
Require Import CSet Le.

Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map.
Require Import Val Var Env EnvTy IL Annotation Sim Fresh Liveness Status MoreExp.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Parallel Moves

This code is based on the ril-cv-12 repo and the validator part its initial version was developed by Tobias Tebbi.

Definition pmov := list (list var × list var).

Definition pmov_source_set (p:pmov) : set var
  := fold_right (fun p ss \ of_list (fst p) of_list (snd p)) p.

Section Parallel_Move.
  Variable X:Type.
  Context `{OrderedType X}.

  Fixpoint upd_list p M : env X :=
    match p with
      | nilM
      | (l1, l2) :: upd_list (M[ l1 <-- lookup_list M l2])

  Fixpoint par_move (E : varvar) (Z : params) (Y : params)
    : varvar :=
    match Z, Y with
      | nil, nilE
      | y::, a ::
        (fun xif [ x = y ] then a else par_move E x)
      | _, _E

  Fixpoint par_list p M :=
    match p with
      | nilM
      | (l1, l2) :: par_list (par_move M M l1 l2)

Section Translate.

  Definition check_pmove (vars : set var) (p1 p2 : pmov) :=
    let M1 := par_list p1 (fun xx) in
    let M2 := par_list p2 (fun xx) in
        (fun xif [M1 x = M2 x] then true else false) vars.
  Hint Unfold check_pmove.

  Lemma par_move_eq (M1 M2 MC:env X) f fC Z Y
    : ( y : var, MC y = M1 (fC y))
    → ( y : var, M2 y = M1 (f y))
    → y : var, M2 [ Z <-- (lookup_list MC Y) ] y = (M1 (par_move f fC Z Y y)).
    general induction Z; destruct Y; isabsurd; eauto.
    simpl. destruct if; lud; intuition.

  Lemma symb_eval p (M1 M2 : env X) f
    : ( y, M2 y = (M1 (f y)))
    → x, upd_list p M2 x = (M1 (par_list p f x)).
    general induction p; simpl; eauto.
    destruct a; simpl; eauto; intros.
    erewrite IHp; eauto.
    intros. erewrite <- par_move_eq; simpl in *; eauto.

  Corollary symb_eval_id : p (M : env X) x,
    upd_list p M x = (M (par_list p (fun xx) x)).
    intros. eapply symb_eval; eauto.

  Lemma check_pmove_correct {vars} {p1} {p2}
    (COK:check_pmove vars p1 p2) (M : env X)
    : agree_on eq vars (upd_list p1 M) (upd_list p2 M).
    assert (check_pmove vars p1 p2 = true) by cbool. clear COK.
    unfold agree_on,check_pmove in *; intros.
    eapply (@for_all_2 var _ _ _ vars) in H0.
    specialize (H0 x H1); simpl in ×. destruct if in H; simpl in ×.
    erewrite symb_eval with (M1:=M) (f:=fun xx); eauto.
    erewrite symb_eval with (M1:=M) (f:=fun xx); eauto.

  Definition check_source_set (p1 p2 : pmov) :=
    if [ pmov_source_set p1 pmov_source_set p2 ] then true else false.

  Lemma check_source_set_correct p1 l1 l2
    (COK:check_source_set p1 ((l1,l2)::nil)) (M : onv X)
    (Src: x : var, x \In of_list l2M x ⎣⎦)
    : x : var, x \In pmov_source_set p1M x ⎣⎦.
    unfold check_source_set in COK. destruct if in COK; isabsurd.
    simpl in ×.
    intros. eapply Src. rewrite s in H0. cset_tac; intuition.

  End Translate.

End Parallel_Move.

Section GlueCode.
  Function list_to_stmt (p : list (list var × list var)) (s : stmt) {struct p} : stmt :=
    match p with
      | nils
      | (x :: nil, y:: nil) :: stmtLet x (var_to_exp y) (list_to_stmt s)
      | _s

  Lemma list_to_stmt_correct p s :
    ( ass, List.In ass p x, y, ass = (x :: nil, y :: nil)) →
    ( x, x pmov_source_set pM x None) →
     K, star2 I.step (K, M, list_to_stmt p s) nil (K, upd_list p M, s).
    general induction p. firstorder using star2.
    pose proof (H a). assert (List.In a (a :: p)). crush.
    destruct (H1 H2) as [? [? ?]].
    subst. simpl.
    exploit (var_to_exp_correct M x0).
    exploit (H0 x0); eauto. simpl. cset_tac; intuition.
    destruct (M x0); isabsurd.
    refine (S_star2 (yl:=nil) EvtTau _ _ _).
    constructor; eauto. eapply IHp. intros. apply H. crush.
    intros. lud. eauto. eapply H0; try reflexivity.
    simpl. cset_tac; intuition.

  Hypothesis parallel_move : varlist varlist var → (list(list var × list var)).

  Definition linearize_parallel_assignment (vars:set var) (l1 l2:list var) :=
    parallel_move (least_fresh vars) l1 l2.

  Function check_is_simple_ass (p : list(list var × list var)) {struct p} : bool :=
    match p with
      | niltrue
      | (_ :: nil, _ :: nil):: check_is_simple_ass
      | _false

  Lemma check_is_simple_ass_correct (p : list (list var × list var)) :
    check_is_simple_ass p
     ass, List.In ass p x, y, ass = (x :: nil, y :: nil).
    functional induction (check_is_simple_ass p); crush.

  Definition validate_parallel_assignment vars p l1 l2 :=
    check_is_simple_ass p
     check_pmove vars p ((l1, l2) :: nil)
     check_source_set p ((l1, l2) :: nil).

  Lemma validate_parallel_assignment_correct vars p l1 l2
    (VOK:validate_parallel_assignment vars p l1 l2)
    : M K cont (Src: x : var, x \In of_list l2M x ⎣⎦), ,
        star2 I.step (K, M, list_to_stmt p cont) nil (K, , cont)
        agree_on eq vars (M[ l1 <-- lookup_list M l2]).
    unfold validate_parallel_assignment in *; dcr; intros.
    eexists; split.
    eapply list_to_stmt_correct; eauto.
    eapply check_is_simple_ass_correct; eauto.
    eapply check_source_set_correct; eauto.
    eapply (check_pmove_correct H1 M).

  Definition compile_parallel_assignment
    (vars:set var) (l1 l2 : list var) (s : stmt) : status stmt :=
    let p := linearize_parallel_assignment vars l1 l2 in
    if [validate_parallel_assignment vars p l1 l2] then
      Success (list_to_stmt p s) else
        Error "compile parallel assignment failed".

  Lemma compile_parallel_assignment_correct
    : vars l1 l2 s ,
      compile_parallel_assignment vars l1 l2 s = Success
       M K (Src: x : var, x \In (of_list l2)M x ⎣⎦), ,
        star2 I.step (K, M, ) nil (K, , s)
        agree_on eq vars (M[ l1 <-- lookup_list M l2]).
    unfold compile_parallel_assignment; intros.
    destruct if in H; try discriminate. inv H.
    eapply validate_parallel_assignment_correct; eauto.

End GlueCode.

Section Implementation.
  Hypothesis parallel_move : varlist varlist var → (list(list var × list var)).

Fixpoint onlyVars (Y:args) : status params :=
  match Y with
    | nilSuccess nil
    | (Var x)::Ysdo <- onlyVars Y; Success (x::)
    | _Error "onlyVars: argument list contains expressions"

Lemma onlyVars_defined (E:onv var) Y v
  : onlyVars Y = Success
    → omap (exp_eval E) Y = Some v
    → x, x of_list E x None.
  intros. general induction Y; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
  - cset_tac; intuition.
  - destruct a; isabsurd. monadS_inv H. monad_inv H0.
    simpl in × |- ×.
    cset_tac. destruct H1.
    + hnf in H; subst. congruence.
    + eapply IHY; eauto.

Lemma onlyVars_lookup (E:onv var) Y v
  : onlyVars Y = Success
    → omap (exp_eval E) Y = Some v
    → lookup_list E = Some v.
  intros. general induction Y; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
  destruct a; isabsurd. monadS_inv H. monad_inv H0.
  simpl in × |- ×. inv EQ0. f_equal; eauto.

Fixpoint lower DL s (an:ann (set var))
  : status stmt :=
  match s, an with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 lv ans
      sdo sl <- lower DL s ans;
        Success (stmtLet x e sl)
    | stmtIf x s t, ann2 lv ans ant
      sdo sl <- lower DL s ans;
        sdo tl <- lower DL t ant;
            Success (stmtIf x sl tl)
    | stmtApp l Y, ann0 lv
       sdo Lve <- option2status (nth_error DL (counted l)) "lower: No annotation for function";
        sdo Y <- onlyVars Y;
        let ´(lv´, Z) := Lve in
        compile_parallel_assignment parallel_move lv´ Z Y (stmtApp l nil)

    | stmtReturn x, ann0 lvSuccess (stmtReturn x)
    | stmtExtern x f Y s, ann1 _ ans
      sdo sl <- lower DL s ans;
        Success (stmtExtern x f Y sl)
    | stmtFun Z s t, ann2 lv ans ant
      let DL´ := (getAnn ans,Z) in
      sdo <- lower (DL´ :: DL)%list s ans;
        sdo <- lower (DL´ :: DL)%list t ant;
        Success (stmtFun nil )
    | s, _Error "lower: Annotation mismatch"

Inductive approx
: list (set var × list var) → I.blockI.blockProp :=
  approxI Lv s Z lv
  (al:ann (set var))
  (LS:live_sound Imperative ((lv,Z)::Lv) s al)
  (AL:(of_list Z) lv)
  (EQ:getAnn al \ of_list Z lv)
  (spm:lower ((lv,Z)::Lv) s al = Success )
  : approx ((lv,Z)::Lv) (I.blockI Z s) (I.blockI nil ).

Inductive pmSim : I.stateI.stateProp :=
  pmSimI Lv s (E :onv val) L
  (al: ann (set var))
  (LS:live_sound Imperative Lv s al)
  (pmlowerOk:lower Lv s al = Success )
  (LA:AIR3 approx Lv L )
  (EEQ:agree_on eq (getAnn al) E )
  : pmSim (L,E,s) (, , ).

Lemma pmSim_sim σ1 σ2
: pmSim σ1 σ2sim σ1 σ2.
  revert σ1 σ2. cofix; intros.
  inv H; inv LS; simpl in *; try monadS_inv pmlowerOk.
  - case_eq (exp_eval E e); intros.
    erewrite <- exp_eval_live; eauto.
    eapply pmSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_update_same; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    no_step. erewrite <- exp_eval_live in def; eauto. congruence.
  - case_eq (exp_eval E e); intros.
    exploit exp_eval_live_agree; try eassumption.
    case_eq (val2bool v); intros.
    + one_step.
      eapply pmSim_sim; econstructor; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + one_step.
      eapply pmSim_sim; econstructor; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + exploit exp_eval_live_agree; try eassumption.
  - eapply option2status_inv in EQ. eapply nth_error_get in EQ.
    get_functional; subst.
    case_eq (omap (exp_eval E) Y); intros.
    + exploit omap_exp_eval_live_agree; try eassumption.
      edestruct (compile_parallel_assignment_correct _ _ _ _ _ EQ2 )
        as [ [ X´´]].
      eapply onlyVars_defined; eauto.
      eapply simSilent.
      × eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity.
      × eapply star2_plus2_plus2 with (A:=nil) (B:=nil); eauto.
        eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity.
      × eapply pmSim_sim; econstructor; try eapply LA1; eauto. simpl.
        assert (getAnn al lv0). {
          revert AL EQ0; clear_all. cset_tac; intuition; eauto.
          decide (a of_list Z0); eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
        eapply agree_on_incl in X´´; eauto. symmetry in X´´.
        eapply agree_on_trans; eauto. eapply equiv_transitive.
        erewrite onlyVars_lookup; eauto.
        eapply update_with_list_agree.
        eapply eq_equivalence.
        eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
        exploit omap_length; eauto. rewrite map_length. congruence.
    + err_step.
  - no_step. simpl. eauto using exp_eval_live.
  - remember (omap (exp_eval E) Y). symmetry in Heqo.
    exploit omap_exp_eval_live_agree; try eassumption.
    destruct o.
    + extern_step.
      × eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. congruence.
        eapply pmSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
        eapply agree_on_update_same; eauto using agree_on_incl.
      × eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. congruence.
        eapply pmSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
        eapply agree_on_update_same; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + no_step.
  - one_step.
    eapply pmSim_sim. econstructor; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto using minus_incl.
    eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.

End Implementation.