Require Import Util List OptionMap LengthEq Map Get.
Notation "B[ x ]" := (if [ x ] then true else false).
Fixpoint filter_by {A B} (f:A → bool) (L:list A) (L´:list B) : list B :=
match L, L´ with
| x :: L, y::L´ ⇒ if f x then y :: filter_by f L L´ else filter_by f L L´
| _, _ ⇒ nil
Arguments filter_by [A B] f L L´.
Lemma lookup_list_filter_by_commute A B C (V:A→B) (Z:list C) Y p
: length Z = length Y
→ lookup_list V (filter_by p Z Y) =
filter_by p Z (lookup_list V Y).
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H.
general induction H; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct if; simpl; rewrite IHlength_eq; eauto.
Lemma filter_incl X `{OrderedType X} lv Y
: of_list (List.filter (fun y : X ⇒ B[y ∈ lv]) Y) ⊆ lv.
general induction Y; simpl.
- cset_tac; intuition.
- decide (a ∈ lv); simpl. cset_tac; intuition. rewrite <- H1; eauto.
rewrite <- IHY; eauto.
Lemma omap_filter_by A B C f p (Y:list A) (l:list B) (Z:list C)
: omap f Y = Some l
→ length Y = length Z
→ omap f (filter_by p Z Y) = Some (filter_by p Z l).
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
monad_inv H. destruct if; simpl; eauto.
- rewrite EQ. erewrite IHlength_eq; simpl; eauto.
Lemma filter_filter_by_length {X} {Y} (Z:list X) (VL:list Y)
: length Z = length VL
→ ∀ p, length (List.filter p Z) =
length (filter_by p Z VL).
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H.
general induction H; simpl; eauto.
destruct if; simpl. rewrite IHlength_eq; eauto. eauto.
Lemma filter_incl2 X `{OrderedType X} (p:X→bool) Z
: of_list (List.filter p Z) ⊆ of_list Z.
general induction Z; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct if; simpl. rewrite IHZ; reflexivity.
rewrite IHZ. cset_tac; intuition.
Lemma filter_by_get A B p (Z:list A) (Y:list B) y n
: get (filter_by p Z Y) n y
→ length Z = length Y
→ { n : nat & { z : A | get Y n y ∧ get Z n z ∧ p z } }.
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl in × |- *; isabsurd.
destruct if in H. eapply get_getT in H.
inv H.
do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto using get.
rewrite <- Heq; eauto. eapply I.
eapply getT_get in X.
edestruct IHlength_eq as [? [? [? []]]]; eauto; dcr.
do 2 eexists; eauto using get.
edestruct IHlength_eq as [? [? [? []]]]; eauto; dcr.
do 2 eexists; eauto using get.
Lemma filter_p X p (Z:list X)
: ∀ n x, get (List.filter p Z) n x → p x.
general induction Z; simpl.
- isabsurd.
- simpl in H. destruct if in H. inv H. rewrite <- Heq. eapply I.
eapply IHZ; eauto.
eapply IHZ; eauto.
Lemma filter_in X `{OrderedType X} (p:X→bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> eq) p} a Z
: p a
→ a \In of_list Z
→ a \In of_list (List.filter p Z).
general induction Z; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
- cset_tac. destruct H2. rewrite <- H2 in H1.
destruct if; isabsurd. rewrite <- H2. simpl. cset_tac; intuition.
destruct if. simpl. exploit IHZ; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
Notation "B[ x ]" := (if [ x ] then true else false).
Fixpoint filter_by {A B} (f:A → bool) (L:list A) (L´:list B) : list B :=
match L, L´ with
| x :: L, y::L´ ⇒ if f x then y :: filter_by f L L´ else filter_by f L L´
| _, _ ⇒ nil
Arguments filter_by [A B] f L L´.
Lemma lookup_list_filter_by_commute A B C (V:A→B) (Z:list C) Y p
: length Z = length Y
→ lookup_list V (filter_by p Z Y) =
filter_by p Z (lookup_list V Y).
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H.
general induction H; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct if; simpl; rewrite IHlength_eq; eauto.
Lemma filter_incl X `{OrderedType X} lv Y
: of_list (List.filter (fun y : X ⇒ B[y ∈ lv]) Y) ⊆ lv.
general induction Y; simpl.
- cset_tac; intuition.
- decide (a ∈ lv); simpl. cset_tac; intuition. rewrite <- H1; eauto.
rewrite <- IHY; eauto.
Lemma omap_filter_by A B C f p (Y:list A) (l:list B) (Z:list C)
: omap f Y = Some l
→ length Y = length Z
→ omap f (filter_by p Z Y) = Some (filter_by p Z l).
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
monad_inv H. destruct if; simpl; eauto.
- rewrite EQ. erewrite IHlength_eq; simpl; eauto.
Lemma filter_filter_by_length {X} {Y} (Z:list X) (VL:list Y)
: length Z = length VL
→ ∀ p, length (List.filter p Z) =
length (filter_by p Z VL).
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H.
general induction H; simpl; eauto.
destruct if; simpl. rewrite IHlength_eq; eauto. eauto.
Lemma filter_incl2 X `{OrderedType X} (p:X→bool) Z
: of_list (List.filter p Z) ⊆ of_list Z.
general induction Z; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct if; simpl. rewrite IHZ; reflexivity.
rewrite IHZ. cset_tac; intuition.
Lemma filter_by_get A B p (Z:list A) (Y:list B) y n
: get (filter_by p Z Y) n y
→ length Z = length Y
→ { n : nat & { z : A | get Y n y ∧ get Z n z ∧ p z } }.
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl in × |- *; isabsurd.
destruct if in H. eapply get_getT in H.
inv H.
do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto using get.
rewrite <- Heq; eauto. eapply I.
eapply getT_get in X.
edestruct IHlength_eq as [? [? [? []]]]; eauto; dcr.
do 2 eexists; eauto using get.
edestruct IHlength_eq as [? [? [? []]]]; eauto; dcr.
do 2 eexists; eauto using get.
Lemma filter_p X p (Z:list X)
: ∀ n x, get (List.filter p Z) n x → p x.
general induction Z; simpl.
- isabsurd.
- simpl in H. destruct if in H. inv H. rewrite <- Heq. eapply I.
eapply IHZ; eauto.
eapply IHZ; eauto.
Lemma filter_in X `{OrderedType X} (p:X→bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> eq) p} a Z
: p a
→ a \In of_list Z
→ a \In of_list (List.filter p Z).
general induction Z; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
- cset_tac. destruct H2. rewrite <- H2 in H1.
destruct if; isabsurd. rewrite <- H2. simpl. cset_tac; intuition.
destruct if. simpl. exploit IHZ; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.