Definition is_adjunction {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) :=
forall (x : X) (y : Y), (f x ≤ y) <-> (x ≤ g y).
Existing Class is_adjunction.
Hint Mode is_adjunction - - ! - : typeclass_instances.
Hint Mode is_adjunction - - - ! : typeclass_instances.
Definition right_adjoint_proj {A B : proType} (f : A -> B) {g : B -> A}
{h : is_adjunction f g} : B -> A := g.
Notation "f ^*" := (@right_adjoint_proj _ _ f _ _)
(at level 2, format "f ^*") : ord_scope.
Lemma adjP {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {h : is_adjunction f g} x y :
(f x ≤ y) <-> (x ≤ g y).
Proof. exact: h. Qed.
Section LeftAdjoints.
Context {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {h : is_adjunction f g}.
Lemma adj_unit x : x ≤ g (f x).
Proof. by rewrite -adjP. Qed.
Global Instance adj_monoL : monotone f.
move=> x y lxy. rewrite adjP. apply: le_trans lxy _. exact: adj_unit.
Lemma adj_lub I (F : I -> X) x :
is_lub F x -> is_lub (f \o F) (f x).
move=> lub y. rewrite adjP lub. split=> ub i /=. by rewrite adjP.
rewrite -adjP. exact: ub.
End LeftAdjoints.
Instance rev_is_adjunction {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {h : is_adjunction f g} :
is_adjunction (g : Y^r -> X^r) (f : X^r -> Y^r).
Proof. move=> x y. by rewrite !rev_leE h. Qed.
Section RightAdjoints.
Context {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {h : is_adjunction f g}.
Let Xr := [proType of X^r].
Let Yr := [proType of Y^r].
Lemma adj_counit x : f (g x) ≤ x.
Proof. exact: (@adj_unit Yr Xr g f). Qed.
Global Instance adj_monoR : monotone g.
Proof. move=> x y. exact: (@adj_monoL Yr Xr). Qed.
Lemma adj_glb I (F : I -> Y) x :
is_glb F x -> is_glb (g \o F) (g x).
Proof. exact: (@adj_lub Yr Xr). Qed.
End RightAdjoints.
Section AdjunctionsOrd.
Variables X Y : ordType.
Lemma adj_uniqR (f : X -> Y) (g1 g2 : Y -> X) :
is_adjunction f g1 -> is_adjunction f g2 -> g1 = g2.
move=> h1 h2. fext=> x. wlog suff: g1 g2 h1 h2 x / g1 x ≤ g2 x => [h|].
apply: le_eq; exact: h. exact/h2/h1.
Lemma adj_tripleL (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {h : is_adjunction f g} x :
g (f (g x)) = g x.
apply: le_eq. apply: mono. exact: adj_counit. by rewrite -adjP.
End AdjunctionsOrd.
Section AdjunctionsOrdDual.
Variables X Y : ordType.
Let Xr := [ordType of X^r].
Let Yr := [ordType of Y^r].
Lemma adj_uniqL (f1 f2 : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) :
is_adjunction f1 g -> is_adjunction f2 g -> f1 = f2.
move=> h1 h2. apply: (@adj_uniqR Yr Xr g) => y x; by rewrite !rev_leE ?h1 ?h2.
Lemma adj_tripleR (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {h : is_adjunction f g} x :
f (g (f x)) = f x.
Proof. exact: (@adj_tripleL Yr Xr g f). Qed.
End AdjunctionsOrdDual.
Section AdjunctionsCLat.
Variables (X Y : clat) (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X).
Context {H : is_adjunction f g}.
Lemma adjB : f ⊥ = ⊥.
Proof. apply: bot_eq. exact/adjP. Qed.
Lemma adjJ x y : f (x ∨ y) = (f x ∨ f y).
apply: le_eq; last by exact: monoJ.
apply/adjP; focus; apply/adjP; by cauto.
Lemma adjE I (F : I -> X) : f (sup F) = ∃ i, f (F i).
apply: le_eq; last by exact: monoE.
apply/adjP; focus=> i; apply/adjP. exact: exI.
Lemma adjEc I (P : I -> Prop) (F : I -> X) :
f (∃ i | P i, F i) = ∃ i | P i, f (F i).
rewrite adjE. f_equal; fext=> i. exact: adjE.
Lemma adjT : g ⊤ = ⊤.
Proof. apply: top_eq. exact/adjP. Qed.
Lemma adjM x y : g (x ∧ y) = (g x ∧ g y).
apply: le_eq. exact: monoM.
apply/adjP; focus; apply/adjP; by cauto.
Lemma adjA I (F : I -> Y) : g (inf F) = ∀ i, g (F i).
apply: le_eq. exact: monoA.
apply/adjP; focus=> i; apply/adjP. exact: allE.
Lemma adjAc I (P : I -> Prop) (F : I -> Y) :
g (∀ i | P i, F i) = ∀ i | P i, g (F i).
rewrite adjA. f_equal; fext=> i. exact: adjA.
End AdjunctionsCLat.
Section AdjunctionsFrame.
Variable (X Y : frame) (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X).
Context {H : is_adjunction f g}.
Lemma adjH x y : g (x → y) ≤ g x → g y.
Proof. apply: impI. by rewrite -adjM impEr. Qed.
End AdjunctionsFrame.
A closure operator on an ordered type X is a function f : X -> X such that
(f x <= f y) = (x <= f y)
Definition is_closure {X : proType} (f : X -> X) := forall x y, (f x ≤ f y) <-> (x ≤ f y).
Existing Class is_closure.
Section ClosureOperatorsProType.
Context {X : proType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_closure c}.
Lemma closureP x y : (c x ≤ c y) <-> (x ≤ c y).
Proof. exact: h. Qed.
Lemma closure_inc x : x ≤ c x.
Proof. by rewrite -closureP. Qed.
Global Instance monotone_closure : monotone c.
Proof. move=> x y le_x_y. rewrite closureP le_x_y. exact: closure_inc. Qed.
End ClosureOperatorsProType.
Section ClosureOperatorsOrdType.
Context {X : ordType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_closure c}.
Lemma closure_idem x : c (c x) = c x.
Proof. apply: le_eq. by rewrite closureP. exact: closure_inc. Qed.
Lemma closure_eq x y : x ≤ c y -> y ≤ c x -> c x = c y.
Proof. move=> lxy lyx. apply: le_eq; by rewrite closureP. Qed.
Lemma closure_stable x : c x ≤ x -> c x = x.
Proof. move=> le_cx_x. apply: le_eq => //. exact: closure_inc. Qed.
Lemma closure_lub T (f : T -> X) x y :
is_lub (c \o f) x -> is_lub f y -> c x = c y.
move=> lub1 lub2. apply: closure_eq.
- rewrite lub1 => i /=. apply: mono. exact: ubP lub2.
- rewrite lub2 => i. rewrite -closureP -[c x]closure_inc. exact: ubP lub1.
Lemma closure_glb T (f : T -> X) x :
is_glb (c \o f) x -> c x = x.
move=> glb. apply: closure_stable. apply: glbP (glb) _ => i /=.
rewrite closureP. exact: lbP glb.
End ClosureOperatorsOrdType.
Section ClosureCLat.
Context {X : clat} (c : X -> X) {h : is_closure c}.
Lemma closureT : c ⊤ = ⊤.
Proof. apply: closure_stable. exact: topI. Qed.
Lemma closureM x y : c (c x ∧ c y) = (c x ∧ c y).
apply: closure_stable. focus; apply/closureP; cauto.
Lemma closureJ x y : c (c x ∨ c y) = c (x ∨ y).
apply: closure_lub (join_axiom x y). apply: mk_lub.
case=> /=; by cauto. move=> z ub. focus.
exact: (ub true). exact: (ub false).
Lemma closureA I (F : I -> X) :
c (∀ i, c (F i)) = ∀ i, c (F i).
apply: closure_stable. focus=> i; apply/closureP; cauto.
Lemma closureE I (F : I -> X) :
c (∃ i, c (F i)) = c (∃ i, F i).
apply: closure_lub (ex_axiom F) => x. split.
- move=> le i /=. rewrite -le. exact: exI.
- move=> le. focus=> i. exact: le.
Lemma closureAc I (P : I -> Prop) (F : I -> X) :
c (∀ i | P i, c (F i)) = ∀ i | P i, c (F i).
apply: closure_stable. apply: allI => i. rewrite{2}/infguard -closureA.
apply/closureP. rewrite closureA. focus=> pi. exact: allEc (i) pi _.
Lemma closureEc I (P : I -> Prop) (F : I -> X) :
c (∃ i | P i, c (F i)) = c (∃ i | P i, F i).
rewrite -[c (∃ i | P i, F i)]closureE -closureE. repeat f_equal; fext=> i.
exact: closureE.
End ClosureCLat.
Global Instance is_closure_unit {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {fP : is_adjunction f g} :
is_closure (g \o f).
move=> x y /=. split=> [<-|e]. exact: adj_unit. apply: mono. by rewrite adjP.
A kernel operator is the dual of a closure operator.
Definition is_kernel {X : proType} (f : X -> X) := forall x y, (f x ≤ f y) <-> (f x ≤ y).
Existing Class is_kernel.
(* Closure and kernel operators are dual concepts. *)
Lemma kernelP {X : proType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_kernel c} x y : (c x ≤ c y) <-> (c x ≤ y).
Proof. exact: h. Qed.
Instance is_kernel_closure_rev {X : proType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_closure c} :
is_kernel (c : X^r -> X^r).
Proof. move=> x y. exact: (@closureP _ c). Qed.
Instance is_closure_kernel_rev {X : proType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_kernel c} :
is_closure (c : X^r -> X^r).
Proof. move=> x y. exact: (@kernelP _ c). Qed.
Section KernelOperators.
Context {X : proType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_kernel c}.
Implicit Types (x y z : X).
Let Xr := [proType of X^r].
Lemma kernel_dec x : c x ≤ x.
Proof. exact: (@closure_inc Xr). Qed.
Global Instance monotone_kernel : monotone c.
Proof. move=> x y. exact: (@monotone_closure Xr). Qed.
End KernelOperators.
Section KernelOperationsOrder.
Context {X : ordType} (c : X -> X) {h : is_kernel c}.
Implicit Types (x y z : X).
Let Xr := [ordType of X^r].
Lemma kernel_idem x : c (c x) = c x.
Proof. exact: (@closure_idem Xr). Qed.
Lemma kernel_eq x y : c x ≤ y -> c y ≤ x -> c x = c y.
Proof. move=> h1 h2. exact: (@closure_eq Xr). Qed.
Lemma kernel_stable x : x ≤ c x -> c x = x.
Proof. exact: (@closure_stable Xr). Qed.
Lemma kernel_glb I (f : I -> X) x y :
is_glb (c \o f) x -> is_glb f y -> c x = c y.
Proof. exact: (@closure_lub Xr). Qed.
Lemma kernel_lub I (f : I -> X) x :
is_lub (c \o f) x -> c x = x.
Proof. exact: (@closure_glb Xr). Qed.
End KernelOperationsOrder.
Instance is_kernel_counit {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) {fP : is_adjunction f g} :
is_kernel (f \o g).
Proof. move=> x y. exact: (@is_closure_unit [proType of Y^r] [proType of X^r]). Qed.