Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.LM.Alphabets
Inductive ACom : Type := retAT | lamAT | appAT.
Coercion ACom2Com (a : ACom) : Com :=
match a with
| retAT => retT
| lamAT => lamT
| appAT => appT
Instance ACom_eq_dec : eq_dec ACom.
Proof. intros x y; hnf. decide equality. Defined.
Instance ACom_finType : finTypeC (EqType ACom).
Proof. split with (enum := [retAT; lamAT; appAT]). intros [ | | ]; cbn; reflexivity. Defined.
Instance ACom_inhab : inhabitedC ACom := ltac:(repeat constructor).
Instance Encode_ACom : codable ACom ACom := Encode_Finite (FinType(EqType ACom)).
Coercion Com_to_sum (t : Com) : (nat + ACom) :=
match t with
| varT x => inl x
| appT => inr appAT
| lamT => inr lamAT
| retT => inr retAT
Definition sigCom := sigSum sigNat ACom.
Definition sigCom_fin := FinType (EqType sigCom).
Instance Encode_Com : codable sigCom Com :=
encode x := encode (Com_to_sum x)
Definition Encode_Com_size (t : Com) : nat :=
size _ (Com_to_sum t).
Lemma Encode_Com_hasSize (t : Com) :
size _ t = Encode_Com_size t.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition sigHAdd := sigNat.
Definition sigHAdd_fin := FinType(EqType sigHAdd).
Definition sigPro := sigList sigCom.
Instance Encode_Prog : codable sigPro Pro := _.
Definition sigPro_fin := FinType(EqType sigPro).
Definition sigHClos := sigPair sigHAdd sigPro.
Definition sigHClos_fin := FinType(EqType sigHClos).
Instance Encode_HClos : codable sigHClos HClos := _.
Definition sigHEntr' := sigPair sigHClos sigHAdd.
Instance Encode_HEntr' : codable (sigHEntr') (HClos*HAdd) := _.
Definition sigHEntr'_fin := FinType(EqType sigHEntr').
Definition sigHEntr := sigOption sigHEntr'.
Instance Encode_HEntr : codable (sigHEntr) HEntr := _.
Definition sigHEntr_fin := FinType(EqType sigHEntr).
Definition sigHeap := sigList sigHEntr.
Instance Encode_Heap : codable (sigHeap) Heap := _.
Definition sigHeap_fin := FinType(EqType sigHeap).