Library Regularizer
Require Export Omega Coq.Setoids.Setoid List Util AutoIndTac Base Congruence FreeVariables Regularity TailRecursion DistributeFix.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Autosubst.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Autosubst.
Fixpoint decomp (s: cfp) :=
match s with
| CFPEps ⇒ (CFPEps, Null)
| (CFPVar 0) ⇒ (Null, CFPEps)
| (CFPVar x) ⇒ (CFPVar x, Null)
| (CFPSeq s t) ⇒ (match (decomp t) with
| (t1, t2) ⇒ (CFPSeq s t1, CFPSeq s t2)
| (CFPChoice s t) ⇒ (match (decomp s, decomp t) with
| ((s1,s2),(t1,t2)) ⇒ (CFPChoice s1 t1, CFPChoice s2 t2)
| (CFPFix s) ⇒ (CFPFix s, Null)
Fact decomp_total s
: ∃ s1 s2, (s1, s2) = decomp s.
general induction s.
- simpl. ∃ CFPEps, Null; eauto.
- destruct IHs1 as [sa [sb A]].
destruct IHs2 as [t1 [t2 B]].
simpl. ∃ (CFPSeq s1 t1), (CFPSeq s1 t2).
rewrite <- B. eauto.
- destruct IHs1 as [sa [sb A]].
destruct IHs2 as [t1 [t2 B]].
simpl. ∃ (CFPChoice sa t1), (CFPChoice sb t2).
rewrite <- A. rewrite <- B. eauto.
- destruct IHs as [t1 [t2 A]]. simpl.
∃ (CFPFix s) , Null. eauto.
- simpl. destruct x.
+ ∃ Null, CFPEps. eauto.
+ ∃ (CFPVar (S x)), Null. eauto.
Lemma decomp_correct n s s1 s2
: tailrec n s → (s1, s2) = decomp s → s =T part s1 s2.
intros. general induction H.
- simpl in H0. unfold part.
rewrite Seq_Null_absorb_left.
rewrite Choice_Null_iden_right. reflexivity.
- simpl in H0. destruct m.
+ unfold part. inv H0.
rewrite Choice_Null_iden_left.
rewrite Seq_Eps_iden_left. reflexivity.
+ unfold part. inv H0.
rewrite Seq_Null_absorb_left.
rewrite Choice_Null_iden_right. reflexivity.
- unfold part. simpl in H1.
destruct (decomp s) as [sa sb].
destruct (decomp t) as [t1 t2].
inv H1. rewrite IHtailrec1; eauto.
rewrite IHtailrec2; eauto.
unfold part. rewrite Choice_assoc.
rewrite Seq_Choice_distribute2.
setoid_rewrite Choice_assoc at 1.
setoid_rewrite Choice_commute at 2.
setoid_rewrite Choice_assoc at 1.
setoid_rewrite Choice_commute at 3.
- simpl in H2. unfold part.
destruct (decomp t) as [t1 t2]. inv H2.
rewrite IHtailrec2; eauto.
unfold part.
rewrite Seq_Choice_distribute1.
setoid_rewrite Seq_assoc. reflexivity.
- simpl in H0. unfold part.
rewrite Seq_Null_absorb_left.
rewrite Choice_Null_iden_right.
Lemma reg_decomp n k s s1 s2
: trec (S n) k s
→ reg 0 s
→ (s1, s2) = decomp s
→ reg 1 s1 ∧ trec (S n) k s1 ∧ reg (S n + k) s2.
intros. general induction H; split; eauto using reg, trec.
- simpl in H1. destruct x.
+ inv H1. eauto using reg.
+ inv H1. constructor. omega.
- simpl in H1. destruct x.
+ inv H1. split; eauto using trec, reg.
+ inv H1. split; eauto using trec, reg.
- simpl in H1. destruct x.
+ inv H1. eauto using reg.
+ inv H1. constructor. omega.
- simpl in H1. destruct x.
+ inv H1. split; eauto using trec, reg.
constructor. constructor. omega.
+ inv H1. split; eauto using trec, reg.
- inv H1. simpl in H2. destruct (decomp s) as [sa sb].
destruct (decomp t) as [t1 t2]. inv H2.
destruct (IHtrec1 n0 sa sb) as [A [B C]]; eauto.
destruct (IHtrec2 n0 t1 t2) as [D [E F]]; eauto.
constructor; eauto.
- simpl in H2. inv H1.
destruct (decomp s) as [sa sb].
destruct (decomp t) as [t1 t2]. inv H2.
destruct (IHtrec1 n0 sa sb) as [A [B C]]; eauto.
destruct (IHtrec2 n0 t1 t2) as [D [E F]]; eauto.
split; eauto using trec, reg.
- simpl in H2. inv H1.
destruct (decomp t) as [t1 t2]. inv H2.
destruct (IHtrec2 n0 t1 t2) as [D [E F]]; eauto.
constructor; eauto. assert (1 = 0 +1); try omega.
rewrite H3.
apply bound_reg; eauto.
apply trec_tailrec in H. destruct H as [H H'].
apply bound_step with (k:= (S n0 + k)); eauto.
- simpl in H2. inv H1.
destruct (decomp t) as [t1 t2]. inv H2.
destruct (IHtrec2 n0 t1 t2) as [D [E F]]; eauto.
split; eauto using trec, reg.
constructor; eauto.
assert (S n0 + k = 0 + (S n0 + k)); try omega.
rewrite H3.
apply bound_reg; eauto.
apply trec_tailrec in H. destruct H.
- inv H0.
+ constructor. simpl in H1. inv H.
inv H8. apply trec_tailrec in H9.
destruct H9. assert (2 = 1 + 1); try omega.
rewrite H5. apply bound_reg; eauto.
assert (1= 0 + 1); try omega.
rewrite H6.
apply bound_shift_interval. simpl.
apply bound_step with (k:= (S (S n0) + k)); eauto.
+ constructor.
Theorem decompose_correct n k s s1 s2
: trec (S n) k s
→ reg 0 s
→ (s1, s2) = decomp s
→ CFPFix s =T (CFPSeq (Star s2) s1.[ren shift])
∧ trec n k (CFPSeq (Star s2) s1.[ren shift])
∧ reg 0 (CFPSeq (Star s2) s1.[ren shift]).
intros. destruct (reg_decomp H H0 H1) as [H2 [H3 H4]].
destruct (trec_tailrec H) as [H5 H6].
simpl in H5. apply decomp_correct with (s1:= s1) (s2:= s2) in H5; eauto.
- rewrite H5. rewrite decomposed_Star.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply reg_bound. eauto.
+ apply reg_bound. apply reg_step with (n:= S n + k); eauto.
- split.
{ constructor.
+ constructor.
constructor; eauto using trec.
constructor; eauto using trec.
simpl. apply tailrec_trec.
× apply reg_tailrec. apply reg_step with (n:= S n + k); eauto. omega.
× apply reg_bound. simpl in H4. eauto.
+ assert (n = 0 + n); try omega.
rewrite H7. apply trec_bound_ren with (i:= 1).
× apply reg_bound. eauto.
× intros. inv H8.
× intros. destruct x.
{ inv H8. }
{ simpl. omega. }
× simpl. eauto. }
{ constructor.
- constructor. eauto. apply reg_step with (n:= S n + k); eauto. omega.
- apply reg_shift. eauto. }
Fixpoint regularize s :=
match s with
| CFPEps ⇒ CFPEps
| (CFPVar x) ⇒ CFPVar x
| (CFPChoice s t) ⇒ CFPChoice (regularize s) (regularize t)
| (CFPSeq s t) ⇒ CFPSeq (regularize s) (regularize t)
| (CFPFix s) ⇒ (match (decomp (regularize s)) with
| (s1, s2) ⇒ CFPSeq (Star s2) s1.[ren(shift)]
Lemma reg_regularize n k s
: trec n k s → reg 0 (regularize s) ∧ trec n k (regularize s).
intros. general induction H; split; simpl; eauto using reg, trec.
- constructor. omega.
- constructor. omega.
- destruct IHtrec1, IHtrec2. eauto using reg.
- destruct IHtrec1, IHtrec2. eauto using trec.
- destruct IHtrec1, IHtrec2. eauto using reg.
- destruct IHtrec1, IHtrec2. eauto using trec.
- destruct IHtrec. destruct (decomp_total (regularize s)) as [s1 [s2 H2]]. rewrite <- H2.
destruct (@decompose_correct n k (regularize s) s1 s2 H1 H0 H2) as [H3 [H4 H5]]. eauto.
- destruct IHtrec. destruct (decomp_total (regularize s)) as [s1 [s2 H2]]. rewrite <- H2.
destruct (@decompose_correct n k (regularize s) s1 s2 H1 H0 H2) as [H3 [H4 H5]]. eauto.
Lemma regularize_correct n s
: tailrec n s → regularize s =T s.
intros. general induction H.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHtailrec1.
rewrite IHtailrec2.
- simpl. rewrite IHtailrec1.
rewrite IHtailrec2.
- simpl. destruct (decomp_total (regularize s)) as [s1[s2 A]].
rewrite <- A.
rewrite <- decomposed_Star.
+ rewrite <- IHtailrec.
assert (part s1 s2 =T regularize s).
{ symmetry in IHtailrec.
apply tailrec_trec with (k:= 0) in H.
- apply reg_regularize in H. destruct H.
apply trec_tailrec in H0. destruct H0.
simpl in H0.
assert (regularize s =T part s1 s2).
{ apply decomp_correct with (n:= S (n+0)); eauto. }
rewrite H2. reflexivity.
- apply bound_zero. }
rewrite H0. reflexivity.
+ apply tailrec_trec with (k:= 0) in H.
× apply reg_regularize in H. destruct H.
apply reg_decomp with (s1:= s1) (s2:= s2) in H0; eauto.
destruct H0 as [H1 [H2 H3]]. apply trec_tailrec in H2.
destruct H2. apply reg_bound. eauto.
× apply bound_zero.
+ apply tailrec_trec with (k:= 0) in H.
× apply reg_regularize in H. destruct H.
apply reg_decomp with (s1:= s1) (s2:= s2) in H0; eauto.
destruct H0 as [H1 [H2 H3]]. apply trec_tailrec in H2.
destruct H2. apply reg_bound. apply reg_step with (n:= S n + 0); eauto.
× apply bound_zero.
Theorem regularize_correct_final s n
: tailrec n s → tailrec n (regularize s)
∧ regi (regularize s)
∧ s =T (regularize s).
intros. apply tailrec_trec with (k:= 0) in H; eauto using bound_zero. destruct (reg_regularize H) as [A B].
- apply trec_tailrec in B. destruct B. simpl in H.
apply tailrec_step with (n:= n+0); eauto. omega.
- split.
+ apply reg_regi with (n:= 0). eauto.
+ apply trec_tailrec in H. destruct H.
apply regularize_correct in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.