computes the number of non-uniform parameters in an inductive type (syntactic check)

Require Import MetaCoq.Template.All.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICInduction
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICEquality
     PCUICUnivSubst PCUICTyping PCUICGeneration.

Require Import List String.
Import ListNotations MonadNotation Nat.

Map over
look for tRel 0
und  S a = b, S b = c bei tRel a b;c;d
Indices kommen später => Bruch?
min(ermittelt, ind_npars)

Open Scope nat_scope.

Fixpoint getMinChain k t cl max : option nat :=
  match t with
  | tRel n => if n =? k then
               Some 0
  | tApp t1 t2 =>
    m <- getMinChain k t1 (S cl) max;;
      match t2 with
      | tRel n =>
        if n =? k+cl-max then
          Some (S m)
          Some m
      | _ => Some m
  | _ => None

(* check correctness *)
Fixpoint countOfCtor (k:nat) (max:nat) (c:term) {struct c} : nat :=
  match c with
    tRel _ => max
  | tProd _ t1 t2 => min (countOfCtor k max t1) (countOfCtor (S k) max t2)
  | tApp t1 t2 =>
    min (
    match getMinChain k c 0 max with
      None => countOfCtor k max t1
    | Some x => x
          (countOfCtor k max t2)
  | _ => max

Fixpoint collect_prods (t:term) : list (context_decl) :=
  match t with
  | tProd n t1 t2 => (vass n t1)::collect_prods t2
  | _ => []
Definition count_prods (t : term) : nat := #|collect_prods t|.

Definition getParamCount (ind:one_inductive_body) (n0:nat) : nat :=
  fold_right (fun c m => min m (countOfCtor 0 (count_prods (ind.(ind_type))) (snd(fst c)))) n0 ind.(ind_ctors).

Definition getPCount (ind:mutual_inductive_body) (c:nat) : option nat :=
  match nth_error ind.(ind_bodies) c with
    None => None
  | Some b => Some (getParamCount b ind.(ind_npars))

From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import TemplateToPCUIC.

Definition getP (tm : Ast.term)
  : TemplateMonad unit
  := match tm with
     | Ast.tInd ind0 univ =>
       decl <- tmQuoteInductive (inductive_mind ind0) ;;
       c <- tmEval lazy (getPCount (trans_minductive_body decl) ind0.(inductive_ind));;
       tmPrint c
     | _ => tmFail "not inductive"