Section Motivation.
Variable (a b m n p: nat).
Definition succ '(a, b) := (n + a, 1 + b).
Definition ith i := (i * n + a, i + b).
Section Streams.
Implicit Type (X Y: nat -> (nat * nat)).
Definition charac {A: Type} (X: nat -> A) (a: A) (Y: nat -> A) :=
X 0 = a /\ forall n, X (S n) = Y n.
Notation "X ≈ Y ⟶ Z" := (charac X Y Z) (at level 60).
Definition Succ X := X >> succ.
Let X := ith.
Lemma X_satisfies:
X ≈ (a, b) ⟶ Succ X.
split; unfold X, ith; cbn; intros; f_equal; lia.
Lemma X_unique Y:
(Y ≈ (a, b) ⟶ Succ Y) -> forall i, Y i = X i.
intros H; induction i.
- destruct H as [H _]. rewrite H. unfold X, ith. now simplify.
- destruct H as [_ H]. unfold Succ, funcomp in *.
rewrite H, IHi. unfold X, ith; cbn; f_equal; lia.
End Streams.
Section FiniteSequences.
Implicit Type (X Y: list (nat * nat)).
Notation succ' X := (map succ X).
Lemma forward: p = m * n -> exists X, (a,b) :: succ' X = X ++ [(p + a, m + b)].
intros ->. exists (tab ith m).
rewrite tab_map. change (tab _ _ ++ _) with (tab ith (S m)).
rewrite tab_S. unfold ith, succ. cbn. rewrite !tab_map_nats.
f_equal. eapply map_ext. intros i. f_equal; lia.
Lemma backward' X x:
(a, b) :: succ' X = X ++ [x] -> x = ith (length X).
unfold ith. induction X as [|[l r] X IH] in a, b, x |-*; eauto.
- cbn; simplify. intuition congruence.
- simplify. intros [= -> -> H]. eapply IH in H; subst.
cbn; simplify; f_equal; lia.
Lemma backward X:
(a,b) :: succ' X = X ++ [(p + a, m + b)] -> m * n = p.
intros H % backward'. injection H.
intros; assert (m = |X|) as -> by lia. lia.
End FiniteSequences.
End Motivation.
Variable (a b m n p: nat).
Definition succ '(a, b) := (n + a, 1 + b).
Definition ith i := (i * n + a, i + b).
Section Streams.
Implicit Type (X Y: nat -> (nat * nat)).
Definition charac {A: Type} (X: nat -> A) (a: A) (Y: nat -> A) :=
X 0 = a /\ forall n, X (S n) = Y n.
Notation "X ≈ Y ⟶ Z" := (charac X Y Z) (at level 60).
Definition Succ X := X >> succ.
Let X := ith.
Lemma X_satisfies:
X ≈ (a, b) ⟶ Succ X.
split; unfold X, ith; cbn; intros; f_equal; lia.
Lemma X_unique Y:
(Y ≈ (a, b) ⟶ Succ Y) -> forall i, Y i = X i.
intros H; induction i.
- destruct H as [H _]. rewrite H. unfold X, ith. now simplify.
- destruct H as [_ H]. unfold Succ, funcomp in *.
rewrite H, IHi. unfold X, ith; cbn; f_equal; lia.
End Streams.
Section FiniteSequences.
Implicit Type (X Y: list (nat * nat)).
Notation succ' X := (map succ X).
Lemma forward: p = m * n -> exists X, (a,b) :: succ' X = X ++ [(p + a, m + b)].
intros ->. exists (tab ith m).
rewrite tab_map. change (tab _ _ ++ _) with (tab ith (S m)).
rewrite tab_S. unfold ith, succ. cbn. rewrite !tab_map_nats.
f_equal. eapply map_ext. intros i. f_equal; lia.
Lemma backward' X x:
(a, b) :: succ' X = X ++ [x] -> x = ith (length X).
unfold ith. induction X as [|[l r] X IH] in a, b, x |-*; eauto.
- cbn; simplify. intuition congruence.
- simplify. intros [= -> -> H]. eapply IH in H; subst.
cbn; simplify; f_equal; lia.
Lemma backward X:
(a,b) :: succ' X = X ++ [(p + a, m + b)] -> m * n = p.
intros H % backward'. injection H.
intros; assert (m = |X|) as -> by lia. lia.
End FiniteSequences.
End Motivation.