Specification of an analysis and generic fixpoint iteration algorithm
Class Monotone Dom `{PartialOrder Dom} Dom' `{PartialOrder Dom'} (f:Dom→Dom') :=
monotone : ∀ a b, poLe a b → poLe (f a) (f b).
Class Iteration (Dom: Type) := makeIteration {
dom_po :> PartialOrder Dom;
step : Dom → Dom;
initial_value : Dom;
initial_value_small : initial_value ⊑ step initial_value;
finite_height : Terminating Dom poLt;
step_monotone : Monotone step
Local Hint Extern 5 ⇒
match goal with
[ H : poLe ?d ?d' |- poLe (step ?d) (step ?d')] ⇒
eapply (step_monotone _ _ H)
Section FixpointAlgorithm.
Variable Dom : Type.
Variable iteration : Iteration Dom.
Fixpoint safeFirst (d:Dom) (mon:poLe d (step d)) (trm:terminates poLt d)
: { d' : Dom | ∃ n : nat, d' = iter n d step ∧ poEq (step d') d' }.
decide (poLe (step d) d).
- eexists d, 0; simpl.
split; eauto.
eapply poLe_antisymmetric; eauto.
- destruct (safeFirst (step d)) as [d' H]; [ eauto | |].
+ destruct trm. eapply H.
eapply poLe_poLt; eauto.
+ eexists d'. destruct H as [n' H]. eexists (S n'); simpl. eauto.
Definition safeFixpoint
: { d' : Dom | ∃ n : nat, d' = iter n initial_value step
∧ poEq (step d') d' }.
eapply @safeFirst.
- eapply initial_value_small.
- eapply finite_height.
Lemma safeFixpoint_chain n
: iter n initial_value step
⊑ iter (S n) initial_value step.
induction n.
- simpl. eapply initial_value_small.
- do 2 rewrite iter_comm.
eapply step_monotone. eauto.
Lemma safeFixpoint_induction (P:Dom → Prop) n
: P initial_value
→ (∀ a, poLe a (step a) → P a → P (step a))
→ P (iter n initial_value step).
intros. induction n; eauto.
rewrite iter_comm. eapply H0.
- rewrite <- iter_comm. eapply safeFixpoint_chain.
- eapply IHn; eauto.
End FixpointAlgorithm.