Library Continuum.Cardinality
Require Export Continuum.Basic_Set_Theory.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical.
Require Import Coq.Program.Program.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Definition Less_Or_Equal {A} {R : relation A} `{PreOrder A R} (x y : A) :=
R x y.
Notation "x <= y" := (Less_Or_Equal x y).
Notation "A <= B <= C" := (A ≤ B ∧ B ≤ C).
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical.
Require Import Coq.Program.Program.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Definition Less_Or_Equal {A} {R : relation A} `{PreOrder A R} (x y : A) :=
R x y.
Notation "x <= y" := (Less_Or_Equal x y).
Notation "A <= B <= C" := (A ≤ B ∧ B ≤ C).
Record Bijection A B :=
build_bijection {
bijection_to_right :> A → B;
bijection_to_left : B → A;
bijection_right_left : ∀ a, bijection_to_left (bijection_to_right a) = a;
bijection_left_right : ∀ b, bijection_to_right (bijection_to_left b) = b;
Arguments build_bijection {_ _} _ _ _ _.
Arguments bijection_to_right {_ _} _.
Arguments bijection_to_left {_ _} _.
Arguments bijection_right_left {_ _} _.
Arguments bijection_left_right {_ _} _.
Program Definition id_bijection (A : Type) : Bijection A A :=
build_bijection id id _ _.
Definition inverse_bijection {A B} (f : Bijection A B) : Bijection B A :=
build_bijection (bijection_to_left f)
(bijection_to_right f)
(bijection_left_right f)
(bijection_right_left f).
Notation "f ⁻¹" := (inverse_bijection f) (at level 5, format "f ⁻¹").
Arguments inverse_bijection {_ _} !_.
Lemma cancel_inverse_right {A B} (f : Bijection A B) (x : B) :
f (f⁻¹ x) = x.
Proof. apply bijection_left_right. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @cancel_inverse_right : sets.
Lemma cancel_inverse_left {A B} (f : Bijection A B) (x : A) :
f⁻¹ (f x) = x.
Proof. apply bijection_left_right. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @cancel_inverse_left : sets.
Program Definition compose_bijections {A B C}
(f1 : Bijection B C) (f2 : Bijection A B) :
Bijection A C :=
build_bijection (f1 ∘ f2)
(f2⁻¹ ∘ f1⁻¹)
_ _.
Next Obligation.
unfold compose.
repeat rewrite bijection_right_left. reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
unfold compose.
repeat rewrite bijection_left_right. reflexivity.
Lemma inverse_compose_function {A B} (f : Bijection A B) :
f⁻¹ ∘ f = id.
apply functional_extensionality; intros a. unfold compose, id.
apply cancel_inverse_left.
Lemma function_compose_inverse {A B} (f : Bijection A B) :
f ∘ f⁻¹ = id.
apply functional_extensionality; intros a. unfold compose, id.
apply cancel_inverse_right.
Definition bijection_relation A B : Prop :=
inhabited (Bijection A B).
Definition bijection_relation_on_Set (A B : S) : Prop :=
inhabited (Bijection A B).
Notation "A ∼ B" := (bijection_relation_on_Set A B) (at level 70).
Lemma bijection_relation_reflexivity A :
A ∼ A.
Proof. exact (inhabits (id_bijection A)). Qed.
Lemma bijection_relation_symmetry A B :
A ∼ B →
B ∼ A.
Proof. intros [f]. exact (inhabits f⁻¹). Qed.
Lemma bijection_relation_transitivity A B C :
A ∼ B →
B ∼ C →
A ∼ C.
Proof. intros [f] [g]. exact (inhabits (compose_bijections g f)). Qed.
Global Add Relation S bijection_relation
reflexivity proved by bijection_relation_reflexivity
symmetry proved by bijection_relation_symmetry
transitivity proved by bijection_relation_transitivity
as bijection_is_equivalence.
Record Injection A B :=
build_injection {
injection_fun :> A → B;
injection_property : ∀ a b, injection_fun a = injection_fun b → a = b
Arguments build_injection {_ _} _ _.
Arguments injection_fun {_ _} _.
Arguments injection_property {_ _} _.
Notation "A ↪ B" := (Injection A B) (at level 99).
Program Definition id_injection A : A ↪ A :=
build_injection id _.
Program Definition compose_injections {A B C}
(f : B ↪ C) (g : A ↪ B) :
A ↪ C :=
build_injection (f ∘ g) _.
Next Obligation.
apply injection_property in H.
apply injection_property in H.
exact H.
Lemma bijection_is_injective {A B} (f : Bijection A B) (a a' : A) :
f a = f a' →
a = a'.
intros H.
assert (H1 : f⁻¹ (f a) = f⁻¹ (f a')) by congruence.
repeat rewrite cancel_inverse_left in H1.
Coercion bijection_to_injection {A B} (f : Bijection A B) : A ↪ B.
refine (build_injection f _).
apply bijection_is_injective.
Program Definition injection_as_bijection_into_image {A B : S} (f : A ↪ B) :
Bijection A (image_of f).
unshelve eset (h (x : A) := element (f x) : image_of f).
unshelve eset (h' (y : image_of f) := δ x : A, f x = y :> S). {
assert (H : y ∈ image_of f) by exact _. unfold image_of in H; cbn in H.
rewrite in_fun_replacement_iff in H. destruct H as [x H].
∃ x. split.
- symmetry. exact H.
- intros x' H'. apply (injection_property f).
apply element_equality. rewrite <- H. rewrite H'. reflexivity.
refine (build_bijection h h' _ _).
- unfold h', h; cbn. intros a. apply (injection_property f).
apply element_equality. apply description_is_solution.
- unfold h, h'. intros b.
apply element_equality; cbn. apply description_is_solution.
Definition injection_relation A B : Prop :=
inhabited (A ↪ B).
Definition injection_relation_on_Set (A B : S) : Prop :=
inhabited (A ↪ B).
Lemma injection_relation_reflexivity A :
injection_relation A A.
Proof. exact (inhabits (id_injection A)). Qed.
Lemma injection_relation_transitivity A B C :
injection_relation A B →
injection_relation B C →
injection_relation A C.
Proof. intros [f] [g]. exact (inhabits (compose_injections g f)). Qed.
Add Relation Class injection_relation
reflexivity proved by injection_relation_reflexivity
transitivity proved by injection_relation_transitivity
as injection_relation_is_preorder.
Add Relation S injection_relation_on_Set
reflexivity proved by injection_relation_reflexivity
transitivity proved by injection_relation_transitivity
as injection_relation_on_Set_is_preorder.
Instance subset_subrelation_injection :
subrelation (Is_Subset_Of : relation S) injection_relation_on_Set.
intros A B AB.
simple refine (inhabits (build_injection _ _)).
- intros x.
assert (x ∈ B). {
apply AB. exact _.
exact (element x).
- cbn. setoid_rewrite <- element_equality. tauto.
Instance bijection_subrelation_injection :
subrelation bijection_relation_on_Set injection_relation_on_Set.
unfold subrelation. intros A B [f].
apply inhabits. exact f.
Instance bijection_subrelation_flipped_injection :
subrelation bijection_relation_on_Set (flip injection_relation_on_Set).
unfold subrelation. intros A B H. unfold flip.
rewrite <- H. reflexivity.
Lemma image_of_injection_is_equipotent {A B : S} (f : A ↪ B) :
image_of f ∼ A.
apply inhabits.
exact (injection_as_bijection_into_image f).
Add Morphism power_set
with signature bijection_relation_on_Set ==> bijection_relation_on_Set
as power_set_bijection_mor.
intros A B [f].
refine (inhabits (build_bijection (image_under f)
(image_under f⁻¹)
_ _)).
- intros A'. rewrite image_of_image.
rewrite inverse_compose_function. apply image_under_id.
- intros B'. rewrite image_of_image.
rewrite function_compose_inverse. apply image_under_id.
Add Morphism power_set
with signature injection_relation_on_Set ==> injection_relation_on_Set
as power_set_injection_mor.
intros A B [f].
refine (inhabits (build_injection (image_under f) _)).
intros A1 A2 H1.
apply subset_extensionality; intros a.
transitivity (f a ∈ f '' A1). {
rewrite in_image_iff. firstorder.
apply injection_property in H0. rewrite H0. assumption.
transitivity (f a ∈ f '' A2). {
rewrite H1. reflexivity.
rewrite in_image_iff. firstorder.
apply injection_property in H0. rewrite H0. assumption.
Lemma power_set_is_increasing (A : S) :
A ≤ 𝒫 A.
simple refine (inhabits (build_injection (fun x : A ⇒ element `{(x : S)}) _)).
- automation.
- intros x y. repeat rewrite <- element_equality; cbn.
rewrite explicit_set_equals_explicit_set_iff; cbn.
Add Morphism cartesian_product
with signature injection_relation_on_Set ==> injection_relation_on_Set ==> injection_relation_on_Set
as cartesian_product_injection_mor.
intros A A' [f] B B' [g].
refine (inhabits (build_injection (fun x ⇒ `(f (π1 x), g (π2 x))) _)).
intros x x'.
intros H.
pose (pair_is_injective_left H) as Hf. apply injection_property in Hf.
pose (pair_is_injective_right H) as Hg. apply injection_property in Hg.
rewrite <- cartesian_product_eta.
rewrite <- Hf, <- Hg.
rewrite cartesian_product_eta.
Lemma symmetric_cartesian_product_is_increasing (A : S) :
A ≤ A × A.
refine (inhabits (build_injection (fun a ⇒ `(a, a)) _)).
intros a a' e. apply pair_is_injective_left in e. exact e.
Add Parametric Morphism : disjoint_union
with signature
bijection_relation_on_Set ==> bijection_relation_on_Set ==> bijection_relation_on_Set
as disjoint_union_bijection_mor.
intros A A' [f] B B' [g].
set (h := disjoint_union_iter (inj1 _ _ ∘ f ) (inj2 _ _ ∘ g )).
set (h' := disjoint_union_iter (inj1 _ _ ∘ f⁻¹) (inj2 _ _ ∘ g⁻¹)).
refine (inhabits (build_bijection h h' _ _)).
- apply disjoint_union_ind.
+ intros x. unfold h, h'. simplify. reflexivity.
+ intros x. unfold h, h'. simplify. reflexivity.
- apply disjoint_union_ind.
+ intros x. unfold h, h'. simplify. reflexivity.
+ intros x. unfold h, h'. simplify. reflexivity.
Add Morphism disjoint_union
with signature injection_relation_on_Set ==> injection_relation_on_Set ==> injection_relation_on_Set
as disjoint_union_injection_mor.
intros A A' [f] B B' [g].
set (h := disjoint_union_iter (inj1 _ _ ∘ f) (inj2 _ _ ∘ g)).
refine (inhabits (build_injection h _)).
refine (@disjoint_union_ind A B _ _ _); intros x;
refine (@disjoint_union_ind A B _ _ _); intros x'.
- unfold h. simplify. intros H.
apply inj1_is_injective in H. apply injection_property in H. congruence.
- unfold h. simplify. intros H.
apply inj1_and_inj2_are_disjoint in H. contradiction.
- unfold h. simplify. intros H. symmetry in H.
apply inj1_and_inj2_are_disjoint in H. contradiction.
- unfold h. simplify. intros H.
apply inj2_is_injective in H. apply injection_property in H. congruence.
Lemma disjoint_union_associative (A B C : S) :
A ⊔ (B ⊔ C) ∼ A ⊔ B ⊔ C.
set (h := disjoint_union_iter
(fun a : A ⇒ inj1 _ _ (inj1 _ _ a))
(fun b : B ⇒ inj1 _ _ (inj2 _ _ b))
(fun c : C ⇒ inj2 _ _ c))).
set (h' := disjoint_union_iter
(fun a : A ⇒ inj1 _ _ a)
(fun b : B ⇒ inj2 _ _ (inj1 _ _ b)))
(fun c : C ⇒ inj2 _ _ (inj2 _ _ c))).
refine (inhabits (build_bijection h h' _ _)).
- unfold h, h'.
apply disjoint_union_ind.
+ intros a. simplify. reflexivity.
+ apply disjoint_union_ind.
× intros b. simplify. reflexivity.
× intros c. simplify. reflexivity.
- unfold h, h'.
apply disjoint_union_ind.
+ apply disjoint_union_ind.
× intros a. simplify. reflexivity.
× intros b. simplify. reflexivity.
+ intros a. simplify. reflexivity.
Lemma disjoint_union_is_increasing_on_left (A B : S) :
A ≤ A ⊔ B.
refine (inhabits (build_injection (inj1 _ _) _)).
apply inj1_is_injective.
Lemma disjoint_union_is_increasing_on_right (A B : S) :
B ≤ A ⊔ B.
refine (inhabits (build_injection (inj2 _ _) _)).
apply inj2_is_injective.
Lemma Numeral_equipotent_Numeral_plus_one :
Numeral ∼ 1 ⊔ Numeral.
set (f := Numeral_iter (inj1 _ _ (element 0))
(fun n _ ⇒ inj2 _ _ n) :
Numeral → 1 ⊔ Numeral).
set (g := disjoint_union_iter (const numeral_O)
numeral_S :
1 ⊔ Numeral → Numeral).
refine (inhabits (build_bijection f g _ _)).
- unfold f, g. apply Numeral_ind.
+ simplify. reflexivity.
+ intros n _. simplify. reflexivity.
- unfold f, g. apply disjoint_union_ind.
+ apply one_ind. simplify. reflexivity.
+ intros n. simplify. reflexivity.
Lemma set_equals_subset_union_difference (A B : S) :
B ⊆ A →
A = B ∪ (A \ B).
intros H. apply extensionality. intros x.
simplify. intuition; tauto.
Definition Disjoint A B :=
¬ ∃ x, x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B.
Lemma union_of_disjoints_equipotent_disjoint_union (A B : S) :
Disjoint A B →
A ∪ B ∼ A ⊔ B.
intros H0.
unshelve eset (f (x : A ∪ B) :=
δ y : A ⊔ B,
(∀ H : x ∈ A, inj1 _ _ (element x) = y) ∧
(∀ H : x ∈ B, inj2 _ _ (element x) = y)). {
assert (H1 : x ∈ A ∪ B) by exact _. rewrite in_union_iff in H1.
destruct H1 as [H1 | H1].
- ∃ (inj1 _ _ (element x)). split.
+ split.
× intros H2. f_equal. apply element_equality. reflexivity.
× intros H2. exfalso. firstorder.
+ intros x' [H2 H3]. apply H2.
- ∃ (inj2 _ _ (element x)). split.
+ split.
× intros H2. exfalso. firstorder.
× intros H2. f_equal. apply element_equality. reflexivity.
+ intros x' [H2 H3]. apply H3.
assert (Hf : ∀ x : A ∪ B, (∀ H : x ∈ A, inj1 _ _ (element x) = f x) ∧
(∀ H : x ∈ B, inj2 _ _ (element x) = f x)). {
intros x. unfold f. apply description_is_solution.
unshelve set (g (x : A ⊔ B) :=
disjoint_union_iter (fun x : A ⇒ element x : A ∪ B)
(fun x : B ⇒ element x : A ∪ B)
simple refine (inhabits (build_bijection f g _ _)).
- intros x.
assert (H1 : x ∈ A ∪ B) by exact _. rewrite in_union_iff in H1. destruct H1.
+ rewrite <- (proj1 (Hf x) _).
unfold g. simplify. apply element_equality. reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- (proj2 (Hf x) _).
unfold g. simplify. apply element_equality. reflexivity.
- apply disjoint_union_ind.
+ intros x. unfold g. simplify. rewrite <- (proj1 (Hf (element x)) _); cbn.
rewrite strip_element. reflexivity.
+ intros x. unfold g. simplify. rewrite <- (proj2 (Hf (element x)) _); cbn.
rewrite strip_element. reflexivity.
Lemma set_equipotent_subset_plus_difference (A B : S) :
B ⊆ A →
A ∼ B ⊔ (A \ B).
intros H.
rewrite (set_equals_subset_union_difference A B) at 1.
rewrite union_of_disjoints_equipotent_disjoint_union.
- unfold Disjoint. automation.
- assumption.
Lemma set_equipotent_set_plus_one (A : S) :
Numeral ≤ A →
A ∼ 1 ⊔ A.
intros [f].
set (B := image_of f).
transitivity (A). {
transitivity (B ⊔ (A \ B)). {
apply set_equipotent_subset_plus_difference. automation.
transitivity (Numeral ⊔ (A \ B)). {
unfold B.
apply disjoint_union_bijection_mor.
- exact (image_of_injection_is_equipotent f).
- reflexivity.
transitivity (1 ⊔ Numeral ⊔ (A \ B)). {
apply disjoint_union_bijection_mor.
- exact Numeral_equipotent_Numeral_plus_one.
- reflexivity.
transitivity (1 ⊔ B ⊔ (A \ B)). {
apply disjoint_union_bijection_mor.
- apply disjoint_union_bijection_mor.
+ reflexivity.
+ symmetry.
apply image_of_injection_is_equipotent.
- reflexivity.
transitivity (1 ⊔ (B ⊔ (A \ B))). {
symmetry. apply disjoint_union_associative.
transitivity (1 ⊔ A). {
apply disjoint_union_bijection_mor.
- reflexivity.
- symmetry.
apply set_equipotent_subset_plus_difference. automation.
Lemma two_is_power_set_of_one :
2 = 𝒫 1 :> S.
transitivity `{`{∅}, ∅}. reflexivity.
apply extensionality. intros x. autorewrite with sets.
cbn. split.
- automation.
- intros H.
destruct (classic (∅ ∈ x)).
+ left. change (x = 1). apply extensionality; intros y; split.
× automation.
× intros ?. refine (one_ind (fun y ⇒ y ∈ x) _ (element y)). assumption.
+ right. left. apply extensionality. intros y. split.
× intros ?. assert (y ∈ ∅ @ ∅). {
apply H.
exact _.
× automation.
Lemma power_set_of_disjoint_union (A B : S) :
𝒫 (A ⊔ B) ∼ 𝒫 A × 𝒫 B.
unshelve eset (f (x : 𝒫 (A ⊔ B)) :=
`(`{ a in A | inj1 A B a ∈ x },
`{ b in B | inj2 A B b ∈ x })).
unshelve eset (g (x : 𝒫 A × 𝒫 B) :=
element (inj1 A B '' π1 x ∪ inj2 A B '' π2 x)
: 𝒫 (A ⊔ B)). {
rewrite in_power_set_iff; intros y. unfold image_under; cbn. simplify.
intros [[a ->] | [b ->]]; exact _.
refine (inhabits (build_bijection f g _ _)).
- intros x.
apply subset_extensionality; intros y; cbn.
unfold f. simplify. setoid_rewrite in_comprehension_iff_typed.
+ intros [(u & ? & ->) | (u & ? & ->)]; assumption.
+ revert y. refine (disjoint_union_ind _ _ _); automation.
- intros x. unfold f. rewrite <- (cartesian_product_eta x) at 1.
unfold g; cbn. f_equal.
+ apply subset_extensionality; intros a. unfold g. simplify.
× intros [(a' & ? & H) | (b' & ? & H)].
-- apply inj1_is_injective in H. rewrite H. assumption.
-- apply inj1_and_inj2_are_disjoint in H. contradiction.
× intros ?. left. ∃ a. automation.
+ apply subset_extensionality; intros b. unfold g. simplify.
× intros [(a' & ? & H) | (b' & ? & H)].
-- symmetry in H. apply inj1_and_inj2_are_disjoint in H. contradiction.
-- apply inj2_is_injective in H. rewrite H. assumption.
× intros ?. right. ∃ b. automation.
Lemma power_set_equiv_power_set_plus_power_set A :
Numeral ≤ A →
𝒫 A ∼ 𝒫 A ⊔ 𝒫 A.
intros ?.
transitivity (𝒫 A). {
transitivity (𝒫 (1 ⊔ A)). {
rewrite <- set_equipotent_set_plus_one.
transitivity (𝒫 1 × 𝒫 A). {
apply power_set_of_disjoint_union.
transitivity (2 × 𝒫 A). {
rewrite two_is_power_set_of_one.
transitivity (𝒫 A ⊔ 𝒫 A). {
rewrite two_times_set_is_disjoin_union.
Definition Is_Surjective {A B} (f : A → B) : Prop :=
∀ b : B, ∃ a : A, b = f a.
Record Surjection A B :=
build_surjection {
surjection_fun :> A → B;
surjection_is_surjective : surjection_fun.(Is_Surjective)
Arguments build_surjection {_ _} _ _.
Arguments surjection_is_surjective {_ _}.
Notation "A ↠ B" := (Surjection A B) (at level 99).
Lemma cantors_theorem (A : S) :
¬ inhabited (A ↠ 𝒫 A).
intros [f].
unshelve eset (C := element `{ a in A | a ∉ f a } : 𝒫 A).
assert (H : ∃ a : A, C = f a). {
apply surjection_is_surjective.
} destruct H as [a H].
assert (a ∉ C). {
intros H1.
assert (H2 : a ∈ f a). {
rewrite <- H. exact H1.
unfold C in H1; cbn in H1. rewrite in_comprehension_iff_typed in H1.
assert (a ∈ C). {
unfold C. cbn. rewrite in_comprehension_iff_typed.
rewrite <- H. assumption.
Definition Is_A_Set (A : Class) :=
∃ A' : S, ∀ x, x ∈ A ↔ x ∈ A'.
Program Definition class_as_set (A : Class) (H : Is_A_Set A) : S :=
δ A' : class_of_all_sets, ∀ x, x ∈ A ↔ x ∈ A'.
Next Obligation.
destruct H as [B H]. unfold unique. setoid_rewrite H. clear H.
∃ (element B); cbn. split.
- reflexivity.
- intros B' H'. apply element_equality. cbn.
apply extensionality; intros x. apply H'.
Lemma in_class_as_set_iff (A : Class) (H : Is_A_Set A) :
∀ x, x ∈ class_as_set A H ↔ x ∈ A.
intros x. unfold class_as_set.
symmetry. revert x. apply description_is_solution.
Lemma class_as_set_equiv_set (A : Class) (H : Is_A_Set A) :
bijection_relation (class_as_set A H) A.
simple refine (inhabits (build_bijection _ _ _ _)).
- refine (fun x ⇒ element x). apply (in_class_as_set_iff A H). exact _.
- refine (fun x ⇒ element x). apply in_class_as_set_iff. exact _.
- cbn. setoid_rewrite strip_element. reflexivity.
- cbn. setoid_rewrite strip_element. reflexivity.
Lemma small_class_is_a_set (A : Class) (B : S) :
A ≤ B →
Is_A_Set A.
intros [f].
unshelve eexists `{ (δ x : A, f x = y) | y in B, ∃ x : A, f x = y }. {
cbn. destruct e as [x <-].
∃ x. unfold unique. split.
- reflexivity.
- intros x' H. symmetry. apply (injection_property f). assumption.
intros x. rewrite in_conditional_fun_replacement_iff.
- intros ?.
∃ (f (element x)).
simple refine (ex_intro _ _ _).
+ ∃ (element x). reflexivity.
+ cbn. change x with (element x : S) at 1. rewrite element_equality.
apply (injection_property f). symmetry. apply description_is_solution.
- intros [y [[x' <-] ->]]. exact _.