
Coq infrastructure

Require Import overture.

Turning type class failure into subgoals

Coq's type class inference shelves dependent subgoals and doesn't fail if they remain unsolved by unification. An instance argument of the form Phantom A x thus results in a new (shelved) subgoal A.
Since the ssreflect apply tactic does not shelve these subgoals, we can use this to run partial typeclass inference.
Existing Class phantom.
Existing Instance Phantom.

Example: Typeclasses eauto := debug.
Class pointed (A : Type) := point : A. Instance shelve_pointed {A : Type} (x : A) `{phantom A x} : pointed A | 1000 := x.
Goal forall P : Prop, P -> P. move=> P h. apply: point. change P with (pointed P) in h. apply: point. Qed.

Manually invoking unification / canonical structure inference

This is verbatim from "Canonical structures for the working Coq user" by Assia Mahboubi and Enrico Tassi. In ssreflect, unify is called phant_id, but it doesn't have the extra error message.
Require Export String.
Open Scope string_scope.

Definition unify {T1 T2 : Type} (t1 : T1) (t2 : T2) (s : option string) :=
  phantom T1 t1 -> phantom T2 t2.

Notation "[find v | t1 ~ t2 ] rest" :=
  (fun v (_ : unify t1 t2 None) => rest) (at level 50, only parsing)
  : unify_scope.
Notation "[find v | t1 ~ t2 | msg ] rest" :=
  (fun v (_ : unify t1 t2 (Some msg)) => rest) (at level 50, only parsing)
  : unify_scope.
Notation "'Error: t msg" := (unify _ t (Some msg)) (at level 100, only printing)
  : unify_scope.
Open Scope unify_scope.