove_that_application_is_definable : typeclass_instances.

  Global Instance lambda_is_definable
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : type Type}
         {HA : m (type' : Env_Type m),
              r : Env_Reduction type' type,
               Definability_On (A r)}
         {B : env, A env Type}
         {HB : m (type' : Env_Type m),
              r : Env_Reduction type' type,
              a : env : type', A (r env),
               Definability_On (fun env : type'B (r env) (a env))}
         {f : env a, B env a} :
    ( m (type' : Env_Type m) (r : Env_Reduction type' type),
         (x : env, A (r env))
          (Hx : Is_Definable_In_Env x),
          Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env ⇒ (f (r env)) (x env)))
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env xf env x).

Definability on Prop

  Global Instance definability_on_Prop
         {n} (type : Env_Type n) :
    Definability_On (fun _ : typeProp)
    | 100 :=
      (fun P : type Prop
         { ϕ : Formula n |
            env, P env eval ϕ (erase_types env) }).

  Global Instance Prop_weakening
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {n'} {type' : Env_Type n'}
         {P : type Prop}
         (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env P
    Is_Definable_In_Env (P r).

Definability on types with encoding

  Global Instance definability_on_type_with_encoding
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : type Type}
         (encoding : env, Encoding_Of (A env)) :
    Definability_On A | 10 :=
      (fun x{ f : Formula n.+1 &
                    x' env, eval f (x' :: erase_types env)
                             x' = encode (x env) }).

  Lemma weakening_on_type_with_encoding
           {n} {type : Env_Type n} {A : type Type}
           (encodings : env, Encoding_Of (A env))
           {n'} {type' : Env_Type n'}
           (x : env, A env) (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env x
      (Definability_On := definability_on_type_with_encoding (encodings r))
      (x r).

  Ltac apply_weakening_on_type_with_encoding :=
    match goal with
      [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env
            (Definability_On := definability_on_type_with_encoding _)
            (?y env_reduction_fun ?r) ] ⇒
      match type of y with
         env : ?type, @?A env
        let H := constr:(_ : env : type, Encoding_Of (A env)) in
        notypeclasses refine (weakening_on_type_with_encoding H y r _)

  Hint Extern 5 (Is_Definable_In_Env
                   (Definability_On := definability_on_type_with_encoding _)
                   (_ env_reduction_fun _)) ⇒
  apply_weakening_on_type_with_encoding : typeclass_instances.

  Goal Is_Definable (fun (x : S) (f : S S) ⇒ f x).
    exact _.

  Global Instance encode_is_definable (A : Type) (H : Encoding_Of A) :
    Is_Definable (encode : A encoding_of A).

  Global Instance constant_element_is_definable
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : Class_Like} (x : A) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ : typex).

  Global Instance element_value_is_definable (C : Class) :
    Is_Definable (element_value : C S).

  Global Instance element_is_definable
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         (C : type Class) (x : env, S) (Hx : env, x env C env) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env x
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun envelement (x env) : C env).

Definability on Class

  Global Instance definability_on_Class {n} (type : Env_Type n) :
    Definability_On (fun _ : typeClass) :=
      (fun AIs_Definable_In_Env (fun envfun x : Sx A env)).

  Global Instance Class_weakening
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {n'} {type' : Env_Type n'}
         {C : type Class}
         (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env C
    Is_Definable_In_Env (C r).

  Global Instance set_as_class_is_definable :
    Is_Definable set_as_class.

Definability of encodings

  Global Instance definability_on_Encoding
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         (A : type Type) :
    Definability_On (fun envEncoding_Of (A env)) :=
      (fun encoding : env, Encoding_Of (A env) ⇒
         Is_Definable_In_Env (encoding : type Class)).

  Global Instance Encoding_weakening
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {n'} {type' : Env_Type n'}
         {A : type Type}
         {E : env, Encoding_Of (A env)}
         (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env E
    Is_Definable_In_Env (E r).

  Global Instance encoding_of_the_universe_is_definable :
    Is_Definable encoding_of_the_universe.

  Global Instance encoding_of_class_is_definable :
    Is_Definable encoding_of_class.

Definability on Class_Like

  Global Instance definability_on_Class_Like {n} (type : Env_Type n) :
    Definability_On (fun _ : typeClass_Like) :=
      (fun xIs_Definable_In_Env (fun envclass_like_encoding (x env))).

  Global Instance Class_Like_weakening
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {n'} {type' : Env_Type n'}
         {C : type Class_Like}
         (r : Env_Reduction type' type) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env C
    Is_Definable_In_Env (C r).

Definability on Definability

  Global Instance definability_on_constant_definability
         {n} (type : Env_Type n)
         (A : type Type)
         (H : env n (type' : Env_Type n),
             Definability_On (fun _ : type'A env))
         (x : env, A env) :
    Definability_On (fun envIs_Definable (x env)).

  Global Instance definability_proof_is_definable
         {n} (type : Env_Type n)
         (A : type Type)
         (H : env n (type' : Env_Type n),
             Definability_On (fun _ : type'A env))
         (x : env, A env)
         (d : env, Is_Definable (x env)) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env d.

  Goal Is_Definable (fun (x : S) (f : x : S, x) ⇒ f x).
  Proof. exact _. Qed.

Logical definabilities

  Global Instance True_is_definable :
    Is_Definable True.

  Global Instance False_is_definable :
    Is_Definable False.

  Global Instance not_is_definable :
    Is_Definable Logic.not.

  Global Instance and_is_definable :
    Is_Definable Logic.and.

  Global Instance or_definable :
    Is_Definable or.

  Global Instance impl_is_definable
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         (P Q : type Prop) :
    Is_Definable_In_Env P
    Is_Definable_In_Env Q
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun envP env Q env).

  Global Instance ex_statement_is_definable
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : type Type}
         {E : env, Encoding_Of (A env)}
         {P : env, A env Prop} :
    Is_Definable_In_Env E
    Is_Definable_In_Env P
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env x : A env, P env x).

  Hint Extern 1 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ _, _)) ⇒
  simple notypeclasses refine (ex_statement_is_definable _ _)
  : typeclass_instances.

  Global Instance forall_statement_is_definable
         {n} {type : Env_Type n}
         {A : type Type}
         {E : env, Encoding_Of (A env)}
         {P : env, A env Prop} :
    Is_Definable_In_Env E
    Is_Definable_In_Env P
    Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env x : A env, P env x).

  Hint Extern 1 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ _, _)) ⇒
  simple notypeclasses refine (forall_statement_is_definable _ _)
  : typeclass_instances.

  Global Instance equality_is_definable (A : Class_Like) :
    Is_Definable (eq : A A Prop).

  Global Instance element_relation_is_definable :
    Is_Definable element_relation.

End Definability.

Arguments encoding_of {_} _ {_}.
Arguments Is_Definable_In_Env : simpl never.

About build_env_reduction.
Arguments build_env_reduction {_ _ _ _ _} _ {_}.
Arguments env_reduction_fun {_ _ _ _ _} _.
Arguments env_reduction_property {_ _ _ _ _} _.

Notation Is_Definable x :=
  ( n (type : Env_Type n), Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ : typex)).

Hint Extern 1 (Definability_On (fun __)) ⇒
eapply @definability_on_fun_type :

Ltac prove_that_application_is_definable :=
    match goal with
      [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env (fun env : Typed_Env ?type ⇒ ?f ?y) ] ⇒
      match type of (fun env : typef) with
         env, a : @?A env, @?B env a
        lazymatch A with
        | (fun _Typed_Env _) ⇒ fail
        | _
          let HA := constr:(
                      _ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                            (r : Env_Reduction type' type),
                        Definability_On (A r))
          let HB := constr:(
                      _ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                            (r : Env_Reduction type' type)
                            (a : env, A (r env)),
                        Definability_On (fun env ⇒ (B (r env)) (a env)))

          in notypeclasses refine (application_is_definable
                                     (HA := HA)
                                     (HB := HB)
                                     (f := fun env : typef)
                                     (x := fun env : typey)
Hint Extern 50 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun __ _)) ⇒
prove_that_application_is_definable : typeclass_instances.

Ltac apply_fun_weakening :=
  match goal with
    [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env (?f (env_reduction_fun ?r)) ] ⇒
    match type of f with
       env : Typed_Env ?type, (x : @?A env), @?B env x
      let HB :=
          constr:(_ : n' (type' : Env_Type n')
                        (r' : Env_Reduction type' type)
                        (x : env, A (r' env)),
                     Is_Definable_In_Env x
                     Definability_On (fun envB (r' env) (x env))) in
      apply (fun_weakening (f := f) (HB := HB))
Hint Extern 2 (Is_Definable_In_Env (_ (env_reduction_fun _))) ⇒
apply_fun_weakening : typeclass_instances.

Ltac combine_env_reductions :=
  match goal with
    [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env
          (fun env : ?type
             ?f (env_reduction_fun ?r1 (env_reduction_fun ?r2 ?r3))) ] ⇒
    change (Is_Definable_In_Env (f (compose_env_reductions r1 r2)))
Hint Extern 2 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun __ (_ _))) ⇒
combine_env_reductions : typeclass_instances.

Ltac apply_weakening_on_type_with_encoding :=
  match goal with
    [ |- Is_Definable_In_Env
          (Definability_On := definability_on_type_with_encoding _)
          (?y env_reduction_fun ?r) ] ⇒
    match type of y with
       env : ?type, @?A env
      let H := constr:(_ : env : type, Encoding_Of (A env)) in
      notypeclasses refine (weakening_on_type_with_encoding H y r _)

Hint Extern 5 (Is_Definable_In_Env
                 (Definability_On := definability_on_type_with_encoding _)
                 (_ env_reduction_fun _)) ⇒
apply_weakening_on_type_with_encoding : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 1 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ _, _)) ⇒
simple notypeclasses refine (ex_statement_is_definable _ _)
: typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 1 (Is_Definable_In_Env (fun _ _, _)) ⇒
simple notypeclasses refine (forall_statement_is_definable _ _)
: typeclass_instances.