Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.ChangeAlphabet
Alphabet-lift for "programmed" Turing Machines
Generalizable All Variables.
Section SurjectInject.
Variable (sig tau : finType).
Variable def : sig.
Variable retr : Retract sig tau.
Definition injectSymbols : list sig -> list tau := map Retr_f.
Definition surjectSymbols : list tau -> list sig := map (surject Retr_g def).
(* This can be easyly proven without induction. *)
Lemma surject_inject (str : list sig) (str' : list tau) :
injectSymbols str = str' ->
str = surjectSymbols str'.
intros <-. induction str as [ | s str IH ]; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold surject. retract_adjoint. f_equal. auto.
Lemma inject_surject (str : list tau) (str' : list sig) :
(forall t, t el str -> exists s, Retr_g t = Some s) ->
surjectSymbols str = str' ->
str = injectSymbols str'.
intros H <-. unfold injectSymbols, surjectSymbols. rewrite map_map. erewrite map_ext_in. symmetry. eapply map_id.
intros t Ht. specialize (H _ Ht) as (s&Hs).
erewrite retract_g_inv; eauto.
unfold surject. rewrite Hs. reflexivity.
Lemma surject_cons (str : list tau) (str2 : list sig) (s : sig) :
surjectSymbols str = s :: str2 ->
exists (t : tau) (str' : list tau),
str = t :: str' /\
surject Retr_g def t = s /\
surjectSymbols str' = str2.
destruct str as [ | t str ]; cbn in *; intros; inv H; eauto.
Lemma surject_app (str : list tau) (str2 str3 : list sig) :
surjectSymbols str = str2 ++ str3 ->
exists (str' str'' : list tau),
str = str' ++ str'' /\
surjectSymbols str' = str2 /\
surjectSymbols str'' = str3.
revert str str3. induction str2 as [ | s str2 IH]; intros str str3 H; cbn in *.
- exists nil, str. cbn. auto.
- pose proof surject_cons H as (t&str'&->&L1&L2). cbn in *. specialize (IH _ _ L2) as (Str&Str'&->&IH1&IH2).
inv H. repeat eexists. instantiate (1 := t :: Str). reflexivity. cbn. reflexivity.
End SurjectInject.
Corollary map_length_eq : forall (A B C : Type) (f : A -> C) (g : B -> C) (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B), map f l1 = map g l2 -> |l1| = |l2|.
intros. erewrite <- map_length. symmetry. erewrite <- map_length. symmetry. rewrite H. reflexivity.
Section MapCode.
Variable sig tau : finType.
Variable retr : Retract sig tau.
(* Retract_sum isn't declared as instance *)
Global Instance Retract_plus : Retract (sig^+) (tau^+) := Retract_sum _ _.
Notation "'f''" := (@Retr_f (sig^+) (tau^+) Retract_plus).
Notation "'g''" := (@Retr_g (sig^+) (tau^+) Retract_plus).
Context `{cX : codable sig X}.
(* Translation Functions *)
Notation injectTape := (mapTape f').
Notation surjectTape := (surjectTape g' (inl UNKNOWN)).
Check injectTape : tape (sig^+) -> tape (tau^+) .
Check surjectTape : tape (tau^+) -> tape (sig^+).
(* The other direction does not hold *)
Lemma surjectTape_injectTape t :
surjectTape (injectTape t) = t.
unfold surjectTape. unfold surject. simpl_tape.
erewrite mapTape_ext. apply mapTape_id. intros a. retract_adjoint. reflexivity.
Lemma contains_translate_sig (x : X) (t : tape (sig^+)) :
t ≃ x <-> (injectTape t) ≃ x.
split; intros (r1&HCode); subst; cbn in *; hnf.
- repeat eexists. cbn. f_equal. rewrite map_app, !List.map_map. cbn. reflexivity.
- unfold injectTape in HCode.
exists (surjectSymbols (inl UNKNOWN) _ r1).
apply mapTape_inv_midtape in HCode as (ls'&m'&rs'&->&->&HCode1&HCode2).
rewrite map_map in HCode2.
destruct m'; cbn in *; inv HCode1.
+ unfold surjectSymbols. rewrite map_map. rewrite <- map_id at 1. eapply map_ext.
intros [ | ]; cbn. reflexivity. unfold surject. cbn. retract_adjoint. reflexivity.
+ symmetry. eapply map_injective with (f := retract_sum_f id Retr_f); eauto.
{ intros. eapply retract_f_injective; eauto. }
now rewrite map_app, !map_map.
Lemma contains_translate_tau1 (x : X) (t : tape (tau^+)) :
t ≃ x -> surjectTape t ≃ x.
intros (ls&HCode). cbn in *. subst. cbn. rewrite !map_map.
repeat econstructor. f_equal. rewrite map_app, !map_map. f_equal.
eapply map_ext. intros. unfold surject. cbn. retract_adjoint. reflexivity.
Lemma surject_inject_inr (x : boundary) (str : list tau^+) (code : list sig) :
surjectSymbols (inl x) Retract_plus str = map inr code ->
exists str' : list tau, str = map inr str' /\ map Retr_g str' = map Some code.
revert x code. induction str as [ | s str' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- apply map_eq_nil' in H as ->. exists nil. cbn. tauto.
- destruct code as [ | c code']; cbn in *; inv H.
destruct s; cbn in *; inv H1.
specialize (IH _ _ H2) as (str''&->&IH). rewrite <- IH.
exists (e :: str''). cbn. split. auto. f_equal.
unfold surject, retract_sum_g in H0. destruct (Retr_g e) eqn:E; inv H0; auto.
Lemma in_encode_retract (x : X) :
forall t' : tau, t' el encode x -> exists s' : sig, Retr_g t' = Some s'.
Proof. cbn. intros t' (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. retract_adjoint. eauto. Qed.
Lemma contains_translate_tau2 (x : X) (t : tape (tau^+)) :
surjectTape t ≃ x ->
t ≃ x.
intros (r1&HCode). cbn in *.
eapply mapTape_inv_midtape in HCode as (ls'&m'&rs'&->&->&HCode1&HCode2).
repeat econstructor; cbn in *. f_equal.
- unfold surject in HCode1. destruct m'; cbn in *. cbv [id] in *. now inv HCode1.
destruct (Retr_g e); inv HCode1.
- symmetry in HCode2.
change (surjectSymbols (inl UNKNOWN) Retract_plus rs' = map inr (cX x) ++ [inl STOP]) in HCode2.
eapply surject_app in HCode2 as (str1&str2&->&L1&L2).
eapply inject_surject in L1 as ->; eauto.
eapply inject_surject in L2 as ->; eauto.
+ f_equal. unfold injectSymbols. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext. intros. cbn. reflexivity.
+ unfold surjectSymbols in L2. eapply map_eq_cons in L2 as (t & ? & -> & ? & -> % map_eq_nil').
unfold surject in H. destruct t; cbn in *; swap 1 2. destruct (Retr_g e); inv H. inv H.
intros [ | ]; intros [ | ]; try congruence; auto. inv H. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
+ intros [ | ]; intros He; cbn; eauto.
destruct (Retr_g e) eqn:E1; cbn; eauto. exfalso.
pose proof surject_inject_inr L1 as (str1'&->&L3).
apply in_map_iff in He as (?&HETmp&HE); inv HETmp.
enough (e el encode x) as L4.
pose proof in_encode_retract L4 as (?&?). congruence.
assert (None el map Retr_g str1') as L5.
rewrite <- E1. eapply in_map_iff; eauto.
rewrite L3 in L5. apply in_map_iff in L5 as (?&?&?). congruence.
Corollary contains_translate_tau (x : X) (t : tape (tau^+)) :
surjectTape t ≃ x <-> t ≃ x.
Proof. split; auto using contains_translate_tau1, contains_translate_tau2. Qed.
Corollary contains_translate_eq (t1 t2 : tape (tau^+)) (x : X) :
surjectTape t1 = surjectTape t2 ->
t1 ≃ x -> t2 ≃ x.
intros HEq HEnc.
eapply contains_translate_tau2; auto.
rewrite <- HEq. now eapply contains_translate_tau1 in HEnc.
Lemma surjectTape_isRight (t : tape (tau^+)) :
isRight t -> isRight (surjectTape t).
Proof. unfold surjectTape. apply mapTape_isRight. Qed.
Lemma surjectTape_isRight' (t : tape (tau^+)) :
isRight (surjectTape t) -> isRight t.
Proof. unfold surjectTape. apply mapTape_isRight. Qed.
End MapCode.
Hint Unfold surjectTape surjectTapes injectTape : tape.
This makes sure that we can apply the above lemmas (contains_translate_sig, contains_translate_tau1, contains_translate_tau2), even after cbn
Arguments Retract_plus : simpl never.
Arguments injectTape : simpl never.
Arguments surjectTape : simpl never.
Arguments injectTape : simpl never.
Arguments surjectTape : simpl never.
Section ChangeAlphabet.
Variable (sig tau : finType).
Variable (n : nat) (F : finType).
Variable pM : pTM sig^+ F n.
Variable (retr : Retract sig tau).
Definition ChangeAlphabet : pTM tau^+ F n :=
LiftAlphabet pM (Retract_plus retr) (inl UNKNOWN).
End ChangeAlphabet.
This tactic removes surjectTape in hypothesises and in the goal
Ltac simpl_surject_step :=
lazymatch goal with
(* encoding *)
| [ |- surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃ _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau1
| [ H : surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃ _ |- _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau2 in H
(* variants with shown encoding *)
| [ |- surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃(_) _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau1
| [ H : surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃(_) _ |- _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau2 in H
(* isRight *)
| [ |- isRight (surjectTape _ _ ?t) ] => apply surjectTape_isRight
| [ H : isRight (surjectTape _ _ ?t) |- _ ] => apply surjectTape_isRight' in H
Ltac simpl_surject := repeat simpl_surject_step.
lazymatch goal with
(* encoding *)
| [ |- surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃ _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau1
| [ H : surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃ _ |- _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau2 in H
(* variants with shown encoding *)
| [ |- surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃(_) _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau1
| [ H : surjectTape _ _ ?t ≃(_) _ |- _ ] => apply contains_translate_tau2 in H
(* isRight *)
| [ |- isRight (surjectTape _ _ ?t) ] => apply surjectTape_isRight
| [ H : isRight (surjectTape _ _ ?t) |- _ ] => apply surjectTape_isRight' in H
Ltac simpl_surject := repeat simpl_surject_step.
Section Computes_ChangeAlphabet.
Variable (sig tau : finType).
Variable (n_tapes : nat).
Variable F : finType.
Variable (pM : pTM sig^+ F (S (S n_tapes))).
Variable retr : Retract sig tau.
Use this to say the TM_Correct tactic to apply ChangeAlphabet_Computes instead of only unfolding ChangeAlphabet and applying LiftAlphabet_Realise.
Variable X Y : Type.
Variable (cX : codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).
Variable (func : X -> Y).
Lemma ChangeAlphabet_Computes :
pM ⊨ Computes_Rel func ->
ChangeAlphabet pM retr ⊨ Computes_Rel func.
intros H. eapply Realise_monotone.
eapply LiftAlphabet_Realise; eauto.
hnf. intros tin (yout&tout) HComp.
cbn. intros x HEncX HOut HIntern.
cbn in HComp. repeat autounfold with tape in HComp. simpl_vector in HComp. cbn in HComp.
eapply contains_translate_tau1 in HEncX; eauto.
specialize (HComp x HEncX).
destruct HComp as (HComp1&HComp2&HComp3); cbn in *.
{ now eapply surjectTape_isRight. }
{ intros. simpl_tape. eapply surjectTape_isRight. eauto. }
repeat split.
+ eapply contains_translate_tau2; eauto.
+ eapply contains_translate_tau2; eauto.
+ intros i. specialize (HComp3 i). simpl_tape in HComp3.
now eapply surjectTape_isRight' in HComp3.
Lemma ChangeAlphabet_Terminates T :
projT1 pM ↓ Computes_T T ->
projT1 (ChangeAlphabet pM retr) ↓ Computes_T T.
intros H. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ChangeAlphabet. TM_Correct. apply H. }
intros t k HComp. cbn in *. destruct HComp as (x&HEncX&HOut&HInt&Hk).
exists x. simpl_tape. repeat split; simpl_surject; auto.
now intros i; cbn; simpl_tape; simpl_surject.
End Computes_ChangeAlphabet.
Section Computes_ChangeAlphabet2.
Variable (sig tau : finType).
Variable (n_tapes : nat).
Variable F : finType.
Variable (pM : pTM sig^+ F (S (S (S n_tapes)))).
Variable retr : Retract sig tau.
Variable X Y Z : Type.
Variable (cX : codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y) (cZ : codable sig Z).
Variable (func : X -> Y -> Z).
Lemma ChangeAlphabet_Computes2 :
pM ⊨ Computes2_Rel func ->
ChangeAlphabet pM _ ⊨ Computes2_Rel func.
intros H. eapply Realise_monotone.
unfold ChangeAlphabet. eapply LiftAlphabet_Realise; eauto.
hnf. intros tin (yout&tout) HComp.
cbn. intros x y HEncX HEncY HOut HIntern.
cbn in HComp. repeat autounfold with tape in HComp. simpl_vector in HComp. cbn in HComp.
eapply contains_translate_tau1 in HEncX; eauto.
eapply contains_translate_tau1 in HEncY; eauto.
specialize (HComp x y HEncX HEncY).
destruct HComp as (HComp1&HComp2&HComp3&HComp4); cbn in *.
{ now eapply surjectTape_isRight. }
{ intros. simpl_tape. cbn. eapply surjectTape_isRight. eauto. }
repeat split.
+ eapply contains_translate_tau2; eauto.
+ eapply contains_translate_tau2; eauto.
+ eapply contains_translate_tau2; eauto.
+ intros i. specialize (HComp4 i). simpl_tape in HComp4.
now eapply surjectTape_isRight' in HComp4.
Lemma ChangeAlphabet_Terminates2 T :
projT1 pM ↓ Computes2_T T ->
projT1 (ChangeAlphabet pM retr) ↓ Computes2_T T.
intros H. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ChangeAlphabet. TM_Correct. apply H. }
intros t k HComp. cbn in *. destruct HComp as (x&y&HEncX&HEncY&HOut&HInt&Hk).
exists x, y. simpl_tape. repeat split; simpl_surject; auto.
now intros i; cbn; simpl_tape; simpl_surject.
End Computes_ChangeAlphabet2.
Tactic Support
Ltac smpl_TM_ChangeAlphabet :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ChangeAlphabet ?pM ?retr ⊨ _ ] => apply LiftAlphabet_Realise
| [ |- projT1 (ChangeAlphabet ?pM ?retr) ↓ _ ] => apply LiftAlphabet_TerminatesIn
Smpl Add smpl_TM_ChangeAlphabet : TM_Correct.